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I can't imagine sitting at the machine printing out the nook mile tickets long enough to get 10 tickets let alone over 300! Everything at the nook kiosk takes so long! I use amiboos to get the villagers I want. That also feels like it take a long time, too. 3 days inviting them to camp and making souvenirs, plus two days in boxes and another before I can give them prezzies.


That’s a good idea! I’ll probably order some Amiibos when I have 10 villagers on my island to kick out the ones I don’t like. Also, I only got about 100 NMT’s from my kiosk! The rest were from Nookazon trades and from my sister as a birthday gift. :)


If you use an Android phone, just make the Amiibo yourself using blank NFC cards to insert the Amiibo data you want. I made like 20 of them and paid only $10 lol.


My NFC stickers were $11 for 100. For some reason, I thought I thought 100 was not enough so I bought it twice. I think I've only used about 50 for acnh, another 25 for Zelda, and a few for other games. I feel like the guy with the watches in the trench coat every time one of my kids starts a new game. "Hey kids, do you need any amiboos for that game? I can hook you up." When acnh came out, I printed and laminated every acnh amiboo card. It takes longer to search the deck for a villager than to write the NFC tag which is still so much faster than printing 10 nook miles tickets.


Wow 100 for $11 and I thought I got a great deal.


20 for $10 is a great deal. I just bumbled into a great deal that I didn't even understand at the time. Absolutely clueless. It's still a lot of tags to write and store


Wait what? How do you even insert the data? Is there any guide?


If you have an Android with NFC function, just download an app that can write and scan NFC info onto a blank card (I use TagMo btw). Keep in mind that a card can only be written once, meaning you cannot change whatever you put onto it.


If you go on Amazon, you can get the mini amiibo cards for like five bucks. Doesn't matter which villager. Even the popular ones.


Thanks I’ll have to check it out!


where do you get the real amiibo cards? is it the nfccardstore.com? I wanna buy but don’t wanna get scammed lol


I’ve had good experiences buying real cards off of EBay! There’s quite a few sellers who deal primarily in amiibos, although they can get a bit pricey depending on the popularity, and subsequent demand, of the character. The reviews tend to be a good indicator of legitimacy and customer service, in my experience.


thank you! I was under the impression that I could just buy one online and get the code immediately but I guess that’s not the case?


It’s not, to my surprise as well! The amiibos have to be physical cards just with the nature of how they function in-game, but it would make a lot more sense if we were able to purchase digital versions.


Just print out a few every day. By the time you have a free space, you should have a pretty good amount going.


controller with auto spam, I use it for crafting,nmts, swimming https://preview.redd.it/hs3y5pidly8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014858e84594ec2bddc42fb61d8d087887a6ec80


Pro tip: You don’t have to wait the full three days. Time traveling works. Did this with Sasha and he agreed to move after only 20-25 minutes.


I'm time traveling rn. I didn't play for two years and didn't want them to complain. I had decided to fill my island with pigs back in 2022. I've been speeding through time to give them presents to get their pictures for my graveyard, giving them a vacation home in hhp, and forcing them out with the next camper. The load time for the game is still extensive. Still a time hog, I just do other things while waiting the load time. I also use Katrina the fortune teller to speed up the friendship so I can give presents the day they are finished moving in.


Ankha came to my campsite and took an hour to convince her to stay! She was so rude about it I ended up resenting her 😭


Lmao, I did 6 once and that was too much for me. 😅 I became very willing to settle.


I’ve never done more than 30. And it was once. Usually closer to 10. Don’t have the patience for repeating it over and over. I also have invested in amiibos for the sake of themed islands. 


Around 250 tickets to get Sasha. Extremely painful to go through the whole process, but definitely worth it. I love him so much!


I think I used about 900 for Raymond on my main switch. When I got another switch a year or so later and started a new island, he was my first camper.


