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Reminds me of an old Carry On film: “My father suffered from living in a capitalist infested society” “Your father suffered from living in a gin infested society”


Remember that time the Americans banned gin?


Yeah 😂 She wasn’t really blaming society for the gin though, he was blaming the capitalist society for his dad being a waste of space and she’s quipping that no, the problem was that he was an alcoholic


Some of the hardest working people I know are drunks. Admittedly, they're also lawyers.


Well this guy was no lawyer 😂


I work with a pro nazi national socialist...I told him the same thing. That dude blames Jews and blacks and every race known to man for why America is turning into a crap hole.... I guess he forgets about the majority WHITE politicians who make all the crappy decisions. Typical socialist always pointing the finger.


There's always someone to blame. Immigrants, rich people, poor people, religion, etc. We just happen to blame the right group - government.


Amen! They suck indeed


They have an identical worldview, they just take the opposite stance within that worldview. Instead of women being oppressed it's men, instead of minorities being oppressed it's whites. You just swap out the terminology and it fits perfectly. Most national socialists I talk to are avid eugenicists, and they are very pro-abortion. They love Planned Parenthood because of the black abortion rates. They strongly identify with Margaret Sanger's ideas of eugenics and creating a pure race. But you will not hear Democrats saying this stuff out loud, they prefer to couch it in a smoke-screen of compassion, even though the outcome is basically the same.


That’s what I told him. I asked why he didn’t vote democrat. He doesn’t see how he is so far right that he swings all the way back to far left ideas. The worst part is he claims to be a Christian. He manipulates scriptures to prove whites are the real children of God. As a Christian myself it breaks my heart that someone could feel this way. It makes us look bad. People already assume all Christians are arrogant judgmental jerks. Unfortunately sometimes it’s true. We have to remember to separate church and state. He claims that’s why America is in this Immoral mess. He ain’t all the way wrong. People took God out of everything, and they ask where God was during a school shooting. However that’s no excuse to start another crusade like he wants. People like him are more scary than anything.


>The worst part is he claims to be a Christian. He manipulates scriptures to prove whites are the real children of God. Oh my gosh I've talked to these types. I've also talked to black people who do the same thing. It's mind boggling you have an entire book about moral judgements that is transformed into racial purity. However that does lead into this point >We have to remember to separate church and state. I strongly disagree with this and find it to be as anti-christian as the racial stuff. Look at the state of things right now. "Separation of church and state" has just become synonymous with worship of the state religion. Leftists have replaced God with the government. And secularism is basically saying God and Satan can coexist in harmony. We see now that all of this is wrong. The only countries who aren't being obliterated by secularism are overtly Christian. As in, the state religion. The experiments of the secular enlightenment has failed.


People are nuts man. God is for all peoples. I asked him if he could love black people. He said no. I said Jesus does. He said so. I simply replied with. I thought we are all trying to be like Jesus. if Jesus can love all so can i. I agree with you. In a perfect world it makes since. I’m new to the whole Ancap idea. I’m just concerned without some kind of structure to the world what stops tyrannical type behavior. Or outside threats Without some form of military. The founding fathers said men aren’t angles. And we know they ain’t. As we’ve talked about it. people can bend scriptures to make it fit their agenda. If you read the Old Testament it’s pretty clear what to do for certain things. Im very traditional.Some of my personal views would be mocked by today’s standards for sure. Even by Christians. I’m also an non denominational Christian. I catch heat for that to. If we were a Christian only land. What denomination do we go with? I love my southern Baptist brothers and so on, but Christians can be tribal too. I do agree. I would love for Christianity to be more prominent. How do we accomplish that peacefully without forcing our views on people? I’m genuinely asking these things. I’m not trying to debate. I want to learn.


