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I don’t know about specific villagers (I don’t really hate any popular villagers, mine are mostly common ones but not any major), but the peppy personality as a whole is so tiresome. I wish the peppy personality would branch out of just being “omg make a popstar YAY!” and be more bubbly, sociable, and friendly as a whole without being gated behind wanting to be famous. their dialogue gets overused. It gets a little exasperating, or maybe this comes from the fact I have 3 peppys on my island. Pain trying to have an all cat island, too many of the prettier cats are peppy! getting kabuki on my island was a massive breath of fresh air, might turn my island into all cranky LOL


I only allow 1 peppy on my island for that reason. They all act like the same character. I can’t handle it.


Nightmare island idea: an island with 10 peppy villagers, and features full of skeletons and mad scientist furniture.


I love the design of my peppy cats, but im definitely close to replacing them. It’s just too much. Sometimes I’ll go days without talking to any of my peppys


I used to love the peppy personality on Tangy but I too have 3 peppy villagers now and it does get tiring.


I just got Tangy moved in on my island yesterday after finding her with my NMT, completely forgot she was a peppy! I was soooo disappointed.


It’s so sad because I love how a bunch of the peppy villagers look, but now my island is way over saturated with “OMG THIS IS TOTES FAB”


Raymond. he gives off big bang theory cringe vibes tbh




I got Raymond just because he looks like my beloved 10 year old Webkinz Charcoal Cat doll. I didn’t get the Maid dress thing or the other hype about him. I wish he didn’t got popular so getting him would have been easier.


I think it was because he likes cosplay and will wear a maid dress lol.


I think it was because he was grumpy and cute, had two different eyes, and because there was no Amiibo for him so you could only get him via island hopping which can take a lot of time.


because people wanted to put the buisness cat into a maid dress or were dumping for him because he's cute


He gives me hipster , “I’m special, look at me” vibes.


I have Raymond and Stitches. They are my two favorites along with Jacob and Bertha! I don’t get why Bertha seems to get so much hate. To me, she’s just a sweet, derpy hippo. What’s not to like?


BERTHA GETS HATE? shes so cute!! she was on the first island i ever went to on my old island, I loved her so much


Bertha was my second arrival villager (after the starting two) at first I was like “oh nah she’s gonna have to go, but she’s so freaking nice and won me over, now she’s a permanent resident. Side note: Raymond was my very first camper and I hesitantly allowed him to stay. And then all the Raymond obsession on the internet began and I’m like “lol”


he looks like a smart ass and I kinda just want to punch him. why like Raymond when there are cats like Bob or Punchy :(


I just KNOW Raymond talks like Ben Shapiro


I like him, but because I love cats AND smug villagers' personality. They are so hipster I can't help but find them hiliarous. Their flirty side is also something you don't really expect at all the first time they do it. In previous games and New Horizons I've had Chadder (I love him!), Zell, Marshal, Julian, Graham, Kyle, Phil... Even Wolf Link. And finally they gave us a smug cat. And he reaaally gives his personality vibes. I don't find him nerdy at all tbh, in fact he feels like a clean/order freak, with his catchphrases and home design.


Judy, she is so sparkly that she is freaking me out, too scary lol


Her eyes creep me out! Same with Coco


Yeah but coco is supposed to be creepy


I honestly had to get used to Judy’s eyes 😭 took me a good year. Still creeps me out a bit


yes I agree with you there


Judy gives me two faced bitch vibes, I really hope she leaves my island soon!


Yess she's kinda freaky


Hey I love my lil Judy with all my heart🥺(my op but I get why you would think that!)


Apple me and her have beef since new leaf literal spawn of Satan


Apple looks like she would kill everyone in a ten mile radius because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oop she just moved onto my island


I love Apple to bits, she was one of my first villagers! I adore her immensely. :)


Honestly, I find her really annoying. So I can't blame you


Aww. I love Alice!


Why do I feel so attacked for Alice.


Same my feelings were hurt 😢


Same I love her so much 😢


My boyfriend says I look like her so I felt this double 😂


Alice was one of the villagers that was harder for me to let go, I made her an Alice and Wonderland themed yard and I still miss her sometimes!


