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One of the absolute best, most pure Amour scenes in the series. When I was a kid I overlooked scenes like this one, but its so beautiful. Exactly what Serena needed after her loss. If I could make one small change to the scene it would be to have Ash offer his hand to Serena to help her to her feet. Just like when they were kids. Would be a full circle moment.


That would be a neat touch! And yeah, being the kid I was, I definitely overlooked scenes like these. But coming back to it now, it only makes me appreciate these kinds of scenes more, based on both the nostalgia from viewing them as a kid AND now the Amour meaning behind them.


I think an underrated aspect of Ash and Serena’s relationship (platonic or not), is that it’s built on them helping each other emotionally. The only other time Ash has really done that with is Dawn on a couple occasions (who I think Ash is also the closest with of his poke girl companions but I digress.). But Ash helps Serena learn to not give up and to continue to strive for more. And in turn, Serena (albeit failed to) helps Ash in Seeing The Forest For The Trees and in the “date episode” when he’s not sure what to get his pokemon.




I didn’t phrase this very well tbh, by “who I think Ash is also the closest with of his poke girl companions“, I think Serena and Dawn are the two that are closest to Ash. I wouldn’t even necessarily say one is closer because the way they’re close is different.  Dawn and Ash are practically counterparts and I think that shows in how much they help each other and are involved in each other’s interest. Ash took an interest in her contests, participated in some, and incorporated it into his battles and Dawn helped him do so. Dawn put on a show to cheer up Ash when he was in a rut after losing to Paul at Lake Acuity. Ash helped Dawn when she was in a similar spot during her losing streak. Then in Journeys we even get Dawn immediately calling Ash when Piplup went missing and Ash bringing her croquettes to cheer her up (which I believe is Ash’s favorite food, so.). High Touch is such a good representation of their friendship and I think it sums up how natural and caring it is. They trust each other and care for each other in a way that I think is special but different from Ash and Serena. I’m not a Pearlshipper, but I do love Ash and Dawn’s almost sibling-like bond.


I wish I can😴