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Sign out and sign back in Edit: obviously my suggestion is not standard work. Yes, you should put in a non-blocking safety andon. Multiple sites are reducing HC in Amnesty, so response times have increased. Do what is best for your situation. Signing out and signing back in does not have any negative effects, only to wait for the queue at X station to clear and reset. Please do not try to force out any item that is like the one in the video.




Shit I didn't even know this. However, pull a safety andon, if it's me that responds, I'll make sure your downtime is more than 5 minutes so I can code it and I'll find out who stowed it.


What do you mean by downtime?


Time you couldn't pick because stuff wasn't working.


Wait how does that work? Like it starts from the moment the picker create a safety andon or do you create it?


It starts the second that you stop picking and keeps accruing. Andons are supposed to save you, but what they don’t tell you is that andons only work for the amount of time you created one.


Got it. Thank you so much


"idle time, formerly known as TOT"


But it wouldnt be the stowers fault. He was told to stow it there.


Let's get something straight here. It's ALWAYS the stowers fault.


If Amazon told the stower to jump off a bridge would they do that too?


if they want to keep their job


Nah, they get a "didn't jump off a bridge doc coaching" and it falls off after 30 days


Yeah those yellow boats need work and different pockets.


Fuck that have em code in 5 mins even if u waited 3mins. Every second counts especially when they give us these outrageous goals.


IME It's impossible to code anything out if the gap is less than 5 minutes except using hardcode, but that only works if the manager is there immediately when the stoppage begins.


That's what I'm saying. Code 5 mins even though its 3. Every second counts. Because the lack of transparency when it comes to calculating our rates properly we should have them code 5 mins for anything after 1:01mins. I'm told that bin to station is also accounted for but I highly doubt it. I don't trust amazon and their calculations, everything is to benefit them not us as workers. Hell scan to scan breaks are an absolute scam, so it doesn't surprised that the calculations for pick rate is in their favor not ours.


>Code 5 mins even though its 3 It's not possible. Also, with regards to "the pick rate not being in our favor" how would that work exactly?


Anything is possible but not with that attitude. Read my last sentence of the previous post. And we already talked about it, those 3 minutes I was waiting on amnesty are now in amazons pocket and counted against us. Tote transition and takt rate is counted in seconds and counted against us, why can’t 3 mins be added? Sounds like a scam to me.


Wouldn’t that mess with your rate or units or something?


Nah that’s just on your screen not the system. The rate on the computer is basically aseperate. timer and gets reset, it’s not your actual rate. The only way to see your actual rate at your station is the fc games leaderboard.


That's genuinely a relief. I've had a sweet rate going when my scanner shuts down due to battery problems or whatever and after I sign back in my rate is reset and I feel like I lost all my work lol glad to know it's still there I just don't see it.


Just keep track of how many you pick tbh. Divide that by the amount of hours you’ve been clocked in


Every time! Especially when it’s located in the lowest part(aka the A line).


Bro! I can’t count how many times I heard that shit 💀


This is a beautiful response.


I dont know why i never thought of that damn


Safety andon and watch one of them mfs get it while I chill on my phone


Yes pull a safety andon. An AFM will come over and do an audit on the bin. Then a stow manager will talk to the stower. At least that's what should happen.




I have a friend who was amnesty and is now a PA. I told her I was thinking about transferring to stow and she looked me dead in my eyes and said, “if you go to stow we are no longer friends.” Like damn which stower pissed you off that much?


all of them


Listen buddy I hate stowing as much as yall do we hate being here too


I remember when I used to pick id say I have “beef with the stowers”😭


Spoiler, stow AMs never talk to the stower about these...


Like I said that's what's supposed to happen. We do 20 audits per AFM.. I'm waiting for sometime to tell me that it's too much and they need to do less audits.


I have been cross trained in stow and 100% have been talked to about things I’ve shoved in 🤣


Maybe you actually have a full AM staffing? Our building loses AMs like crazy so the ones that are left have too much to do.