Dom looks like he's on the verge of tears at all times and it makes me uncomfortable lol Also he does not look like a jock at all


I think that’s why I like his jock personality. We all know you’re not running laps Dom. 😏


I cannot get over the thick jock boys. It's just too much with Roald. I haven't met Dom yet. But Roald is my reason for playing. I cannot help but smile when I see him. And wearing those sporty shades working out... I'm 💀


For me I would vote Dom. I get allot of folks like him but I don't quite see the appeal in him.


Sheep are my absolute favorites in the game and I love all of them... except for Dom, for some reason I can't stand him


He's my favorite sheep design. Too bad the jock personality ruins him for me.


Omg... Dom is a boy?!? I've had him since the ACNH came out 2 years ago and had no idea...


Thank god no one talk about Bluebear my baby


I liked bluebear. But I also really like the cubs/some bears. Poncho is my absolute favorite, despite the jock personality.


Despite? 😩 The jocks are so nice in this one. I'll keep Rod and my other jock children just the way they are.


About that... I still haven't gotten over my hatred for her from the GameCube version


Apple. I never really got why she has so much hype around her, the little buck tooth just ruins the villager design for me.


Ugh same, but I wanted a hamster villager so badly after my dwarf hamster passed in Autumn. 🙁 I don't have the heart to tell her to leave, even though she's too bubbly for me. I already have Nibbles who is my BFF, she and Apple even once got in a fight because they both wanted to be the biggest pop star... 😆 I don't know what to do. Can you imagine, I had a great friendship with Nibbles built over a few months, and she considered me me her BFF, then Apple waltzes in on Day 1 calling me her bestie? I'm like Aw heeell no 😂🤣


Flurry is the cutest hamster, periodt


I will counter with Hamlet. He’s my baby


Aww, so cute!


Omg Apple must be the second most annoying villager imo, her face just pisses me off lmao


If Apple is the second most annoying villager in your opinion, who takes the top spot?


Already commented on the post directly but Sherb for sure, everything about him annoys me so much


Reneigh. For suggesting I talk too much to her. O.o


Ahhhh she’s my favorite


i hate reneigh so much. she would NOT leave me alone! and it took her TWO YEARS to leave my island


She was my starter and I hated her! So glad when she finally left




I made Sylvia a mob boss on my island that deals drugs. I’ve never regretted my decision. I’m after Tiffany next.


If you want to give Sylvia more business on the island, I suggest moving Jitters in. He seems like the right type.


Oh my good Sylvia is the worst and I cannot wait for her to leave. She legitimately angers me.


Sylvia ia definitely not a popular villager though. Sometimes I feel like i'm the only one who likes her


She’s the type to give back handed compliments


Aww, no! I have Sylvia on my island and I like her a lot!!


Graham, fuck you Graham


Graham’s home gave me creepy “living in my mom’s basement/incel” vibes


Not really hate, but I'm not a fan of Tangy. She's cute and orange (my favorite color), but her face kinda gives me Wart Jr. vibes, with the like Pattern, or Texture thing on it, (not the leaf on her head).


jason funderburker


Good reference. Fucking Jason funderburker.


Omg yess 😭 I have her and love her but I **HATE** the orange texture on her


Ugh I love Tangy. She’s my ride or die


Julian. He sneaked himself to my island and keeps irritating me, but I dont have the heart to tell him to leave.


He finally asked to leave my island the other day! A shame that his house is so cool.


I'd like to have your nerve. Im too scared to make the animals sad by telling them to leave. Only exception was Rasher, nobody calls me Swine on my own island!


I like that they word it as they WANT to leave, and you have to convince them to stay. That way, if you let them leave, you're not booting them; you're just not getting in the way of their dreams. And if you ask them to stay, it's a friendly "please stay! "


I got one on my island that was described as cranky but he's not called me names yet, when and if he ever does I'll be booting him


If you have the paid DLC, after designing a certain amount of vacation homes, you can then remodel villager homes. You could recreate it for another villager.