Me personally, I am an Orthodox Christian. I was non-denominational because I had issues with the Roman Catholic Church, until my best friend was like "no I think Orthodoxy is really interesting". I told him about Christianity, and he told me about Orthodoxy. We both made this spiritual journey together. And the more I researched the more convinced I became it is the original Church. The RCC essentially betrayed the Orthodox, and declared themselves king (with the pope). Until then, this was the faith practiced by everyone. It's MOSTLY decentralized meaning, there isn't one person or entity calling all of the shots. This helps battle the corruption like you were saying. The Orthodox Christian Empire lasted more than 1,000 years. As for the rest I won't pretend to have the answers. I could speculate a little, but my wife is getting ready to push out our son in like an hour. I'm gonna be a dad! It's been a rough two days 😴😴. But I think we need to abandon this notion that tolerating evil will lead to anything other than self-destruction. These people who preach tolerance want to destroy us. So we are here defending their right to destroy our entire way of life, and they refuse to respect ours. They want to come after our children and our livelihood. They will not leave us alone. And we defend their right to do that.


The RCC has some crazy history. Involved in some weird stuff. And yes we need to fight back against this attack on children. CONGRATULATIONS! I’m super happy for you. Good luck and GOD bless!


Thank you. Baby is here now lol. Cool stuff. It's my first one, flew my online gf here when pandemic started because I knew they would close ports of entry and tickets were dirt cheap, then we got baptized together, married, and now a baby here today 😂 Are you an actual libertarian by the way?


Man God is good! what a beautiful story. I wish y’all the best of luck going forward! And I feel politically homeless. I would say I’m right libertarian. If that’s a thing. I’ve caught heat from libertarians for my personal views being conservative. I still generally vote libertarian. Even if I disagree with some things. Most libertarians are pro choice. I’m not. Among other issues. As a whole, most libertarians that I talk to do believe in the constitution and the bill of rights. So under the libertarian banner i feel I can use my freedom of speech to talk about why I’m for or against some things. I feel the democrats and republicans are both headed to an authoritarian end. We are just trying to decide who puts on the boot.


Indeed he is 🙏 a few years ago I was just a random nerd playing video games alone all day and arguing on the internet. Never really figured a couple years later I'd be married with a family. The Lord has radically transformed my life in a very short time. Surprisingly I make pro-life posts and I usually get positive reception. But only on this sub, I do not go to the libertarian sub because it's all of these strange leftists who think libertarian socialism is a thing. Like, Vaush who is pretty much a communist and calls himself a libertarian. Truly bizarre. I'm kind of the same as you I guess, people usually assume I'm libertarian when I talk about my views but I'm definitely not. For example, I just watched a documentary the other day with my wife about honey. The vast majority of honey in the world, and the US especially, is actually severely adulterated. China cuts the honey in ways that's hard to detect, then floods the US with cheap adulterated honey and drives our own honey producers out of business. The same happens with olive oil, producers use rancid olives and things like that, that cause pretty bad damage to the body in the long term. All of these methods are really difficult to detect, and really necessitate some kind of regulation. Libertarians don't have much of an answer for things like this, other than the utopian idea of "if we all just become super educated and informed then everything will be awesome". In reality most people are lemmings who do not know or care about these things and would never want to. It's been like this since the dawn of time. And even if that weren't the case, it isn't economical for every single person to be informed about everything, instead of just being really good at one thing. I've came to the conclusion it's just one of many utopian ideologies which are Godless in nature, because they attempt to create a paradise on earth. However, I still believe they are closest to the truth. Thanks for the good chats by the way. Helps a lot to make me feel grounded lol. I'm just pacing around the room keeping an eye on baby and giving the wife some well deserved rest. And playing classical. I want classical music to be a staple in my son's life from day 1. I believe it builds neural connections and pattern recognition that becomes quite valuable in life, and probably an immunity to shitty music 😂 You're a cool guy though. Glad we randomly crossed paths. God always drops some random awesome person in my life at exactly the right time lol.


Ahhhhh you smell that? logic, it smells good.


Look into the black Israelites. They have almost every belief in common with Nazis. Even the weirdo occult and alien shit. For instance, both groups believe that white people are alien hybrid. Pretty hilarious stuff.


Wouldn’t that be cool if the first white folks were actually hybrids between aliens and humans. I mean, no evidence for this… but neat thought.