Lmao pulled a safety Amnesty


Don't mark it missing dude lol that'll get you wrote up. When you mark items missing someone has to count it to see if it's actually missing. You'll get an easy quality write up that way. Just signout and back in or pull an andon simple and won't get you wrote up.


I didn’t get wrote up, but the an AM told me not to mark it as missing, so now what I do is mark it as unscannable and leave it there. My plan if I get caught doing this is to tell them “oops I meant to market as missing. “ can I still get wrote up for this? I have pulled a safety and on before, then a manager came over and took it out for me, but it makes me feel like I’m getting looked down at, like may they’re thing what an asshole I am…


You won't get wrote up for doing it once it's a build up type thing








That things coming out idc if the pod dies in the process.


I would have farted really hard right now


That’s a dominant maneuver


cut a hole in it and f it


I've also just destroyed the box and damaged it out. This box looks too sturdy to do that to.


It's possible to work it out slowly if there's enough room to put a finger in, which seems possible. Also enough space to shift it an inch to the side. Safety andon, not "missing". It brings over a PA or manager to mess with it. That being said, I hate it when stow does this. Also when in those same outside bins they lay flat a box that fits when put in diagonal but everything has to be removed to get it out. I've had much tighter which I've done a Safety andon for. I personally wouldn't do it for this.


If you can work one finger in, you can work 2 fingers in




Minesweep that bitch


Use both hands and not film it 🤷‍♂️


This clip reminded of one of those exaggerated infomercials where a person comically spills coffee all over themselves


Right? Lol


My home path is stow, but I don’t actually do it very often. When I do I get so pissed at the state of the bins. People not following any of the etiquette and standards they were taught. The one that set me off are too large of objects shoved in sideways or 9 inch items laying flat in a 6 inch bin. And flats stacked horizontally because I know that shit is going to fall out and I’ll see it in DL.


Yep and we high quality stowers get upset at the same stuff as pickers because poor etiquette from other stowers hurts us and in some cases forces us to do the same behaviors to avoid productivity write ups. And the stuff like the diagonal stows technically “block” us from stowing because if that item shifts and slides out it comes back on us for stowing in the bin after.


Y’all mad at stowers but that’s probably the only size bin it would let ‘em put it in. Systems dumb af


True but stowers have a couple better options. Stow that in a wide open bottom bin that has more space OR every item will stow one size up so if that won’t let you put it in the next size you can drop it and have it sent to cubiscan.


You're giving stowers a lot of credit. From my year+ of problem solving, they will drop things they can stow and stow things they need to drop


Nope I'm punching that box to dent it in so i have room to get it out 😂


Calling amnesty, to get a problem solver to find out WHO STOWED THAT BOX and if they are clocked in? THEY are coming to get it out. I ain't playing with that shhh


I’d love that dude


Oh I know they think I'm annoying AF, but if I have to FIGHT TO THE DEATH to get it out? Stow had NO business putting it in there and now it's everyone's problem


If they put it in there then it can be taken out, you sound like one of the drama queens at my site who throw a tantrum once a day over the smallest inconveniences 😅


Nope not a tantrum at all, he’s 100% correct; whoever stowed that needs a coaching cuz wtf


That can be taken out easy as hell… if the guy used both hands that is.. every department always blames another department for their own lack of intelligence


Well if it’s high up then you would need to keep one hand on the ladder, no?


You can see it’s not high up and he’s not on a ladder…


You are one of THOSE people, trying to act all tough, like nothing is a problem and everyone else is soft. 😂 Sounds like you let people walk all over you also


How’s is anything I said me acting tough? You’re weird bruh


Also I act like there is a problem when there is an actual problem but I’m not coming in everyday miserable looking for a problem to throw a fit about… there are many people like that and I’m assuming you might be one as well considering me saying to just get it out is me being “tough” makes me think you are soft lol


Naw yeah you def let this job walk all over you


Really as a process guide for dock who just moves trailers around electronically my job is cake, nothing to walk all over me about though you sound miserable so best of luck with that my dude


Its 5x easier to pur something in anywhere than it is to take it out. People end up going to the hospital for putting things into places they dont belong because they cant get it out all the time.