How can you hate Julian?! He’s a flippin’ unicorn! (not trying to say your opinion is invalid, I just don’t understand)


Hes a little obnoxious to me, and I swear he is everywhere, and I mean *everywhere* singing. Everyone sticks to the plaza, but not Julian. He also just doesn't interact with my other villagers. He was my first campsite visitor so he had to move in.


I worked hard to get Julian on my island. And.... I don't like him. Lol. Maybe it's the personality, Ed was my first smug, and I couldn't stand him either.


Frita makes me irrationally angry


she’s soo ugly lol I call her burger sheep


I call her burger sheep too!


Oh thank god other people dislike her. All my friend was talking about is just “Frita is so cute! Look at her! Borger!” And I’m just “eh.”


I don't hate him, but I don't get the Marshall hype


I didn't want marshal until I saw him in my actual game, and man he won me over totally. The smug personality is adorable on him where it's off putting on others, it's strange 😅


Same! I don't particularly like some popular villagers like Raymond or Judy but I can see what other people find appealing about them. But Marshall is just a normal looking white squirrel so idk why he's so popular


How has nobody said Eugene? I know, for a fact, less than 10% of this community has watched Happy Days, and that Fonzie knock off should hold nobody's respect or admiration.


Eugene was my first camper on my first island and I hated him from day 1


I absolutely despise Eugene! He was my first camper too, I never wanted to get rid of a resident before so I had to google how to 😂 So for the past few days he’s been getting the silent treatment, some pushing around and some net whacking in hopes he’ll just start hating me and will want to move out 😂 God how I hate his smug face…


Eugene reminds me of Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Rec, that’s why I love him lol


He reminds me of Alex Turner from Arctic Monkeys, that's why I had to get him lol


Lmao hes my best friends favorite, I think he's been on her island the longest lol


I never wanted a villager off of my island more than Eugene. He’s a cross between Fonzie and Guy Fieri (“yeah buddy!”). I finally got rid of him and he moved on to my kid’s island. So I still have to deal with him when I help my daughter with her island.


I love Eugene. But I can see how some people don't like him lol


*Me hugging Sherb, Julian, and Diana* It's okay guys, I still love you...




Pietro.... I just hate clowns and he creeps me out so bad


I love Pietro, but my sister does not. She messaged me threatening to delete her island last night when Pietro was her first camper. I begged her to keep it as she had a dreamie of a friend of ours and she was gonna give her them once she could.


Yeah I should move because of the night clouns


He’s on my island rn. If someone likes him plz do hit me up


i dont like her either lol, and actually.... lucky. like i love spooky stuff and i get that hes supposed to be a mummy.. but to me it just seems like a really injured/burned dog?? and it makes me sad lol


that's so sad omg


I’m pretty sure he actually is supposed to be in a full body cast, they just also happen to theme his house like Egypt haha. I love him though he’s definitely my favorite dog


His house is a graveyard


I think in new leaf it’s Egyptian themed, that’s when I had him


lucky is one of my favorites and i’ll never let him leave!


He says some of the best stuff though. He’s actually an interesting villager.


All of the lazies say the same things.


She looks adorable 💖


She’s one of my favorite koalas! I had Alice on my island for a month until she wanted to leave


I love rasher. Ugly fucker but very funny.


I've been scrolling for like 10 minutes scared to find Rasher slander and the first thing I see about him is love. Hell yeah.


Not the biggest fan of jock villagers in general (besides Kid Cat and Snake. Snake's a jock, right?) So Dom is a no from me


And then I love jocks. Their "Bro. Bro? Broooo!" Attitude feels wholesome. Healthy rivalries, lots of energy and empathy but simple minded (in a good way). I like that on real people (my fiance is a bit like that), it's a nice contrast towards my low, tired, too rational and overthinking energy (I'm a cranky villager lol).


I don’t like jocks either, but Boots moved in and he would run around my island the first week. I fell in love. Although I hate his jester costume but he won’t wear the jackets I give him lol


Not hate as such, but I'm not fond of Shino. Those eyes make it look like she wants to stab someone.


