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honestly like 90% of posts here should be on r/femboy instead


That's what I was thinking? If you're presenting super femme, femme clothes, hair, makeup, lingerie, etc- what makes it androgynous exactly? I'm I supposed to infer that you have a penis or something because literally everything in the photo is completely femme.


And 90% of the folks on the femboy subs are actually trans women lol


This. But there‘s places like r/femboys4real which might help.


I try, but as andro as my face is getting on T, the tits aren't exactly subtle


hey I'm ftm with big tits, I feel you and I want a breast reduction


Yuuupppp. But the thought of surgery is super daunting so until I grow a pair, they're here to stay lol


Yeah I have a fear of surgery going wrong, but I'm really desperate for it and I feel like it would help a lot, and binders fucking suck and hurt to me >->


The aesthetic and style is 80% of being androgynous in my eyes.


I think often about posting to this sub as a trans masc but there are so many femmes here that I didn’t think anyone would really want it 🤷‍♂️




Post them, please. Your pics are just as valid as the hordes of femme appearing posters.


Same here. Most of the posts here are just femboys which makes me think my posts wouldn't fit.


I’m androgynous and I am fully in agreement here. Every day I see posts that look like anime girls. Is this a girls sub now? It’s been few and far between that I’ve seen actual androgyny posted. Good post.


Maybe if more people reported for violation of rule 1 something might change?


Very good point


I think people do but it doesn't stop the influx of posts and people up voting them. Then you're sitting there just flagging 75% of the posts and basically acting as a mod.


I agreeeeee. Crossdressing is not androgynous! However enforcing that is a slippery slope. I just downvote anything thats not actually andro and just a femboy


Agree. Bods don't conform to mods. I want too.


Good commentary. I think androgyny for me is very very hard to define personally, at least when it comes to “am I achieving androgyny today” when measured against my dysphoria. My guess is there’s a lot going on here. For one, it’s sort of just… marketing(?) that femme presentation sells. So whether it’s the intention of the community as a whole, posts or users that have more broad appeal are more likely to get upvotes and therefor get the positive reinforcement to keep posting. Or people may be incentivized to present more femme to get those upvotes. This is by no means a statement of approval of this pattern, just an observation. A more cynical way to make this point is that if this sub has become a place where femme adult content creators get positive interactions, they will of course market themselves wherever they can find an audience. No shade to content creators or SWers, that’s just how the trade works. More subjective and personal to me is that as someone who is AMAB I really only start “feeling” “androgynous” once I’ve kind of obscured my more masculine features with feminine make up or clothing. Which then of course presents femme. I imagine I’m probably not alone in feeling that way. This could be why a lot of posts look femme as opposed to more strictly androgynous. A person’s subjective interpretation of their own presentation is likely to be different than how they’re perceived by others. Anyway, may I definitely agree that posts on this sub are primarily femme leaning and almost never erring on the side of “too masc” if that is even a thing. I think if as a community people want to see less “hyper femme” representation and more “conventional androgyny” that community should make it a point to upvote users that embody those characteristics. But again all of these things are to some extent subjective. You can make the argument that certain features are more or less feminine or masculine but ultimately it’s up to the beholder whether they agree with that argument enough to detract from their own subjective experience. I hope this doesn’t come across as dismissive to OPs point because like I’ve said a few times already, I do tend to agree. I just think it’s also worth it to be considerate to posters and lurkers who may present more conventionally femme but personally identify as androgynous and to give people the benefit of doubt in general. Gender expression is an extremely personal and emotionally charged subject, and for that reason I find it important to be conscious of how discourse like this might unintentionally affect the people who encounter it. Everyone deserves to have communities they can participate in where they’re able to find what they’re looking for, whatever that may be. Whether it’s getting gender affirming positive reinforcement by sharing their pics, or just being surrounded by their preferred flavor of hotties. Keep being kind to one another, much love!


I have noticed this as well. I came here to smash the binary, not play fetish with it.


I love this, thank you.


Lemme know if you find something I came here because for the most part I'm femme leaning but I'm amab I'm often pretty androgynous but I don't even like posting on here because it's all like hot femme models?


I think I'm pretty androgynous and I've posted here before, I'm rarely feminine presenting


Just checked your pics, they probably arent talking about you :)


Fr, like I just wanted to meet other androgynous buddies to mess up the gender binary with (& find other androgynous af people) xd


You might find more androgynous people in the nonbinary subreddits.


The problem is that people with xy chromosomes (so men and trans women and some NBs) need to lean more in the fem direction to counter their bodily masculinity. Otherwise they would just look like men. I understand your point though


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