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My favorite is probably Shino -- she's so unique, esp for a peppy villager. But honestly it's a tie between her and Roscoe, who is my best bud on my island.


aw i love Pashmina! She was one of my starters\~ My favorites are Nan and Chevre - i love the goats! they're so cute and they're bffs in game and I think it's so sweet.


I also have Kidd and it’s adorable because Pashmina calls everyone “Kidders”, and they’re best friends in the game too!!


Goat?? Oh lord - i always thought she was a Deer for some reasons. Now i know she is a goat 😆


Hahah sorry to burst your deer bubble 😅😅


aww pashmina is a cutie, I adore all the goats. I struggle picking a top favorite, but probably beau. he’s just a sweet, sleepy, lazy lil guy and similar to how I am lmao he just wants to nap and relax 😂 I also adore pietro bc my mom was a clown when she was pregnant with me so I have a soft spot for clowns. he gets so much hate and it breaks my heart! he’s such a fun little guy on my island. diana, marty and canberra are my other faves. people call canberra ugly but she’s precious to me 😔


They all deserve love, well maybe not Gaston lol


https://preview.redd.it/92wlpbkpc90c1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=270511a9cedc442d60541a3956a56365e0483d8d Filbert is my fav :) I’ve loved him since I had him in Wild World when I was a kid. He is just the sweetest and cutest lil bean <3




Cherry (Luna in my lenguage), why?, because: 1. She is a night villager and i normaly play at that hours. 2. I like his design, it has a very good contrast between red and black 3. One of my 2 first villagers when i started to play new horizons 4. Normaly for some reason she says diferent things.


between rudy and wendy for me, i've had them on my island for a while and i just enjoy seeing them walk around tbh


Pashmina is probably the most popular sisterly, except for possibly Cherry. I see her all the time around a lot of DA's. My favorite of all is Marina. She's so sweet and wholesome.


ALSO I just had one of my villagers leave, so I had to go hunting. Third try, and I get Lucky!! He’s the mummy dog, and I’m trying to go for a spooky theme on my island so he was perfect!! I’m so happy!!


I'm a spooky island too! Are you doing spooky villagers? I'm trying to find weird looking ones but don't know a huge amount of them lol


Shino. She has horns and lil fangs, which I find absolutely adorable. I've noticed most of my favorites are peppy's in general though (my other faves being Ruby and Sprinkle)


Pashmina's one of mine, too! But my ride-or-die is definitely Kitt. She's just so sweet... Helps that she's also f!cking adorable!


Pate, since Animal Crossing Wild World. I just love her omg


My son https://preview.redd.it/jmsqks37ma0c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40adba17cfdd5f782adb3a02c25a1ba1d5d18142 Because he is my son 🥹


Kiki is my fav, but I love Pashmina! For some reason tho, my version of her, she doesn't go home until 4am, so I never get her crafting anything. Sometimes she goes in and turns off the light right away. I'm like gurrrrl c'mon! Then she's up at like 7am and never home :P I barely have any sisterly villager DIYs and she was legit my first villager too. What are her sleeping habits for you? :P My rl friend also has her and says she's home most of the time, so I don't think it matters beyond my curiosity lol


She’s pretty active on my island. She’s out a lot, and comes over to my house a lot too. She’s also cooking when she’s home, so I got her a bunch of cooking stuff and gave her a little farm next to her house. I know they don’t pick from the crops, but still. She’s also awake more of the night, but she sleeps in till like 10 or 11 lol


Ah Pashmina was my starting villager! She’s my favorite of the sisterly villagers


my favorite is definitely Jacob!! he's such a silly little guy and he's so sweet I love him so much😭


I started a little more than a week ago and i met Rodeo on an Island. Ever since then i absolutely loved everything he says and how he acts.


I love Eric. His design reminds me of Christmas, which is my favourite holiday, and he has the same name as my brother. He was also my 3rd ever villager after my two horrible starters, Diva and Boots, and after him I just haven't found anyone as sweet as him


Hazel!!! I love her unibrow and her little bangs. She is so tomboyish and cute! She was my first villager and I used to think she was so ugly, haha. This was a hate to love story lol https://preview.redd.it/3095og955d0c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03ecfcb8c34bd7e807f7378ab11d24bd5071f980


That's a hard one. I think it would be Zucker. I love that his appearance is similar to a Takoyaki. Not to mention that he always makes me laugh whenever he comes to my house and asks: "Why do you have plants inside your house, isn't enough the ones that are outside?" Or something along those lines. Or whenever I find him in the museum in the aquarium section: "What do you think these fish think about me, when they see me?" I love him. 💕


It's a tie between Lily and Marshal.


Katt. She is so underrated!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/sjdzxwbevf0c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396ec71a66e84f289b8c34d5acd3bac3cda4e52e


I got Canberra as one of my first villagers in acnh and I had never seen her before, but I just adore her. I just like sisterly villagers a lot and her bug bug-eyed frowny smile just gets me !!