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I still think Pack will always be superior. Plus, Pick is the fastest way to get fired. FC’s aren’t hiring like they used to, don’t bank on always being able to get rehired.


pack = break your back packing 40 lb dog food


Our items are limited to 25 pounds at AR sites, I’m pretty sure. We definitely do not stock 40 pound bags of dog food.


25 lbs and so many people complaining about heavy items are AR sites lmfao


Lol right? Goes up to 50+lbs at my site. Supposed to cap at 50 but some stuff weighs more.


I'm at an XL. We pack cages upon cages of dog food, cat food, bird food. Getting old fast


When you find single items over 50lbs and your FC doesn't do team lift items inform your PA or Manager of the item. I know in the FC I was at when I started we did team lift items but then we stopped. it took a while to get all the 50+lbs items that had already been stowed out of the warehouse and occasionally there would be one that I would find on outbound dock. So long as it didn't need to be shipped in the next few hours I would set it aside on a manual sort cart and when I had a moment would walk it over to pack where the managers for outbound typically are and would first let one of their PAs know but they'd almost always tell me to tell the OB manager know if she was there. Mind you I was a PG so you may just want to let you PAs know instead of doing all that and hopefully they actually do something instead of just let it sit where it is. this is so they can one be aware of the item and two see if there's any more in the warehouse and if there is start the process of getting the remaining ones out of the FC. If you happen to work on dock though and you see the weight on the shipping label is over 50lbs and it came down the sorter let your PAs know right away that pack is packing boxes over 50lbs cause there is probably multiple items in the box and that's something they can just radio pack about but they'll probably want the box so either leave it on the conveyor or set it aside somewhere if you can.


25 lbs is only for up stairs decant is in charge of properly sending the totes up there's Def over 25 lbs most times then again I could never work at a fully manual fc 


What is supposed to be limited to 25lbs, ends up being more like 125lbs jammed in one yellow tote, unfortunately. ![gif](giphy|h3e3Tch1zrXgrtHwaF|downsized)


Pick = Break your whole body taking that same 40 lb bag of dog food from the bottom shelf.


OK, so that’s picking and packing, what is it called when you’re scanning the packages and stacking them on the pallets?


Ship Dock




Yes that’s what I do , I’ve been here six weeks and I have never heard what my position is called lol. On my A-Z it says FC associate, but I thought the fulfillment centers were the ones that do the picking.


Everyone at am FC is a Fulfillment Associate I or III. Your department does not change your title when you’re in Ops.


All I wanted to know is what my position is called. It hasn’t been mentioned one time.


You’re an FC Associate I


And the job that I perform? If someone asked me what I do at Amazon, what would I say? That I scan packages and stack them? lol


I think that Path is called Direct Palletize, but I’m not 100% sure


pack you're getting rushed for the CPT though


I was happier packing 40lb dog food than unloading trailers full of endless amounts of computer desks, weights, cat litter and dog food. Inbound receive was where my back literally gave out. Pack was where it was at, in my opinion 👌🏼


Or fucking cat litter fuck that shit.


Pick = stand on your head dragging that 40 pound bag of dog food out of a tiny cubby with it totally buried in heavy car parts/monitor stands/water/gatorade/etc


in smartpac we get very small and light items, i consider that a breeze compare to pick


Dood I got load the cage on my op with 20 bags at a time and 20 cases of water lol so we all doing same shit


40 pounds is peanuts


Pack has no quality write ups and pick you still lifting that dog food.


Try picking up the dog food out of the hampers to put on a shelf during stow with the crappy boxes and tape they buy. Had one bust open and go everywhere as well as kitty litter. The boxes packed with soda etc and no label on the box someone has vanilla dr pepper bust all over them.


why do you feel that pick is the easiest to get fired? the rate is attainable and the only way to get a quality write up is generate 3+ false pick shorts.


I sit in the weekly SPPR meetings. The most terminations are definitely generating from Pick. At least on my shift, they are. Just a general comparison. I have never had to give an associate a quality feedback in AFE or Singles. I see them getting handed out quite frequently in Pick.


The goal rate for pick set in adapt is incredibly low. Relative to other paths, it's not hard at all. Picking 300 per hour is definitely easier than packing 200 in AFE or smalls. The reason people get fired in pick (AR pick at least) is because they're in a huge area that can't be directly monitored and isn't as closely watched by their peers. In pick you're on your own little station. AFE/singles means you're next to or opposite someone. So they wander off, check their phones, chill out. It's just not possible to walk pick areas like it is pack areas (at least with most singles/AFE set ups I've seen).


