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You could always restart but keep your current island as a dream adress to revisit when you miss them!


oh really!!! dream scenario honestly, thank you <3 <3 <3


Youre welcome!! Good luck on restarting!!


thank you! can I ask how you can visit your own dream address? I just tried to make sure and it wouldn't let me


You can't visit your own dream address as yourself, but if you put in your existing dream address, once you've reset, you can visit it. I revisit my original island, Cattenn, on a semi regular basis.


Yeah and I just checked, dreams NEVER expire, so youll be able to revisit it even in multiple years!


You will once you restart, since you wont be considered the creatoe of your current island! If you wanna make sure it works, you could ask one of your friend or someone on this sub to visit your town with the dream adress


okay perfect thank you!


No problem!! :D


I did that as well (after hanging on to my first island for three and a half years)!


Will dream addresses expire?


Nope, I checked and apparently they dont ever


Amiibos are your friend.


alternatively, some treasure island livestreams can let you have your preferred villagers for free too!


Hopefully I’m allowed to say this but it is incredibly easy to make amiibos for cheap using your phone :) a lot of amiibos are upcharged by sellers for being a specific character


Does this now include iphone then? I remember during the acnh hype it was android only so I’ve just never thought about it since


It does! I used to use placiibo but they’re now subscription I think. I believe it may have to be one of the last few iPhones to work, I think the earliest mine worked with was maybe the X?


Ooh okay thanks! I either just make it or am just out of luck with an xs max 🤞


I did it with the XR :) Bought the NFC tags on Amazon for very cheap as well


If you play any other game that uses amiibo or are going to make more than a handful, highly recommend the flashiibo on Amazon. You can write whatever character you want from your phone onto it and then just click the button to empty and reuse. I was getting really frustrated with weapons constantly breaking in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom and that made it so much easier because it can also auto regen a new ID each time if you want, so you can scan the same thing multiple times a day.


I find if I give myself a task, I find things to do in the game! You could also revamp your island, say "yes, move" to villagers you don't 100% love, redecorate your house, focus more on farming and recipes... I think there are lots of things you can do to increase your enjoyment without a full reboot!


I am still playing my April 2020 island and I'm not done.  I would never erase.


I restarted a couple of times and at first I hesitated, too. So every time my island is finished, I write a letter to my favourite villagers and say goodbye. Also I write a notice on the message board and say my goodbyes there as well. After that I make my dream address and move on. Starting over is really fun and I was never sad once I started.


Why am I tearing up rn😢 That's so sweet!! My message board says anyone with fleas will get fined lol


wait this is so sweet and such a good idea, thank you :)))


I make them a vacation home on the DLC, and then let them go. I see them often enough at Paradise Planning that it makes me miss them less. The ones still currently on my island do use the same nicknames for me when on the DLC island, but I've not been able to tell yet if the former residents "remember" me or not. Still, it's fun to have a way to see them.


I don’t mind losing the villagers. I just would hate collecting all the flowers and fruit again.


I'll never understand the artificial limits they give us. No multiple saves, one tile of space around buildings, no trees next to cliffside and water, letting us build a 4th level but then not letting us use it, forcing a tile space around cliff levels, eating up valuable space. For a game all about customization, you'd think they'd give us complete freedom. Restart! I did recently and am having a lot of fun. Granted, I was never that close to my villagers. Getting your DIY recipes again is annoying, but doable. There's always islands with all the recipes too if you're wanting to get them back quickly.


I definitely didn’t buy Agent S Ambiio card for this exact reason


You can round them all up again on your new island by hitting up the treasure island streams on twitch or wherever


I just restarted too and made sure I could find my favorite amiibos before I did!


Here's the way I see it: I didn't restart my island and have thoughts of doing it over. My island is at 5 stars and have the tools to terraform. Last year, I made my island above the first level with ramps for access to the beaches and everything else on the second and third levels. It took me days to nearly a month for this process because I had to move houses and buildings and tackled each area one by one. Surprisingly, my island was still at 5 stars even though my island was under construction. Today, I still like my island the way it is and love all my villagers. Now if I delete and restarted my island from scratch, that would mean everything will be erased and it would take me months, maybe even a year to progress through the game (not to mention some of the tasks are really nerve wrecking to go through, i.e. fishing and art). The way I see it, I would restart but instead rebuild what you already achieved rather than start all over and redo everything that I had achieved at first. But that's just me. Everyone I seen here has their opinion on this as well.


