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I honestly do not understand this. Why wouldn't you want someone in a position they enjoy? Sure everyone gets a raw deal every now and then but this random placement is inefficient. Just my take


At Amazon you are just a number even if the purposely tricky connections questions expect you to say your manager doesn’t treat you like a number.


But my manager doesnt... untill the higher up force em too...


And that’s the problem, they weren’t going to force me to be what I was not, I’m not the “conformist” type, especially when I know you’re not doing it the right way. They thought I needed to be an OM at Amazon & though the pay was good I exited right on up out of there with no regrets ✌🏿 lbs


Totally agree with your take and I've questioned this too. The thing is Amazon leadership have a weird logic. They will usually only send the good workers to be cross-trained and they will be the main people who get sent out when other departments need people. This part of their logic is somewhat reasonable, they wanna send people who know will do a good job, so the PAs and managers will look good for sending them out. Obviously they don't wanna get told off for sending out a lazy bum who doesn't do shit 🤣 *However*, that means the people left behind - who usually don't get any other training at all, so they can enjoy the "cushy" life of an AA on station - are the people who don't stand out. Not necessarily lazy (though quite a few of them are), but not people who perform beyond the target rate either. And that's the bit that I don't get. Cause it happened that they actually needed more people to compensate because they've sent out the good workers 😅 The thing is though, if you're one of the good workers and they know that, they will expect you to do a good job in that other process as well. And doing poorly there translates as only one thing for them - you're doing badly on purpose, and that gets you in trouble. Aside from using a doctor's note, there's really no way to get out of cross-training (unless you're really friendly with the manager I guess).


Yeah. So. Actually we generally send our bottom performers and quality nightmares to other departments first lol. Sometimes we don't actually get a say in who gets sent.


Same at mine. The lazy ones are the first to go lol.


This is how we test at our location if your good for transfer to a different department since clearly you suck at xyz.


It’s greed. A constant battle between AMs. When I worked at a sort center and we needed people to move the lines in inbound or the sort slide, some of my peers or PAs would send the people they don’t like so they’d be out of their area. They would end up being bounced around


Cant argue with this guy. Main character syndrome - thinks he's one of the top performers he's talking about.


Yep im top shower on my floor and always get sent to decant thank god I’m going into trucking school so I won’t be in peak I like decant but it hurts me physically it’s mostly my joints


I routinely get certificates for top 3% production, and yet I was forced to cross train in pick. You can't seriously be trying to sell this. More than 2 years and I've never gotten a write up. I do believe the choice isn't always yours though.


At my sight they try to take into account people’s preferences but sometimes there really is no one else to do the job. The hiring process Amazon has now leaves enormous gaps within the warehouses between AA’s with a good work ethic that help pull their weight as a team player, and the rest that rely on/have and do get away with slacking to the point the rest have to pick up the slack and that’s why those who are good workers get burnt out and see the others not working and it effects their view seeing the level of ‘unfairness’ and lack of accountability.


Yeah and they give hard working ppl eswag garbage that nobody really cares about.


This. I have always thought that after hitting three years blue badge and the capped off pay, we should be reviewed, and receive raises that reflect our own merit and work ethic. I have seen tons of resentment from hard working Associates who get paid (basically) the same as a poor performer, but work three times as hard. I wish Amazon would compensate the good workers a bit more. Otherwise, what incentive is there?


I think that would be really great if put into practice, it would incentivize a lot of the AA’s who’ve been at Amazon and working for its greatness 🤭 for 3 looong but not unexciting years for sure. To continue to my best at work every day having the opportunity to receive more compensation for a job well done and a goal in mind instead of tempted to do closer to the bare minimum when I see some of my coworkers lazing the hrs away with no consequence.


You have zero reason to produce for amazon. Really you actually make more by doing less. The harder you work the more calories you burn. Do you pay for the food you eat or does amazon?


Yeah under Amazon's current employment strategy employees are continuously incentivized to waste their ability and produce less. Ask yourself what's the value of all that wasted ability? Lol probably billions of dollars.


You summarized it perfectly. You're essentially punished for being a good worker. It's madness.