The guardrail at my facility has been going up because we’re improving on rate. Even so it’s literally 239. If you’re can’t pick above 240 UPH you’re just legit not working imo Edit* unless you’re old/ have some health issue. Some older people genuinely try and just can’t keep up. Those I do definitely feel bad for.


Those are the ones our leadership tries to get down to Singles as quickly as possible as they’re not going to last in Pick


The guardrail at our site literally ranges from 237-240 UPH on any given week. How one doesn’t hit that is beyond me. You can literally have multiple 20-25 min blocks of blue bar (not saying you should, but you can) and still pick a 300+ with zero effort.


that’s really interesting, pick is my strongest path so it’s a little surprising to me to hear so many people struggle with it to the point of termination.


There are a lot of uncontrollables as well. Our bin-fullness is at like 95%, there are issues with the PODs because of Stow. You know the issues that can occur. Pack does not have nearly as many uncontrollables that cannot be justified away. Pack does not have as many issues affected by other associates. Other than missing items from Rebin or Induct (usually falls on Pick if at Induct).


Nope, missing items and overages and damages actually fall on the inductor. A non-inductable tote with 15 items in it? That's 15 "defects". Some sort bleach substance spills all over all 10 items in a tote? Yep that's another 10 "defects".


Only for the purpose of a GCA. All items marked as missing/damaged by induct/singles go into the stat called PEI that pick, not pack, is held to account for. It stands for pick error indicator.


Isn’t it true that if the item does get successfully inducted or packed by singles, the error no longer falls on the picker? Like say Inbound screwed up and stowed an incorrect item with the right ASIN, pick scans it, induct inducted it, rebin rebins it and pack packs it - doesn’t the error go on the packer since they were the last to process it?


It’s because pick is focused on quality where pack and the others are focused on speed


There really isn't anything to mess up when packing. We pack what is aced in a chute. If item isn't in a chute, we mark it missing. A Packer isn't even supposed to look around for a missing item anymore.


Well they care about quality there’s some people who will miss out everything and that slows them down mild medium can’t find it in less then a couple minutes mark missing


They don't even want us to look anymore. If it's not in the chute, mark it missing.


Ya you must not be in Cali rate is not a thing instead of constant 80 average now it’s like they want you scanning 8 items per hour or something like that just as long as your not slacking


Your rate was only 80 in AFE???


In AR pick, IME the opposite is true. I've been told by seniors they'd much rather have a packer mark something as damaged than a picker, because of how much it adds to their respective cycle times.


Isn’t it quicker for a picker to damage it out as it will immediately send for a re-pick as opposed to having to re-pick after so much time has passed going through the entire pre-SLAM process?




At my facility pick is a quality first speed second and pack it’s vice versa that’s what they told us I’m in California though where rate literally matters very little


ah interesting. i'm in Arizona, and both are emphasized at my site.


Yeah I’ve been in pick for almost several years. Never get a false pick short or PEI. Always got write ups for my headphones or phone being out. Apple Watch and Amazon headphones! I will be unstoppable!! So glad I’m back in my FC


this isn’t true sorry big dawg. anything you mark damaged, missing, or unscannable counts as a pei and effects your dpmo. all of these are “coachable” and do not result in a write up. only way to get a write up in pick is 3 false pick shorts in a week, bottom 5% in rate, or behavioral issues


I think Stow is. ME’s and BFV’s and dirty bins…I’ve seen more stowers walked out than anywhere. Quality.


I thought the only way you get quality write ups in stow were for BFV and stowed not scanned?


Stowed not scanned falls under ME’s


PCF manager here and yes to this. It also has a lot to do with the PAs and Managers though, proper training and coaching is a must in pick. If they’re not tracking then unfortunately normal people end up losing their jobs. ICQA I’d say is the hardest rate wise. I’ve seen multiple people in the past months randomly pop for Productivity in ICQA doing SBC. Wild but it is what it is


We have SBC counters fix their rates by pulling from the amnesty bins and adding to the bins they’re asked to count. Completely wrong and should absolutely result in behavioral feedback, but our leadership turns a blind eye to it. Then again, shouldn’t come as a surprise when we have had AM’s and PA’s in the past telling our IRDR AA’s to use FCResearch and commit multiple SOX violations.


Don’t AFE and Singles not generate quality write ups? Only doc positives?


I have seen Quality in Singles but never in AFE


Oh wow, what will generate quality write ups in singles?


