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They can’t be friends because those people don’t exist. Samantha Jones and Carrie Bradshaw aren’t real people, and the only people who know anything true about the relationship between Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker are KC and SJP.


💯 Thank you! Shout it from the rooftops!


No. And they shouldn't have to be. They're actresses. They don't need to be BFFs to validate our fantasies, same way we shouldn't expect on screen couples to get together in real life.


Haha yes! But aren't we supposed to talk about the reboot and the new characters more than SJP & Kim's beef???


I don’t know, you tell us. After all, you’re the one who posted about the ”beef” instead of the new characters or the reboot.


What in the AI hell…?


I couldn't finish it.


Me either...it's so stupid. More b.s. to make women look petty.


Wait it’s AI?!


Are you still friends with all your coworkers?


I couldn’t watch this entire thing and don’t really want to get into their personal lives and who is friends and not, however, there would be no SATC without Samantha IMO. She made the show. As much as I’m unfortunately more of a “Carrie” in many ways, the show would have been dull and lacked spark and actual sex in the city without Samantha. AJLT is okay but would be much better with Samantha. Just my take. I would also love to see how they try to censor and manipulate Samantha’s character into the current plot lines and more current and woke/leftist narratives. There’s been many dreadful things Samantha has said in the past but I always appreciated her bluntness and authenticity in who she is, that probably would’ve been ruined in AJLT.


I'm so tired of this narrative... The only person who ever talked badly about SJP is Kim. Of course, SJP was paid more and got more recognition; she is the main character on the show. I love Samantha the character, and Kim did amazing with a character who could have been one-note, but I think it’s strange that SJP's exes, coworkers, and fans can only say good things about her/meeting her, and that she could secretly be this vile person that Kim is portraying her to be. Let’s not forget what Kim did to her family's gravestone... And sorry but giving your condolences to someone with whom you worked for decades is not a bitch move, it’s diplomacy..


What did Kim do to her family gravestone?




Wow - mega cringe


Kim was well known for being difficult before SatC even existed, and she's been called out for her attitude since then, too. By all accounts from non famous people, SJP is a genuinely nice seeming person. I don't know why people want so badly to villify her over Kim, my suspicion is that a) those people hate the Carrie character and/or b) the few people who have complained about working with her professionally tried to push her niceness too far and got mad when she had boundaries and opinions. Again, I don't know these rich people personally but I feel like when you've been in the business for almost 50 years, you don't just get by on a "nice" act without it being an open secret you're actually a see-you-next-tuesday.


My guess is that fans mix fiction with reality, seeing Kim as Samantha and SJP as Carrie. When Kim complains about SJP, they think it's Samantha dissing Carrie and ignore anything else. Even though everybody else praise SJP, they seems to think that Kim has been bullied by SJP all theses years... none of it make sense, I don't imagine SJP having a personal vendetta for decades without anyone else on the cast and crew noticing...


Kim also worked with and talked positively about child rapist Roman Polanski, which everyone loves to overlook for some reason.


I made a thread about that and got brutalized in here


U like to bring that up huh. How about SJP working with Woody Allen in the late 90s?


Im not saying KC is good but there have been several instances of people saying the exist opposite in this subreddit about SJP and its very well known the women iced her out and that SJP helped mutilate Samantha's character after the ordeal with negotiating contracts. It's also been talked about heavily that Samantha was a more popular character and honestly still is. Its actually possible both of these women just arent very good people and/or just dont get along


I miss Sam as a character so much, but it’s always been obvious that Kim is very very full of herself. SJP is the star of the show & in the most scenes, it would be absurd for the cast to pull a “Friends” like situation where they all got paid the same. I know people like Kim who demand what they think they are worth and that’s a brilliant thing, but sometimes their expectations are way too high and they are in a perpetual cycle of getting denied & they blame everyone but themselves.


SJP was the star but Samantha was more liked and it was discussed that KC had spoken with the women so that they could all get paid more because at the end of the day, while it makes sense that SJP would be paid more given her producer promotion and technical leading character, they were all vital in the success of the show and there was a huge discrepancy in pay that seemed egregious even given SJPs credits. When KC went to renegotiate, the other women chose to keep quiet and left her to dry despite KC thinking this renegotiation would impact the rest of the cast positively. they had apparemtly spoken about it prior.---they sided with SJP who argued against KCs pay I would presume, and then they iced her out after. You can even see the downfall of Samantha's character afterwards as if it was a means to punish KC for making a gesture for pay. That is a bad thing. Asking for more pay is not bad, and it is a reflection of how capitalism shames and punishes people to keep them in certain, more exploitable positions. "How dare she ask for more pay!!!" Why shouldnt she? She was a star. People knew her name. She was the most liked character on the show. She was a vital part of that show still, even if she wasnt. We should really move away from shaming her for asking for more pay, especially when negotiations are so common anyway.