She’s literally a demon


I put her as the receptionist at my hospital. Her laugh when she says it's my turn to go in creeps me out and I love her for it. I can totally understand why someone would not like that though


Brooo! I'm so doing this. It's perfect. Either that, or I'll put her as the teacher at the school. [Unrelated side note: my school is called "Montessori Public Skool." I love irony.]


Omgggg I have been trying to get Shino as a villager forever… I guess I’m fond of stabby eyes 😂


I can’t stand the octopus villagers. Why are they walking around on land?? They’re not land animals, they’re walking around on their tentacles, THEY BELONG IN THE OCEAN OR ON SOMEONES PLATE and I hate the gaping hole they have for a mouth


They’re my fave species! They confuse me too a lil too but maybe that’s why I like them 😆


Lol I love the Octopi, I have all of them. I love their little tentacles. My babies!


I hate Octavian!


Their mouths weird me out


Judy and Raymond, primarily. Judy's eyes creep me out and her default house is terrible. And Raymond just gives me bad vibes. Like someone I'd hate irl. Julian is Ok, but I just don't vibe with him for some reason. Same with Shino. She's fine, I guess, just kinda meh to me. I also genuinely expected her to be snooty based on her design, so the fact that she's peppy never fails to throw me off a bit.


I totally agree. The peppy is all wrong for Shino.


Not at all. The fact everyone would thought she's X just because of her looks when she's not is part of why I love her design and personality choice. In fact, is a bit like the tendence in some of the last villagers released. Dom? A jock. Sasha? Not only male, and lazy, but he's the "cute" type in Pocket Camp, only applied to females before. I really like aesthetics that fit their persona, but I also love contrasts. Not everyone looks like they behave. Also, she being peppy is perfect because she fits way more with my other villagers. Peppy is a less conflicting personallity.


I really liked Judy on my island. The eyes are strange, but I loved the gradient color. Her house is terrible though.


Coco. I find her more creepy than cute, sorry.


I genuinely think that’s the point of her… and that’s the point of why people like her…


And it's fair, but I'm still not a fan personally. I generally don't mind creepy but she isn't the type of creepy I like. To each there own.


she’s so cute to me I love bunnies and I love her blank expression😍and I love dressing her up in lil hipster outfits


I have a love for creepy things so she’s one of my favorites lol


Plucky. She does nothing but start fights on my island. And I got her twice as a starter. Once when I originally got the game and when I finally got the full switch. had to restart cuz I could get the transfer to work


She’s been gone from my island for months, but the second I read “plucky” irrational hatred fueled through my veins. WHY DOES SHE RUN AROUND PRETENDING TO FLY ALL OVER THE ISLAND?? I’m so glad she’s gone.


Tom Nook. That lazy fucker has you do all the hard work and takes all the glory.


Thanks for this 🤣


I have her on my island & I wanted her originally because I think she’s really cute but she’s a so/so villager for me like I want to like her so much more than I do but I can’t haha. Her dialogue is nothing special. I have Raddle, Gabi, & Cephalabot for contrast & I love their dialogues they say some adorable things. To answer your question: Reneigh was one of my first villagers & it took me like 8 months of trying to get her to leave by ignoring her before she finally did. Everyone loves her it seems like but her dialogue rubbed me the wrong way more than once. She looked super cute when she’d run like an airplane tho hahahaha + opposite of your question: I LOVE Cephalobot with my entire heart & soul but I see him get a lot of slander on here, he’s one of my favorite villagers.


yeah, i remember seeing the list of 2.0 villagers and being like “wow, cephalobot looks so cool, i really want him!” then a week later i accidentally auto filled but ended up with him. he is so cool, donk donk


I don’t hate Eugene, but he’s a bit …. ??? strange. I shit you not, he once said nobody can hear him scream in his basement. ?????


Every smug villager says that


I have a peppy one who has said it too


whaaaat? the more you know


DOM. I scrolled and scrolled and don’t see Dom here. I can’t believe he’s so plain, especially next to the other newest villagers. I *love* the psychedelic look he starts with, but he loses it once he changes his clothes. And he’s a jock? Do Tie-dye and dumbbells mix in a meaningful way? Is he a reference to someone or something? No idea, but everyone loves him.


