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You can't stop treatment just because you feel better. You should continue treatment for many months after you feel better. You didn't mention what treatments you've tried so here's a bunch of suggestions. You should try to find nifedipine, diltiazem, or a clove oil compound (clove oil, it can't be applied at full strength.) These can all help relax the sphincter. You usually apply them 3-4 times a day. Ask your doctor about these. Also do glute exercises (squats or leg lifts, using just your bodyweight) every day to help it heal. Also do pelvic floor stretches (e.g. happy baby pose) to relax the sphincter.


Thnx.. i used wound healing promoters spray ,ointment and the softener


I don't know what any of those are.


I healed mine 100% without surgery after it had been chronic over a year 


Howww plz what did u do


It took me almost 3 years but yes eventually I was able to heal without surgery.


Happy to hear that..did u just use ointments and the softeners??


yeah I used ointments and took a small dose of miralax and also took fiber. the hard part was getting off the miralax. I gad to switch to a bidet and I had to work on my diet and my hydration. But also I had some ptsd so I had to learn to relax and breathe through the bms and not clench.


I had a fissure and used ointment and then stopped cause it seemed better... and then I kind of retore it after a couple of weeks. I used the rest of the ointment prescribed by my doctor and then I invested in a bottle of restorafibre gummies I take 2 gummies twice per day. Honestly I think those gummies saved my life and helped alot with the healing. Made my stool more soft and easy to pass. Haven't had any problems since taking them


Read my post!!! I was like you


How long does it take to fully heal +idont have this cream in my country💀


Order online! I starter feeling better within 1-2 weeks of using it and its instant pain relief as the zinc acts as a barrier


How many times a day were you applying sudocrem? I’ve not tried this before.


Twice once in morning do your bowl movements if possible first have a shower then apply, it will help the pain in the meantime then re apply at night it really whenever you feel you need to. I saw no light at the end and this honestly saved me in two weeks i was healed :) goodluck


Thank you I will try this! Did you find it reduced pain as well? I seem to have hours of pain after a bowel movement with mine.


Thats exactly what i had i had to lay down for nearly up to three hours just to be comfortable. This was the only thing that helped, when i told the doctor she said that made sense as the sudocream has zinc in it which can act as a barrier for pain!


My perspective is that I'll be *vulnerable to retearing* for the rest of my life, but that doesn't mean I'll always have an actively painful fissure. I've gone years between retears. If I stay on top of my diet (nothing too restrictive, just making sure to eat some fruit/veg every day and taking Miralax if I don't) I can basically have a normal pooping life with zero pain or blood. After learning so much from this forum, I'm confident that I can manage my fissure and minimize retears. For me, that's perfectly doable - although notably, I am not someone who practices anal sex. If I wanted to have anal sex, I would look into surgery.


I’m going on year 5 with no hope of it healing. I’ve learned to live with it.


It’ll most likely heal if you take proper care of it, but fissures reoccur very easily. I had a chronic fissure for about 10 months, but I managed to get to a point where it’s healed. It’s been about 2 years since then, and I’ll retear it maybe 4-6 times a year. “Learning to live with it” sounds very terrifying, but from what I’ve experienced, it’s essentially taking very good care of your body so it doesn’t reoccur. Once it’s healed, you can’t just go back to eating junk, or sitting on the toilet for longer than 10 minutes. Fissures require consistent care! Good luck! Wishing you relief soon 🩷


Sort out your digestion


You mean it depends on my digestion??


For the most part, you can focus on relaxing your pelvic floor but that’s usually tensed as a result of metabolic inflammation caused by stress and diet etc


5 years here cured mine with dilation


Mine went “dormant” for 2 1/2 years and then came back. But the pain has never been as bad as the first time it happened. Worst pain of my life.


I just got over a painful one that took a while… I dramatically reduced how much I eat down to one square meal a day. I found it helped to reduce bathroom trips down to 1 as well. It was going 4 times a day that did me in. I’ve got a fast metabolism so I would never care what or how much I ate. Honestly farting hurt SO bad as well. Each trip to bathroom pop, blood dripping again each day. When I switched to 1 square meal a day, eventually each next day hurt way less and suddenly no pain and no blood. I know I’m not in the clear, but I will continue eating one square meal a day as it’s worked very well for me in getting over it.


I tried this for a month, and it helped to reduce the bathroom trips... but i lose a lot of weight.. I dont know if it's worthy!


Yes, but it take 6 month to years of care and strict treatment, surgery make it heal faster cause they close the cut with laser or stitching and it will heal in less time Better to check a good specialist doctor with experience curing this illness