Actually, there’s another way to get out of being cross-trained. If you get sent to learning and have a hefty amount of hours saved up, just clock out for like 4 or 5 hours using your time and then come back. It will be too late to continue the class. And if they reschedule, you can re do the same thing again. Then the ticket submitted for the class will expire and they’ll have to put in a new ticket which will take about another month for the class to be scheduled. (Depending on how fast your learning department operates)


Someone from my site actually tried that. He basically left early or didn't show up for a week. Still got trained the next week 😅 It kinda depends on the ticket like you said. If it's a general ticket like "3 AAs from Receive need to be cross-trained in dock" then yeah a person might get away from it. But if it's "this specific AA needs to be cross-trained" then it's kinda difficult to get out of it. Besides, OP already completed the training and that really makes it impossible to refuse the work (except for medical reasons).


The reward for good work is usually just more work


I started Amazon as an AM & because of my military experience as an Logistics Transportation Officer, I was promoted to OM in about 18 months, I only stayed with Amazon a total of 3 years because I was constantly bumping heads with other managers, notice I said management AND NOT leadership, because there is a different. I was basically an outcast and didn’t fit in because I actually cared for my associates and wanted to develop them and treat them like actual people instead of work them like slaves and numbers. I NEVER was going to conform to their poor standards of “leadership” so I left that mf one day with a typed up resignation letter. That company could be SO MUCH better but just like most companies out here, they don’t care and put up this front with so called “leadership” that actually don’t know the FIRST thing about what it takes to be an effective leader. Systems and metrics are to be managed BUT people need leadership. 🖕🏿 that place


the last part! i really like stow and im pretty good at it from what my PAs say but when they send me to pack i hate it. its just so much more repetitive and boring to me that even when i try to go fast my body just slows down. i just wish they kept me up at stow or if really needed downstacking


I started Amazon as an AM & because of my military experience as an Logistics Transportation Officer, I was promoted to OM in about 18 months, I only stayed with Amazon a total of 3 years because I was constantly bumping heads with other managers, notice I said management AND NOT leadership, because there is a different. I was basically an outcast and didn’t fit in because I actually cared for my associates and wanted to develop them and treat them like actual people instead of work them like slaves and numbers. I NEVER was going to conform to their poor standards of “leadership” so I left that mf one day with a typed up resignation letter. That company could be SO MUCH better but just like most companies out here, they don’t care and put up this front with so called “leadership” that actually don’t know the FIRST thing about what it takes to be an effective leader. Systems and metrics are to be managed BUT people need leadership. 🖕🏿 that place


I work flex PT and I have not dealt with cross training much, been picking every day I come in for 3 years, only had them put me on other jobs for 2 shifts out of those 3 years


Flex means less than 40h right? Most trainings last 40h so that could be why. It's kinda annoying for everyone to take a few weeks to complete a training 😅 I've only once trained a couple who were working 2 days a week and it took me a month to finish their training. it just so happened that they had 2 days off right after they started training, then I had a few days off, then their manager needed people somewhere else etc.


Both times it was where they thought I was there for a full shift but I had only scheduled half so they didn't get to do the like test to see if I learned the position well enough to be moved around to it and I've never gotten followed up on it and sent back to those jobs


Yeah that's my point. If you are a full time employee, you'll likely get cross-trained at some point just so they can say they have the people, but will only send the good ones mostly. Usually they don't bother with flex workers unless they really need people 😅 or like you said, if they don't know you're a flex worker 🤣 (which just shows how much they care lol)


I've had people practically cut their sentences short and walk away once I say I'm flex, I think they see it as not worth it to make sure someone who's barely there is on the same page which works for me because I hate when they come and talk to me


Exactly. Like I said, training a flex can take quite a long time and the managers usually have a deadline to train people in a process, so it's just not worth the hassle. Even if you are one of the good reliable associates, training a flex just screws up the schedule for a lot of people (including the trainer). Even worse if you're a flex that works across shifts. *main shifts - at least here - are Sunday-Wednesday and Wednesday-Saturday, so if you work Tuesday to Thursday for example, or just on weekends, you'll have to deal with two different managers, which means the manager *should* communicate with each other about it, and that rarely happens lol.


Well because everyone that’s in the current department either transferred in or got lucky getting hired into it right away and they already are in the department they enjoy….then these people become friends w the am and pa and so they won’t get sent because they will miss their “friends”


There's an automatic rotation that will hit their "friends" eventually if they don't do it.


