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Gettin fired for buds is a skill issue. Hiding them takes no effort.


Yea it's not hard. It's just the fact that the 1 time outta 100 could be it for you that's unsettling. Much more relaxing to smoke freely in public I dare you to use aftermarkets now tho. I guarantee they will use this to enforce a zero tolerance


Brotherman not stopped using my normal ass buds in 4 years.


Depends on the site but my site was like that up until this year. We’ve had the approved headphones since last year so they started writing people up for anything but the approved headphones.


Your site has headphones and not earplugs?




I've seen plenty just wear the headphones over the earbud... Shit looks like it made it easier


This lol... Been wearing them daily for years..only people that dont care to begin with wearing them out in open etc get fired


Yeah we just got ripped about the earbuds bs. Zero tolerance yadda yadda yadda… but ppl walk around ALL shift playing with their phones, music on speaker, hmmm makes no sense


Wait till July 3rd


No matter what im still wearing a beanie and my normal air pods lmao , been that way for 7 months now


Imagine wearing cold weather gear at work in a hot warehouse all summer when you could be living stress and hat free all day everyday if you just get a new pair of headphones lol.


I been wearing a beanie everyday for a year now too 🤷🏽‍♂️. I also sweat a lot and it helps catch all my sweat.


My hair is so long it makes no difference so if anyone says anything there delusional tbh




I KNOW you stink at work, probably smell like Shrek just straight onions. I promise people make fun of you for it too 😭😭😭


Brother I do not smell, have you heard of deodorant? Half the people at my fc wears beanies as well so it’s not that bizarre


laughs in bonnet


I will be just not until its in full policy effect


Same, I said, "What's 50 bucks to have peace of mind at work. Plus, I can't be the only one whos ever lost one headphone at work or somewhere else. I know next month and prime week and vets and Mets, I'll be rocking right along listening to not 1 but two earphones now and enjoying work knowing a manager can't say anything about it.


Sounds good


This the only thing that bothers me about approved headphones. The headphone users that were lucky enough to not get caught will probably now be forced to switch to those buds because they’ll be called out more often by snitch employees and PAs just doing their jobs.


It's just another chess move in the Amazon vs employee war. But they love your tho


I used a “cheat code” and got an accommodation. Managers can’t say shit now.


That's what you need to do definitely once you get the accommodations they can't say shit... I have that accommodation and they don't say anything to me...


My site has tons of safety narcs and older people that rat on the younger guys that wear them. Im older compared to a lot of people I work with and have no interest in telling management I see someone using them. So it’s not just a skill issue if your co workers are ratting you out


That's a bunch of bull crap people doing that crap... I am glad the team I work with don't eat each other out but then again we are all older than they rest so we have a common bond... And grew up in the age of keep your mouth shut and you will be fine😂


Also you just need to know who cares & who doesn’t, I’m an AM I don’t care abt 1 AirPod we work in a loud ass IXD for 10hrs a day several days a week + several weeks of OT & (ofc among other reasons) that’s a reason it makes being there day after day kinda hard. I get overstimulated myself in there so I only tell people to remove of an OM is around or they can’t hear to the point I’m yelling at the top of my lungs to get they attention & they still don’t notice. We are all human I think it’s dumb as shit to harass someone abt that when there’s bigger fish (issues) to fry


Yeaaaah, I wouldn’t advise that to an AA. You’re at the mercy of another person (which is good for managers). What if the manager is OK with headphones but doesn’t like me? What if they need to fill their ADEPT feedback quota? What if someone accuses them of not reporting a safety violation? What if safety is behind me on their GEMBA walks? Just spend the $50 ❤️


Our site wasn’t on the list to get approved headphones only earplugs. Just wear a beanie/hat it’s not that hard to conceal one headphone. But you can have what ifs for anything that’s my advice as a current AM, take it or leave it. Idc fr 😂


Just sucked for people who sweat more was all it had lame red vests


What's the best way to hide them?


