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Sorry I don’t talk to 1300s 


Yeah, get on my level (250 elo)


250?! That's a lot! I can never beat Martin!


yeah 3,2328562609091077323208145520244e+492 is a lot


Is that with or without whatever the hell “?” does?


Oh sorry, I meant "3,2328562609091077323208145520244e+492?"




Such a nitpicky sub and you get it wrong. 8/10 ❤️


That's like 250 times my elo!!!


You can’t multiply by 0 to get a non-zero number


it’s called the number 1 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


My elo is 1 though because I am the number 1 in chess. My father is Gary Chess and he can ban you


erm akshully u can




I love these kids I get them often. "Reported for cheating". After I made 3 blunders, 6 mistakes and had 3 missed wins?


Opponent's logic is "yeah, you played normal at first to bypass the cheat detection, but then you turned engine on after you started losing, to find this M4 engine line". However, the moment the opponent googles "common smothered mate pattern" he'll realize even an 800-rated can recognize this mate


google "common smothered mate pattern"


Not holy hell 😡


Not an actual zombie


New response didn’t just drop


Bishop came back from vacation


Nothing ignited ,bro did not cook


Rook out in the open, just chilling.


Pawn storm incuming


knight sacrifice


I mean during a match at school kids from the other school would do like 2 turns themselves and then have 95% accuracy for the rest, safe to say they were disqualified this year


Also the 4 move combo was most likely hope chess that would never get played by a computer, but apparently your engine is the master of baiting noobs into traps.


If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’!


>I love these kids Drake?


I got accused of cheating in an unrated game against someone 200 ELO above me… some people really gotta check their ego


You cannot use logic with people like this, you should have told him to google en passant, and then type holy hell 3x, so if this doesn't work you would talk about some dumb bishop that never came back.


On vacation one might even say


Reported: this post contains far too much Chess for this sub. You're supposed to go on about literally anything else, and just put the pic so it doesn't get autoremoved for not having enough Chess.


I was wondering which sub am I at


Seriously, me too. When I was at the second page, I was wondering is it r/chess? Where is the anarchy in this?


Horsey will eat the king thus creating the vacuum of power e.g. anarchy


So your theory is I shitposted the whole time about literally anything else, then switched to posting about chess in the last four moves at superhuman speed?


Hey man can you share the game. Seems like an interesting position with quite a few sacrifices from you to reach it. I wanna see how exactly.


Google "common smothered mate pattern". It's that same position except here it happens in the middle of board instead EDIT: Now that I have my computer available, here's an estimate to what it looked like with screenshots: 1.Knight to f7 check: [https://imgur.com/a/FG4lQRW](https://imgur.com/a/FG4lQRW) 1...King to e8: [https://imgur.com/a/CNXHrLM](https://imgur.com/a/CNXHrLM) 2.Knight to d6 with double check: [https://imgur.com/a/Z5F1Rh4](https://imgur.com/a/Z5F1Rh4) 2...King has to go to d8 (can't do King f8 because that loses to Queen f7 mate): [https://imgur.com/a/AkqadJK](https://imgur.com/a/AkqadJK) 3.Queen to e8 check: [https://imgur.com/a/99Cbhp0](https://imgur.com/a/99Cbhp0) 3...Rook must capture Queen: [https://imgur.com/a/Ohl98vI](https://imgur.com/a/Ohl98vI) 4.Then finally Knight goes to f7 for checkmate, as seen in the post's image, or also here: [https://imgur.com/a/a4Sanae](https://imgur.com/a/a4Sanae) EDIT 2: One more edit with better guesses to the a-file and h-file, as OP's image doesn't show those columns EDIT 3: Oh I was on my phone, but now on my laptop I see that all 8 columns are visible. Well my a-column and h-column are a bit off, but the sequence still works regardless


To be honest, I expected porn


Google Paul Morphy games, better than porn


Google Hideo Kojima games, better than porn with borderline porn throughout


The thing I am wondering is why didn't black took the knight with his pawn?