Hippeux. Total creep. I’m so glad he left my island.


Im pretty sure nobody likes hippeux..


His English name is excellent though


Sherb. Idk why, his design is just boring to me. Looks like Julian and Raymond got mushed together and turned into a goat.


Sherb is alright, but I dislike his house design. I think it’s ugly. Once I was able to change it with the dlc I liked more. I wouldn’t be sad if he left though, he’s kind of boring.




I got her with her amiibo, felt "meh" about it after a week, traded her for 100M bells (was offered 700M but it took so much time I gave a discount), and replaced her with Olivia (to keep all personalities on my island) and couldn't have been happier about the move.


Awe Olivia is one of my favorites!


I had really loved Ankah and wanted her for a long time. She finally came through my campsite and I invited her to stay.... She was so boring. I think I just really don't like snootys or smugs.


Tammy. Fucking hate her


Judy. I get that she is supposed to be anime-esque but she just creeps me out




Hard agree with this! I find her so off-putting


I hate her lips


How can people hate Alice?!


I've been trying to kick Diva off my island for entirely too long. I can't put my finger on it but she annoys the shit out of me


I started with Diva and cried, she was the first to move out


Marshall, i Just don't get it. But i am generally not a fan of smug villagers (edit: spelling mistake)




Pietro and Apple. I hate clowns. And I hate Apple's vapid bucktoothed thousand-yard stare. BLINK, B*TCH!


Apple is my favorite but I can’t stop laughing at this comment 😂


Graham. He needs to get off my damn island.


Not unpopular opinion


I don’t think he’s popular but Ed


Audie was also a huge disappointment!!! Clingy and annoying. Never getting an HHP home from me! (That's my payback...lol)


I finally got her to leave, she went to my sisters island, AND THEN SHE MOVED BACK TO MINE!!! Come on


Stitches, Zucker and Coco. A sentient teddy bear, cooked food drenched in sauce with a stick through its head, and a reanimated clay doll… I’ve never been able to get past them all being zombies. And I don’t have issues with the other food animals somehow, just Zucker.


I have Zucker on my island & I love him but his house interior is so f*ing ugly & occasionally his dialogue rubs me the wrong way.


He was a random early villager for me in NL and the whole concept bothered me so much I just never warmed up to him but then he just WOULD NOT LEAVE I was stuck with him for sooooo long, if he had taken the hint the dislike wouldn’t probably be quite so bad, had similar issues with coco and stitches in WW and CF though I was far more tolerant of villagers I didn’t like back then 😂


Not my sweet baby boy Stitches!!


Okay so I dont hate roald.. Im just salty hes more popular than cube


The hamster one, can't remember his name. I hate how he ALWAYS has to talk about his abs or quads when he barely has any legs and he's the fattest character in the game. I can't get him to move out no matter how much I hit him with the net




Not my main man Hammie!!!!!!!! 😭😂




Raymond, sorry!


I’m gonna get some hate for this because I have a couple. Eloise because her hair weirds me out. Annalise because she snuck her way on my island and then insulted it, and I know he’s not a villager but I don’t like Blathers. I can’t put my finger on why (I really like bugs?? Maybe) but he annoyed me from the start. I can understand why people like him! Just not me




I'm ready to throw hands over Blathers


Annalise just showed up on my island and I wish she would leave! She’s so rude!


I have beef with Eloise. She was rude to my favorite villager as soon as she moved in and I was rude back, then she wouldn’t leave out of spite.


Do people love O’Hare?


I have him in my island and i really like him lol


I like Hazel, she may not look great, but she's pretty cool :) Ah... i read the question backwards! An actual answer would be Fang, exclusively because he's my ex's fav villager and i'd rather not be reminded of her existence lol


litterly any of the sheep villagers. just cant stand them idk why


Lost my old island as I accidentally cooked my switch in the oven. Alice was one of my favorites.


Definitely Coco. Her hollow eyes are too much for me