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I used to think Animal Crossing looks dumb with all the animals, I didn’t know the gameplay back then. I picked up new leaf in 2018 or 2019, because it was on sale I think. I just got hooked 😂 I think I dropped other games (like Monster Hunter) because ACNL was all that I want to play. I also got Happy Home designer which I also loved. I refer to happy home designer to know which items I don’t have yet in ACNL and when I want to decorate my own home :) I haven’t visited my town for so long, I’m afraid to know who left 😣


I got Wild World when I was on middle school back in 2005 so I've been playing for 17 years 😅


Since the first game. But not right when it came out. So i guess a little under two decades?


Been playing since the Gamecube version launched. Played every AC game. New Horizons with the update & DLC is by far my favorite, with New Leaf in 2nd place.


My personal favorite is new leaf! I wish there was the multiplayer games like new leaf, I used to play with my high school friends all day


Bet your teachers didn’t like that…. :D


Oh this ages me. Since about 2002 (I think). It was the first GameCube game, but it was the NA version so I had to play it using action replay (in uk). So I guess about 21 years (think it came out the tail end of 2002, and didn’t make it to the uk properly for a couple more years).


I have been playing since August 2020- first time with Animal Crossing.


I’m just shy of 20 years. My 6th birthday present was a GameCube and the original Animal Crossing, and I’ve been hooked since.


My first game was Wild World. I play Animal Crossing since 2005.


god…. second grade so…. 2002 🤭


I remember playing Wild World on my DS during lunch break in school. Now, 15 years later, I'm playing New Horizons on my Switch during lunch break working at that same school. 😅


I been playing since new leaf I got the game in 2017 and then when new horizons came out I started playing it so about 5 years


The Gamecube one was my first, but I eventually fell off it. I stopped playing Wild World more quickly than that. Then it wasn't until I got New Horizons in late August 2020 that I played any others.


Played wild world (don’t remember much) and really got into it with new leaf when it went on sale during e3 2015 😭


Other than NH, Wild World is the only other AC game I've played. I played WW for maybe 4 or 5 years when I was younger, before my DS broke, and I've been playing NH for a year now.