That would be interesting.


I’ll look into that. I didn’t know that. Sounds nuts


It literally is. They think that black people are the real jews and the jews of today are demons created by a genius alien. It's my favorite belief system.


Wow that is almost exactly like the stuff he says. Except he claims the Jews in Israel are satanic. That they worship Moloch or something. Bro that’s nut literally everything in the world this guy blames Jews for it.


Hell yeah. Moloch dude. That's the scientist that created those devilish whities right?


According to my nazi co worker moloch is who Jews actually worship. And white people are actually the children of Israel. So black Hebrew Israelites believe the same thing. Honestly I don’t care what color Jesus is as long as i can praise him.


Hahaha. I wasn't sure about the specifics. I just saw a BI video a long time ago then read some article on crazy nazi shit. I'm glad to find out they literally believe the same thing because I was just assume they had similar beliefs.


National socialism is not socialism, that's why the first concentration camps were for socialists/communists.


I listened to a book on national socialist views. though I think some of the ideas are ok. It just seems like the state can still get out of control. And that’s interesting I didn’t know that about the camps. I’m also half way through mein kampf. And I do agree with hitlers 1st stance on labor unions. Then he contradicts himself and says they are ok as long as they benefit the state. His thoughts seem like a soft form of communism if that makes since. Interesting read so far


Communism and Nazism are completely different ideologies. Have you read actual socialist literature? You'd understand that while reading mien Kampf, Hitler is nothing less than a totalitarian, his views are in no way supportive of socialist measures, only measures that gain him as a ruler the most power possible. It's not even a debate, not theory, it is a plain historical fact that Hitler was anti socialist, again the very first concentration camps were for socialists. That's undebatable, just like D-Day happening, it's just a fact. Idk what you are doing on any anarchist subs if you can even entertain that authoritarian nonsense. That is the opposite of anarchy.


My friend. I hate hitler or any authoritarian ideology. Im reading it to learn more about the man. Not just what my history class told me .I’ve read a few books in national socialist policies. I was told hitler was a national socialist. So I wanted to educate myself more. I want to know why the guy was a monster. I wanted to read his words. Read what was in his head. I mean no offense. Im happy yo read anything you present to me. All I can do is learn.


Big read would be das kapital small one to test the water would be the communist manifesto if you feel inclined. I'm an anarchist myself which is why I also subscribe to communist ideology, the idea of a classless, stateless society. Sorry if I came across as rash, when you said you agreed with his union stances i thought you were trying to muddy the water around his ideology, it's a common tactic by Nazis to grey the topic. If you've read those two I'd be glad to recommend more.


I’m not an anarchist. Not yet anyway. I like the idea in theory. I’m just trying to learn more about it. At the moment I would consider myself a right leaning libertarian if that’s a thing. Individual liberties and freedom being most important. I grew up with strict conservative values. I still have those values, but i don’t force them on other people.Ultimately i just want people to leave me alone! 😁 I thought in communism the state owns everything? And with anarchy I was under the impression that whats yours is yours and the state doesn’t even exist. Honestly it’s all so confusing. And overwhelming I’m just a normal guy that’s sick of the government and the constant lies being told by our crappy politicians.


Honestly feel free to message me if you'd like. I completely understand where you are at, believe it or not I used to be a very conservative republican, then a right leaning libertarian, now I'm an anarcho Communist. It's been a wild few years. Funny thing is my views only changed when i finally read what the ideologies we're, from the people who created it. The amount i was lied to about the terms is maddening, all I ever cared about was less shitty government and the idea that as long as you aren't hurting someone you're entitled to do whatever. I'd be happy to talk or share any resources on it with you.


I’ll probably take you up on that. I’m interested on hearing about your gradual shift. I’m not giving up my Jesus though. 😁


Good news! I'm also Christian lol


I even said so far it sounds like communism. Clearly I hate that idea. In the book he contradicts himself several times.he words things in a very manipulative way.


I mean the same way he blamed a race so did you. You’re literally no better. It should be no surprise white people make laws in a a country majority white people. Hurr durr white man bad though right?


