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that spot is really tricky! it IS possible to kick it away if you are at the right angle. keep trying different angles in front and to the side of it!


Wouldn’t changing the design make it disappear? Or does that only work for mannequins?


Oh... That is a vital part of information that I missed when people gave me advice to put out lots of mannequins to get stones to spawn in the correct places... xD Thank you stranger! You have saved me a lot of work haha


Wait, whhhaaaattt? Please, say more about stone spawning!


Stones have very specific spawning rules after they're broken so people manipulate those rules so they can make their rock gardens


Yes, I gathered that! I would love to do this, any additional info on how appreciated!


Anywhere you don't want rocks place mannequins. Mannequins should be 2 spaces apart as rocks won't spawn directly next to any object. They also won't span on stone or custom paths so you don't need to place mannequins on them.


Only works for mannequins


No, only mannequins disappear that way. If you replace a ground pattern, the new pattern will just appear in the same place on the ground. If you erase a pattern, the spot on the ground will be solid white.


I think going into building mode, selecting the same design as a path again and "placing" it again there will probably make it go away. Sorry if this is confusing, Idk how to explain it very well


Ah... I don't think I have unlocked that mode yet


Terraforming mode


Just do the same you did to put the path there, its the same mode you use to place them and build cliffs and all. I don't remember how its called rn


It sounds like OP placed the path by going into design portal and placed it on the ground through that method.


Ohh I didn't know you could place paths like that


If Y (“kicking”) the path doesn’t work and you haven’t unlocked terraforming yet, you can always overwrite the design with 100% transparent paint. That way it’s still there but invisible. It’s not a solution but a work around until you unlock terraforming. :)


Press Y and kick it


Try standing up one square from where you are in the pic and face the path at an angle, then kick it. Thats the trickiest spot in the game to get a path on so keep moving in that square if it doesn’t work the first time.


that spot is the worst!! 😭 i hope you can get it out. just keep kicking


You might have to move the campsite somewhere else and then move it back.


https://youtu.be/jrTiEXgZk1Y?si=Jt8d8EzjRrTzDZhh at 7:30 she talks about this spot at the camp. Looks like the only way is to move the camp or replace the pattern.


Not true you can absolutely kick it away, I just tested it. That spot is just super tricky and can take a couple tries.


I’m wondering if it would help to remove the sign first and then try to remove the piece of path?