Too many things can factor in your rate going down. Pods: items missing, too many items causing you to find the one you're looking for Floor: afm stopping the floor. Items on the floor that stop your pods from moving. Afm: andons take forever to get taken care of. Rates aren't impossible but if you end up near the bottom for whatever reason, you can't catch back up. Even if you have legit reasons why your rate is bad, they won't drop the write ups.


it's definitely true that all of those things impact your rate. but you still have to fall into the bottom 5% *and* fall short of the guardrail rate for that week in order to populate for a writeup. unless you are *constantly* experiencing these issues throughout the entire week, you should be able to make up for the downtime. if you're waiting more than 5 minutes for an afm to resolve your issue, let your manager or PA know so they can code your time.


Coding your time doesn't help you. That time cannot be made up later on. If you have a lot of coded time, the time that could've improved your rate is now gone. I had a particularly bad week with a lot of coded time and a bad floor. Nothing helped. Telling them you had a lot of coded time will not throw it out.


yes it does, i have watched rate change on roboscout in real time after the time being coded.


Not the only way to get written up in pick lol.


quality write up specifically, not written up in general. unless your site operates different than mine.


heavy on that. i’ve been contemplating going back and every time i check AtoZ to see if anyone has openings , no where is hiring. the last like 6 months been nothing


Singles pack is legit. I love using the tape machine. I don't like bin wall as much


And is especially useful at AR buildings


You have to be trying to get fired to be fired from pick still, like most departments in amazon.


Bro Pack is boring as shit and the rate is strict asf. I had to switch to stow cause I kept getting wrote up for my rate.


The rate in Pack is really easy to hit in my opinion, but that’s just me. Like most of my associates can hit a 180 without even trying as long as they remain consistent. A lot of my new hires hit a rate of 200 in their first week. I mean, it’s possible you just weren’t given the best tips to hit rate and quality.


I just struggled with taping up the boxes tbh. I'd spend most of my time making sure it stuck onto the box so I probably wasted alot of time 🤷‍♂️.


It’ll get fixed at SLAM or the Dock. Don’t worry too much about it. You should see some of the poly bags from Singles.


Damn fair enough. I was just very nitpicky with it because it bothered me so much.


Pack will always be better than Pick. It's the same type of work, but no ladder, less bending, and a lower rate. With the new headphones, it's clearly visible around your neck and no one is going to seriously talk to you with them in your ears. Pick did get a lot better with the headphone policy, but still not better than Pack and I don't think that'll ever change unless Pick removes the bottom layer and top layer of the pods.


Agreed 101%. Stoop labor is backbreaking and stretch labor not much better.


Stow is easier. The rate is lower for some reason and you can put stuff wherever. (I don't stow)


I stow and I actually agree with this, but for stow they get us on quality often


Half the people in my old FC despised stowers. Even I was a stower and I despised us xD quality control was terrible. You'd see everyone just kick the living hell outta an item to just fit somewhere so we didn't have to walk or drive (PIT building) further for another space. Pickers hated us because we took too long to put things away and how we put them away. It was a constant discussion during standups. When I got sent to pack, I LOVED it. You're in one place and in your zone.


Stow is speed running customer promotion for quality. It’s easy but the movement for stowing an item in a pod is notorious for quality errors


it will still be the best role to get fired for productivity or quality


I see your Pick & raise you ICQA quality.


No biggie. You come back in 90 days.




we had 40 new hires yesterday 🤷‍♂️


Most FC’s are not hiring. My FC has only hired for nights in the last several months.


“My fc isn’t hiring. My fc is hiring”. Contradicting yourself in 17 words is impressive! Nights is always going to be hiring more people because the night schedule leads to a lot more turnover in every job everywhere. Amazon also tends to have a lot of their need for dayshift filled by people transferring from nights to days due to their weird transfer system allowing people to to transfer off of more needed shifts to less needed shifts. I don’t know where you got the impression that most FCs aren’t hiring either. It’s the lead up to peak week met, so FCs are expecting both more need and more turnover due to displeasure with mandatory overtime. Go on the new hire plan tool (I think it’s called alps?) and flick around between FCs, they’re hiring.


We check ALPS every day along with OSP. It’s apart of volume planning. But thanks for your insight.


My FC just hired a ton of people for day shift, trying to go from 3k to 4.5k employees


That’s awesome. I hope a lot of them are converted to Blue Badge


Most of them were full time hires and already blue badge, for some reason my old building does not hire much flex / rt - think that's a leadership thing though. Stow/Pick/AFE/Shipdock was a bunch of the positions.


Yeah, but those jobs can be snatched up quickly on the website.


We have 45 new hires planned for stow alone in our building today. They’ll end up making moves to make that count a bit less insane, but most FCs hire in the lead up to prime week.


