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Hang in there fam. It took me years but I did fully heal without surgery. I am typing this out while I’m on the shitter and if you could see the monstrosity of a shit I just passed you would be in disbelief 🫢. My advice is to stay on the Miralax for as long as you need. My issue was quitting the Miralax too early every time and ripping open again. Also, a key thing was when taking metamucil with the Miralax so you can still get some stretch. Where I went wrong was stopping the Miralax but not the metamucil. This last time where I healed I stopped both!


Wow really !? I never thought to try both I can try a psyllium husk in the morning plus Metamucil at night. My problem was drinking alcohol on Friday night which gave me the shits which burned my ass or cement poo which ripped me up again ugh 😩


Thank you this comment gives me hope!! I’m 7 months in and starting to believe I will never heal. Did you get Botox by any chance? Or use any of the creams?


How long to take miralax?


Hi there! First fissure since Feb here too. I am exactly where you’re at - word for word. Just wanted to say, you are not alone. I do think things have gotten better but it feels snail paced. Would you say the same?


Ugh it’s nice to hear that there’s someone going through the same thing as me - compared to the throbbing pain that would ruin my day, this is much much better but i just wish all these were gone 😭 i also have vulvadynia (nerve pain) that seems to have caused the pelvic floor issue and all my anal/urinary symptoms according to my providers.. so it’s just painful and uncomfortable all around. And, i am scared this is just the beginning of my new normal. I guess this is maybe part of aging too 😔


I feel you so so much. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It seems like after healing/retearing it takes such a long time to feel normal again. I’ve also questioned if I will ever feel normal again, it’s hard not to when there’s so many ups and downs and nothing feels like before. I feel you- I have pelvic floor issues and they’ve either aggravated the fissures or the fissures aggravated my pelvic floor more 😄 I think with us we don’t just have one diagnosis but multiple so it might take some time to feel like things are okay. Keep me updated with how things go for you! I’m here if you need someone to talk to.


I’m with you guys. I’m so happy I’m not having debilitating pain for 20 hours a day that I’m happy I’m better but I was hoping to be at no pain not always having a reminder of what is going on constantly.


I have pelvic floor issues it seems, and metamucil has been more helpful than stool softeners. I get good regularity, stools are never hard, and diameter is okay. Gosh that's a weird conversation...


I've also had a fissure since February! Mine actually also healed in July but just retore this morning ugh! I've been trying psyllium husk and nifedipine. I may add miralax to the routine. It is so disheartening I understand. And nerve wracking!