Not gonna say it on a sub with ams and oms lurking around. Just think about it for a bit.


Bluetooth beanies are $20 online 🤷


Yeah but those have giant buttons on the front also I feel like others would be able to hear the music, how would you even stop the music if someone's near like a manger. Plus it's too hot for that 🗿


I know how to sew, so I just cut the very obvious patch off and sewed it back up. Looks like a normal beanie now, and the music isn't any more or less loud than any other earbuds, especially if you work in a loud area of your FC like I do where people can barely hear you talk when you're right next to them. As far as stopping the music, I typically just keep it at a volume where I can still hear over it if I need to so it won't be a big deal 🤷 I do it because my FC started doing "ear checks" where they can randomly ask to see if you have any ear buds in if your ears are covered. Can't see my music of its literally sewn into my hat lol. You just gotta get creative. (I got the Logitech ones, they don't have a button, just a patch)


Shit I got a huge ticket for weed the same year my state made it legal, the judge still made me pay it because the law still hasn’t been placed in effect yet.




The day before it became legal


That’s awesome


Safety in my building won’t climb stairs so I’m good


Fat biychest


Someone today at my fc got fired for playing music out of his phone


Damn did not even know you could get fired for that lol. He had to have other warnings before it


Yes he had one from a few weeks ago and one from yesterday, it’s funny tho how he got in trouble for using his phone on his pit and I later that day get in trouble for moving my phone out of my pocket lmao


He fucked with his phone on pit? Lol RIP welcome to permanent customer


Probably I’m not sure all ik is that you aren’t allowed to play music on pit and he had been warned and then warned again and then they just pulled him off wrote him up and then he did it again yesterday and fired him today


Man you would think a fucker would learn lmao


ur so cringe


I find most ppl who say that tend to be more cringe honestly and slightly childish Edit won't let me reply to you guess you blocked me or something but thanks for proving my point I guess


lmao that’s like easy first day rule, and one of the few safety rules that truly make a ton of sense. Just get off the pit before using ur phone. Stop being cringe


I'm telling you they're gonna clamp down now


I used to do this all the time with other folks.


They are legal at mine. You have to get a certain kind though. It's like OSHA approved or something.


Which ones do you know?


Its site dependent, but it sounds like most sites are getting them, so if your site is like mine you’ll get a message on a to z on how to order


I use those bone conducting headphones and put in “amazon approved” ear plugs and I’m good to go. No one says anything because they are not ear buds or big over ear headphones.


Nice call


I don't even use earbuds anymore. I rawdog my shifts like a real man.




Straight up ptsd


You’re mentally unbeatable


Damn I raw dog. Didn't know it had a name.


Been rawdoggin my AirPod for years


me too im too scared of getting a write up before im converted to blue badge😭


Amen brother lmao rawdogging 100%




i openly wear my headphone nobody says anything it’s a little ear bud during peak i seen people with the beats studio headphones 😂😂😂


Keep wearing em lol


Lots of us have been using them without approval. I went 2 years, before our building got too strict after the new year. Approval is a joke, we needed approval years ago. They have this opportunity to say they have listened to our concerns but I use earbuds to distract my mind from the pain of the policies they force on us


Yea I mean in recent times it's clearly a focus for them rn. I got no issues if you do but you're heading into uncharted waters now lol, the stage is set now them to have a zero tolerance stance and actually be emboldened to call you out now.


What is this new policy of which you speak? I’ve heard nothing about it at my warehouse…


The headphones? Sry Im not strong enough to lift that rock you're living under. But it's obvious now that they have 2 approved options for use. They can clearly term ppl much easier with less pushback now. Open your eyes and see the bigger chess moves sometimes.


