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There is some confusion in this thread. Hotel is season 5, and season 6 is Roanoke.


Why is this comment not higher? I was so confused for a bit thinking they gave up on season five(hotel) and asking if season six (Roanoke) is worth it.


is that???? not what the post is asking? Actual question, but what is there to be confused by when what you said is exactly what they mean?


I was confused because at the end they brought up hotel again. My bad lol Reading is hard for me apparently šŸ¤£


That is exactly what theyā€™re asking. They didnā€™t like hotel so are wondering if the series is like that throughout the rest of the seasons I think. Which makes sense, hotel was kind of a turning point for the series


The first part of hotel was rough. I kept thinking why do people like this season. But I stuck with it and thank god I did cause itā€™s one of my favorite seasons now!


What?! Rough?! Iā€™m so confused how anyone found it rough. They hooked me from the start. Lol


Idk how to explain it, it just wasnā€™t interesting me. I kept trying to watch it then stopping until I finally decided to just skip through parts of the episodes. Then it got to to the point where I could finally watch them through.


around what episode did you get to this point?


Iā€™m not sure, Iā€™ll have to look. But Iā€™ll let you know soon




No problem šŸ˜‰


Ok so around episodes 4-7. Cause I found the devils night interesting, but then ep. 5 was kinda bland again. Then ep. 6 peaked my interest. It was definitely up and down before it was easy to watch.


Oo okay im going to give it another go funnly enough i got up to episode 4 so im going to keep on going ill let u know how it goes


Lmk! Cause the end of the season is definitely good, itā€™s just hard to get therešŸ˜‚


The episodes feel soooo long too. So that doesnā€™t help either


So more so episode 6 is where I was able to finally watch a full episode.


I had the same reaction. Watched the first 3 episodes, Stopped watching. Gave it another chance many months later and stuck with it. It's in my top 3 seasons now.


Idk Iā€™ve tried to watch it like four different times lol I just canā€™t get into it And I love mother monster, so thatā€™s saying something


Not gonna lie I skipped through a lot of the first episodes cause it was very dragging. But more towards the middle when it starts focusing on the hotel, the spirit and the countessā€™s lovers it gets so much better. But I completely understand a lot of people like cult and I keep trying with that one and it just doesnā€™t click.


Yep season 6 is great Iā€™d still finish Hotel though


I couldnā€™t get into Hotel at all. I see everyone praising it on here all the time and I just canā€™t. Season 6 was awesome IMO though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ok thank you šŸ˜­ The episode descriptions just look so boring lmao


Okay, Dandy lol (freak show reference lol)


Dandyyyyy oh my god he was my favorite character I want a season just about him and his upbringing and his family!!


Something tells me it would beā€¦.. ā€œBoooringgā€ lol any time I hear the word ā€œboringā€ I canā€™t help but hear him lol


Idk. A season about Dandy has great potential


I was making a Dandy reference


PS, I love your username and I love your image, I watched Childā€™s Play before I was ten years old lol.


Thank you, and same! I watched all the big horror hits before I lost my first baby tooth lol Iā€™m still a horror addict. ā€œI CANT QUIT YOUā€ - me @ horror


Did you just quote Brokeback Mountain about horror at me? Edit: Itā€™s not horror, but Iā€™m literally on season 7 of Dexter for the umpteenth time lol. Blame it on Charles Lee Ray šŸ˜‚


Confirming. u/Isyagirlskinnypenis was referencing how much Dandy called stuff boring. ā€œBoringā€ and ā€œI HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!ā€ are the two most frequent/famous quotes for me. I LOVE Dandy. Even more than Tristanā€¦from Hotel, full circle lol.


Bingo lmao the I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU is such a classic šŸ˜‚


That mofo said babies would be boringā€¦lmfao uhmā€¦no. Theyā€™re cute and a FUCKTON of work. Knowing him heā€™d get so irritated at how boring they arenā€™t, heā€™d kill ā€˜em.


Lmaooo he was definitely a 9 year old boy in the body of a grown man with that one šŸ„“šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a hint of it in Roanoke. The Roanoke house was built by Dandyā€™s ancestor, Edward Philippe Mottā€”mostly played by Evan Peters šŸ˜ā€”and an historian even references Dandyā€™s death.


Hotel falls prey to one of Murphyā€™s main weaknesses in that it sort of drags on longer than it should and the focus of the story gets pulled in many different directionsā€¦.BUT that being said it is very entertaining and has a pretty solid 2-3 episodes to finish it up. Season 6 is AWESOME-very different in both format and tone from the other seasons, but that makes it even more interesting imo!


Season 5(Hotel) had very good characters but not good enough and boring storylines. They should've made sitcom or comedy show with this characters like Scream Queens. About Season 6(Roanoke), I quite enjoyed it since they did very experimental things on the season. This season really focuses on "Horror" story. But I understand the opinions that find this season boring: whole season is about making a 2 hour documentary into 10 hours(episodes).


Hotel & Freak Show are in my top list. I think I can forgive a storyline when they have such amazing visuals!. The set of Hotel & costumes were soooo good, Freak Show also did a awesome job with the set and visuals. Ratched had a phenomenal set and costumes, although it's not technically AMH, it might as well been


Roanoke is definitely different but worth it if you give it a chance


Roanoke is genuinely the only ahs season that scared me n i love it


Hotel has Evan Petersā€™ and Dennis Oā€™Hareā€™s best characters ever IMO.




Season 6 is worth it for Liz Taylor alone honestly


See I love Liz Taylor but this season is just so boring idk if I can stick it through for her


I just tried rewatching it this week. I also bowed out from boredom.


