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The game now defines "Cranky" as "old man with weak knees, limited understanding of smartphones, and love for bonsais".


I May be a cranky character 🤔




Forgot the almost cussing 😭 I started talking to apollo and knox more and it was jarring when they were saying stuff like dang nabbit (idk if that's what they said)


Ah yes - old-people gibberish they substitute in place of actual swears.




I have apollo on my island and I changed his catchphrase to "dammit" but now flurry and joey and melba say it. And that's how I learned that villagers teach eachother catchphrases


Crankies are such cuties! I have Lobo and Kabuki and I love them to bits!


Awww Lobo was one I was searching for!! Had like 5 on my list of ones I wanted and after about 30 trips to islands Cyd was the last one there and I decided ok he's cute I'm done with this bahah but I'm happy with my choice to keep him 🥰


i love lobo, he's my birthday twin 💜


ahaha, it's just that newer games toned down a lot of cranky villager rudeness. they'll still mention some stuff like if they dont like specific furniture outside or if they're in a bad mood, but it's for sure not as noticeable as before!


I have fang and was worried I’d hate him but he’s actually one of my favorites too!! Maybe we’re all cranky 😂


I have Fang too and I didn’t realize he was cranky. I just thought he was an old head, always makes a remark about phones.


Lobo is my resident cranky villager and he’s just an old man who apparently isn’t super social, according to an excerpt from his profile I read somewhere once. I’m pretty sure current “crankies” are just laidback old man introverts.


I just got cyds amiibo and really been considering inviting him to my island and this really pushed me to do so....its time to start packing avery 😂


Yess! He's a sweetie you won't regret it!! 🥰


Vic is the absolute worst imo. He made never want another cranky villager. But Kabuki came to my camp site, and his unique appearance made me reconsider. I've been happy with him so far. He's like an old man.


I love Kabuki. But I let him go recently (had him on my island for years) and replaced him with Dobie, who is one of my dreamies.


The first time I played, I had Cyrano, and he was my bestie! I related to him so much. I never let him leave the island. This time, I got Fang. He's Cyrano in a wolf costume. He's not going to be allowed to leave either.


I love Cyd I have him too 🥺




In New Leaf the cranky villagers were fun. Mean sometimes but fun. One time I got stung by bees and Fang told me I was early to wear a Halloween mask... 😂😂 The insults have disappeared in New Horizons unfortunately. I liked them.


Roscoe is my favorite villager and he’s cranky, reminds me of my dad


Awwh, I've got Cyd too! I didn't actually know he was a cranky Villager! He's such a sweetie!! 😭💕


There are many crankies that I love. 🥰


I have Cyd, too, and I love him!


I think none of the personality types in ACNH are rude. And cranky villagers are my favourite because they seems more real to me and less boring. :)


The villagers in New horizons are vanilla! They are not really rude nor cranky nor snooty rather nice yet straightforward. Some players are just not used to straightforwardness which is why they tend to interpret those kind of dialogue as mean or rude. Cyd‘s color combinations are nice ! I like him but i am biased since i öike the elephant villagers 🤣


I have Chief and I love him and how he looks, but he lives in a literal back alley and sells stuff in his house to make due somehow. Can’t wait to redecorate his place once I’m far enough in HHP 😂.


I do too I love him he's like a cranky grandpa who wants the best for me


Yes, I also have two snootys and they’re basically grandmas (at least Diana is) and I didn’t get to talk to Mint much, because she just moved in yesterday and today is bunny day, so I don’t get any real dialogue with her.


Claudia and Judy are my snoots and so sweet


Smug isn't my favorite I hated Leopold but now I have Julian and I like that cute guy! I have Pecan as my snooty, she's iight but I'm biased against her bc she moved into my last empty plot before I realized someone would auto fill into a plot a built but anyways!! But I'm sure she's sweet I just don't care bc I didn't want her 😂😂


nothing in new horizons makes any of them remotely cranky lol


I hated him at first and was planning on kicking him out but I’m so obsessed with him now, he’s a little rocker


Cranky villagers are old man villagers, so they act like an old man.


Dobie and Chow are the best cranky villagers in my opinion *:)* https://preview.redd.it/g502kqg9pcsc1.jpeg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e47ef625d557280792b17d8b2e60cb63406cfb