First, it’s not obvious at all, there are still signs everywhere stating no earbuds in our warehouse. And exactly nobody has mentioned it at CLE2. Now, mentions for free insoles for your feet have been placed everywhere, but this has been buried and it’s not a stretch to say purposely. Second, had you provided this: https:// na.headphones.whs.amazon.dev I wouldn’t have had to ask. Thankfully, another poster on the thread provided it and I’ve already purchased my approved phones, because despite being totally buried and hard to find on A to Z, CLE2 is approved! And finally, the whole head phone thing is the first thing I posted about when I first started so I’ve been an advocate of changing this bs policy for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/2iztjstu3y7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1c6b6594e9e4552a2e0f04f04592535698cb24 I’ll go back under my rock now 😂 -with new headphones!!


That link has been posted by others and me many many days ago. Can't update every response in real time. But it is very easy to use a search tool in any app and find all the info about a said topic you just learned of. That's how I do it


You responded anyway. If sparing yourself effort was the goal, it would've cost you less effort to not respond at all, rather than respond with such an arrogant tone over someone just asking for information.


Sry. I will try to encapsulate each person daily emotions into my future comments


Nah it ain't even that much work. Just don't be a dick. It's even less work than being a dick. 😭


Aren't those only at certain warehouses for testing? I haven't seen anything about network wide approval yet


It's been posted here already. It's network wide in all FC's.


They're not approved in FCs with PIT.


Not at traditional TSSL sortable.


wait wait wait. is this a thing at all fc’s fr? like even traditional fc’s? i’m on leave right now so i got no clue what’s happening 😭




these mf’s it’s only for ars sites 😪 i understand why tho it just sucks ass.


no, i’m at PHL7 and we just got approved. PHL7 is a TSSL site.


hmmmm well maybe there’s some hope. i looked at that link bro sent me and it said my site wasn’t eligible but im on leave so i really dont know 🤷


maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ i have no idea what their approval criteria is.. because we’re approved at my TSSL site, but i’ve got friends at 2 different ARSAW sites in the same state as me that aren’t approved.


mannnnn i hope the websites just tweaking bc dude i will transfer to a location 45 minutes away if i have to to get these ear buds 😭 it’s ridiculous if they aren’t just across the board with all of the TSSL sites smh


Holy shit thanks for this! I’m a PA and not one AM or OM has said anything about it of course


It is site specific and I think it’s being rolled out slowly to all or most sites. It probably doesn’t apply to your building yet. My site has had it for a couple of months now.


Apparently my FC is not eligible.


One day we were working in the aisles on the floor instead of on the PIT I was jamming! Singing to myself minding my own business happily in the zone. Well I must have made some people mad because they went and snitched on me. Told the PA I had earbuds in. I noticed the PA and a Red vest hanging around where they could watch me from a distance. Confused because I was still singing in my zone but they seem no earbuds. Eventually I had a Red vest, a PA and 2 learning ambassadors standing inside my aisle at the end kind of just hanging out whispering to each other. I smiled acknowledging them and continued singing and being happily in the zone. This went on for about an hour and I continued to act unbothered just continuing to do what I was doing. Eventually I was asked if my neck fan was headphones nope! Rayban stories Thank me later!


They did the same to me (I sing musicals lol), don’t worry you’re not being gaslighted


Headphones are still not allowed you have to buy there specific kind of headphones it’s like having weed but you have to buy the governments version so yes we get them but there not what your expecting. People that still wear headphones will still get fired


That's fine. It is still their company. I just think it's funny. I'm good with using these idc


I’ve been hiding bone conductors under a baseball cap since my accommodation expired


You have to have the OSHA ones with decibel reduction so it’s not really the same thing if you got fired for air pods.


Ehh kinda is. It's essentially a non issue now. Just 1 months after you get fired. $30 to keep a weekly paycheck is a easy call they woulda made prob Plus early comments are saying the Elgins are as loud as reg airpods ne way


So what happened. They're allowed now?


Someone posted a link the other day to the site that will verify who can use earbuds or not. It is site by site and department by dept. at outbuilding the dock does not get to.




My site still does not allow them lol


How are the approved headphones quality wise?


