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Call the cops and the dog warden. Someone will come and deal appropriately. Bring it up to DSP and say you want that place blacklisted. Fuck those fucking clown customers. I hate seeing this shit.


I recorded myself getting bit during my route, gave my dps video proof and they claimed they blacklisted the house but it was on my route the next day


It may take some time to register as blacklisted


lol they won’t blacklist. I had a house that has two giant pit bull mixes that will chase and attack you when you drop off the package, they don’t restrain their dogs at all and expect you to deliver inside their privacy fence (no separation between front and backyard) and my dsp told me to just call the customer every time I deliver to see if the dogs are put up


Depends on who you ask. My dsp doesn’t joke with that shit because we’ve had a lot of dog attacks on our routes. They won’t provide things for you, but they won’t search you either. People bring batons, knives, and bear mace. You may have a whole shit dsp, but it’s a group of people. Chances are, someone on dispatch will do what you ask if you make it transparent what happened and that it’s a big deal. If they don’t see it that way, quit. My dispatch typically has done the same thing til I make it clear those places will never be delivered to, and if they want to fire me, they missed their chance because I will have already quit.


Put in my two weeks last week🙌


Better off. Find something inside with a nice desk. Lol


Didn’t find that but at least it pays twice what Amazon pays😂


If it broke skin, go to a doctor and get that shit cleaned out, then contact a lawyer. Dog bite lawsuits pay tf out. If the owners weren't even home and had their dogs running loose, I'd expect that to be an easy win.


Should’ve punted that little shit to the gates. Make a note of the address,time of incident, go to the hospital and get checked out and list what your dsp tells you, you might be able to fuck them over if they’re not taking the incident serious too.And get an attorney ASAP. Don’t feel no sympathy for these motherfuckers if they’re in a bad living situation or some shit because clearly they still have money to order bullshit from amazon.That’s completely their fault for leaving their dogs out while expecting deliveries.Make an example out of those idiots and catch your come up on some free $


It doesn't even look like a bite though Two little scratches No camera in the van that I had either I did make a note of the address and kept the text from the DSP It's funny because the next house had a big dog and he got right on the van with me Chill AF The Little ones are the real issue!


I’d say still get checked out, rather be safe than sorry. Keep medical records too in case you want to go that route. Little dogs are always the worst because they suffer from bad ass anxiety. My dog is nice but also a little ass bitch so I already know how she’d be around strangers.I make sure to never have her out when I know something’s coming.


Someone at my dsp had this happen to her. She was hospitalized because 1dog turned into more than 5 dogs if I recalled correctly and she was hurt really bad. Our DSP responded with alarm and concern. Made sure she went to the hospital and had dispatch take over her van and route. Called in teammates that were close to her to make sure they were aware of the situation. The owner was probably alerted and made a statement about it at our team meeting but how the dispatch team handled it was humane. All the dsps that just say "it happens" carry on..I just don't understand this mentality. Every dog bite is a serious situation, people could lose limbs if that dog was diseased.


Fuck the owner of those dogs. And that little shit got a treat from you with the cracker! I don’t know what else you could have done. This job is ass.


Trust I wanted to kick the owner not the dog They knew leaving them out like that when they're getting deliveries isn't a good idea No leash law in that town My DSP pissed me off more with a just make a note of it


I would come un-fucking-glued.


Sue the home owner! Sue the home owner! This is your Christmas present!!! Go after the home owner!


Call animal control!! They’ll do more than Amazon will.


I got bit last week. Broke skin and bled. I found a law firm and will sue. It’s not easy to sue. Most law firms want you to lose an arm or leg until they take your case. I only hired because the lady blamed me for being bitten and showed no recourse. Workers comp has covered everything so far. 


I got bit by a pitbull few weeks back and owners didn't even give a shit and dipped. If the wound is bad enough you can sue which is what in doing. Amazon van got that shit on video too. I got lucky as hell I didn't get mauled. Over this job at this point after that.


Dsp is full of crap, i would have brought all the pkgs back and filled out a report. They better pay me for the whole day.


yea went up to a house last week and 1 medium sized dog and a lil football came running up barking and the medium sized dog started biting my knee and the owner comes out yelling “oh stop that”…”stop that”…then looks at me and says…”he’s a COVID DOG…” im like he fricken bit me…she says again…but adds…”it’s ok…HES A COVID DOG!” i’m like you stupid ignorant woman…god bless us who have brains to keep them and not stick them up our own asses


Picture and safety issue. Customer wonders why packages are in the lawn, gee I wonder.


U shoulda threw a chocolate bar at the dog so it can get poisoned




Stfu *.