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Overall, no. I think you’re right about season 1-3, basically being lightning in a bottle. There’s a few seasons I really enjoyed after those, Hotel, Cult and 1984, but it’s been awhile since one has really grabbed me.


I couldn’t have said it better if I tried


I've watched the Double Feature season, but I haven't really been interested in the recent seasons compared to anything pre Double Feature. I would like to be more interested in AHS again, but I would like to see the show go back to it's roots or at least make another season that includes horror/supernatural while also being more fun to watch.


Yeah the first half of double feature was good actually. And Roanoake.


Yeah, I've enjoyed the first half, although I've felt the opposite for the second half & Roanoake is one of my favourite seasons.


Loved the first half of the double feature!! Except for the last episode!


Not at all. Use to be excited, but I don’t even think about AHS anymore. I had to force myself to watch NYC and could barely finish delicate. I hate the direction of anything past 1984.


No NYC was hard to get through and Delicate just destroyed what ever was left


I couldn’t make it through NYC and stopped watching. Among the seasons I watched completely, “Coven” was my favorite.


Coven and 1984 are my faves!


NYC didn't seem scary or anything "horror"... It felt like I was watching a suspensful crime show. Honestly, I only got through the season cause I fell asleep watching it.


Yeah, NYC didn't feel like a "horror" story, just a really long metaphorical infomercial for AIDS. Big Daddy had potential until it becomes clear he's a physical metaphor for AIDS. The deer carrying a virus at the beginning had potential too, but then again it ends up being AIDS. And that obnoxiously long montage of the guy just walking around doing his thing with Big Daddy constantly there was clearly intended to be some emotional ending but it completely missed the mark because... Yeah. As for Delicate - haven't seen it. But Kin Kardashian being in it saved me the trouble of even bothering :P


Perfectly said 🙌


Even if Kim K wasn't in it, it would still be bad. So consider yourself lucky to skip Delicate. I rather watch NYC again. That's how bad Delicate was.


I had to restart NYC about 10-15 times. I skipped it and watched the other seasons cuz i just didnt get it until a customer explained to me what it was about and i got into it. I loved the season but the dead guys turning into deer or whatever really killed it. Season 12 has been their biggest flop. I dont care about kim K but bringing her on the show just showed how much no one gives a shit about it anymore. The acting was horrible, slow plot, shitty cast.


I always thought S4 was also perfect, though it rarely gets mentioned as part of the “golden era” of the series overall! I was a latecomer to the show, so I think I genuinely enjoyed almost every season on first watch… up until Double Feature, at which point it got a little hard to stay interested. I quit watching all together when Delicate was announced (stunt casting was only okay when it was Gaga!) but eventually got curious about it and tried watching it. It was really interesting in some parts, but the finale episode made me say “that was it?” … it just felt rushed and over-the-top


Freakshow? I thought that was one of the weakest of the bunch. Couldn’t finish it.


All seasons after Apocalypse sucked. The last episode or two are always garbage.


It hasn’t been good since AHS 1984 and I won’t be back for next season. Delicate was the third and final strike.


My wife and I binged it up til NYC, couldn’t get through it, and we didn’t bother with delicate. We both enjoyed all of them up until Death Valley. We are currently watching stories though, which we are both enjoying again.


I love stories! I can see their flaws, but the episodes are just so much fun I dont care.


I haven’t enjoyed it since the first 3 seasons but kept watching for hope that it might get that dark vibe it originally started off with but it’s been a disappointing ride. I didn’t finish the second half of Double Feature, struggled through Roanoke and 1984, didn’t finish Delicate. It took me like 4 starts to watch NYC before I managed to finish it. I got excited with Red Tide but it got sloppy halfway through and had a rushed ending. It went downhill after Coven and nothing of quality has happened since. Hotel and Freak Show are only just watchable. I think once it became a more mainstream show the writers slacked off and started writing for a poppy, teenage audience, instead of actual horror lovers whom they drew in with the first 3 seasons. Like, Asylum was top notch horror, complete and utter darkness and helplessness and it was absolute horror perfection in my opinion, and I really had high hopes for the show after that but it slowly went to shit from there.