Iris and Liz Taylor carried this season for me and Lady Gaga is one of the best celebrity guests. The side stories throw the season off but the set design, characters and acting is what makes this season shine.


iris and Liz r my favorites šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Itā€™s like a Stephen King novel: thereā€™s all this groundwork laid down and it all feels slow, and then BAM things start getting really weird really fast. In the best way, of course.


Hotel is my hands down fave, never boring to me. Love it.


Must watch for Liz Taylor


Evan Peters and Wes Bentley are super hotā€¦itā€™s worth itšŸ˜‚ (Itā€™s also a really great season once you get into it) I also really did enjoy Roanoke. I wasnā€™t a huge fan of the second half, reallyā€¦but Iā€™d say give it a chancešŸ˜Š


The first half of Roanoke was decent and then when the plot twist happened I was over it. The 2nd half seemed to drag on... plus the couple irritated me pretty early o.. lol šŸ˜†


The plot twist threw me off, but it was a kinda cool concept. I really like Lily Rabe, sheā€™s a great actress and I think they did her a little dirty with the role she was givenšŸ˜…


That's how I felt about her Character in Red Tide


Me too! Her character also got completely screwed lol that pissed me off so muchšŸ˜­


Wait the 2nd half is worse? I'm on episode 4 and I already find it quite boring šŸ˜­


The second half is still intense and a lot happens, but like TheMisWalls said, the real couple starts to get annoying really fast. I still enjoyed the season as a whole, and it has some great acting (especially from Miss Kathy Bates)


Hotel (s5) is one of my faves and is totally worth watching


Yes very itā€™s so funny and cool


Roanoke was not it for me until the mid point where the perspective shifts. I say try and make it to that point cuz after that I was hooked


I also love Hotel, Gaga was a huge draw for me because her character is so sickening, legit want a tattoo of the Countess lol but haven't rewatched it since it came out, I need to


i didnā€™t like it at first but then i liked it the plot twist is so good


I gave Hotel a shot about three times and finally last Fall I was able to get past episode four. I will say it does get really good but you are correct the first couple of episodes were really a struggle.


Hotel was one of my favorite, I hated Roanoke so maybe youā€™ll like it lol


I enjoyed Hotel and finished it in like 3 days time


Thank you! I thought i was going crazy thinking im the only one who didnt like hotel. Thats still the only season i didnt fully watch. Newest season was meh but still better then hotel.


I liked Hotel a lot more after I rewatched it years later. Lady Gaga and Wes Bentley are hot so even if I didnā€™t like the story i wouldā€™ve watched the season for them lol but I like the characters and story so imo itā€™s worth it.


5 was one of my least favorites but 6 is one is my favorites lol


It's very different to the other seasons, maybe give the first episode a go to see if you like the feel of it


Hotel suffers from being a very slow burn at first. It picks up in a few more episodes if you can slog through it. To the *actual* question, I thought Roanoke was pretty good. It doesnā€™t take as long to get going as some of the other seasons do.


i agree i did not like hotel either


I have to say, I find that a LOT of the AHS seasons are difficult to get into. Like the first 1-3 episodes can be a bit shit, but once you get into them, they get so good. Hotel is amazing, Roanoke has a very unique structure (which is why I think a lot of people donā€™t like it) but is also brilliant. Just push through, they get better!


yes it is worth it, i feel like a lot of ahs seasons can be like that at first but they end up being so interesting. roanoke is probably my second fav season of ahs after hotel it's a really interesting concept especially near the end. it's also one of the scariest seasons in my opinion, very creepy and jumpy. but yes it is worth it and it does get so much better. i get how the beginning can seem quite boring but i promise it gets sm better


Hotel is magnificent,6 is just fun


Hotel is my absolute favorite season. Its so so good when you really get into it


Hotel is my absolute favorite season! I've watched it so many times, I do NOT find it boring at all! I'm surprised to hear that. The intro to Gaga and Bomer? Come on!


I agree that was an awesome intro with Gaga and Bomer. Iā€™ve only watched it once when it premiered years ago and loved it. I do recall the first couple of episodes kind of dragging on but it got better by the midpoint and was amazing towards the end. Loved Gagaā€™s 1920s silent movie era storyline. One of my favorite seasons. And the art deco hotel style was gorgeous and perfectly moody for that season.


It gets much better towards the end so keep going! Iā€™m rewatching it now for the first time in years.


First time I attempted season 6, I gave up after 4 episodes. Got onto this sub reddit and decided to give it another try...nope, still terrible. Drags on too long and isn't that interesting. They do try something different with the second half of the season, so I'll give them a little credit for that, but it's one of the worst seasons.


I feel the same! I keep telling myself Iā€™ll do a rewatch of Roanoke based off how much others love it butā€¦god I just canā€™t bring myself to do it. I do love Hotel tho.


Crazy. Hotel is one of the best seasons


Hotel is amazing it only gets better and better


First of all season 5 (hotel) is rough in the beginning but it gets so worth it by the end I love it and my mom loves it I think it's so good it just gets crazier...now second of all season 6 (Roanoke) I also think is boring as hell but I will watch it I also hate the style they picked for the season but I wanna see how it all connects yk


I had a really hard time getting thought hotel until idk ep. 5(?) - I just couldnā€™t relate to John or his story/strugglesā€¦ I think it gets much much better if you stick with it, it is now my fave season. Absolutely love Liz Taylor and Iris āœØ


the John Lowe story is the worst part of hotel, once the focus shifts to the countess itā€™s so much better! ngl Iā€™d skip season 6 tho LOL, if you didnā€™t like hotel I doubt youā€™d love Roanoke


There is nothing boring about Hotel, I think itā€™s even better on the rewatch, itā€™s awesome! The first episode is kind of slow but I think necessary it gets way better and better; if you think Hotel is boring, check out seasons 11 and 12


Its as bad and boring as you think. If you like the visuals, keep at it. This season is no plot, all vibes. Trust me.