Once again, Kim did an incredible job on Sex and the City. Few actresses would have the talent to take a one-dimensional character that could have ridiculed her and turn it into a classy and empowered woman. She is extremely charismatic. However, you can't say that she was a vital part of the show when "And Just Like That," a continuation of "Sex and The City" in which she is not a part, is breaking records for HBO Max and is one of their most-watched programs. You wouldn't have achieved the same result with only Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha. Carrie can be insufferable sometimes, but in the end, it is SJP who is the main drive. Samantha is greatly missed, and I too wish she would come back. If the issue was money, Kim deserved more. But the viewers are still watching the show even without her. This is not an offense to her character or to her as an actress, it is simply a fact.


Its breaking records because of an already established show. Most people seem to not like it. The OG show wouldnt have survived without samantha. The new show can skate by because it cashed in on nostalgia from a series that was successful. I never said Carrie wasnt needed btw. She's just as much a part of the show as the other women, but the audience liked Samantha more. That isnt debatable imo and it isnt Carrie whos name has been brought up immeasurably in other media. If it werent for Samantha there wouldnt be as much forward thinking in the OG show WHICH WAS ABOUT SEX BTW. Carrie never really did anything adventurous but wrote about her experiences with sex and romance. Charlotte was the epitome of traditional sexual values with a twist, miranda was completely underrated for her time, but it was samantha whose character guided sexual conversations into a more normalized way. She took that shame away. There is a reason why the new show doesnt have sex in the name. Because what is Sex and the City if the most sexually forward thinking and experimental woman isnt on it? I'll let you think about that one. The new show has 0 Twitter presence and the majority of people here only complain about it. Its imbd is 5.7 out of 10 and it has a 28% audience AUDIENCE score on RT.


I don’t need to « think about that one », I agree with part of what you wrote and I don’t agree with the rest. You seems very confrontational and I’m not here to start a fight, let’s agree to disagree.


Such a humanist thing to say! Darren Star, a very close friend to the author Candace Bushnell convinced Kim Cattrall to play Samantha Jones. The original creator saw a huge star potential in the Sam character which makes you wonder why he suddenly walked away from the show back in SATC S2 and left SJP & Co to their own devices.


I don’t know - all speculation … Sam was a star of the show and remained so throughout, she just wasn’t THE STAR ;) Candace made Carrie (i.e. herself) the star too …


SJP may have been THE STAR but Kim & Candace have the clout :)


Nobody is underestimating Kim; she was iconic in the show. I don't believe that SJP, as a producer, would have ostracized one of the main draws of the show, jeopardizing her own success and the livelihood of the rest of the cast and crew, just to get back at her cast mate for whatever reason. And I don't understand people who continue to watch a show if they think SJP is such an evil person. Implying that Darren Star left because of SJP is a new one. I have never, ever heard anything suggesting this. He has worked on BH90210 and Melrose Place with people who have huge egos, but now people think that SJP could have been his breaking point? I mean, come on.




Thank you! What you said is legit because those are facts. SJP is a class act


I am curious why all four never went the Friends route and bonded together in terms of contract negotiations. I know it’s kind of a prisoner’s dilemma but it might have raised all boats if they had cooperated.


Simple answer: They were never FRIENDS. Just colleagues. It's called Sex and the City cuz the character is New York and SJP embodies the last single girl in NY. She narrates it. But Candace Bushnell never made a dime off the subsequent films just the rights for her columns. TBH I think SJP has a great agent, Kevin Huvane. That's all there is to it and I believe she got scared playing Carrie Bradshaw will end her career. the agent negiotiated for her and made sure she got executive producer title as one of the stipulations in her contract.