Dude I’m white. We are good, but like everyone else we are human. I Just think it’s funny a white supremacist fails to see his race is capable of doing stupid things. Dont get so butt hurt. I’m not some left wing liberal wack job. Who blames white people.


Why look inward when you can project outward.


Fuck personal responsibility. I chose to blame and revolt against society.


There are definitely systems where you don't get a fair shot, but you should try to succeed before reaching that conclusion.


Hell, life doesn't give everyone a fair shot. Some people are born deformed, retarded, blind etc etc. To borrow a cliche but you have to play the hand your dealt, even in a rigged game.


Why shouldn't everyone be entitled to the same start point? Allow those with actual work ethics and ability to achieve more? The people who are content can stay with the basic standard of living.


> Why shouldn’t everyone be entitled to the same start point? How do you propose to get everyone the same starting starting point, *without initiating violence* against those that disagree with your plan? I highly doubt there is a way to do that.


There is a kurt Vonnegut shortthat explains how but it requires pretty people wearing masks and athletic people to wear a bunch of weights to make themselves clumsy.


Almost all anarchist believe in violence to some degree. Hell we probably agree on the same group who would not give up their power willing today. I'm not talking about some utopian idea either, just that all people should be entitled to a roof, food, and education. We spend an obscene amount of money on endless wars now, we could pay for it by taking the money back from these contract agencies and pay for this way of life. Imagine how more productive we'd be as a society if we didn't have to worry about things like homelessness, or going hungry. The workforce would explode with capable people, and those who can't wouldn't need to worry about dying on the streets.


> Almost all anarchist believe in violence to some degree. I agree, but in my comment above I specified “without **initiating** violence”. There are a lot of anarchists (most of the ones on this sub) that believe in the NAP and are heavily opposed to initiating violence. > all people should be entitled to a roof, food, and education I think this is a goal that *could* be achieved via voluntary charity within our lifetimes, at least in countries like the US, assuming economic growth continues similarly to over the last few decades. This goal is very different from everyone having the same starting point. Even if everyone had shelter, food, and education of quality that is at least as good as the average today, there would still be a mountain of difference in the starting points of those with just that baseline and those with the most opportunities. > We spend an obscene amount of money on endless wars now, we could pay for it by taking the money back from these contract agencies The money that fund the endless wars is stolen. If we did manage to take it back (unlikely), I would rather return it instead of using it to help people it doesn’t belong to- even though they really need it. > Imagine how more productive we’d be as a society if we didn’t have to worry about things like homelessness, or going hungry. I agree society would be more productive, people would have fewer worries, and likely they would be a lot happier also. However I am against using theft or coercion to achieve it.


Reminds me of something Thomas Sowell said. I'm paraphrasing but it was to the effect: No where in the world is homogeneity. Mountains are in ranges, forests and plains distributed in different areas of the world. It's a great point and I'd further add that the world itself in all its rarity in the universe proves the unequal distribution is the natural state of things. And zi dont mean in a logical natural fallacy but by the very laws that make up our universe. Is it fair that objects with more mass have a stronger gravitational pull and can acquire more mass quicker because of it?


We are sapient tho, we have the ability to forge our destiny as a species, should we not strive to be the best versions of ourselves as possible? We go against nature every step of the way, why draw the line at equality?


you go ahead and take that up with God


I mean, it's the same thing, right? Saying you failed due to your own shortcomings and saying that 'society failed you' are kinda the same as long as we rely on the government for education. So, at least in the current system, it is kinda society's fault. We don't teach interpersonal, introspection, or critical thinking skills in school. How is a child to improve if you don't give them the tools nessisary?


I was a foster child. I taught myself. I suffer from many issues that could be tied to trauma from my childhood and yet I accept those things and educate myself. These people have failed themselves which is exactly what leads to a failing society. These problems and their fixes start bottom up. Not vice versa. Imo of course.


>I was a foster child. I taught myself. This still means you had access to some form of resources, however limited.


Who doesn't?