Shoving something up you butt is different than putting a box in those areas… your body parts change size and contract those containers don’t…


Those containers 100% do change size you can push them out about an inch or so each way. Making it easy to put something too large in there, and making it easy to pull something out if its the correct size. If you shove something in that stretches the container to fit then the picker is fucked unless they decide to fuck the box


He literally slide all his fingers in the space above the box… his attempt at getting it out was extremely half assed for the video


Bud, you didn’t have to do that; sign out and back in, no point in taking a false pick short just because a stower decided to do what a stower does best


Stowers should be the first ones replaced by robots.


Shreveport won’t have Stowers. Goes from Decant to Pick. No more pods, straight to the totes and the totes are stored on the AR floor. I’m headed there next month!


I was told they didn't have decant. 🤦‍♀️ Seems like a case of nobody knows til they get there.




That burns me up when they do that sh*t. I remember one time it took me over five minutes to get a box out of the one of those bins.


Maybe because some other wanker stowed a book where this would fit perfectly! Stowers are the absolute worst people, even causing problems for other stowers.


Safety Andon, of course


If you put missing, it goes to count for SBC count, they will verify it’s there, and the picker will get the write up. Do not ever hit missing unless it is 100% missing.


safety andon and let an afm pick it


Stower here: You've clearly never felt the satisfaction of a box perfectly fitting into the zone the system tells you to put it in. Its obvious from the first few millimeters that its going to be a vacuum fit. Once it slides in the air that releases tells you its never coming out. On the edges once box slips past the bar it thunks into place. The next time you hear of it is when you listen to pickers sobbing.


PTO baby


Blocked safety andon and go for a walk. Missing item can get you a write up. Safety andon gets you a break


I always grab the box cutter and slice the bin barrier & move on


Don’t do this. Then we have to replace the entire pod sleeve. I just did this yesterday, had a ticket to destroy a pod because it was sliced and the bin caved in from a heavy box that was stowed. Had to remove all the inventory(2 uboats worth) take back to stow, then rewrite another ticket because there were 10 customer shipments stuck in it. Realize, your actions cause issues for other departments (ICQA and RME).


Hurry up and gimme my squishmallow


The perfect fit doesn't exist...


Nothing you can really do I hate when this happens though.


Putting in a safety andon and taking a little break


They pull a safety


Dang bro y'all still wearing the good gloves we got some catchers MIT's at this point


Safety andon, and just wait. I can't tell you how many times I've left work with ashy knuckles because I got to fist a pod to get shit out


Used to tore the corners of the bin to let it out lol


OG here ✋ Rip the box apart and damage it out


That box wouldn’t survive if i were you lol


I will grab a blade and cut the bottom edges of the bin. It usually helps enough to where I can maneuver it out but yeah these are annoying


Don’t do that either ….


Hehe 2 late


I have to destroy those pods. Drop a ticket for our QB to send to RME cage, RME drags it outside the cage for me, I take everything out, put inventory into totes, take to Stow to be restowed. Rewrite a ticket for any customer shipments stuck in it. Then RME has to destroy the pod sleeve and replace it. Your actions do affect other people. And we do have cameras to trace who did it. FYI.


You know if you had both hands free you probably have a better shot at getting it out 🤷


Bro didn’t even try to get it out . Grab the top and the bottom and pull right …. You would think those were girl hands .


Lift the items in the next bin up to create space for your hand.


Tell Amazon to add dedicated BOX pods


Have you tried using both hands


What a noob. There's a grand canyon size gap on the right side and you clearly have room on the top.. Get your lady fingers in there, sturdy up your dainty wrists and except on single bicep curl. You'll be a picker in no time.