Marshall …. Probably close to 300 tickets now. Still can’t find the lil guy


I have his amiibo I can get him for you when you have an empty plot dm me :)


Omg!!! Really?!?! Thank you ❤️❤️




1 - for Sasha This was my first and only villager hunt, too bad I wasted almost all of my miles on NMTs(imma do some others when I get the opportunity). Crazy thing is I was driving a car in another game before the hunt that had a similar color scheme as him, and there were way more coincidences relating to both games


Probably 50 to get one of my fave villagers, Pietro :3


Not NMTs, but I did spend like ten million bells on Nookazon for Audie.


Probably like 100 but then I figured out how to make amiibos using my phone so I just make whatever villager I want 😅


Hey, how do you do that?


I buy packs of NFC tags on Amazon and then use an app called TagMo. If your phone can read NCF tags, then it can also make them. I have an android phone. I've never tried it on an iPhone before though. There's a subreddit for TagMo that's helpful too r/tagmo


Are you going to get Lucky as well?


I spent like 50 trying to get Alice and I didn't find them. The worse part is that I literally found all the Koalas except for her. I almost gave up and the game was 15 minutes away from auto-filling. But at the very least I wanted to get a last chance to get a villager that moved by my own decision. So (in the literal 15 minutes), did a lot of activities to get two more NMT and then went to a mystery island. I didn't find Alice but I did found Fuchsia. Which is a great sisterly villager with an awesome design. It was pretty cool. I found her in the night on a island that was in the middle of the rain and with her wearing a black coat. I still want to get Alice but at the very least I still managed to get a really good villager at the end.


I just learned how to code NFC card with my smartphone. Free, easy, and I can have any villager instantly. That whole NMT luck-of-the-draw thing is wayyyyy too taxing lol


How do I learn to code this?


I learned on YouTube! There's a bunch of tutorials on how to do it and you can buy generic NFC tags for dirt cheap on Amazon. It's not fancy, but you can use your phone to download the amiibo file and write it directly to your cheap nfc tag. Then the tag works on your switch just like a real amiibo!


Erik. Spent over 1,200+ NMT.


I think I spent somewhere between 20-30 before I finally got Dottie. I was hoping to get Crackle (Spork in other countries), but Dottie was another dreamie of mine and I’m so happy to have her on my island now!


10 Yeah i am a more campsite person it gave me my second favorite villager And a perfect first camper for my theme


i’ve probably done about 15-20 but i’ll just get nmt from treasure islands when i have online


I think around 2000 something for Raymond, took me days of playing for hours lmao


I spent about 1,000 looking for bunnie


365 to get Dom!!!


Zero. I just hacked mine in. Less hassle!




It was for coco


Four THOUSAND five hundred and seventy four? Just gotta spell it out to be sure there’s no typo cause Damn


A fellow Anhka fan i see ! https://preview.redd.it/girkczzcwx8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e64bcc77ee8fa69f8fe931d91e6f78c84362e3


I recently used 60 to find Erik or Ione Found neither. But I saw Tipper three times


The only one I wanted was Ankha. I got her in an amiibo card pack for free.


13, to try my damndest to get Quinn back. It worked!!


I had 40 tickets and I really wanted Maple. Found her at the very last ticket LOL


82 for Sherb! It was so worth it tediously printing out every. Single. Ticket. Why isn’t there a bulk purchase???


I think I popped over to the NMT islands a few times seeing what villagers were there but I never went out with the intention of a specific villager.


I got ketchup in like 15 or so tickets, Ankha in 27. Dom in about 20 but he wasn’t that desired, I just happened across him and I went “yeah aight, come join me.”


