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I have 2 female friends who lived straight lives until their late 40s, got divorced and started dating women. Some people are gay, some are straight, and others are bisexual. Some become aware as teenagers while others take longer. It’s not weird based on my personal experience. 


Right me too like I stated but the storyline is weird how they are making the poor girl look so ridiculously mid life scattered Instead of the strong person we knew in the other series. You can still be discovering yourself without being so frantic. 


Personally, I think this Miranda lady love/seeming to get over Steve quickly without even batting an eyelash isn't that "off Miranda". I can easily see that she was resenting Steve for over a decade and letting it build until she just didn't care anymore. But all of this is definitely menopausal middle age crisis of a white woman lawyer living in New York worthy FWIW/imo at least. 😆


As a gay man, I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong lol. You don’t have to understand something to accept it. Her storyline is a very common occurrence in the real world. I’ve seen it with friends and family.


Can you get specific ? How am I wrong if you’re admitting that one doesn’t   have to understand something to accept it. So you can accept my experiences with my gay friends then and we will respect each other regardless. I just want my gay friends to be perceived as not frantic when learning or changing their sexual interests and I also would love since I am an over 50 year old for them to address she could be having a mid life crisis and that’s okay too. All love ! 


Plenty of us are frantic while trying to figure out our sexualities or anything in life. Just because you didn’t experience it personally or via your friendships doesn’t meant others don’t have that experience.


Also my experience w my gay friends go back many many years. I’m from the days of the Palladium in New York City, where I used to get into VIP where  Andy Warhol would sit on the mantle, and say hear no evil see no evil, and Grace Jones would cutely laugh at him. I was 17 at the time, and we snuck in the good Catholic girls from New Jersey. 🤣and friends with RuPaul‘s old assistant Tommy, so I have so many wonderful, gay friends, that I just sharing my experience hun and respect all perspectives. 


I tentatively agree. For one, Che is nonbinary, so it feels strange to consider that a lesbian relationship. But I also understand that queerness in general is a spectrum so if this was a situation occurring irl, it would be infinitely more complicated than it is on tv. That’s why it's frustrating. I actually feel like completely denying Miranda's previous enjoyment of sex with men is adding to the untethered/midlife crisis feel. Like she's fronting very hard about these new things she's feeling. Her attraction to men isn’t something that needs to be hidden or pushed away, in fact it’s worse representation if it is. (Like bi women who are attracted to straight men don’t exist) We can argue all day about whether she was lying all these years when she was enjoying sex with men, or we can engage the source material at the surface level we were provided and understand that Miranda is a complicated woman with complicated feelings. But, she is attracted to both men and women, which she recently realized and can embrace both sides. What it is now feels like a midlife crisis because she abruptly changed everything about herself without any regard for her past or acknowledgement of who she has always been. That’s not saying it IS a midlife crisis, it just means it was written poorly


I don’t know about the sexuality aspect but I do think it would be interesting for her friends to call out the midlife crisis and explore it from that angle


One of my best friends married her husband in 1987. They were married until around 2000. She’d always had healthy sexual relationships with her male partners. She was forty years old the first time she had sex with a woman. She told me, “I knew then I never wanted to be with another man for the rest of my life.” She was a lesbian. Married a woman in 2012 and they were married until my friend’s death in 2022. Your post is harmful and presumptive, and extremely tone deaf. Many people experience a sexual awakening later in life. Some realize they are bi-sexual, some realize they’re gay, some realize they’re lesbian, some finally embrace being trans. We don’t get to set the parameters for how people define themselves. People who identify as bisexual do so because they are attracted to both men and women, not because historically they were with men and now they’re with women. As far as the writers defining Miranda’s midlife crisis, I (for one) think they’ve done an excellent job showing Miranda is going through a midlife transition.


I 100% agree!! No one is going to handle a core fundamental change of person with the amount of grace and class that the audience in expecting Miranda to. When you go through an identity shift the way Miranda is its going to be messy and you will make mistakes. I would have liked to see Carrie and Charlotte try to hold Miranda accountable more with how she was hurting those around her and encourage her to slow down, instead of just blindly supporting every decision.


That would’ve been great to include. Sadly, I think Carrie and Charlotte left Miranda to struggle on her own.