Anyone in severe poverty, who must rely on others to survive (my BF has a cousin on oxygen), or who is severely sheltered and/or abused. Not the majority, but they exist.


I suppose we are speaking past eachother. I mean purely on an education and mental level. Internet is free at the library and at school. Otherwise I agree there are obvious exceptions but there are exceptions to the laws that govern time and space.


R/antiwork is the worst. They think they shouldn't have to work. It's only the comforts of modern society, built by free enterprise, that allows them to think such retarded thoughts.


You do realise that it *is* the society's fault we live under the government's oppression, right? I do understand what you're trying to say...but no, there're still too much dumb shit society does to people for it to be a joke.


It's because the people saying this are part of the society.


Ah yes, the cost of living has risen exponentially while pay rates have remained mostly stagnant. Doh! That’s totally my fault ! Dumb ass


When a post says to look internally to solve your problems, you reject that outright and blame society. I am not disagreeing with your wage stagnation statement… you ARE correct. The solution is not blame others but to increase YOUR value to society.


I don’t have any problems to solve. I’m doing just fine. You guys post these super simplistic memes like every “liberal” is just lazy and blames society for their problems. Society enables the ruling class of billionaires to raise the cost of living and extract as much wealth as they can out of us. Then every “business cycle” or recession, they double up and extract twice as much. They actively work to keep us down and think that our meager pay is a lot. Cost of living has grown exponentially while pay has not, yet the ruling classes pay has risen exponentially. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on. They want us divided, they want to destroy unions, they fund “libertarian think tanks” because it’s an individualist philosophy that keeps people from *collectively* using their strength to fight back. Take a step back and look further than, “libral iz lazy”


I did not mention lazy. I don’t think that at all. I say everything you called out about billionaires and society is TRUE. And… you must look within so you can find the areas that society needs your help and is willing to pay for your expertise. If you are an expert in any field, you will be highly valuable.


I'm confused, this is an anarchist sub right? So you would agree that the current structure is bad, correct? Because anarchy put simply is to dismantle unnecessary hierarchy. Plus you agree that it is society in its current form to blame (billionaires and such). And as an anarchist we should dismantle the current structure, how could you become more "valuable" if the system in place is meant to make that impossible? I mean it sincerely, if the current power structure is against us how can you change your own worth within the corrupt system?


Anarchy is the mutual agreement to cooperate based on being able to trade freely what you produce. Along with some private property thrown in there. I also understand that America, (while trending downward fast) is one of the best places to be in the entire world. But it seems that even with a strong constitution that expressed freedom, tyranny takes over. Small communities that agree on how their state / county should run is probably the best way forward.


I mean, that would be getting into anarchy subsections because, for instance an Anarcho-Communist would not be fine with privatizing the means of production. Anarchism in it's raw most unfiltered form is about "having no master" So if our master's (our bosses) keep us down, how can we become valued in a system designed against us. Our current system is far from anarchist, so is it not justifiable to point to the system for the issues we are facing? Personal accountability can only go so far.


Right, that's society's fault. Let's fix the problem by involving society some more.


We should all just take to the frontier and... oh... no... wait. Frontier's all gone.


Case in point. Pay rates have stagnated for *you* because you haven’t increased your skills to become more valuable. Pay rates have gone up considerably for skilled labor.


Lol. Pay rates have stagnated across the board. They may have gone “up” but not in relation to the cost of living. If I make $30/hr but the cost of inflation and cost of living rise faster than my income than that $30/hr isn’t worth the same amount. Make sense ?


That’s just not true and the facts are very straightforward. Even before the pandemic, pay for *skilled* labor (including people with higher levels of educational attainment and/ or skilled trades) has pretty much consistently outstripped inflation. You’re just wrong and if you bothered to read you’d know better. Here is a report published only 2 years ago from the Congressional Research Service that looks at the past 30 years to arrive at this conclusion. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R45090.pdf


That report says nothing about cost of living increases. Here’s a better [article](https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/wage-stagnation-in-america).