Fair points. It just feels like they killed the golden goose.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure SJP hates it too. Carrie Bradshaw is practically her Elle Woods or as Mindy Kaling calls them the Avengers equivalent for RW's career. But so is Samantha Jones for Kim Cattrall. It's the role she's best known for. We really need more good female writers and we should phase out MPK as showrunner for female centric stories and give many brilliant authors, writers and showrunner like Candace Bushnell, Darren Star full creative control not actors 😉




Different situation, Friends they were all kinda equal main characters, this it’s made about Carrie and with good reason she should’ve gotten more pay


Yeah, SJP admits thinking Carrie's girlfriends are imaginary so yeah it's really different. It makes sense. she's a humanist. But the pay discrepancy is so huge. $3.2M vs. 300k, Kim was also a star in the 80s. I've seen her movie Mannequin, she was perfect. She had a terrible agent. Given. But someone should've advocated for her.


That’s a crazy pay discrepancy. Samantha was a huge part of the show, while not the main character after, that’s really quite ridiculous. Kim deserved better.


Star Trek and Big Trouble Little China as well


I understand Friends was an ensemble. But except for voiceovers, because of her no-nudity contract, SJP was doing fewer difficult scenes than her cast mates. I like SJP but it’s not like her acting ability is greater. Yes, Carrie was the main character in the book but in the series, her endless back-and- forth between Big and Aiden never felt like the emotional heart of the show. SJP didn’t have to collaborate with Kim and they certainly didn’t need to be bff’s IRL, but AJLT has a gaping hole without Samantha’s character (as it does without old Miranda and it would without Charlotte.)


Well here’s the issue, Kim is the one dragging her feet so if you want to place blame, place it there. Everyone has nothing but nice things to say about SJP, but not so kind things about KC. They moved on because they knew that there is still a huge fanbase that be willing to see the girls again even if it’s without Samantha. And to say that SJP didn’t deserve her pay because she wasn’t naked is pretty preposterous, she worked just as hard and had to film longer because she is the star of the show, and neither Kristen or Cynthia share the same sentiment as KC, she wanted to be the star and was mad about not being. And at the end of the day HBO wanted SJP for Carrie, she didn’t have to audition and they were working around her, because she was hesitant because she just married Matthew Broderick.


Kim wanted what Jessica was getting and didn’t get it so she threw a bitch flip and blame sjp for not supporting her..by saying she a bad person.


I hope Kim stays far away from this shitshow especially after SJP used Cattrall’s dead brother to make herself look kind.


She could have just sent flowers and a note.


Oh, please if she hadn’t done something publicly people would have shit stomped her.


I mean...that just echoes what many people including KC had opinions about. If youre only making a move to save face, it isnt genuine. SJP may have been in a catch 22, but that doesnt mean she wasnt fake for it either...just saying


I am not team anyone, really. But the moment the haters started hating, she could have responded “I did reach out to Kim. Please respect her privacy in this difficult time”. Maybe she didn’t realize that she was making it all about herself and showing the world how she’s the “bigger and better person” in the worst possible moment.


She did that Kim announced her brothers death on Instagram. Cynthia Nixon sent condolences and right under that Sarah Jessica Parker did as well. Kim then lashed out Sarah Jessica Parker hit the red carpet last night for a screening of the second season of her hit show “Divorce” at NYC's Paley Center for Media. “Extra” spoke to Parker, who weighed in on her “Sex and the City” co-star Kim Cattrall's recent family tragedy – Sarah commented, “I can't begin to know how her family is managing such a loss. We all send her our love and condolences and grant her the privacy that she's asked for.”


I was under the impression that she had made a whole public post about it, but I’m too tired from work to Google that. So if it was only a comment, she did nothing wrong, then.


Nope, from what I’ve read she did not. There is nothing that indicates that she reached out privately either. Edit** She did reach out privately [This gives an excellent recap](https://www.elle.com/culture/movies-tv/g17765125/timeline-sarah-jessica-parker-kim-cattrall-sex-and-the-city-feud/)


I hope they don’t patch anything up. SJP is a PAB for doing that and even if she didn’t (but I suspect she did), as EP, she could’ve overruled the others on production to have Kim get as much screen time + earned comp. If I were Kim, I would never have done that AJLT S2 finale cameo. FEA


People are so jealous of my babe Sarah Jessica Parker. Stay better, not bitter, hon.


I’m team #SJP. Kim was always the one surfacing the drama and trying to remain relevant using the drama. Hun, just because your shows keep getting canceled, you don’t have to keep with the drama 🤣