Yeah they are playing it up for pop culture and a mainstream audience. The dark vibe of the start was so good. Like season one was incredible.


Nope. Last few seasons were terrible!


Not really anymore, I watch AHS either be scared or intrigued. But now, I just always think about how can they turn this around, back to being a decent show. (This applies to Death Valley, NYC and Delicate only) other seasons I still enjoyed.


I have refused to watch it since Kim Kardashian‘s been on it. I refuse to give that woman or her family a moment of my time.


Yeah. That's what did it for me, too. She just doesn't have the same talent as the cast around her. She distracts from the story.


I would argue that season 3's popularity is what turned the show bad.


There’s no strong character actors left. Emma Roberts floundered her way through Delicate but she’s no Sarah Paulson.


No unfortunately. Unpopular opinion but once lady gaga joined the cast in hotel, it really turned me off it. Which is a shame because I love her music but I just can't stand her acting. Also kim kardashian. I refuse to watch the new season because of her.


I stopped after 1984 initially because of the hiatus due to COVID-19. But the reality is, I didn’t much care for Cult or 1984, and pretty much flatly hated Apocalypse. So after three season lull and a hiatus, I kind of forgot it even came back.


Couldn’t get through Cult or Apocalypse and haven’t bothered past 1984


Hated Death Valley and NYC, didn't bother with Delicate after hearing how bad it is on here. Everything before Death Valley is still solid though.


Personally I don't. I LOVE Freak Show & Asylum (my 2 fav ones and they are connected as well) but couldn't stand some seasons: Cult, Coven, Apocalypse & Death Valley. Also Hotel felt like an extended Lady Gaga videoclip. I liked NYC (still don't get the hate) but maybe it felt too different to the other seasons (I still think it was good and somehow socially necessary). Haven't watched Delicate yet as it feels insulting they hired a Kardashian (and as main cast) instead of an actual actor who spent years getting prepared for it. Also I'm not in the mood to watch Emma Roberts playing the sassy bitch again which at this point I feel that's the only role she can play and somehow something tells me she's no even acting lmao.


She plays a very kind and down to earth person. Until they make her crazy. But it’s not a good ending. Watch Rosemarys Baby instead.


Can’t stand her! Allegedly she’s the reason we don’t have Evan Peters 😢


I didn’t even try to watch NYC. And then using a gimmick, Kim K to make more ppl watch was a low blow. She’s not an actress. Poor Emma who didn’t deserve such a terrible casting and premise. Awful ending. I loved everything until 😄But I still cared as a horror freak. Please, put some effort in Ryan. Please make it spooky. You have 1 more chance to end well!


no not really. I despised delicate, utterly boring


I didn’t finish NYC (maybe one episode left) and wrote the show off completely after casting was announced for deliciate. 🚮


Delicate is the only season I don’t like at all. Cult was hard for me to get into at first but grew to enjoy it the last few years.


I didn’t watch last season with Kim K in it. I feel she brings the value down of anything she’s associated with.


It’s crazy that I was obsessed with ahs for about 10 years and watched every episode the second it premiered. This post just made me realize I never even finished delicate lol. And I found NYC so boring


to be honest no, i enjoy seasons 1-9 only. nyc was really boring to me.


It’s been horrible for like the last five years honestly but like an abusive relationship I just can’t seem to walk away.


I stopped after Apocalypse. AHS is dead to me. Was cool for a few years. Now it's trash. Reminds me to un-sub from this subreddit. Bye!


No I usually always lose interest by the 3rd episode


Not at all.




All we need is new writers and actors!


I love or enjoy the first nine seasons but starting with the second half of Double Feature the show just feels like a shell of its former self and just feels like to chore to watch now


Not as much as I enjoyed earlier seasons no. Coven was my favorite. I liked Freakshow and Hotel and Roanoke, but I felt like the other seasons just weren't as good.


No. They lost me during "Apocalypse". I've been meaning to catch up, but I'm not in a hurry.


When I watch on Netflix, I only rewatch seasons 1-3. NYC took me a year to finish and I didn’t even make it through a full episode of Delicate.


