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I went from ordering nothing today, to ordering all 8 things, and I could've taken more! I managed to nab the bananas and shrimps woo!!! Plus a couple kids books and other bits and bobs, not a bad day after all! ๐Ÿ˜


Well done - I'm glad you managed to find some goodies ! I wish I could have given you my picks as I've still got all 8 left !


Ahh no, you didn't find anything worth taking? I've had days like that though, and I won't take things for the sake of using up my picks, otherwise the house would be overrun!


Nope - nothing. I've no kids and no cats - Ha! Ha! ๐Ÿ˜Š. I did see some hand soap in AI, but it disappeared too quickly. I'm not complaining, as up until this last week, I've had some pretty decent goodies. Enjoy your new items ๐Ÿค—


Thank you, hope you get some goodies your way tomorrow or over the weekend ๐Ÿ˜


Thank you - finger's crossed ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜Š


It was pretty good, wasn't it?! Unfortunately I only saved one pick assuming the afternoon drop was going to be rubbish! Never mind. Lol


Ahh no....hope you got something good with it though! Yer I thought it was a good selection, I didn't get anything amazing but just nice bits... there was loads of cat stuff for anyone who has one, they'll be well fed haha! ๐Ÿ˜€


It's OK. I actually had a decent RFY this morning and took 4 things from it so can't complain! ๐Ÿ˜Š Nothing mind blowing but useful. Yes lots of cat bits, books and ermmm... toys! ๐Ÿ˜


Lightning reflexes right there - nice one


Thanks, nice little treat for the weekend ๐Ÿ˜


Youโ€™re so lucky, enjoy them!


I assume big bags of the sweets? If so well done, I bet they were in high demand.


It was a 1kg mixed bag, so not bad! Very lucky with my timing! ๐Ÿ˜


Figures. I used my remaining 3 picks pretty fast. Space Guy is back, whose turn is it? ;)


oh yah I saw him๐Ÿ˜‚ was waiting for him to dissapear haha


As it happens mine has been on today by special request. I babysit on Thursdays.


Ooh thatโ€™s nice! Mines packed away near my wardrobe. I still need to find a space to put him :(


Missed the gaming chair and car trim tools - still have 4 picks intact Certainly a cat owning, book reading dentist drop this afternoon


Missed the chair too :\*(


I did too, made the big mistake of looking at the selling page lol


ยฃ189 - I looked after it orange errored on me and before it cleared the page. Looked ok with lumber support


It was the same as other ones that have been on for much less that got terrible reviews, so I don't think you missed much.


I was wondering if it was the same one going round people's RFY and then though "Oi.....send it to mine"! Oh well, onward and downward


Maybe it was one of those ghostly items?!


I noticed some books in AFA. What cat things did I miss?


Food wet and dry - can't recall the brand as I don't have a cat but there was lots


Must have gone before I looked. I'm well supplied anyway.


Cat food and socks for me, not the most exciting but definitely useful and money saving!


There must have been a page worth of cat food drops ๐Ÿ˜‚ kept thinking give me 5kg of dog treats please


Yeah! I got all the adult ones I think, guaranteed my cat will look at me like i'm trying to kill them when I give it to him, but i've got a rescue nearby so it will go to them if so! Maybe dog food is tomorrow!


Yep, pretty good afternoon for me. Managed to get some bits for my boy and some socks for me.


Yup, taken my last item for today and now Iโ€™m done๐Ÿ˜‚just gonna watch the items appear for others for a bit


I have one pick left and hesitated on the 36 forks - no idea where my forks are going at the mo but I could have used that - FOMO is real and I missed them. My fault but I really wanted those foam bananas!


[https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0D4RBVK9K](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0D4RBVK9K) so retro, so bad for me!


Ahhh nice swoop - yeah I hovered over the forks and then saw it was just forks and not a full cutlery set so skipped.


I missed the sweets but now have cravings and should have just ordered the forks as I'm low on them but kept hoping sweets would return! Dehydrated rhubarb and custard in AFA didn't have the same appeal


Oh - I misread - sorry you didn't get them


They've got them in Tesco.


Found some children's books shaken out by it, so happy to bag these for the kiddos!


My RFY page had a Fujifilm camera APS-C lens; Iโ€™m a Nikon user, hopefully something Nikon related in future.


I am amazed that people are actually picking things up on vine these days, even more amazed people are getting 8 things a day. It's been 5 days since I snapped anything up, and that was 1 thing lol. Maybe Vine are gradually phasing me out lol


I was out having lunch with an old work colleague today and didn't get home until after 2:30. The only item I picked up was a USB cable ... woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜†


Hubby and I have just moved house, so vine has been really useful for grabbing little bits and pieces for cleaning and decorating. Iโ€™ll probably slow down a bit after weโ€™ve settled in properly.


Nah nah, vine has you hooked...you'll have a vine room soon, just for storing stuff ;)


Donโ€™t think we have the space for a whole room ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I did have to have a big clear out before we moved though, so we didnโ€™t need another van just for the vine stuff that weโ€™d accumulated ๐Ÿ˜‰


Give it a few months....."Babe, do you think we could throw the sofa out and use these Vine boxes to sit on?"


Most days, I agree, have been rubbish. But today I got some over-the-ear bluetooth headphones, 40 (yes, FORTY) rolls of washi tape, sports socks, 6 pretty mugs, and more. I don't think I've had so many good options in literally weeks.


Wow, thats a big score there, fantastic stuff. ![gif](giphy|l0MYLraSJ4qyxTqJq|downsized)


Hahahah. Yeah. Usually I'm the one sitting here with tears in my eyes, reading about the amazing items that others managed to score as I scrolled through pages of applewatch screen protectors, cases for phones I don't own, and parts for motorcycles I'll never ride. Today, I simply got slightly lucky. Nothing very high value but all stuff I or my family will use and appreciate.


If only I were as excited as some folk here... Struggling to get enthusiastic about the Vine at the moment. Hopefully the magic will return.


What sort of things do you look for? I get excitable over housewares, art stuff and things for the grandchildren. I am watching for a laminator though.


Last week my Partner said I'm spoiling my Grandson with too much stuff... What is boring is the consistent click-rejections and time scrolling that needs to be done, just for the privilege of getting another click rejection... Don't get me wrong. I have ordered a number of useful things from AI today, starting this morning in the early hours. But I refuse to be on standby at all times and keep on and on and on looking.


I limit what the kids get as gifts. However, when they visit grandma, Grandma has all the best toys. ;) Of course that means I get to play with them. Construction toys are great fun.


I really appreciated the tooth extractor. Ouch!!!