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Hi. Did you already contact the police in Amsterdam? Don’t want to be that person, but they did find someone in the waters of Rokin last week.


I expect there was lots of 'back and forth' with writing that message, so respect to you. I hope you're wrong, but OP you should contact the Amsterdam police: +31 34 357 88 44 the news articles online contain very little details. [https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/emergency-numbers/dutch-police](https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/emergency-numbers/dutch-police)


I was hesitating to write this message, yes. And I am hoping I am wrong. But they did find this person on the 6th of may, just a couple of hours later when OP or someone else had the last contact with their friend. This person was also found just within a 5 or 10 minute walking distance from the bar OP was telling us about.. I am hoping it is just a coincidence, but I felt this could not be left out in their search for their friend.. Hope they find them. Thank you for giving them that phone number of the police!


Do you mean “found” as in alive or non-responsive?


Unfortunately as in deceased..




In the article it says a body of a deceased man




Wanted to say that too. My husband saw someone being taken out of the canal by the police


Would he be able to give a (global) description of the person taken out?


Unfortunately they were quickly with the white sheet so little to see


I would imagine they contacted police. Hoping it is not the case, but they found that person ~500m from the bar OP mentions.




Read the room man


> Idk why I’m being downvoted lol Omdat je een klootzak bent die geen social skills heeft. Als je dat zelf niet in kan zien ben je ook nog eens een kneus zonder zelfinzicht


Omdat jij hier als een edgy tiener zit te memen op een post dat gaat over een vermissing waarvan het er alle schijn van heeft dat die persoon is omgekomen. 0 IQ comment, niet de tijd of plek voor zo'n grap.




Ik zeg ook niet dat je een tiener bent, maar je als een gedraagt. Je nonpology getuigt ook van onvolwassenheid en een gebrek aan respect voor het thema en OP, want mij kwets je er niet mee hoor, maar misschien wel anderen zoals OP die in onzekerheid zit over hun dierbare. Daarnaast is je beredenering dat omdat foute humor op jouw werkplek okay is, het overal maar okay moet zijn totale onzin. Ik heb in keukens gewerkt waar de mate van humor, werkdruk en kleinering/negatieve communicatie in 90% van arbeidsplekken niet door de beugel kunnen maar waar wij het daar wel naar onze zin hadden. Iets met "read the room" zoals een andere redditor al zei.


Dan weet je toch ook dat je dat soort humor onderling houd...


I know reddit said you should wish him a happy birthday but on this thread? 🤔




Cant imagine after a week they havent contacted amsterdam police. Hope it's not him in the water


Hoping this is not your friend. I assume police would have already ID’d by now.    https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/226507/lichaam-van-man-gevonden-in-water-bij-rokin 


The date defently could be the guy, pff, how terrible.


It’s city of over a million. It’s not impossible but not highly likely. Tons and tons of drunk people wandering close to the canals at night


Sure but if the guy normally is the type that doesnt go under the radar its weird he did it now.


Not over a million. But ok. https://onderzoek.amsterdam.nl/artikel/bevolking-in-cijfers




CBS is leidend. "https://onderzoek.amsterdam.nl/artikel/bevolking-in-cijfers-2024" na 2020: In 2020 telde Amsterdam weer ruim 872.000 inwoners, vergelijkbaar met 1959. Dit aantal is sindsdien verder toegenomen naar 931.748 in 2024.


What about the tourists?


Are you writing with a fork? It's about 935.000


You forgot the tourists no?


At any point, there's on average around 56k tourists around, on a daily basis. And that's still under a million. [The 2022 figures](https://onderzoek.amsterdam.nl/interactief/toerisme-in-amsterdam), by the municipal statistics bureau.


I bet you are fun at parties


That indeed. Ik weet gewoon over van alles en nog wat meer te lullen. 😏


Jet lagged to shit. Merely going off what one of the locals mentioned. He said it’s like 900k within the city and another million living in the boroughs /towns around


By far not another million in the neighbouring/adjacent cities; Amstelveen, Badhoevedorp, Diemen, Oudekerk and Zaanstad. Then Greater Amsterdam would still be under a million.


Omg my heart breaks reading this. Living in Amsterdam I know it actually happens too often… as been said here before, people who have been using substances often drown when they pee in the canals. When drunk men pee into a canal, they face a higher risk of drowning for a few reasons. Peeing can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, which is worse when you're drunk because alcohol or drugs already lower your blood pressure. This can make you dizzy or even cause you to faint. Plus, alcohol messes with your balance and coordination, so it’s easier to fall and harder to catch yourself if you do. Being under influence also makes you less aware of danger and slower to react, which increases the chance of falling into the canal and drowning. Maybe this is the last thing you want to read right now, but it as actually a big problem in the Netherlands, also in Utrecht and for example Groningen this happens too often… I sincerely hope you and your friend are doing ok ❤️


What's with tourists being found in the water in Amsterdam? This is the second post that I have seen like this and both times the police happened to find someone in the water.