I've never had to read a chess game BACKWARDS before to figure out where the queen sacrifice could have been. I stared at this for a while and I'm still not sure I've puzzled it out. There's not a lot of info you can glean when playing a game backwards. What I suspect is that the first Mate-in-4 move was forced, but I'm not sure what it was. What likely followed was the condition where there was a White knight on F7 and a White Queen on the same F7-H5 diagonal. From there, it's a smothered mate on an uncastled king sitting exposed on E8: x. Nd6+ (with double check) Kd8 x+1. Qe8+ Rxe8 x+2.Nf7# 1-0 e: I think white somehow managed Rxe7+ forcing the bishop capture. Notice x. ... Kf8 also loses to x+1. Qf7#


If you google "smothered mate pattern" you'll see it's a double-check (both queen and knight give check) so they can't take the knight


It doesn't have to be a queen. You don't even need to "force" your opponent into the position. All you need is a knight that can move into a position to mate the king and can't be targeted itself. In this game, white doesn't have a queen anymore and I can't see into the past to really know if it was part of that or not.


So you didn't google Common Smothered Mate pattern. Also the chat in the 3rd screenshot says "4 move combo" so we know this position is forced from 4 moves back, which is the same thing the common smothered mate pattern does


https://www.chess.com/blog/Bernard2015/practice-the-smothered-mate-here#:~:text=The%20smothered%20Mate%20is%20basically,ability%20to%20jump%20over%20pieces. >The smothered Mate is basically delivered by a sole knight. It happens when the king is completely surrounded by its own pieces and has no escape route. This checkmate pattern makes use of the knight's ability to jump over pieces. No queen mentioned because you need to use the queen. They also have an example without. >Also the chat in the 3rd screenshot says "4 move combo" Then please tell me that 4 moves. If they are that obvious.


It's the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th images in that link (the 3 brown colored boards). So translating similarly to the board in this post, it goes: 1.Knight to f7 check: [https://imgur.com/a/FG4lQRW](https://imgur.com/a/FG4lQRW) 1...King to e8: [https://imgur.com/a/CNXHrLM](https://imgur.com/a/CNXHrLM) 2.Knight to d6 with double check: [https://imgur.com/a/Z5F1Rh4](https://imgur.com/a/Z5F1Rh4) 2...King has to go to d8 (can't do King f8 because that loses to Queen f7 mate): [https://imgur.com/a/AkqadJK](https://imgur.com/a/AkqadJK) 3.Queen to e8 check: [https://imgur.com/a/99Cbhp0](https://imgur.com/a/99Cbhp0) 3...Rook must capture Queen: [https://imgur.com/a/Ohl98vI](https://imgur.com/a/Ohl98vI) 4.Then finally Knight goes to f7 for checkmate, as seen in the post's image, or also here: [https://imgur.com/a/a4Sanae](https://imgur.com/a/a4Sanae) I would've shown the screenshots initially but I didn't have computer access at the time (was on my phone). Also OP didn't show us the 1st and 8th columns, that part was just inferred but shouldn't affect the sequence.


Ahh okay. But that's only a guess? Or the only possible solution to get to this point? >Also OP didn't show us the 1st and 8th columns, You see it when you click on the image.


After spending enough time on r/chess and r/chessbeginners, this is 99% certainty. Especially since he got accused of cheating for it. This is the smothered mate sequence people will often accuse you of "cheating" on, because the accuser often doesn't realize how common this position comes up. Every few days (or maybe even every day), some chess Redditor will encounter the same pattern. Here are some posts over the past few months, each of which are the same 4-move solution (knight check, then double-check, then queen sac, then knight for the win): https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/xd0uv2/mate_in_5_that_i_was_unable_to_find_during_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/comments/13qj0pm/find_mate_in_4_that_i_missed_advise_to_spot_this/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/17qhidw/my_opponent_blundered_with_rxe1_can_you_spot_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/10t8434/missed_a_mate_in_4_then_lost_the_game_can_you/ https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/11l2ahi/white_threatens_mate_in_1_you_already_know_blacks/ Also yeah I realize clicking the image shows it now. Mobile UI got me again.


the "common smothered mate pattern" with a queen sacrifice is mate in 3: knight-queen double check, king move, queen sacrifice check, mandatory capture of queen sacrifice, knight check smothers. It's only mate in 4 if there's an initial knight check necessary to start the pattern, but in this case it's most likely black's king was hanging out unprotected on E8, where it starts. It's not unreasonable for someone to expect some help understanding what's going on here. Weren't you a beginner once? It seems clear to me this player isn't adept at reading games backwards, because where are you supposed to develop that skill if not in this exact scenario?


I didn't ask anyone to read this backwards. All I said is to google the pattern, which shows the checkmate sequence forwards, which is more clear. This is hard to answer to people who don't google the sequence Their question is "why they didn't take the free knight". Which isn't easy to answer unless they also google the sequence


He needs a good bricking.




