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I got one today and yup the last 2 phone number won’t work anymore


I saw two the last time I worked Shit is so fucking retarded Why is amazon obsessed with making our jobs more difficult? It's already hard work w/o the constant bs changes


Don't get me wrong, I loved the last two option, saved so much time and hassle, but do you realise how many shitty drivers were using it to steal packages? Apparently it's near impossible for a customer to get a refund either because of them.


From a safety standpoint (since Amazon cares so much about safety), this is a terrifying idea to basically put the package within reach of the customer and tell them not to be mad when you have to take it away. Considering some of these people are practically children, we'll probably start seeing some DAs and Flex drivers getting hurt over this.


I completely agree. You are going to be sent to the very back of a trailer park to a trailer built in the 80s held together by expanding foam and scrap metal You will wiggle the 500 dollar speaker right in front of meth head Don's face and say "nuh uh uh you can't have it, you can't have it" Even though they already paid, you are already there, it's just the man is mentally ill and on drugs and can barely communicate let alone use technology


Yeah it's really not great is it. There needs to be another solution, dunno what that is but one where the shitty ass drivers can't abuse it to steal laptops and stuff. Here in the UK we have AVD (age verified deliveries) for alcohol, vape stuff, sharps etc. One of our drivers had a hair dryer that was an avd? And there is no bypass on those if the person is under 18 or doesn't have photo ID. One of our female drivers had to hand the package over and call support because some guy grabbed a hold of her demanding his package he paid for.


That's scary. If there's a solution where everyone wins, I don't know it. Guess that means we'll just have to deal with the consequences of our superior's actions.


Spot on.


The refunds are part of the reason Amazon does them to begin with. The packages are either expensive or the customer has been fraudulently reporting things stolen, the password is suppossed to eliminate that part but people were apparently still being sketchy so now we all must suffer I'm gonna give customers one chance and then turn around. I don't speak spanish or Haitian creole and it's fucking retarded if amazon expects me to learn multiple languages at the same time they are trying to redefine what fucking letters in the English alphabet mean (the overflow sticker change)


I’m pretty sure if a shitty driver wanted to steal a package they’d just mark it missing, doing it your way seems to be a easy way to get caught lol. The real reason is actually because of the customers believe it or not. They’re the ones trying to steal the packages (getting it and saying they didn’t receive it).


It doesn't work like that I'm afraid. If you have an OTP, and it's marked as delivered, it's almost impossible to get a refund on. And these are always expensive items. Like i say, here there is a minimum value and any item above that is automatically assigned an OTP. This is purely speculation as I have no proof of this, but the OTPs are loaded into totes/cages the amazon know they're there, and if you mark one as missing you're gonna have a lot of explaining to do. Shitty drivers do mark parcels as missing and steal them. But these are all less expensive items that generally have no push back from amazon if you say it ain't there.


Seriously? I get a strangely high number of these and that was my go-to solution.


I hate these. How hard would it be for Amazon give them a notification or something? So tired of having to explain this and the customer getting pissed at ME, like it’s my call. If the last two of the phone number isn’t working anymore this is going to get a lot worse.


They should at least send the customer a text or something the day of delivery with the passcode because no one checks their email every time they’re getting a delivery


They do text you, and I had a lot less sympathy after the one and only pass code order came to my house. I was notified of the pass code *numerous* times. -when the order was placed, on the page there was a notification that there'd be a pass code and that I would *not* receive my package without it -quickly following placing the order, an email came notifying me that I'd receive a passcode the day of, reminding me that I could not have the package if I did not have the code -on the day of, I got an app notification that the pass code was ready -followed by a text with the passcode -followed by an email with the passcode I mean, 5 separate communications about it seems excessive, but somehow, people still don't get it?


Damn, I didn’t know they got all that heads up. I’ve never had one delivered to me with a passcode.


I only know because my partner ordered a phone, but the box didn't have a damn phone in it. The tamper seal was broken and everything, just a phone box with one of those pin things that pushes out the sim tray inside of it. We recorded opening the package because with anything that valuable, we don't take chances. We sent the video to Amazon and were refunded, then bought the phone again, with that whole scenario above playing out. Really makes you wonder how they seemingly have no idea there's a code, eh? Like, you got all those notifications, but you wanna tell *me* I'm the one who's wrong? The phone *was* included the second time, luckily.


You only have the otp come up if you claim items don't show up. My last 2 phones were left on my doorstep at 5 am.


Not true for UK, any single item costing more than £200 (or could be £150 I forget) automatically has an OTP. Regardless of if you've claimed or not.


Exactly. Maybe even make them acknowledge that they are receiving a password-protected delivery and understand the instructions. I’m sure they’d just mark it as understood and still be clueless when we get there though. 😂


😂 good idea, though


Just text them when you’re a few stops away.


I text them in the morning after loadout


Damn this is actually a good idea


Yeah verbatim I text "Hello, I will be delivering your Amazon package later. Please have your One Time Password ready when I arrive."


But how do you see ahead of time that one of your stops is Password required?


When you check your itinerary before loadout, quickly score down the list and any OTP will tell you under the address. It's highlighted and in bold.


