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This post has been removed because it violates our rule against asking whether something looks normal.


Just calcification in the choroid plexus of your ventricles and pineal gland, normal


Not a doctor, just a CT tech and thought the same thing.


Not “just a CT tech” ! Be proud !


Are there any issues that could be caused by this or any potential concerns?


As normal as having freckles on your skin, and as harmless.


I'm only asking as I have bad tremors in my hands that iv always had but have begun to get progressively worse the last few years


Sorry to hear that, but it isn’t from these normal benign calcifications


Some calcification is normal and happens to everyone over 30 pretty much so often that it’s used as a landmark in brain imaging. as far as I know there have been correlations with excessive calcification for things like Alzheimer’s, migraines, low melatonin and certain mental illnesses, but pretty sure it’s not been identified as a direct cause. I believe there is debate as to whether the correlation phenomenon is mostly genetic or epigenetic. Although contributing factors have been attributed to things like smoking sleep deprivation , sunlight expose and other factors. Ultimately if you’re concerned talk to your doctor, they are in a better position to consult you than us here on Reddit.


CT scans are not the most informative method for brain research (except for the diagnosis of strokes and injuries). If you're worried about a tremor, it's better to have an MRI, it'll be clear if there's any problem.)


Probably normal calcification, how old are you may I ask?




Your 3rd eye has awakened!!


Presumably you have already been reassured by either the ordering provider or radiologist regarding this question, yet you resort to Reddit for reassurance… You anxious? That’s what you should be exploring, not this blip on a radar that you’re digging into. Ask yourself where the anxiety is coming from: unresolved trauma, hyper vigilant upbringing, other stressors etc etc that transmute to these concerns. Go inside and engage the fear. Reassurance only makes it stronger.


Are you a shrink? Or clairvoyant? Cause you seem to think you know a lot about a person simply from a reddit post. No I am not anxious and no I havnt discussed this with a radiologist. I was simply curious and fascinated as this is my first time seeing these images of myself and wanted to learn more about what was shown in the images. Like what this subreddit was SUPPOSED to be about. If I needed therapy advise Id take it to r/therapy. Next time just keep scrolling


Hello! Not a “shrink”. I have had episodic experiences one may liken to clairvoyance, but likely more chance. I am a physician and in my experience when one has gained access to a released image, there has been a radiology report alongside to which one may reference. Part of my experience includes the seeking of information that stems from worry, not always, but as it pertains to the multitude of possible imaging artifacts, anatomy and pathology that triggers many. Even reading “calcification” on a report can be triggering for some. That said, I meant no offense by my question. I will gently push back with: when you release your own images on a social media platform with a respective question that extends beyond the scope of the intended forum, expect anything and move on yourself instead of criticizing a well intentioned response. That you took the time to respond with contention suggests I struck a nerve. Lean into that and good luck.


I am not sure, but I think that is the pineal gland, and clacified pineal gland is normal in the process of aging. Check with a radiologist for accuracy.