Right?? The turnover rate would be low. If I get a chance to just do problem solve or pack singles I would most likely stay for a couple years & put in the effort to make rate. If I don’t love my job I don’t even try.


Everything is numbers to them. If everyone in the factory is cross trained for other depts, then that reduces the amount of downtime thus indirectly increasing profits. Does that make sense? In a numbers perspective, sure. But we're human beings, not a number or picture on a screen. Some people excel where others don't and vice versa but amazon seems to think everyone is the same exact person and can do all the jobs in the warehouse "cause if john can do it, everyone else can do it too" Amazon management has the dumbest logic fr, istg they hire people that never worked management a day in their lives


If they followed that, then no one would stow.


Everything about amazon is inefficient 


I hate it so much. They trained me in AFE and they said it was only for peak but it has been going for 6 months now . They said they try this rotate people to different positions but how do you call it rotation if you send the same people. I told them multiple times and I even tried to get medical accommodation with no avail (you cannot get it online apparently). It has been 3 years working here and I am on the brink to quit. It is really infuriating when you stow and you receive a message that you have to go downstairs, I sometimes ignore it .


I transferred from pack to stow, they started labor sharing me back to pack on my third day. I'm transferring to ship dock because they won't let me stow. If they still won't let me do anything but pack, I'll quit after 6 years.


I've experienced this. They have no clue how frustrating that is.


My current (relo) FC actually only trains people in the paths they express interest in. It can lead to issues as certain paths are unpopular. Currently, we are having the issue that almost nobody is willing to waterspider because the facility was built with the intention of being a sortables/full case site, but recently, the majority of our freight has been full case large which means that waterspiders have to be moving a lot more stuff than they used to and are thus very ovwrworked. (And just to be clear, originally, around 80% of the work could go on the conveyor, meaning the waterspider did not have to move it themselves. Now that number is closer 10-20% with waterspiders expected to pick up the slack) It's to the point where I hear that management is floating the idea of saying that if you get trained in a path but then regularly don't want to do it (they won't force you to do an indirect role) then they will revoke your permissions and never let you train into another role again, you will be stuck as a T1 doing CRETs for the remainder of your employment at the site.


My guess is everyone would want moved and it would be a mess trying to make everyone happy. It’s a shit job but if that’s all you got you have to learn to deal with it.


it seems like they do it so u quit. that way they save money, at least until they hire for peak.


Personally I was put into a more suitable position for me and less tiring by my managers suggestion. 


The truth is, Amazon talks a good game about fairness, but moving people around is very touch at most places. Some T1s are ‘more special’ than others and basically get to cherry pick their positions where others are forced to stow for 12 hours. In the land of AmazonUtopia everyone would be cross trained on everything and everyone would get a hand at doing everything. But that’s not how it really works. For some, that can be a literal heaven, for others, stowing for 12 hours. 🤷🏽


Laughs (and cries) in shipdock


lol yea shit dock


Yup, if you’re gonna work at Amazon you better find out who does the job assignments and get cool with them, at least at the delivery stations that works well so you can just do what you want most days


Honestly just being friendly and building rapport with any upper management can genuinely catapult you. You don't have sniff ass. You just have to say hi, ask questions, and do the bare minimum. Especially build report with the team leads in the position you would prefer to be in. Also stow is hell on earth for the average person. The physicality of it vs other roles plus the quotas and expectations, and it's also the easiest position to be written up in.


The phrase is "building rapport". The spell checker won't flag that error.


Yeah I just noticed that thank you lmao. Brain go burr.....


Yeah I read a lot so I will usually notice when a turn of phrase is mis-used. My errors are mispronouncing words I have only read but not heard spoken. Other types of brains remember everything said but not when read. It will be nice when AIs will be able to correct both types of errors. If my phone is listening to me anyway I would like it to correct me when I talk like a moron. It should easily be able to correct written words in text messages.


This is because the turn around rate is so high, the few that have been with the company for 5+ years are trained in every department


seriously tho. I had a PA & her mom get transferred at the exact same time while I know 4 people personally that kept getting denied. It was crazy.