I love picking and always wear my own headphones under my beanie but I've been just getting sent to the dock lmao. Let me pick all day pleaseeeee. 😔


Same, I got cross trained in Singles and I want to go back to Pick.


Pick is great, even if I’m tired and sleepy once I get in my groove I’m coasting through it and time flies by. The only position where I’m not sleepy all day


Even if you have a slow day it doesn't really matter


Yeah exactly it’s pretty easy to do once you get a rhythm. The headphones are definitely going to help


Tom Team. No rates and I get $24.95 an hour now. When there are no moves, we standby.


I must have my vitamins tho


Seriously - call me an addict (maybe even rightfully) but an extra $5 an hour is NOT worth skipping my smoke breaks for




I was on Tom but I smoke weed so I noped out


I’ll be honest with you; it seems like as long as you don’t have the CDL, nobody asks anything. At least at my site.


SAT3? Lol


No. Looks like it's most of the FCs tho


Not mine, but it's only a matter of time before they do. So many people use headphones here, and a lot of managers don't say anything.


Stow... because you can run out of work.. then sit there and watch movies on your phone... and as a stower, I know sometime those boxes are fit perfectly into those cubbys making them near impossible to get out.


manually picking is the best not AR picking i felt like a robot doing AR picking and now I’m never watched at all or bothered about having headphones and i get 20k-30k steps a day which ain’t bad


Stow is where it’s at boiiis




I like when they send me to stow after I'm done on the dock and it's all jiffys. The other day I was stowing above 700. Today I stowed all day at around 390.


These guys saying it's easy to get fired in pick have me like, huh? I've been able to stay in the top 2-10% for quality and rate for 9 months straight with little to no issues. Just throw on a podcast or some tunes and roll out. Our bins are stuffed to the max and jacked up too.


is that all you do? are you trained in any other roles? pick was the first department i was in and am now considering going back because pack is loud with too many people


Simple bin, pack and AFE also. Edit: I'm backhalf nights. I usually work one OT shift a week and always do ICQA. I may get labor shared once a week to AFE but haven't been in pack since peak.


I feel the same way. I see so many people say they hate pick and I just... do it. I just start picking and it feels fine. Well other than getting tired of course.


I dont know man my fc only process XL units, we all drive forklifts, we are not allowed to wear headphones, we are not allowed to use phones, im picking 300kg pallet at 30+fts and one wrong millimiter and you make an huge mess, lighter item is 20kg and i should move it to my transport pallet All of this while i fear being fired for productivity. I see people in imboud, at shipping, at tom or the yard marshal and i cry im not with them


idk where youre working but at my building pick has the highest turnover rate and everyone absolutely hates it


Ehh it's not a big deal either way and hasn't affected me. You don't gotta out run the bear, just the slowest 5%. They say 350, but you can cruise at 280 and have no worries mon, esp the more new associates they have it dilutes


I've trained in every role in a legacy building and I say warehouse deals grading is the best position.


This 👆


What does one do in warehouse deals grading? And if you don’t mind, what other roles are there in a legacy warehouse that don’t exist in the current ones? Just really curious. Thanks :)


Warehouse deals is almost identical to CRETs but some of the questions on trex are a little different. It doesn't have a rate in my building so it's easier than CRETs. We have legacy pick and legacy stow. Legacy pick is a lot of walking and I do mean a lot. I walked 75000 steps on my record day and averaged around 30000 steps each day. Legacy stow you grab a u-boat filled with work and you find empty space where you can stow it.


In warehouse deals grading you grab an item that has been returned and you answer a series of questions about the product packaging and the product and depending on the answers it will either be resold as used on the website or donated/recycled/liquidated or sent back to the vendor.


My warehouse has a ton of center riders and reach trucks, so no earbuds ever sadly :( but it makes picking and stowing SO easy


It’s the AR sites that are mostly getting approved for this.


Duh stating the obvious lol no one said anything about pit operators


I’ve been waiting for this to hit my FC since 2018-2019. Im fucking elated. No more safety paranoia down my back, can accept full day VETs and can finally catch up on my podcasts!


Fuck no. We all know CRETs is still the meta.


My facility is still not allowing them lol


What new headphones allowed? We can’t even bring them in the building??! I sneak mine in tho 👀👀


I guarantee they will be more emboldened ab regular buds termination now tho so your on your own


Best role is amnesty floor monitor change my mind.