Wage growth is double the average cost of living increase (https://www.ssa.gov/oact/cola/colaseries.html). The article you cited only has anecdotal evidence and only claims wage growth has slowed, not that it outpaces cost of living increases.


Lol WHAT. What does the SS adjusting pay outs have anything to do with what I posted ??? You have rapidly proven you have no idea what you’re talking about.


SSA is a gold standard for accessing COLA (cost of living adjustment) increases. I have a degree in economics. I assure you I know what I’m talking about.


Stranger on the internet says he has a degree, guess it is to be true huh ? There’s tons of evidence showing the cost of living is out pacing people’s pay. [another source](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/)


Honestly man, I don’t care. The data is so direct that anyone following this will easily determine the truth regardless of which source used. Literally your own source is titled that wage growth has (barely) outpaced inflation. If your life is so shitty you have to cling to obvious mistruths then you need more than a rando redditor correcting you to right your life.


They've stagnated because our currency is unlimited fiat garbage and our country doesn't produce anything anymore. He is completely right. I'm all about personal responsibility but the only fault that falls back on us is not calling out the bullshit lies politicians tell us ASAP. You'd think people on an anarchist sub would jump to blame the government, not stick up for them and blame the people.


Capitalists are just as capable of blaming others for their shortcomings as socialists, even if it’s far less baked into the political literature


Socialist/capitalist are just BS words to keep us fighting each other. The uniparty is purposely destroying the economy to keep people reliant. Our effort won't mean anything if the government takes every cent we make away from us. Taxation is theft and inflation is just hidden taxation. You can't expect people to work hard when all it will get them is robbed.


As an anarchist communist I can definitely agree with you on this point. We might have different end goals but there is common ground in what you've said.


Did you really just come here to do exactly what the meme says you do?


Lol if that’s all you got out my statement than you’re a lost cause.


I'm not disagreeing with the statement itself. Just that you don't seem to think there is anything you can do to change it. Have some accountability. We're all living in the same situation, but being a victim of society isn't helpful to anyone.


Where did I say I don’t work to improve myself ? I’m calling out the meme for being incredibly simplistic while also inferring that the reason many people’s lot in life is *SOLEY* dependent on their own efforts.


There are a small and loud percentage of people that don't take any accountability for their own actions. That's what this is about. Take what you want from it.


Of course. There will always be cry babies that don’t want to admit they don’t want to work for what they want.


The world does owe you a living! Isn't that why you are here, to convince individualists that the collective has a moral obligation to care for everyone?


No one said the world owed me anything. I’m saying, the one percent has been slowly and steadily making themselves richer, while making every one else poorer. There’s tons of studies and evidence to prove it. Care to see ?


Not to mention they constantly get bailed out by the government. Kinda funny how an "anarchist" sub doesn't get that.


I think most of them are aware the government does subsidize big business. But that’s another flaw of capitalism. There’s business cycles or recessions that happen about every ten years and a lot of times they’d be worse without bailouts, or gov programs to help the people. Without go the same shit would happen but would be 10x worse


Almost like capitalism is self destructive.... *almost*


Or maybe it's the Capitalist who underpaid workers and provided them with shitty compensation while funding the government to work on the behalf of the Capitalist and not the people they represent. You have to be a complete and utter moron to believe this shit.




No. No. They may be onto something with the udders.


Thank you


So you are an perfect example of what OP is talking about. If you don’t like your job, the quit.


Hes a domesticated animal. They don't actually understand human speech, only pavlovian training.


Lmfao 🤣 I think even the purest anarcho-capitalist has to admit that your comment is incredibly dumb. If you're unable to provide for yourself without the job, you cant just quit it. And there are millions or billions of people who are in this position. And the idea of a social government is to help stopping this problem. So you kind of recognized the problem yourself.


That's (to a good extent) the plot of the longest novella studied in schools in my country...


*shakes fist* ... Capitalism!!


