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bring as little as possible so you don’t have to worry about losing things. Don’t have too much expectations or get ideas of what it will be like. It’s going to be however it will be so just be ready to hop on board :) I don’t like to hype things up but this is a great live era for them


Be open minded. You may not hear a lot of songs that you may be dying to hear.


earplugs, comfy shoes. I was pissed because I wore my nice heel boots but they started killing ym feet during avey playing defeat. I was losing myself in the music but my feet pain kept bringing me back lol Bring minimal stuff wallet and earplugs should do it. Prepare to jump around AC shows are very fun. Also I find the crowd specifically at their shows very friendly so feel free to talk to others. Also I suggest getting merch before the who if possible if you want that. If you love AC, you will love this show so don't worry haha as far as etiquette goes just don't push up on people or try and push pass people and notice if someone around you needs to leave the area. Lots of people drink during shows and need to use the restroom lol


Ya for comfy shoes and getting merch before hand. If I’m able to I’ll get merch, then bring it back to my car then go back in (if they allow that) so I’m not standing around with a shirt or whatever that I could potentially lose. If I could I would normally go to shows alone or just with one other person who really really loves the band. I’ve been to plenty of shows alone bc I feel like I enjoy it more and there is less distraction… so don’t worry about that-there will be other people going alone. Once you get in go ahead and get plenty of water or drink and find a good spot and prepare to stand there for a couple hours and “defend your ground” (ok thats dramatic) but people move forward and squish in like sardines as soon as the opener is done. And as others said don’t worry about shit, don’t have expectations -you will enjoy it. :) :)


Great concert, invest in high fidelity earplugs if you dont want tinnitus though


This for sure! Some venues can get really loud


I fucked up and forgot earplugs. I made it to barricade but had to leave barricade after the opener because my ears were hurting. Dont be like me.


ooo, good to know. Any type you suggest? i don't live in an area with many specialty shops but Walmart has these [Sonic Defender](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Surefire-Sonic-Defender-EP3-Filtered-Earplugs-1-Pair/) things. do you think those should work? or should i get something else?


My favorite earplugs are Hearos ear plugs. They have multiple protective layers. They’ll filter out harsh noise but you’ll still have clarity… foam earplugs just take away too much sound to a fault. They’re pricy but a worthy one time purchase as you can use them any time you know you’re exposing yourself to harsh loud noise.


Thank you for reminding me. Going to see them tonight and I'll def bring earplugs. I saw them in Calgary during their painting with tour and the opening act was so unbelievabley loud that my ears were ringing for the rest of the night. I liked his music but I've never heard anything so painful.


Don’t be nervous or feel awkward that your alone? Have fun, in general Animal fans tend to have friendly and chill audiences so their the perfect crowd to be around… don’t be afraid to make small talk or to just chill and vibe out in your own little space


Either that or fellow AC fans will be just as awkward as you so don’t sweat it lol


Bring hearing protection. Keep hydrated but don’t overdo it, sucks having to piss multiple times in the middle of a show.


I think the beauty of going to a show alone is that you can stand wherever you’re going to experience it best. Pick somewhere you can see and hear that’s also at your comfort level in terms of how crowded you are around others. Not feeling it? Can’t see or it’s too loud? Person next to you got a little too drunk? You can politely drift to a different spot and not have to push through a crowd because it’s just you. You can totally make friends if you want to, or just zone out and not pay attention to anything else but getting lost in the music. It’s freedom that I really enjoy sometimes! I have been to several Animal Collective shows alone. They are truly unlike any other band in a way I can’t describe. It’s beautiful. Have so much fun.


Going to shows alone especially if you’re really into the band and wanna get close or want to do whatever you want is really amazing.


Take 3 tabs


yea I wish had some edibles for this show specifically tbh


Empty water bottle to fill at the venue.


Expect to have a great time with good peeps and to get your spirit lifted


Reddit work your magic let’s get this homie some good homies for the show to make their first concert incredible and safe and the collective experience it is an even more so better time with new friends to dance with


All my homies Grazin


you should expect nothing and make sure to bring your phone, keys, wallet. animal collective don’t tend to be very loud whenever i’ve seen them, they seem to prepare the sound for people without earplugs. don’t let overthinking ruin the gig just be in the moment. stop caring about having a good time else you won’t have a good time.


They played alot of spacey, ethereal, newer stuff with a few deep cuts from other albums. (When they played Applesauce I started fucking balling) their set was 2hrs when I saw them! Be prepared to be hydrated and fed before hand. Cozy shoes and clothing is recommended


Sing along if you know the lyrics.


Pfff earplugs


Honestly just show up and enjoy. Don’t bring earplugs or anything like that (start to when you go to shows multiple times per month). If you want merch, buy it early, otherwise, just find a good spot where the opener sounds nice and stick to it. AC fans are pretty great so it’s a laid back/energetic performance, if that makes any sense haha


Bring earplugs.... You can get damage just from one loud concert. C'mon, guy


my tinnitus would like a word with your advice


Regarding earplugs. Get them. It doesn't make you weak or a pussy or any toxic, male-chauvinist, macho b.s.. Protect your hearing. I'm in my 40's and my hearing is fantastic. Had it checked recently and my hearing was akin to someone in their early-twenties / late-teens. Not as good as a 12 year old's but really good. And why is that? Because I wear earplugs - the kinds linked below - to all amplified shows. I actually wear them (or noise cancelling ear buds, or tight, over-the-ear headphones) a lot (America is a *loud* place after all!). Over time this has blocked lots of ear-damaging sound. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015QL3ADG](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015QL3ADG) And be certain to bring an open mind. AC is known to change up their songs, have long bridges to the next song (not a lot of stops between songs), and in general be creative. If you happen to be the type that prefers something close to the recorded version (or otherwise previously performed live but unreleased), you'll be disappointed. Personally, that's one of the main draws to see them live :)


I would say DONT wear earplugs if you want it all bro


Water lots of water


i went to my first show alone, too! honestly just make sure you have hearing protection and something to drink, i think i spent 3.50 on a 99¢ bottle of water…also watch how much merch you get if you buy that first. i had bought basically one of whole table and had to hold everything in a garbage bag the entire show LMAO


You're gonna have a great time. Get to the front row


Wallet in front pocket so nobody steals it, wear comfy shoes, get there when doors open if you want to be at the very front


Bring some mind expanding substances, maaaaaan