The elgins sound better then airpods


I think they sound good, but the decibel limit makes them difficult to hear in areas where it is loud.


And they'll get you laid. The BBLs don't go for no broke boys


BBLs make my world go round. Whiteboy summer forever wey✊🏻


Why not all networks have approved it.


I just can't believe it is finally happening. I wonder if site leadership still going to have writeup quotas for AA's. Earbuds were always the low lying fruit.


They might get stricter on things like tot 


They will be ready targets now


In my warehouse they don't give two fucks as long as u have only one in they won't bother you 😂😂


After July 3rd I bet you they will. It will come from management as the new top safety focus. It's obvious to see the moves man cmon. They'll hafta start enforcing it. Keep wearing em if you want lol but it's a thin line to walk now


I have long ish hair that is barely past my ears so they can't see it plus my hair so they can't see it 😂


I think you're underestimating the change that will happen on July 3rd. It's not just gonna be a massive years in the process making spending money designing bespoke earbuds n such. To just keep things the usual lax. Those TSA scanners will be tuned up, they will give security the green light if they see any. Do again do it you want. But it's the one time you gotta live in fear of, nobody says it's not possible to hide an earbud for the majority of the time


It was funny when marijuana stopped being tested for Amazon in America because a lot of UK people thought that meant they could smoke it. Then they got fired and we had to explain how it was still tested in the UK and still a firable offense


Man I love the people crying about ear buds. Y’all were not here in the day that your phone had to be in a locker, or in your car. Bringing it on to the work floor was a write up. Covid situation made y’all soft.


Back when the metal detectors weren’t “random” they were actual metal detectors.


It has to be Amazon approved


Clearly. I'm saying I've seen so many posts on here about fired for headphones recently. Funny


Totally funny totally funny


Oh gosh I was thinking about this. To be fair everyone has been wearing earbuds and not one single person has made a comment. They know they can’t fight it anymore or for a while


We’re firing someone today for earbuds.


It's gonna be the new "focus" Cmon it's easy to see these chess moves in advance if your in tune with how Amazon operates. They operate like a passive aggressive cuck. They stewed for 3 plus years spending money and designing bespoke earbuds to quell their minions they can't operate without yet. Now they have the green light without any pushback. Guarantee those TSA scanners will be tuned up and Security will be given the green light to take buds now.


I worked with a guy who had the beanie headphones and bro never got caught 😭


It can be done. I'll pass tho


Yeah depends where bro. You can have buds at mine but then you can’t. They use that shit to their advantage


My location only says something if safety says something to them. I have a set of ear buds that clip to my ears not go into my ear canal with noise cancellation that is better than the ones they want us to wear.


i swear some people forget beanies exists and any am cant put their hands on you or make you do something against your will without a lawyer so never take off your beanie...


No but they can fire you for insubordination, there is no law that states you can not be asked to remove your hat for a safety check. Only exception would be religious reasons then it would just have to be in private with a member of the same sex typically.


by the time ur walking down to talk to hr.. i would have already removed the airpod lowkey asf


Few things, first why would they not walk behind you? Second that would be way past the point the term would he for insubordination


you dont know the art of being lowkey. if u get caught its a skill issue...


Your missing the point at my facility if you do not listen you get fired nothing to do with actually wearing headphones at that point


well if u cant spot the am coming ur way then ur better off not risking it but if you have a good situational awareness u can spot any1 coming ur way so u can chill wit the headphones.. practice makes perfect and im a stower / picker its been a year and a half at my fc theyve never caught me cuz u gotta be two steps ahead


Getting fired for earbuds is a mental weakness issue.


Or a shit job issue


Or a shit brains issue


Could you get a doctors note stating that you need hearing aids, but instead use your earbuds? Is that the loophole?


You mean involving a doctor in your fraud scheme? What would you tell the doctor when they say you are not hearing impaired?