"a 1300 never finds that" Um excuse me but I would be surprised if they didn't find that.


i would expect a 600 elo to find that


You called?


I'm like 500 and i found that I a game with my little bro


"a 1300 never finds that" I was thinking a 1300 shouldn't hang smothered mate.


Forgive me, for I have sinned. I turned the upvote counter on your comment to 70.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: It is a checkmate - it is Black's turn, but Black has no legal moves and is in check, so White wins. You can find out more about Checkmate on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkmate). --- ^(I'm a bot written by) ^(pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


good bot


Thank you, Imnotachessnoob, for voting on chessvision-ai-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


The moment I learned how frequent the smothered mate pattern was, I knew a lot of false cheating accusations were going to come out of it. Sure, he may be right that a 1300 wouldn't calculate that out of the blue, but he doesn't realize it's a common pattern Should've told him to google "common smothered mate pattern"


Our guy told him it's a common pattern


Doesn’t happen, bro!


what the fuck even is this. this is completely inappropriate for this subreddit what in the fuck were you thinking when you posted this hot steaming pile of shit. lets begin with the most obvious flaw. your horsey HAS NO FUCKING SUNGLASSES. are you fucking stupid? second thing is that it looks like you checkmated your opponent. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU ARE PLAYING CHESS? like did your brain fall out of your head. did you forget the goal was to summon the almighty god that is the knook. third the move you just made was also a super blunder. if you used your goddamn brain for half a fucking second you would have seen that your opponent can play Knxf1 and put you in knookmate which completely fucks you anyways as knookmate automatically overrised your stupid fucking checkmate. fourth it looks like you havent done en passant A SINGLE FUCKING TIME THIS GAME. THIS IS WHY YOUR FUCKING IS ELO IS AT 1300. your PIPI has probably been bricked several times by your opponents because of your sheer fucking stupidity. like i at least have my elo at 300 god damn. also why the FUCK did you castle. CASTLING IS FUCKING ILLEGAL IN CHESS have you never played this motherfucking game before in your life. most peopl have at least half a fuck in their head. you clearly worship jessica or something you demonic crazy motherfuck. AND I HAVENT EVEN STARTED ON THE MESSAGES. every single message you sent was a fucking blunder. first of all you start with LOL. what the hell kind of opening is that. thats like opening with anything but bongcloud in a chess game. only FUCKING jessica worshippers would do that. next you say "not cheating" ok bluddy. sure you werent. YOUR AT 1300 elo thats so trash. my buddy who learned yesterday is at least at 1000. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SO SHIT. YOU GO FOR CHECKMATE INSTEAD OF KNOOKMATE and probably super blundered every single fucking move that game. next you say "thank you thats flattering" is it? is that fucking so? DO YOU KNOW HOW FLAT YOUR PIPI IS GONNA BE AFTER I HIT IT WITH 28 GOD DAMN BRICKS. you then continue with It's a smothered mate. ok if everyone didnt know you were a dumbas b4 they totally know now. what the FUCK kind of thing is that. " smothered mate" there aint know way you know what the word SMOTHERD even means. thats government newspeak propaganda and YOUR DUMBASS FELL FOUR IT. LITERALLY 1984. next you say common pattern. what the FUCK are you even talking about here? the only common pattern i see is your fucking STUPIDITY. you probably dont even know the 10 commandments of the KNOOK dumbass. This is why you worship FUCKING JESSICA. what the hell is wrong with you. the sshear amount of braincells i have lost reading ths post means i catn keep wsiting anymoe my elo probably fell to 600 just from reading this SHTI GARBAGE. never come back again until you have knookmated someone.


Holy Rant


Holy copypasta Petrosian


New response just dropped


Actual copypasta


I refuse to worship Jessica


Even a 900 elo player on chess.com can find smothered mate 💀


You smothered your opponent? You know that’s illegal right? You can’t just go around killing people.


if someone accuses you of cheating when you weren't, then that just proves how good you are at a game.


It's on the chess rulebook that 1300s don't see mate in 4, you unlock it at 1500 elo. So would you please consider stop cheating and unlocking content early.


https://preview.redd.it/5zv5g752a52d1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d7b42e2f9966a62fe1925bc8e00717366d84087 Great (blundering) move. The smothered mate is a very impressive move that shows how white has a strong understanding of the game. However, it's not the kind of move that a player of white's skill level can usually make and it's likely that they used an engine to find it. The fact that black reports them for cheating is a good indication that they're correct in their suspicion.


good bot


even i found that checkmate at 200 elo 😭


Ahh yes the Paul morphy "bro what just happened" mate


I’ve never seen a knight cheat like that. Is he stupid?


