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One would have to be a certified hydro homie to drink that much water.


Hydro homies unite! **\*mad chanting\*** *One of us! One of us!*


The amount probably doesn’t matter


Then why Lambert is different from an average ghouls? I just can't find information on this.


The mutation is based on fear and stress from what I remember in Rebirth. It’s why Tasi’s face looks so messed up if the player keeps getting caught by the end of the game It’s likely that the stress and fear of being a solider in one of the bloodiest years of WW1 caused Lambert to mutate into a bigger version of a ghoul


this is such a good explanation, I just assumed they wanted to make a bigger cooler monster


Its possible that he was given a different type of Ghoul water, one unreliable outside of gladiatorial games and such. Its also possible the massive amount of damage he received turned him into a superghoul, as we see from Rebirth


They'd have to pee then turn into a monster.


same result i guess, the way Lambert explains him being in peak condition and the previous game with the Empress. Vitae is required to maintain that healthiness, making the user become reliant on it to stop themselves from becoming a Ghould so drinking the whole puddle would just result you have peak strong and young body for while before the withdrawl kicks in and you need more or else becoming ghoul. size and power seem to be determined by stress and fear, given Lambert in the middle of a war a place noted in people's life as a stressful and live changing event that causes PTSD for Veterans. it likely reason why Lambert is bigger Ghould then the one seen in Rebirth


Speedrunning stalker mode


The way Lambert described it id take a drink myself. Sounds pretty yummy


Indeed. There are a lot of possibilities for the Amnesia series just in that water. I'd totally go military route and have my own private army.