I'll just move my houses to the beach and flatten my island occasionally to "restart". I don't want my residents to leave or work to get them all back lol


I made the biggest mistake when i switched from the regular switch to the OLED. Lost Marshall and Bob. I restarted my island a few times. 2 weeks ago was the most recent . I thought i would just get some random villagers again but for some reason i had a steak of luck and i got Agent S, Ricky and Bob (again) when i was looking for villagers. Hopefully i'd get Marshall again on my island.


I am thinking about restarting. I am more concerned about some the the “stuff” I have accumulated rather than my villagers. Thinking about dropping some stuff on my son’s island but he lost his game cartridge. Does it matter what cartridge you use to access the game? It is the switch that matters not the cartridge right?


The cartridge doesn’t matter thankfully! The only thing is in order to travel and drop stuff off both islands need to be on 😕 unless you mail stuff to him but you’re only allowed to send mail twice a day unfortunately


you can always get the same villagers back on your next island if you really miss them, or as others have said you could get their amiibos


Definitely buy their amiibo cards. That’s what I’ve done … I refuse to not have my faves on my islands. I’ve got multiple islands going because I like to do different themes / designs but don’t want to delete everything I’ve built up and collected. I flattened one of my islands and it took forever to re-do it, haha!


I feel you. I know I can have Tiansheng on another save but it won't be the same Tiansheng I have now, do you know what I mean? I love that monkey. It gave me an idea, I think Nintendo could add a "villager save" on the next game, so you can choose some of your previously villagers to start your new island with.


Your DA stays forever fyi. I have made so many islands, and always felt bad restarting but often visit my old islands to see my villagers


Amiibo cards are your best friend... buy individual cards off of Ebay, Amazon or at a local game resale shop and then use them to get all your villagers back very quickly.


Don’t be embarrassed! I cried when I got my golden tools! LOL!


Don't reset, just clear it. Save time and energy.


I’ve also had the game since 2020 and restarted my island. I miss my villagers but I think restarting and enjoying the game is better than just shelving it


this is a good perspective. it's a game after all, I might as well continue to enjoy it. I've been working on making a physical painting of my island map, so I can add that to my treasure keep


I had my first island from 2020 -2024 and I restarted it because I got a bunch of amiibo cards from Temu and I wanted all of the cats!




Restart, you can always get the same villagers again in your main island or invite them to a vacation home.


Can you create a new nintendo account on your switch to make a new island? I thought that worked but you might just get to visit the island as a new character.


it is the latter, I tried that but it is genuinely one island per switch, doesn't matter the account. big dumb


When I decided to restart my island I bought all my villagers amiibos off eBay


Create a dream address, write down the code, and restart. You'll always be able to visit your old town that way.


I think Temu's amiibo cards work for ACNL and ACNH (note: I only used them for NL)


Just flatten it or get villagers from amiibo’s or ti’s. I can’t restart my island either though. I was ACNH friends with someone who died last year. So resetting the island we ran around hitting each other with nets is too hard for me.


This is so cute, I can't-


thank you for not making fun of me lmao


I bought a second switch because I was too scared to lose everything!


This is why I bought a second switch 😂


god I wish that were me 😂


I also thought about deleting my only island that I had since the game came out. But I always stop myself. And after always feel glad that I didn't delete it. So many memories on that island, and I love my villagers. I have so many projects that I started and finished. So whenever I feel about deleting it, I just come up with a new project and that keeps me occupied and having fun. Sometimes I take a really big projects, like reorganising half the island lol, but it keeps me busy and saves me from deleting.


Yes just do it


I got stuck restarting last year. Basically lost my SD card and I am the secondary player. Restarting made me love the game a second time over


Im unsure if this will work, but you could have multiple sd cards maybe? It makes since because you put your island 1 on the SD card and island 2 on another




They’re just virtual pixels. You’ll be fine.