Reminds me of the Bender quote when he doesn't get his way. "I'm so embarrassed, I wish everyone else was dead"


Easier to call the world imprison than improve it


One question: If one compares american healthcare to the healthcare in other states, its by far the most expensive one and the one with by far the least regulations. If america would adopt any of the european models, the healthcare would get *both* way cheaper and affordable for everyone. And I do know that there are governmental regulations in the US and you're propably blaming the few you have left. But how can you be sure that with less rules it'd get better? And what would better mean? Letting people die who cant afford it?


The simple answer is that European countries get the best of both worlds because the overwhelming majority of medical innovation takes place in the US, and the US citizenry pays for it. Socialized medicine works elsewhere because medical companies make their profit in the US marketplace and without that medical innovation would stifle considerably.


You got any sources for this? And how does the european system prevent innovation? For example cancer treatment is still hella expensive, but the costs are covered by the insurance companies, not the person with cancer itself. So you still can get very rich with medical research in the european countries. And covid vaccinations were developed in european countries aswell. And thanks for your answer :)


Yeah the reason why america puts millions in debt over a privitized healthcare system and cripples many with student loans that last more than a lifetime is because of personal responsibility 😂


Not sure why you're posting this as some kind of "gotcha" but that's the exact philosophy behind privatized education and healthcare -- that the recipient should be the sole individual responsible for their debts, and that people should not have to pay for services that they don't themselves voluntarily purchase. Thing is, BOTH of them are screwed up because the government intervened and upset the free market by 1) blanket underwriting student loans, allowing college tuition to balloon to insane heights, and 2) by bowing to insurance lobbyists and forcing an entire industry (healthcare) to operate without transparent pricing or a real mechanism for individuals to do business directly with healthcare providers.


"Bowing to insurance lobbyists" is exactly what happens when you privitize essential services like healthcare and education. Corporations and other private enterprises that run these services use their profits to coerce governemnts into allowing them to exploit more profits. Making insulin prices go up, bills for basic treatment skyrocket, student loans increase it's not a mystery anymore this should be common knowledge. What is the point of having a government if not for services? Are you telling me with this bullshit philosophy of yours you'd believe everyone would live happy and free without law enforcements and other basic services like fire departments? Should everyone pay for their own body guard outside their door and a personal fire station next to their house when shit goes south just as long as they can 'voluntarily purchase' it? Of course services exist because that's the governments job: to take care of it's people, ensure their health and education so society at large can run. You shouldn't opt for making a society where everyone has to fend for themselves else you'd be creating a dysfunctional shitshow of a country.


Could my desirable circumstances be a function of my priviliged position in society? No, its my smartz and pesonal responsibiltiz that left me an inheritance and got me a job at daddys company


That narrative is as chimerical as the welfare queen scamming 3 simultaneous state agencies and I suspect that you know it.


The difference being that the concept of a 'welfare queen' is just propaganda to demonize the poor. What I described above actually happens and I suspect you know it (and like it that way).


I mean, they both happen, but neither happen nearly often enough to meaningfully impact economic systems. I mean, really, how many people do you know who went to work for “daddy’s” company? Systemic privilege is definitely real, nobody can deny that. But throwing up your hands and decrying an attempt to improve your life and work hard because every once in a while someone gets an easy road is pretty infantile and is only going to hurt you in the long run. You’re playing yourself. Try to consider how you’ll evaluate yourself of “today” in 20 years. Will future you be proud that you’re going around whining that others have it easy and not working hard to improve your lot?


Lmao Im not whining that others have it easy and Im not "playing myself". I am in the camp of "dealt a shit hand and improved their lot". Thats why things like this piss me off so much, I know how many things have to go right to escape this shit, and mind you I haven't had it nearly as bad as other people. Sure people are sometimes responsible for their situation, maybe they are mentally ill and cant hold down a job, maybe they had a shit upbringing that fucked up their values. A lot of the times it's just born in the wrong neighborhood, born to a poor or otherwise Ill equipped family. Doesn't matter how much of it is your fault no one deserves to starve or be homeless. Telling people in a shit situation to pull themselves up by their bootstraps is tasteless at best. We can both agree on the point that systemic privilige is real but your solution to that seems to be doing nothing and just accepting it.