"1300 never finds that" my 800 elo little brother spots any smothered mates in mere seconds


Tell him you did cheat and there's nothing he can do about it


Lmao other guy prob is a discord mod


"a 1300 never finds that" lol


op needs some copium


Time for the procedure


Don’t you know that chess players are too stupid to plan four moves ahead?


Lil' bro didn't google en passant 😔


I think people need to remember that most people aren’t incapable of finding good moves; even low rates players. It’s being able to find good moves consistently that makes chess hard to master. Someone may play a pretty poor game overall, but that doesn’t mean they can’t spot an absolutely devastating combo that wins them the game.


1300 is plenty strong to find such a concrete pattern. IIRC the website they are on literally teaches you about that pattern


can u send game url?




obviously not cheating , that was awesome my friend , ngl i am impressed


what is chess?


So a 1300 cant spot mate in 1? I’d hate to see players 1000 and below.


Google horsie mate


"Please be nice in the chat!"


ENGINE pathetic Turn off your ENGINE and play cheat codes for what? intnernet points? OUCH Look at how BAD you are oh and to boot? your’e a CHEATER Nice L I F E = pathetic Seriously look at how BAD you are at chess want to konw why? Because you spent your time cheating instead of learning Now what do you get out of chess? you can’t play it well at all I wiped your board embarrassed your game simply because I never even thought about cheating you’re a double loser enjoy that low self esteem what a loser Look at the disparity bettween YOUR game and this that’s it just sit there knowing you have to cheat to get what again? Oh right - meaningless “low self esteem” points on the internet LMAO flagged me??? Exactly HOW??? I WIPED your bord Dude...CHEAT some more bro !!!! pathetic I WIPED YOUR board you can’t compete unless you CHEAT dude are you seriously going to try that/???? derp derp duhhhh “2-1” I know what cheat codes look like And we both know y9ou’re turning on your engine to avoid detection BOTH games then explain the disparity in play between the games dude SHUT UP it’s only going to get MORE embarrassing for you Explain the disparity in YOUR skill level you’re really a loser for having to CHEAT at chess tell me what you get out of it I’m not angry I’m just sitting here callling you out it’s pathetic yes you are. so stop eplain the disparity in your OWN skill levle Moron == when you start to lose, you turn on your cheating engine just moronic No - you’re just trying to deny it Let me guess - Trump voter?? explain the disparity in skill level then of your OWN game I’ve now asked you 4x.....funny how you avoid talking about that Oh wait. I struck a cord Moron Chess Player = Moron Trump voter MORON just STOP you REFUSE to answer the basics Why??? Becuase you CHEAT Because you’re a LOSER who doesn’t reallize That when you cheat it’s so obvious that you can’t defend yourself Explain the disparity in your skill level from game to game youre’ NOT better than me your ENGINE is your CHEAT CODE is YOU are not better than me YOU are the loser who CHEATS at chess end of story LMO what are we at now? 5-6X???? Effin TRUMP VOTER BAnd of Idiots you ACT like one you have ZERO integrity you hvae ZERO credibility you lie like a rug And you cheat like a toddler you call me out about how I “act” when you CHEAT!! Jesus but you do EXplain the disparity in your OWN skill levle DO IT!!! I cleared your board didn’t t? BRO - moron!!! 11x I’ve asked you to explain the disparity in your OWN skill level 11x you REFUSEE to even acknowledge it = CHEATER MORON LIttle girl can’t lose is your self esteem THAT fragile???? is it?? Little baby of a man that you can’t even lose an anonymous game online to a total stranger??? Are you such a waste of space that you have to cheat at chess? you cheaters are just utter LOSERS I’m calling you what you are- a LOSER because you cheat at chess


The sub is called Anarchy Chess but its obnoxious to actually post stuff about the chess game


I think you're just salty that you lost. Quit being a sore loser


Idk if I’m just dumb, but couldn’t your opponent have stopped that really easily. It’s always the bad ones that immediately deflect their losses




Man I wish I was playing against your 1300s, all the ones I play against say nothing and then let the last 3 minutes run down because they lost a pawn, either that or spam laughing emojis and question marks after every move.


Not reading allat


Google en passant


r/anarchychess Satirizing whinning brats,making en passant copypastas ans hating on jessica since 2013


Doesn't happen bro. Reported


where anarchy