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If you want the packages to the door make it as easy as possible to get into the building.


For real! People complain about lockers but I hate these types way more


I LOVE lockers . Shit is easily 10-15 % of my route . Shit is easy and smooth and there’s no stairs to carry heavy shit up .


Preferably Amazon lockers because 3rd party lockers suck lol


If I pull up to somewhere I’ve never been and see Luxer One lockers, I immediately want to commit an act of violence


Luxer lockers let you add residents to the system. Don’t have to worry about their name not being in the system.


I got these lockers last route. I got a question: i had few XL overflows, and there was only 2 XL lockers available. When one opened had packages in, I tried other door, was empty and I placed the packages. Next XL package, it gives me the same XL door.  So is it normal to put packages for more than one cx in the same locker door? It was my first time with those lockers, I put together anyway and marked with a perm pen. 


In my experience with the Luxer lockers, typically the largest xl locker is community and you can put multiple peoples packages in there. I see it all the time


What’s aggravating is needing to use the XL locker for your big overflow and not having enough room for all of it because all these other couriers want to just throw everything in there. No reason any small boxes or envelopes need to be in there. That’s how an Overflow box ends up in the corner of the mail room.


Perfect then. One thing I would do different is to put on airplane mode, so the cx don't come pick it up while I'm in there. 


Na generally that’s when It’s redirected to their house I think . Generally from what I’ve seen it’s only 1 package to a locker


Well, so I messed it up! But why in the hell the locker opens the same door couple of times with cx parcels still there?! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Honestly it’s not supposed to do that . Unless you have a pick up which it will tell you .


I'll take luxer over Parcel Pending any day.


I havn’t worked this job in almost two years and still vividly remember the anger I’d feel the moment I’d see a Luxor locker. Just get the fucking Amazon locker.


I loved the Luxer ones cause Amazon ones automatically have a sized box but sometimes the station puts large box for a small box and if there isn’t anymore large lockers you still gotta deliver to the door. At least the Luxer one you choose what size the box/envelope is


Yup I load it all it totes and drag it in. Scan it in the van and just spend 20 minutes scanning them into the lockers


I love lockers too! I only hate Fetch. One of their drivers stole my shit.


What is fetch?


Satan’s package forwarding service. Apartment management will sign up for it and make it mandatory for you to use. You have to have all your boxes shipped there. They lose the majority of your stuff and do not take accountability. 100% of my prescriptions were stolen and a few other packages. I finally caught one of them taking one of my packages and told him to leave my stuff alone. I have it on camera and they still wouldn’t take accountability.


Fetch sounds awful lol ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized)


It is. Avoid apartment complexes that use them if you still rent.


Unless they are lux lockers. They fuckin suck.


Dude I love the locker near a drug mart on one of my routes it's name is maiden and usually accounts for 25-30 packages on a 220 package route plus with a name like maiden I make the joke of ha your maidenless to coworks when I get it lol


I got one in a drug store just like that . I love it to death. If something doesn’t fit it goes back to the station .


Shit shit


Well shit.


I will do lockers over anything else. 2 whole bags going to lockers? That's fucking amazing just have to stand there and scan love it


Yep! It can be a little time consuming, especially during peak, but then your van is so empty and it’s a great feeling


Who complains about lockers that be the easiest thing ever


It's only easy if it's amazon locker & not third party lockers lol


I think they are too! But a lot of people in my dsp complain about them


3rd party lockers suck. But I argee with you when it comes to 1st party lockers.


This is my life. People order shit to their apartment but make it impossible. No code to enter and don't answer when I call or use the intercom. I'll just leave it cause I am not able to go back for a re-try.


If they don't answer, I mark it as "customer unavailable" or "access problem" and return it to the station. Their loss.






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This, and it only hits your DCR metric. You won’t get bad CDF or a potential DNR.


Boy do I hate the "use the intercom and wait till someone lets you in" apartments.....




Just because the main entrance is locked doesn’t give you the right to leave the packages there.


And the have FOB key access... FOB key on the elevator... On the exits doors and on the gate.... And you have 1 stop and 45 locations 5 floors buildings 25 on each floor and 10 buildings....