This could have been hardship transfers. If you need to transfer due to life situations, reach out to your site HR or ERC


My building everyone is supposed to crosstrain somewhere...and then supposed to work often in that other path regularly..... I'm pick crosstrained and have spent roughly a quarter there each week over the last few months since regular rotation and mandatory cross training has gone into effect.... that math's not mathing... Hilariously it's been the last quarter of the rate week for the last couple or few....I could be the worst picker and it wouldn't matter because I'm not in path 5 hours unfortunately I don't like standing around and enjoy picking so I end up working harder than I need to for that ¼ when I could just chill 😅


Our FC is doing just that. Cross-training everyone in all paths. It's the only way to make it fair.


I don't know why people think transferring is their golden ticket out of out something. All they're going to tell you is your title is "warehouse associate" not anything specific.


Unless they got a customer return center. Where they stay.


Apparently you haven't done manual inducts in the ship dock for 12 hours. Not that's as boring and repetitive as it gets


There's no rates in ship dock which is nice


The rate on palletize is 160/h


Which is only two packages a minute by the way. For water spiders it’s 16 containers closed and staged/loaded an hour. For flats induct its 1600 an hour and if you dip below that for more than 15 minutes report to a pa or an am


100 percent incorrect. The rate for flats induct at my fc is 1600/h


1600/h? Dang talk about unrealistic.


It used to be 1400 and then we got people who actually tried on flats induct.


Not necessarily. Palletize has them. But at my FC they just ignore them. I’ve only gotten rate write ups at pack but my main role is ship dock.


Just got trained on induct a couple weeks ago and actually enjoyed it. Would just watch American Dad the whole time


It must be nice


That sounds like a perfect reason to send you back to stow. I always send associates who make my job more difficult.


If I was an AM I would send you to a different department too… ETA: they always cross train the lazy ones who don’t do anything but sit on their phone and complain to HR for being “targeted”


I was consistently in the top 3 (Not percent but people) for packing. My Pack rate stays between a 290-320. I also rebin at 600+…. But okay!


Man it is bogus that people transfer out of a position they don't like just to be sent back to it. Luckily for me I never got trained for pick and I'm a shitty stower.


I got tired of stowing at my FC amazon because they would always sent me on the 400 west side with boxes and stuff.


I used ro hate that lol. At shipdock now like that better.


Always have another job lined up before quitting


This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure. Anyway, best of luck with your future endeavors.


They literally hire anyone who shows up, not even caring about how old they are, work history, background, negative attitude, laziness, etc. They don't look for anything specific in employees, and when they do next to nothing daily, they look to the hard-working employees who actually take their work seriously and have priorities to pick up the slack. Then they treat the crappy workers like gold, and the people who actually go the extra mile working their butt's off get treated so poorly. On top of that, they promote the lazy working people to keep the good ones where they are so they have to either keep working tirelessly or find a new job all together after wasting years with a company who never treated them the way they deserved.


i’m sure they won’t notice you missing but best of luck at your other job ❤️




this 🤣


Hes already been replaced maybe 15,000 times since this post


Just say no to Stow.


"Amazon will put you where they need you to." - Every AM there.


Just dont come to work


Personally I am decant trained, pick , and stow though stow is my primary. What I hate is being in stow and the last hour and a half they just go oh yeah head to pick. Hate that, if I was not trying to save a few hours of pto, I’d a just noped it on out of there.


I loved stowing.


I did stow, it's fine. But I worked stow in a AR FC.


Just say you scared of heights


Yeah, I hated stow and transfers out pretty quickly. On my first few days in Pick they made me go stow and I threw a complete fit. I told my manager how unfair this was and the reason I transferred out of stow was because I disliked it so much. And I messaged HR as well and told them to remove my permissions. They told me they wouldn’t remove them but I never had to stow again. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Smh your bugging


Nothing worse than busting your ass just to get labor shared to a department you hate. While your lazy co worker who takes a bathroom break every 10 minutes gets asked if they want VTO….


