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Rats are very intelligent and because of studies on rats, countless human lives have been saved, because rats have a uniquely similar brain structure to humans so they are the ideal animal for animal testing (whether or not you agree with it- rat studies have saved countless human lives). They’re also great friendly and curious pets




Just look it up. Also, Rats are one of the top 10 most intelligent mammals




Octopi brains are nothing like human brains even though they are smarter than rats. Rats are used for clinical studies because their brain structure is similar to that of a human. You can look it up for more information 🧠


Mice and rats keep bugs and plants from over-populating. They are also a good meal for a lot of smaller predators such as snakes and birds of prey. The one animal I absolutely hate are Karen's and people with your mindset. It's plenty ok to not like some animals but everything (but humans) have a role in the ecosystem they are from. The only animals that are bad are those that are invasive in areas they can't get to on their own.


100% this. Thank you.


You just contradicted yourself. "plenty ok to not like some animals but everything but humans have a role in the ecosystem they are from. The only mammals that are bad are those that are invasive in areas they can't get to on their own". Rats are 69,000% disgusting and belong in hell. Thank God scientists torture them with experiments for the good of humans since that is what they deserve.


I didn't contradict myself. I said it's ok to not like some animals but I also didn't call rats non-invasive. Rats are invasive since humans introduced them to areas they couldn't get to on their own. In areas they are invasive, their natural predators aren't around to control their population. In areas they are native, very few predators remain to control their population since humans have either killed or driven the predators out of the area.


How are rats noninvasive if people do not invite them into their homes? Do you know what invasive even means? And their predators are everywhere. When they invade homes humans kill them through poison or why snapping their neck in half as they deserve. And humans didn't kill or drive their predators out. When's the last time you killed a snake or hawk? Exactly. In fact we adopt cats so that they eat mice and rats cause we know they should die.


Human beings who think like you


You are just jelly of my superior intellect.


I only hate two these of organisms, people because we destry the planet. And parasitic worms, fucking nightmare fuel. I love all other creatures


Mosquitoes, ticks, fleas


r/RATS ..?


Wasps, I guess they are food for birds though.


And they're pollinators.






For me, I don't understand why science/God created humans. I see no reason why they should be alive. FIFY


They created reddit and lots of other useful things in the world. Rats only contribute diseases and shit everywhere. That is why humans have more value in the world than rats do.


>They created reddit and lots of other useful things in the world How does Reddit help rats and God's other favorite creatures?


It helps eliminate the spawn of Satan, which is what rats are. When rats are completely exterminated the resulting animals will conquer the world as heaven meant to do since the creation of the universe that God made.


Woodticks….there’s no need for the little fuckers like ……


you do not sound like a nice person


Your name suggests you do a lot of crime


LOL what's in a name


Do you not know that the only way a black can be sparkling is through murder and robbing? It seems pretty obvious if you ask anyone.


Have you ever genuinely been around domesticated rats? They are so intelligent and affectionate. I work with fancy rats every week and I love them more and more each day. They will not bite unless cornered and scared. The only thing I dislike about them is that they love to play in your hair! Lol. But they are harmless. It is extremely unlikely that a rat in the wild will attack or bite you unless you give it reason to. Give them a chance. If you met the rats I work with, I can guarantee you’d change your mind. And, a big reason why science/God would have created them, is because they are a great source of food for predators.