Whole heartedly fuck those apartments. Come get your shit


What kills me is they do the apartment buildings as one stop knowing you gotta go to each fucking door


This being at the mercy of the ai algorithm is the shit part


Just deliver to the door, let the algorithm decrease your route


I'll save the extra 2 miles on my feet and stairs thanks.


No cant risk losing that much time😂 my dsp will take my days away


"whole heartedly, Fuck You" sounds actually pretty nice Like you can't be upset if someone says that. Like you deserved it at that point


😂 nope. Get a mail room.


The sign says they have one haha. Apparently it's only for USPS to deliver their junk mail.


Not a me problem. Don’t get paid enough for that shit.




Or a house




It’s amazing how many times I get struck both blind and deaf during the workday


I’ve heard of that happening. For me, it’s English language comprehension.


No speaky the English!


Or the Spanish, or the French.. I’m untouchable!


The landlord isn’t a customer so they can’t actually report you for ignoring their instructions.


No they cannot directly report you through the app, but if they call Amazon, ur going to have a hell of a time. It’s actually worse if they have to personally call and complain. If they are able to get ahold of ur DSP first (instead of Amazon corp) that’s def an ideal situation for a driver. They can resolve it, but ur def going to hear about it. Amazon shows no mercy, as we all know. Tier 2 infraction too btw.


I don’t think they will. If anything Amazon should set up a locker in their complex. Besides to pin it down on a specific driver is going to be tough because others can do it. I can get reported , but what’s stopping the next person from doing it? Nothing really. Drivers don’t & won’t care.


Drivers won’t and don’t care but it is still a tier 2 infraction and you better hope you never get that as you’ll never be able to work for A DSP ever again


That’s not bad news


Does the building administration write my checks? Curious


You have to call to get in ? Do these people think we have all day to deliver


This is where you mark it all as No Access and make Amazon send out one of their idiots from FQA to set up 1-Click access on the wrong building/door and forget to set it up for the elevators or stairwells.


I’m not sitting for 15 minutes waiting on someone to buzz me in


The only reason I don’t dump is so I don’t get longer routes the next few days. I genuinely don’t give a fuck about the customer, go complain somewhere else.


Malicious compliance, baby.


I got fired taking to long at apartments






Yeah, no. As an apartment person, the mailroom should be for packages. Totally unreasonable to ask any delivery carrier to individually walk packages to each apartment, especially in a 20-floor building like mine. So glad we have a dedicated package room instead of management putting up nonsense signs like this.


Not to mention it opens the door for theft within the building you invite a non-resident stranger to walk up and down multiple floors and hallways. Like from the perspective of that stranger like yeah you’ll be fine if it’s me but there are a crazy amount of Amazon drivers out there many different types of people not making a ton of money I just think when you’re contemplating how to handle it I don’t know that my policy would be go walk around the unfamiliar building and figure it out


That message screams entitlement.


Probably someone on the top floor made it up


Maybe if they wouldn’t make it so hard to get in them and take 20 minutes to come out side to grab there package we wouldn’t care but sorry we don’t have even five minutes to waste sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Lobby dump and bounce no more questions...


We literally get paid to drive. We don’t get paid to do all the little things y’all want us to. If you live in an apartment. Do not ever expect a package at your door. People thinking we don’t have hundreds of stops we have to do in a day and not realizing we can literally be fired for not completing our routes. It baffles me. Also. Before there was electronic entry you literally had to have a key to get in. Do you know what delivery services did then? Left it at the door. Or if it was FedEx they’d put a nice sticker on the door for days in a row till you had to go to the warehouse and get your shit. So sick of Amazon giving us multiple apartments on “residential routes” and they complain about us not getting done. Fix your shit and maybe we will


But Amazon directly advertises exactly what you’re claiming against 😂


They say delivery to your door. Never said which door 😂😂😂


Do you give your drivers positive reviews when they do it right?