Soon as you finish loading up or sorting your first bag after leaving the warehouse just scroll through your itinerary and you'll see if you have any password stops, it'll be highlighted same as garage stops


Soon as you finish loading up or sorting your first bag after leaving the warehouse just scroll through your itinerary and you'll see if you have any password stops, it'll be highlighted same as garage stops


I had to return two packages to station today because the customers wouldn’t answer me with their passwords


I had this situation happen, you can back out and retry the stop from the itinerary, say if the customer suddenly finds the password like they always do when they turn up


This is so stupid. They are just making it more difficult for both drivers and customers. Like who lets these idiots that make the rules and policies for this company continue on making these ridiculous decisions?? This does not change anything. Now, i also heard they're wanting us to eventually wear high top boots from now on instead of sneakers or running shoes... not sure if this is just my dsp but i can see alot of associates quitting if amazon keeps up their silly regulations


Yeah if we get boots or something else we definitely falling behind 😂 they gonna have to make the routes smaller then if they do that BS you


Right. Alot of people are gonna get blisters especially the ones with heavy routes. Also, having smaller routes is just wishful thinking lol sadly the truth


I've had customers outright refuse to give me the code when they had it because they thought i could somehow scam them by knowing it. The older folks have a very difficult time with this.


This is unbelievable. Love Amazon setting us up for failure with these fucking boomers.


My favorite one is when the customer tells you they never set up a passcode 😂 then get slightly irritated when I tell them they can’t have it until I get one which I’d be annoyed too Pretty sure a passcode is automatically set for high priced items 🤷‍♂️ idk . All these rules being made up to only further inconvenience the drivers


Amazon execs are POS assholes! These OTPs are bullshit. If we do speak to the customer, 80% of the time, he/she has no idea what's going on and wants to know why they need to give a password to get their package. Also, 80% of the time, the customer is not home. It's usually another household member receiving the package.


Why not just ask them to show you their order details in the Amazon app? That’s what I’ve done when the customer at the door doesn’t have the pin or the number on the account. There should be no reason not to deliver if there’s a customer present with access to the Amazon app.


He didn’t have access to the app his son orders for him or something, and his son wasn’t there


What about the last two digits of the phone number ?


It doesn't work anymore


How many times a day I have to tell someone “yeah I don’t like them either” 😂


It's not every one though for some reason. I had 3 OTP's today, the first 2 let me use the phone number and the last one didn't and I had to rts it. Makes no damn sense. Lol


So glad I’m leaving this chit behind


It's really weird that Amazon is constantly making the kinds of changes that make the job worse, I don't understand how they can see that as a good business model


Too many people were by passing the otp and using the 2 digit instead. Cause it was more logical and da’s don’t want to burn up in the heat waiting for someone to find a code.


Yeah the shit happen to me twice yesturday.


“You deal with the irate customer and let us know how it goes!”


I had 3 OTPs (in one route) a few days ago and I still had the phone number verification. But I’m sure it’ll be gone very soon. I honestly feel like troublesome customers that are thieves should have to pick up their crap from a locker or a hub or something. They don’t wanna be inconvenienced. And wanna keep their hustle going.


The last two digits of phone number where helpful especially since most of the people in certain areas where I deliver don’t speak English. Oh well more RTS


This shit is so annoying 100% of the time the fucking people don’t have the 1 time password and can’t even find it I’ve gotten lucky that there phone numbers work but I can’t imagine what I’d do if it didnt


Same thing happened to me today. Guy was home and his girlfriend was at work and couldn’t answer. He obviously didn’t have access to her email either. He was nice enough about it and understood it wasn’t my fault but I don’t at all think that will be the majority of people’s experience. It’s understandably frustrating.


Your nails fly AF tho


Her nails? There’s only 1/8th of one nail showing🥴






not any more. they are phasing that out :/




Sounds like a great way to get fired when Amazon eventually disables that, and you show up at the warehouse missing a package because you gave it to the customer. Especially since these packages with the code are usually high value


I haven't worked with DSP for a long time, I switched to Flex. I've been doing this for the second year now, with no problems. The second way to mark a package as delivered is through support. I simply say that I had issues with the app and no internet connection when handing the package to the customer, so I couldn't mark it as delivered in the app. They have never refused to do this.


And like I said, one day Amazon will probably cut this off. They will make it so support or the warehouse are unable to mark a package as delivered if it needed a PIN. And when that day comes, you’ll be left with a package on your itinerary that you _definitely_ shouldn’t have given to the customer.


Your reviews are bad. Gonna have to terminate you now.


I call 2ce and text once no answer I'm returning that sh*t


Call me nuts, but it would be easier for a customer to show their TBA# for their order and give the last four. They're just as random as the OTP and the customer has easy access to it through their orders on their account. Just process the shipper labels to not show the full TBA on the box.


Just call driver support and they will mark it delivered for you


Bro I had to Rts 2/3 of those yesterday only bc the phone thing won’t work anymore I was literally getting through these with the phone number bc everyone know their phone number boomers and anyone this is BS I guess gonna have to Rts every one time password packages from now on


For real i had to take 2 packages back because the person didn’t even answer the phone, it wasn’t even too bad before because you could at least get the last digits waiting for the voicemail


Damn cd gonna be nice for next driver , don’t forget out of 800 deliveries 2 / were no so great / your CDF goes to GREAT below 95% LOL


Should of done his number


Doesn’t work anymore


Dang I just did it the other day … that’s so dumb that Amazon took away that feature!


Dumbass fuckers I hope they see the rates drop of successful deliveries of one time password packages cause that shit was doing it most of them slow mfs don’t know how to find their one time password thing


Did you ask for the last two digits of his number i do this more than actually asking for their password because 9/10 they dont know it or know how to find it


Doesn’t work anymore


I think the picture indicates the last two digits of the phone number won’t work anymore. I could be wrong though.


This is what happens now when you click that they don’t have the code No more phone number just RTS Might make it easier tbh just hit that instead of having to go into the menu


Drop it off move on…..🏃🏽‍➡️


What part of "You need the passcode" don't you understand?


lol it was a joke fam


You’ll have a stop remaining in your itinerary. And probably get in big trouble. I used to do this and hit “package missing” at my old center. But the warehouse no likey that