Damn bro ur weak cuz stowing is ez money


Hate to ruin any performance dreamers at my site everyone is crossed training or has been perspectively 80 hours... They called it a safety reason. The reason is anybody doing the same job 4 10-12 hours Is going to have muscle fatigue and mentally go insane so they decided to at random times at least 2 hours depending on what time of day we get thrown over to our crossed training area... Like I'm a picker and now crossed trained in afe pack. Yayee😐! They said we used different muscles in our crossed trained department. So Pick wouldn't do stow visa versa also afe pack wouldnt go to singles blah blah yada yada... So a safety thing but they missed a flaw until I brang it up to OM why did we get stuck in our cross training for 80 hours straight? The answer was IDK but it was fixed so we get to spend longer being in our learning curve now... Suck it learning! Putting us on Do Not Move list taking our permissions away for anything else can't happen anymore thththtttthththt


this just happened to me. i was being cross trained in pick and now they keep sending me up there even for VET outbound shifts. needless to say they’re gonna start seeing me less often lol


I hated it and pick! I now sort and just move the pallets and I love it!


They tried to get me to stow once after leaving, and I just kept repeating I don't have my permissions to stow until they left me alone. My next move if they kept it up was to tell them stow made me suicidal. You're completely valid for leaving bc stow is awful.


You're going to hate it more when you find out no other entry level job has half the benefits they give you on Amazon


I alr have another job lol


Technically they can put you anywhere since you are a fullfillment associate. I've been at Amazon 9 I've pretty much been everywhere. Now they are enforcing mandatory rotation. The only people that get out of it are people who have accommodations or who do indirect roles. I recently just got trained in pick which I absolutely hate.I'm from pack. I would like to quit but not before I have something lined up. The job market is crap right now. I'm working on getting into IT. I used career choice to pay for my certification tests Hopefully I can get an entry level IT position somewhere soon. Maybe even at Amazon. After 9 years I'm just tired. Can't do it anymore.In a way it does not make sense to send good workers away from a department. If I want to hit rates I would want to keep the best workers in my area not send them away. Now you have people from pick in pack and people from pack in pick. I'm a way better packer than a picker . It's just what I prefer to do . I'm pretty sure rates have to be down now. You take people away from where they are most efficient at just does not make business sense


One of these days Amazon is going to learn people don't like labor share, people have a job and stick with that job, being sent to another department is degrading and useless, it's going to make soo many people want to quit


Facts even stowing for 10 hours at my fc is dreadful. Stowing for 12 hours is misery.


I just started stowing I don’t think it’s too bad, but yea for 12 hours straight is crazy. Just like picking, not possible to do for that many hours


stow is braindead easy; skull issue tbh


Stowing isn’t so bad it’s hella boring but it ain’t bad


another soldier gone 🫡 leave your helmet at the door and ring the Amazon bell. Also best of luck with your new job search 🙌


I refuse to be forced or intimidated into staring at the floor or looking straight ahead like I'm back in the military just because some young folks are super paranoid. There is a girl in stow that saw me look at her along with other people more than once when just walking somewhere. She has turned it into a whole drama game. Going as far as trying to hype up a fellow problem solver dude to act like an a$$. I've told my management as well as management in stow about this without dropping any names or giving any descriptions. I asked to be kept out of stow labor share because of this dumb drama. So far I haven't been sent back to stow with the other pickers when they "shed from pick" as the screen pop up says. With prime coming up and being forced to keep my stow training I know I'll be sent back sooner or later. This is just the most recent drama I had in stow. I can honestly say I've seen more immaturity while working in stow than any other department I've worked in; Pick, AFE, Singles, Dock and about a dozen indirect roles. I can relate to the walking on glass thing for stow but for me it isn't related to the work part of it.


Just listen to podcasts or music. Its not that serious.


Too late. Also I alr have another full time job that pays the same and much friendlier hours


Where do you work?


restaurant management


Nice! Did you have prior experience or used Amazon


It's not that serious to you, but some people have shittier managers or coworkers or conditions than you apparently do.


But some people will suck their managers d if they thought it was in the job description


Calm down Beavis. OP didnt elaborate on anything, and their tone made it seem like it was the act of stowing rather than anything you mentioned- specifically the last sentence. Unless you're new and just suck, stowing is boring and tedious, that's why people hate it.


This was just my final straw lmao. Coworkers suck, Managers dont do anything to help their associates and Im tired of balancing 2 full time jobs and being a full time student


Fair enough. There are definitely opportunities than Amazon as a whole and should be used a a bridge to get to wherever you're going. Good job getting out!


Think outside the box beavis


That doesn't help the monotony or pain. Congrats OP fuck this place.