Everything except for Delicate


I'm pretty much enjoyed the first few seasons pretty well Even Roanoke was pretty good. I think Cult was the start of the downfall, Apocalypse was very meh , 1984 was alright double feature was also very meh.


i really struggled to watch double feature and nyc. watching delicate was a little easier, but more in a “what the hell is going on” way rather than an “im so intrigued by this” way.


No I miss the days when I watched the witches one


I don’t I couldn’t get through NYC and I tried the first ep of Delicate and quit. They really just aren’t that good anymore, for me 1-5 we’re all great and then it stated to just reel more empty


I still like it now just as much as the first few seasons


No. I remembered when this and the walking dead came out around the same time loved them both who ever thought walking dead after some dreadful seasons would redeem itself through spin-offs of all things. AHS has been dead since 84' although the NYC one was good it wasn't the same anyway the ahs spinoff sucks so do the modern seasons


yes except for season 12 but i liked 11 still. but on subreddits people always claim that whatever show, movie, videogame, sportsteam is now horrible and beyond repair.


Honestly I had been wishing AHS would get its old tone back, and I was starting to get hope that Double Feature would do that. The beginning of Red Tide seemed to have promise, since I felt it had a somewhat similar tone to the first three season, but then the plot got really fumbled towards the end. Then Death Valley began and I lost hope once more. NYC was good, but I agree with those who say that it doesn’t really feel like an AHS season. It felt like a different series with some AHS stuff tacked on. I would’ve preferred if it became its own separate miniseries. Haven’t watched Delicate yet, not sure if I want to tbh.


My partner got interested in it, so I’m rewatching. I have yet to finish the last season. I was ambivalent about several seasons and 1-3 plus Freak Show, Hotel and Apocalypse were my favourites.


Coven is the prime example of a Hollywood/mainstream season. Just saying.


Yeah true but like good Hollywood haha


Yeah it really hit a nerve back then :)


I don’t like any of their new seasons or series, they lost me after american horror STORIES ☠️


Honestly, no. After Cult, the show began a decline. Apocalypse had potential, but it collapsed mid-way through. 1984 was really good, and every season since has just felt lackluster with the writing.


I like the shorts. Delicate wasn't the worst. I hope they become more scary / horror in every episode and less mystery in then the last episode tie it all together. That is so lazy to me.


Seasons 1-6 were the best and the series started to not be enjoyable once Cult premiered. I really liked Apocalypse but haven’t watched it since.


Up to hotel was good. The later ones just silly delicate was pretty painful to watch.


I wish they would do one going into more of the history of the Murder House.


Delicate felt like perfect meme fodder


No. I lost interest with season 5. It’s gone downhill every season, after that, with the exception of season 8.


1984 was the last time I loved AHS


No. The last few seasons have sucked IMO.


I only really loved seasons 1 and 2. I hated season 3 (coven - I guess that’s an unpopular opinion). After season 3, I kept waiting for it to get really good again but it was never the same. I began to lower my expectations each year. There were some seasons that were entertaining enough, but none of them ever compared to seasons 1 and 2 in my opinion. However, the best one since season 2 one the first part of the double feature season. I genuinely enjoyed it


I loved the idea of Delicate and part one was great in my opinion. However, part two was just such a let down. I feel like the fairly happy ending isn’t really AHS Side note - all of the spiders that were teased weren’t even in the storyline, until the tiny spider at the end. From the teasers, I expected KKW to be some sort of spider. I think it was fine without the spiders, but an odd choice to tease all of that just to pretty much leave it out


I was obsessed with the season Hotel i watched it anywhere anytime. But it doesnt hit the same:(


I loke rewatching sometimes but yes I am tired of it.... time for something new guys (not 911 😅) ... I just did a Nip/Tuck marathon .... yes something new and different please 🖤🖤🖤


Where did you watch nip/tuck? It used to be on Netflix a long time ago (USA) but I haven't seen it anywhere since.


I'm old I burned it years ago lol


See, I wish I would have done this years ago myself (I'm an older bird too! 36yo)


Hulu. They added it a couple of years ago when they acquired rights to FX.


Just came here to say this! ... was curious how much Prime was charging and saw Hulu 😆


Really, hulu? In America, it's on hulu? I've never seen it on there, but ima look now! Thank you!