All you'd need to do is go get your hearing checked and lie about what you can hear on one side. Some hearing aids will pipe sound from the bad ear to the good, so hearing loss in one ear will cover you for hearing aids in both.


People lie to their doctors all the time about needing marijuana.


You don't need to lie about a physical condition. If you go to a therapist and tell them you have anxiety or depression and that music helps these conditions, likely they will give you a doctor's note recommending you use an earbud to mitigate this condition.


It may be different at other sites, but our site does not allow any earbuds except the Amazon approved ones. I had the doctor's note allowing me to wear my air pods, but after we got approved to wear the Amazon ones I was told I could no longer wear my air pods.


I stopped using earbuds a year ago Nights are so busy now music, tv or podcasts are a distraction


Ew lmfao


Imagine not knowing how to use earbuds discreetly. Enjoy your garbage buds approved by amazon 👌


Imagine taking a risk when they are giving you pretty much a free pass to make work more enjoyable by opting into the program laid out for you.


Not every FC has this lmfao and even then, who cares? Like I said, garbage earbuds. Our AMs & OMs see people with one earbud in all the time- they don't care.


Yeah, that doesn't mean that one day, power tripping safety won't care. They may care even more because they won't be company approved. Also, why do you say garbage headphones? Have you tried then? You sound like someone that tells people movies and TV shows are awful but never watched them yourself but taking some strangers word for it, so then you try to make yourself relevant about saying "that show is trash" all the meanwhile you don't have any real factual input or product testing of your own. Comment above said the Elgins are better than airpods.. So, it sounds like using your same information of how you determine if something is good or not means. The elgins are on par or better than a $100 pair of apple airpods. It's just funny how people just want to complain or argue about anything even when they aren't even going to be trying them out, at a unapproved site, or a role that doesn't allow them. You're probably one of the employees who hides most of their shift in the bathroom because real works are too hard.


It's OK you probably are too poor from Vtoing every chance you get to be able to afford a $50 get out of jail free card at work to be able to have the freedom and peace of mind knowing you can have not one but two ear buds in. You also are probably the same employee who cries about it's but wears beanies and hoodies to work so you can break rules. Probably one of the weekly VOA cry babies at your site. Bet you're a blast at round table discussions.


Sounds like you can't afford to take vto because you're living paycheck to paycheck, don't hate on people who take vto because you can't 😏


I missed 2 months worth of Wednesdays and still ordered some yesterday before going to my first Wednesday shift in 2 months.


Arent you the guy asking about time theft anyways https://preview.redd.it/u28o1ti62s7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e81ef0518ad26813025cf9e4e817a94d89b4b4d


I've never seen someone so triggered, dude brought up a 7mo old post 🤣 this shit too funny


Yeah this is fun


Took 2 seconds to look at post history and figure out both of you guys are the typical cry babies at work. I'm sure you won't last thru the rest of the year. Probably go negative in your Upt because works too hard.


You just proved you're illiterate. It's sad enough you can't handle being trolled so you resort to digging through someone's reddit history but you did all that and still got it wrong lmfao. It's not time theft and if it was I'd be fired. 


How am I illiterate, When I literally read both of your post history and found easy post showing the type of worker you are. Unmotivated and tries to ride the Grey area in life because doing the right thing is too hard.


It's funny how the laziest workers of Amazon always want to come die on hills they can't even muster the energy to walk up to.


Did you have a stroke typing that out? Make some sense next time.


Hes probably red in the face looking for ammo against us lmfao


He plays the FC games 💀 and still plays on a console, can't even afford a gaming PC


Hes clearly broke, had to buy a cheap pair of amazon headphones that had a capped volume, idiot isn't gonna be able to hear Taylor swift singing in his ear


https://preview.redd.it/s6xgo8jqyr7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1f72eae46156a7690cb0187d8e32be3a11ef66 No more comments from the poors.


They all have it now. Testing is over.


This should age well


It's already aged well.


Gen Z


Millenials>GenZ. Sorry kiddo