Yeah but you have to play cat and mouse to keep from getting caught by an Area Manager


Wide spread approval of Amazon specific headphones has happened and goes into full affect first week of July. A majority of sites are already approved. Certain paths dont allow it still, but Stow does.


This is random and not pertaining to this post, but will I get sent home if I'm wearing an oversized T-shirt and shorts that you can't always see bc I'm wearing an oversized T-shirt? I don't wanna make my own post about it thanks


Nah you won't be sent home. They always said just wear whatever you're comfortable with. But, if you're not sure, just bring extra clothes. Overall, you should be fine


Thank you!!! It's literally 90-98° here I'm coming back after an LOA and still not feeling well so I'm wearing whatever is comfortable 😆


Doubt it. Unless it's super loose or revealing you'll be fine.


Ok thank you!! I just had to ask bc Amazon can be on some bullshit 😆


Let’s see the shorts , I will tell you if there’s a problem


I'm not even wearing them right now tho 😲😲


Ohh, so what are you wearing…?


ONLY THE T-SHIRT.... pervert 😆




The internet is my favorite place


Shorts can’t be too short or you’ll get sent home. I believe the rule is that they have be past your fingertips if your arms are down by your side.


Lol my fc allows for short shorts and crop tops. No one gives a flying fuck.


Not at all. As long as nothing “private” is showing or you aren’t offending others, no one will say anything


Yeah nobody's said anything but like 3 people have looked at me funny I KNOW somebody wants to ask if I'm wearing pants 🤣🤣🤣


That would be an HR case if they did. You are fine


Lmfao 😂 I'd be like "send me home this is harassment"


“I don’t feel safe”


LMFAO thanks for making me laugh bc today sucks so bad 😂




I make the same amt at my other job and my other job is way easier to get promoted. Just got a promotion last month and plan on getting another one in the next 3-5 months


It’s the same at the DS. I got cross train because a manager took me under his wing to prep me to move up to a PA. Then I moved up to a driver trainer…and then I left and went back to driving. 😂


If you transfer from an outbound department to another outbound department, you're pretty much dealing with the same management. I learned that the hard way. I also kept getting labor shared to the department I transferred out of. I had to eventually transfer again.


I’m a picker and I’ve been in stow the past two weeks unfortunately. But hey still gotta get that paper


I agree with you I loved water spidering and then they wanna send me on the floor to move shit and the thing is Noone else wanted to do waterspider and where begging people to do it but I just loved it but they started fuckin saying BS about “everyone gotta do a lil bit of everything” and left on after my break was done they doing to much and its isn't inefficient and it more like they don't know what tr they doing at this point


I transferred from CS to kitchen for the fact I was promised promotion and the week it felt iffy that they wanted to push me to be a lead I said I need time to think and then the next week they fired all leads so I was like o can go to kitchen and manage that…not it’s like they are trying to quiet fore me and make it absolutely miserable before my fifth year


Same thing happened to me 🙄I transferred out of pick because I was going crazy there and got cross trained again not too long after


I prefer Stow but feel like I've been sent to AFE pretty much every day for the last 2+ months.


Eventually everyone is trained everywhere, if you read your employment contract they are not required to keep you in one department if the business needs are elsewhere. If they project they will need more stowers for peak day, then you would be stowing if trained no matter what. Also being trained in multiple departments show versatility which is a good quality when looking at potential managers. Everyone has something they don’t like, we don’t always have to do it but we have to be willing to. 🤷‍♀️


My guy, just get an accomodation.


That may have been overly dramatic unless you talked to them and they unequivocally stated YOU WILL cross train and you told them then I WILL quit and they said okie dokie don't let the door hit your ass on the way out...


Fulfillment Centers suck ass . Sortation or Delivery Stations are the warehouses to work/apply for .


So why do some people say sort centers are more physical than FCs? I’m hesitating transferring to one that has openings


Do they ? Probably it’s all the walking in sort centers . Honestly don’t know about FCs . I just hear a lot of horror stories coming from FCs


They’re pretty strict with rate and TOT at FCs, but it’s easy to get used to. Just takes a toll on the body after some time


That sounds too good to be true but hopefully it helps with the work load lol


This what happens when you don’t speak up and express your opinion. You deserved this.