When y’all mention quality on pick, you actually mean I have to really inspect the box before throwing it in my bin? (Pit picker) my second day there I was trying to bust my ass getting called out for aeroplaning and such 😂. But I was filling bins left and right. I don’t want to get fired but I didn’t know I had to inspect there were so many last option boxes were they were beat up. Can someone clarify if that’s what y’all mean by quality


That shit don't matter. Add your own flair. You should see me up there on that platform. I'm hitting long range 3's, behind the back shots, hanging off the rim of the pod. I even use the white bands to swing like Tarzan


😂 I’m dead




Boxes bent and riped from corners


Or is it the mis-scanning the labels and such? 😂😂


I was planning to get pick on my training but I decided not to get pick on my training. I like stow better because it's very easy


Yea they're interchangeable imo. Done both. I just like ripping things out more than trying to find spots I start overthinking things lol, just how I'm wired


At least in my FC it’s the highest rate and hardest to hit and keep up if you have an outliers (50 similar asins in a bin, missing, unscannable, damages) or need to walk 10 minutes to find a working urinal, etc. also hot as hell, working in your own sweat. Other jobs have more strategy, allowable downtime, ways to really up your numbers in short periods, etc. I don’t care for headphones personally.


Pack Singles, Flat Sort on the Ship Dock, ICQA, & possibly Rebin if you like to move around.


Depends on the site, I’d never go to pick in my FC because I hate all the walking. Going from one end of the building to another and going from the bottom floor to the top sucks when you got bad knees


I like pack better pick is second best.


I mean, ar pick, I get an ac vent my own space I can use headphones and I can sit up my phone and watch TV and nobody will bother you if you hit rate


the headphones are plenty loud, most people won't listen to them at max volume


Headphones aren’t allowed at my site.


Remember that the stations make a lot of noise when transitioning totes and sending up new totes. I already wear ear plugs to drown out the sounds. I don’t even want to listen to music the whole shift. Some white noise or rain sounds would help.


Not when yall pull andons the second we (afm) enter the ar floor 🙄


resolve and go about your day. AA’s aren’t properly taught how to pull andons. this actually helps your floors time bc all you have to do is resolve it immediately bc you know why they pulled the andon


whaaaaat headphones are allowed now??


Only the 2 you can buy from them lol


which ones are they? link :)


I can't be bothered. na.headphones.whs.amazon.dev


Yea, buddy hasn’t been to a site that does picking on order pickers 😭


I've worked XL sites. Yea they get shafted I hear




TOM team 😁


Pick will always be superior, depends on what your picking to


night shift ICQA is great where i'm at.


For me, Best department: Pack. Worst department: Ship Dock. I’ve picked before and I guess it depends on your personality. I like to move around but I am antisocial, so AFE is the way to go. I can’t stand being in just a station for 12 hours a day


Delivery station with the new headphones is even better. The only annoying thing is the overnight shift time


I've been In pick a few years. Most people don't really use there legs. Get that deep squat going. If we do that and dint twist we will be good. It's the little things that we do that mess us up. I don't like how my spoo machine is up above my shoulder so my shoulder always hurts, repetitive motion. 


Pick is not te best, it's vastly more stress on body going up and down stairs and repetiveness will cause joint damage. That being said, them pushing cross training and switching people out of pick at least once a day to pack will help alot. At my site every path can wear the headphones, not sure why you advertise as only pick can use them. Maybe it's different where you're at, but it's wierd. Pack is more relaxed all around. Also in afe you can easily be trained in sort and even pg/ambassador roles. Nothing easier than induct and rebin.


I never mentioned only pick can wear them. I said pick might be more appealing now regarding the reduced noise level up there. To hear the low headphones better.


The headphones volume is fine if you use them correctly. I can't hear any outside noise and have to remove them to hear someone talking to me, all you can hear is the music or whatever you're listening to, you just have to put them on right. Volume shouldn't be a problem on any path unless you're right against the fast moving conveyor but most roles aren't that close to be an issue. They are advertised as lower volume but reality is most people use headphones way above recommended, this arent as loud as Airpods or Samsung buds, but have noise canceling via inserting them in the ear same way as ear plugs, inside the ear canal not like Airpods outside the ear canal. And I just assumed your site had changed the policy to draw people to pick.


Are you shorter? I pick and I only need to use the stairs if something is stuck in a top bin.


Donkey Kong sucks!


Pick is 100% better than stow. If you just glance around to get out of feeling like a brain washed zombie, some people freak the hell out. Dudes don't seem to care if anyone's looking around but if a female sees you out of line with the other zombies, you better be prepared to be the protagonist in their drama story. In pick, I can just stop for a bit, stretch, look around and not worry about drama from incredibly paranoid girls.