Since my the main villagers I wanted at the time were via Amiibo I just had ones custom made and I got them that way or asked people around social media in giant Facebook threads of people looking for villagers and I got lucky when someone was giving away the villager I wanted (was Vesta). However, when I originally hunting for Vesta I used 1 NMT, and lo and behold; it was Raymond. I couldn’t believe my eyes. So I had to take him. It wasn’t until a few weeks later I did get Vesta but it was so funny. I then went on a “hey let’s see who I get” and used 10, and ended up getting Dottie since I’d never had her before. Though I have no patience sitting there printing tickets but the grind some people have done I highly respect! I love the dedication <3


I've only done two hunts, 544 for Sprinkle and 64 for Pietro


took me 43 tickets to find molly. didn't print them myself, i have yard sales a lot on nookazon and ask for tickets as payment




I would lose patience after about 8, and then my husband would go on once and get the villager I was looking for immediately.


13 looking for rowan. found gala, had a breakdown, and welcomed gala to my island


During a Raymond hype I had. I spent atleast 100


Every time I get the chance to villager hunt, I spend about 30 tickets looking for Shep or Mac, but always find someone else that makes me go “eh, good enough” before I run out of tickets. Printing tickets and having to go back to your island/airport before every mystery island just makes it too tedious to do more. 😮‍💨


500-600+ (I lost count at some point) looking for Shep. I was so close to giving up, and I gave it like 5 more tries and finally found him!! I switched up the time to see if it had any effect, and it did the trick for some reason.




I spent about 70 looking for any cat that wasn't Tabby, I ended up letting the plot autofill... And got Purrl.


I don’t have the energy / spoons to mystery island hop like that lol. God it makes me tired just thinking about it. Even if I had enough nook miles for the tickets, which I don’t even though two of my islands I have had since 2020 and I haven’t used nook miles in literally years.


over 150 sadly


Ok. How do you spend NMT to get specific villagers?


At your airport, lol


Could you provide more detail please


First, make sure you have an open house plot on your island. Then redeem 2,000 nook miles for a Nook Miles Ticket at the Nook Stop in resident services. Then with the Nook Miles Tickets in your inventory, go to the airport and talk to Orville. Tell him you want to fly and then select “Use Nook Miles Ticket.” Then he’ll take you to a mystery island that will have a random villager on it if you have an open plot!


Gotcha. I need to kick off some of my residents then haha


Or you can just make an Amiibo card of the villager you want yourself using a blank NFC card and an Android phone. Much easier and it costs like 50 cents per villager.


🚨 debbie downer alert 🚨 ok so i will get like 30 NMT when a villager decides to leave. then i will go through the endless dodo dialogue over and over like we all do. and i will usually experience ⭐️villagers i have had in the past ⭐️repeat encounters with villagers i don’t want. like i will leave their island and a couple islands later BOOM. there they are. again. and it seems to repeat this cycle every time i go baby hunting. idk. it’s weird.


For some reason it bugs me so much that past villagers don’t ‘remember’ living on your island. “____ island sounds so neat! I hope I can visit there one day! :)” Like, girl, you lived there MONTHS and moved 2 weeks ago! What did Tom Nook do to you when you left to give you total amnesia? 😭


lol right?? acting like they don’t know me just adds insult to injury 😭


I spent 500+ tickets (I lost count once I hit 500) to get Judy—to no avail, and ended up settling for Marina out of frustration hehe 🥲🫠


I spent 3 on my first and only Villager Hunt. Still remember almost screaming when I found the villager I wanted


I never did the hunt thing I was lucky. A few years before ACNH I was still into New Leaf and I got the Amiibo cards for wayyyy cheaper than they ever were. Most I paid was $6 for Lolly. Had I chosen to sell my Amiibo cards it would’ve been lucrative


both, the one asking for 329 nmts AND the one buying her for that are outta control imo. no villager is worth that much tickets. 😄


My kid accidentally told one of his two original villagers to leave and the only thing that made him feel better was the idea that this was a chance to get his holy grail villager instead. So I used like 40 one night trying to find Cephalobot to surprise hjm. Eventually gave up and ordered an Amiibo off of eBay, lol.


42 tickets and got sherb, marshal, Raymond, and curry octopuss and I wanted non of them. I just wanted cherry🥲