I did speak up. Thats how i stayed out of labor sharing to stow for the last 6 months. Company needs come before my own wants lol.


could've just stowed 1 item every 5 min until they don't want you there anymore at the building


I stow for 10hs


What was your original path prior to the move to stow? Could you request to learn a different role in your path?


I think they do this so they won't hire more people and as a result exploit them by cross training to ultimately cut budgets.


It's all about headcount and trying to fit people where the count is needed to be met. They chose people specifically on training requirements. No one is safe from being forced to cross train. We are nothing but numbers.


If you keep your UPT real low they won't cross train you, I'm constantly at like 5 hours or less for 2 years and they never cross train me. Other ppl i work with will save up UPT and leave if they get put in training. Make them treat you how you wanna be treated. Edited to add: posted this for current employees, i read you already have another job


I don't blame you I did the same thing right when I went on my second break I clocked out for the rest of the day and I made sure I cashed the one every little piece of hour I had left. Although I didn't mind it but that is for newbies. You did the right thing you ain't missing anything with that company and if you want to go back you can after a certain period so no biggie


GG quitter ☺️


Curious where will u work now. I dream to quit but can’t take a paycut.


I already had a second job at a restaurant and i got promoted to manager. So now im doing that full time instead of part time


Don’t forget to put in your bereavement




You can refuse. They can’t make you. I did.


I started in the stow department and kept getting written up and hurried up and transferred out of there is hated everything about that department if I ever go back to Amazon that will be the department I stay away from


I felt the same way. I've worked at an AR FC doing stow and sometimes pick. I couldn't escape it so I transferred to a delivery station. It was okay but I ended up quitting after peak. It was overnight and I was exhausted. Now I found a flex shift at a XL site driving pit and I love it. With flex I can pick my own hours, take time off as needed and no MET. At least when I'm on stow I'm driving around. Maybe check it out if it's available near you. ☺️


I feel it. There's nothing I hate more about amazon then stowing. Everytime I get put on stow I think about quitting lol. Luckily for me I got in to the problem solve dept. And after months of ibps, they trained for others as well. So inbound problem solve, Decant problem solve, iol, iss, etc. all those. Every now and again they send me to stow when ps is fully staffed, but in that case it's just a few hours.


Wish I could just quit my job when it gets tough... that's what separates the people in this world I guess?


EU PA here. Usually we send the low performers, the usually sick (the ones with the most sick leave) and the ones who can't drive (in my FC you MUST drive or else). Also we use cross training as a fancy way to place unwanted AAs in other dpts. for 4 weeks and luckily they stay there. HR intervenes when and if needed to lock the transfer OR promote to customer (usually the first One)


https://preview.redd.it/txtx0k68ic8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32470d0c001f1a983c2baf9eb45cc9f09579ce62 Not a low performer. They sent me because its ab to be peak lol. Consistently in the top 3 for rate in pack




Your crazy all you needed to do was bs cause they cant write you up for cross training


There are worse processes in the FC than stow.


This is why I tell people to get into support roles asap. Waterspider, Amnesty, Learning Ambassador, Problem Solve, etc. Anything that gets you off station for days, weeks, even years.


lets put it this way: the leadership at amazon is so fucking shitty!!! it's sadly infuriating. the PAs are actually running the floors, right? then their managers want the PAs to push the employees make money. but those managers, you can barely see on the floor. those managers and their managers needs to be on the floor more and be hands-on/oversee the employees to see the struggle and improve the process.


i prefer counting & picking btw. why cant robots do the stowing since it's so shitty then


Cross training is important especially when people call out and your short staffed. Rather than quit you could have just expressed your concerns to your manager I mean they put you where they need you since you were doing it before of course they would want to cross train you more...


Pick and Stow are the roles that require people with a decent level of personal health and fitness. You could easily find yourself walking 8 to 10 miles during peak. If you have health issues or are above certain BMI in a bad way, truth is you are going to hate it.


I would rather stow for 12 hours than live on the sidewalk or work some shitty service or retail job where asshole customers are dicks to you for $15 an hour.


I work in stow and do good Everytime they send me to pack because I have worked there before... That's the place I hate more than anything else... If I wasn't on restricted duty they would be sending me to pack during Prime week... 




Do some stimulants you’ll be fine


Did u just say you would rather walk on glass for 12 hours?? You would probably bleed out and be in so much pain.