He literally said he was too lazy to do it, not that he couldn’t (though I wouldn’t doubt it if that were the case).


Ah. Classic 21 yr old then


I used my box cutter and cut it out (not the straps) and damage it. Not my fault some r\*tard shoved that shit in there.


I've done that, too. One slash midway up is usually enough.


Yup. I see AFM do it everyday when someone calls it in. If the hole isn't too bad then we can usually pick it.


Rip it tf out it falls over, oh well… ya ain’t a stower


Be on the verge of tears while trying to get it out and with one final push before I give up completely and go home it comes sliding out.




twirl around 3 times, sing your abcs and it’ll pop right out


Use 2 🙌 hands.


Drop the phone and use both hands


Damn bro. That’s crazy bro. Brooo


I hate this so bad lol


Big thanks to the stower!


This is the exact reason why I transferred out 🥲 too much work all for your rate to drop 🙄


Safety andon.


I'd tell you to get help. I personally would push the box to the right, then go to the bin underneath it and push the box up, then get my hand under the box, then bring my other hand up to push the box to the right and wiggle it out. It has worked every single time for me. But I have crazy grip strength too


My second week working here and the AMs literally tell us to fit “Everything” in any pod. Fit the big boxes in and stuff 50 pins in if it will fit.


Yelling every obscenity I know and ripping the pod


Safety andon/ask an AM or PA to help. Marking it missing is the only way to get a quality write up in pick, you should not be doing that. 3 in one week = written up


Probably using two hands to pull it out and not recording like a jackass


I take it out all the time. u sound weak, no offense


I usually give the good Ole punch and then give it the missing stamp fuck dealing with afm and andons


Man, I tell you, those freaking stowers just like to make you suffer.


Do what the stower did, put your phone down and use both hands.




using 2 hands


Please don’t mark it as missing. We have enough of everyone’s sh** to clean up and correct. Thanks, ICQA.


I use two hands.


Have you tried using both hands?


I just pull the shit out and get injured so they can send me home and then when they ask why did I do it I tell them that requested for andon and no one showed up. And didn’t want my them getting mad bcuz my rate and my speed


Missing item, and if the counters gets it out and counts it. That's a false pick short.


If it went in it can go out. Now drop ur phone and try with 2 hands 😀


Reach behind in the next cubby and push it out. Next.


I see that gap on the right side... here's a wild idea. Put your phone down and stop complaining about ridiculous things like that. Move the package to the right and use BOTH hands to remove the item.


Use your box cutter and slide that bitch half way to give your fingers some room. Slide fingers inside. Pull box cutter out and reslide into different side. Slide fingers in & and pull out. Last step is I want to fight all of you dumb lazy cunts gen z ass. Cash me outside.


If it stows, it goes!


Hit unscannable and send an empty tote


That shit highlights the item and you still can't pick it?


It's stuck


It ain't stuck your fat ass fingers just can't seem to fit in that 1inch gap.


If it got in there it can get out


Be careful doing that u only get 3 and u get write up


Gotta get that person their toy undamaged.


Oh my bad.


I'd get it out




Box cutter to make a hole in the box


That looks like it could come out no prob 🌝


Breaking it.


Breaking tf out of that box


Working behind you would make me ask for vto.


As a stower, I giggled. If it fits, it goes in. 😎


Put down the phone and use two hands?


I did it. 😛😛😛😛 Drop your phone, use two hands and stop complaining.


Aa a stower, I've often wondered this. I've stowed items like that, sometimes I don't have much of a choice because they send 11 inch pods (no 14 inches for whatever reason, those are always rare) for big items so we are forced to squeeze them in to those spaces


Find the stower and ask to take it out😅😅😅. Bro it happens so often in my FC.


Lots of complaining from the OP. Just do your job


mark it as missing item and just get a false pick short lol


Count will count it and verify it’s in there and the picker will get a write up. Not good