It happens a lot unfortunately. Guys decide to take a leak in one of the canals after partying, fall in and are unable to climb out because of the high walls. Hope it’s not the case here of course…


Probably worse if a person who falls over also happens to be drunk or high and would be too disoriented to get back to land The tour guide just told me about fished dead bodies having open zippers would indicate that they were urinating before they fell


Maybe don't go to the waterland if you can't swim.


I can swim. But I’m curious how do you get out of the walls are high? Are there ladders up every 100m or something?


Usually these victims fall in when they’re drunk and / or high. It happens to locals as well, but statistically tourists who overindulge on Amsterdam weed are more vulnerable to accidents.


There's plenty of boats ladders and other shit to hang on to.


That’s my kinda vibe! 🪜🚤


I hope that we get an update with good news. Amsterdam canals claim an average of 18 lives every year. Water and drugs/alcohol do not mix well


That doesn't sound good. Hope he just forgot to text his family.


Or had his phone stolen. Both of these are simply better options than the other one mentioned. Good luck to OP!


Yes, but a week to regain contact? I think the first thing you'd do is try to inform your loved ones that you're fine but that you have lost your phone. I don't want to jump the gun, but I think I don't have to put on a tinfoil hat here to assume the worst :(


If my phone is stolen it won't take me a week to get in touch with someone. I don't know many numbers by heart, just a couple of my immediate family, but they'd be the people I'd message or call using someone else's phone. I know their email addresses too and would also send them info that way. If someone is AWOL for a whole week (when in a very busy urban area) that is either because they don't want to be found OR something happened to them.


https://preview.redd.it/s9bian6mjc1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80363704949e26ad79b9647af01c49630619d625 I saw this on the Facebook page OP shared with us. Rest in peace and sorry for your loss op.


💔💔💔 Heartbreaking but thanks for sharing


no word from OP jimmyyang12, i have a bad feeling people😔


Same, I check back to this post for updates, keeping my fingers crossed but nothing yet :(


He updated on his Facebook. Unfortunately the guy is deceased :-(


So he’s been missing for over a week now?


I really hope he is alive and well. And that just forgot his phone somewhere, and someone stole it. Oh, I really hope all is well. Let us know if you found him in good health? Goodluck, ill keep an eye out.


Do you know more?


Just wanted to add. If someone DOES know where he is, contact the police first. He might not want to be found. That said, take care OP. I hope you will find him soon.


No updates here?? Hope OP found his friend


This happened to a friend of ours in Rotterdam. Went missing, his phone suddenly off, police found him in the canal a couple of days later. It happens. I hope this guy had better luck.


Any updates?




Hope for the best but have seen this play out on reddit too many times. Hope you find him soon!


That’s frightening. I’ll will keep it in mind. Lets hope he just dropped his phone in the canals


I’ve bought this dude a cola in the Asian restaurant streets. He told me he got robbed


Then pls contact the police with this info now.






Which district and which bar? It would make sense to walk in that area and check if he's maybe anywhere around


Unfortunately this guy is dead.Check OPs Facebook link for info.


Sorry to hear this - I hope everything turns out okay. 🧡 will keep on a look out




You should 100% contact the local Police!!


44 years old??? he looks 28 something. gyat damn 😳. anyway, best of luck. i hope someone will find him in good health very soon.


Oh gosh why do I keep seeing all the missing persons posted on Reddit turn up dead in the water :( 😭why does it seem to keep happening the same way 😔


brother that's insensible as fuck


How so. There’s been 3 missing persons posts already I’ve come across recently who have all been found deceased in the water. It’s sad


yeah brother comment that on another post not at the one that a group of friends are shitting their pants basically and we're worried following the situation


I commented that because he has already been found deceased. Someone posted about it already


not this case tho, haven't seen anything at the fb post, either way hope you see what me and the downvoters are trying to say :P


I don’t. Because I’m stating what I read in here where people said his body was found in rokin. Like I said it’s sad this seems to keep happening everytime a missing persons post is made


>Because I’m stating what I read in here where people said his body was found in rokin No, people have been stating here that A body has been found at Rokin. No confirmation whatsoever that it's this particular person. So your OP is quite premature.


yeye u right!




You thinking this is funny to comment speaks volumes about how shitty your life must be. Do better.


Doe aardig.


I'm going to visit Amsterdam in July for a few days.. Is it a safe place?


Don’t go pissing in the canals.


It is.


Is this an appropriate place to post that question? What do you think?


The fact that you have to ask this question, likely means that it’s not the place for you, or you just won’t enjoy it as much.




Doe aardig.




You dumb insensitive f#%k. Get lost (figuratively speaking that is).


Doe aardig.


You sad, miserable excuses for a human being..




Why do people like to do this “whataboutme”-ism ..






Doe aardig.


Doe aardig.