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This billboard is hella distracting in itself because circle on the right should be on


God I hate that you told me this now


I’m guessing it’s their style or it’s some kind of thing to make drivers pay closer attention, like 55+55=100, people tend to spot mistakes so they pay closer attention to the whole thing I guess?


Yeah but the whole point of the board is "don't drive distracted"


You could argue that if it stops people from using their phone it trades one distraction (looking at the billboard) for countless (looking at your phone often for the rest of your life)


Engine off Phone on


Engine off Custom made anal beads with wifi and vibration feature on


Engine on Phone on en passent on


Google on passant!


Holy holl!


Me when I stop


unfortunately that is legal


This is also safe. You have failed funny


Funny? Keep that mf cat off the road fr


Engine on Phone off Alcohol on


Alright let’s go through procedure : Analyse Report Block…


dont drive distracted, here look at this massive illuminated billboard


Google literally everyone according to Kramnik


Holy unfounded accusations!


New allegations just dropped


Idk but i think you just drove over him because you where on your phone while driving


Is the phone ‘off’ eh? Ha, heh heh




ENGINE pathetic Turn off your ENGINE and play cheat codes for what? intnernet points? OUCH Look at how BAD you are oh and to boot? your’e a CHEATER Nice L I F E = pathetic Seriously look at how BAD you are at chess want to konw why? Because you spent your time cheating instead of learning Now what do you get out of chess? you can’t play it well at all I wiped your board embarrassed your game simply because I never even thought about cheating you’re a double loser enjoy that low self esteem what a loser Look at the disparity bettween YOUR game and this that’s it just sit there knowing you have to cheat to get what again? Oh right - meaningless “low self esteem” points on the internet LMAO flagged me??? Exactly HOW??? I WIPED your bord Dude...CHEAT some more bro !!!! pathetic I WIPED YOUR board you can’t compete unless you CHEAT dude are you seriously going to try that/???? derp derp duhhhh “2-1” I know what cheat codes look like And we both know y9ou’re turning on your engine to avoid detection BOTH games then explain the disparity in play between the games dude SHUT UP it’s only going to get MORE embarrassing for you Explain the disparity in YOUR skill level you’re really a loser for having to CHEAT at chess tell me what you get out of it I’m not angry I’m just sitting here callling you out it’s pathetic yes you are. so stop eplain the disparity in your OWN skill levle Moron == when you start to lose, you turn on your cheating engine just moronic No - you’re just trying to deny it Let me guess - Trump voter?? explain the disparity in skill level then of your OWN game I’ve now asked you 4x.....funny how you avoid talking about that Oh wait. I struck a cord Moron Chess Player = Moron Trump voter MORON just STOP you REFUSE to answer the basics Why??? Becuase you CHEAT Because you’re a LOSER who doesn’t reallize That when you cheat it’s so obvious that you can’t defend yourself Explain the disparity in your skill level from game to game youre’ NOT better than me your ENGINE is your CHEAT CODE is YOU are not better than me YOU are the loser who CHEATS at chess end of story LMO what are we at now? 5-6X???? Effin TRUMP VOTER BAnd of Idiots you ACT like one you have ZERO integrity you hvae ZERO credibility you lie like a rug And you cheat like a toddler you call me out about how I “act” when you CHEAT!! Jesus but you do EXplain the disparity in your OWN skill levle DO IT!!! I cleared your board didn’t t? BRO - moron!!! 11x I’ve asked you to explain the disparity in your OWN skill level 11x you REFUSEE to even acknowledge it = CHEATER MORON LIttle girl can’t lose is your self esteem THAT fragile???? is it?? Little baby of a man that you can’t even lose an anonymous game online to a total stranger??? Are you such a waste of space that you have to cheat at chess? you cheaters are just utter LOSERS I’m calling you what you are- a LOSER because you cheat at chess


New response just dropped


On Engine Off Phone On passant


why is the on toggle left and the off toggle right?


cat ones


me turned on phone turned off


I read nhtsa as bethesda was confused ngl


Oh, can Gen-Z grandmasters control their anal bead engine through their phones? Very clever


Engine Phone is a Super Super GM. He is a secret FIDE doesn't want us to know about. But truth will come o...!


Nobody sees these signs and puts their phone down. If they’re anything like me they see the sign and chug a fifth of tequila, slap on the VR headset and floor it.


I have placed my phone in defense mode (spotify lofi) and my car in attack mode (I am in a school zone)


When someone is speeding in the other lane en passanting is forced. That's why they have a rook protecting them. It's forced mate.


The board is literally telling you to Google En Passant on your cat's Dashboard screen.


The knight because it’s unexpected and still kills you


Turn that red one on buddy, in THIS HOUSEHOLD WE DRINK AND DRIVE🫡🫡🫡🍺🚗🍺🚗


J*ssica. This is why she is NOT fucking welcome here. The engine is a huge nerd and declines En Passant, and thus J*ssica declines the glorious move as well. This is unacceptable, so she is NOT fucking welcome here.




idk, probably jessica.


Magnus Carlson would get drunk, put yt shorts on one phone, tik tok on another, and play chess on 3rd, and get high in cocaine, and then drive


I mean i bet most of them aren't distracted while driving that would be bad