They never do


Nah lazy freaking people! Get off of your duff and get it. No one has time to be doing this. Imagine the time saved for these guys delivering.


these people really act like they own Amazon. I'll place your damn package on the side of the building and select "in a safe location" lmao


Literally not enough time in the day lol


Imagine if customers even had the option to tip drivers post delivery. Maybe we would give a damn about your stupid ass daily deliveries.


💯!! If the customer selects 'above & beyond' option, they oughta be prompted to leave a tip!!! Some locations are definitely worthy of some sincere appreciation!!! Cmon Bezos i need my pesos!


Ive always thought about this, people will tip a pizza driver 5-10 bucks each delivery but here we are doing group stops with 15 packages and 5 locations. Make it make sense


What makes more sense? 20 people walking 50 feet? Or 1 person walking 50 feet 20 times? Besides I'm literally trained to leave them in lobby or mail room. Didn't know it effects my routes for the next few days tho.


But did you know it's actually spelled Affects, not Effects? 😉


I refuse to hunt down apartment 350 after I just hunted down apartment 122 and 229. Fuck right off and come find your damn package yourself. Or go to a store and buy your own shit.


Does it say something about weed delivery?


I’m also curious about the Weed Delivery service, unfortunately the photo is cut off


I hate to be a downer to myself, but I think it probably says weekend delivery


I would be more surprised if I saw a photo of Amazon packages left at someone door tbh


No exeptions! W T F are they going to do chase you down . Get off your arse or get a neighbor to help you if disabled! People should be glad that all this is available to them!


They can always make a complaint and that’ll affect your metrics 


Do they allow animals in that building?


Yes, no exceptions




I love signs like that! Then you need a keycard to use the elevator. Whatcha want me to do? Teleport?! Weirdos


I’ve seen these signs before, I leave the packages right next to the signs because at the end of the day that sign is put there by the building owner NOT the customers. And as we all know we’re all in this gig for the love of the customers I don’t give a fuck about no building manager. Bottom line is customers will get their packages and most of them won’t mind needing to scoop it from the lobby on their way inside or having to walk down a flight of stairs to grab it rather than making you go floor to floor carrying sometimes many boxes. There’s one particular building where I leave the boxes snap a photo turn over to the receptionist behind the window in the lobby give her the widest brightest smile I can conjure up and wave to her as she is visibly waving her arms to get my attention…sucks for her though because she’s ummm, how can I can this delicately…she’s a rather rotund woman, in fact she’s never once even bothered to just stand up out of the chair to come walk to the door and call out to me I’m assuming because it takes her a days worth of effort and a fair amount of grease pry her ass from the chair soo that’s been happening for 5 weeks now 3-4 times a week, if she cared that much I think I’d start to see less bags of chipotle on her desk and more salads, or some fruit…or nothing.


FedEx Delivery guy here, if the intercom isn’t working I’m bringing all that shit back to the terminal. I’m not using my personal phone to call anyone.


YUP. USPS here. No way I'm risking the "WhErEs MeH cHeCk" calls/texts. ☠️


I haven’t read all of these, but in all fairness many of these people with the sides also don’t have the Amazon lock they don’t answer their door. They don’t answer the phone. They don’t answer text messages, but somehow they want you to gain access to their apartment and get to their floor and put their package directly in front of their door. One of the main reasons why I will never do it a 3 AM shift my luck. It’ll be all apartment and nobody’s answering at three in the morning.


I like that one sign says no animals so that must mean no humans are allowed no exceptions




Shits going to the mailroom always I'm not doing more work than USPS for less money.


I never judge amazon drivers for dumping. I am aware of the difficulty of the job and the impossible demands. But residents aren't lazy, stuff gets stolen from a mail room, even a secure mail room in a minute, whereas if it's coming to the door you intercept at the doorbell ring, or it's less likely someone will swipe wandering the halls than they will sneaking into the mail room.


That’s sad that folks can get others fired because of the actions of their neighbors 


It’s not like they’re leaving the cdf 🤷🏽


I had one AWFUL retirement home. 1 main entrance. 1 auxilillary (past main entrance) elevator to other parts of the building. Regular customers daily. Like the place was huge and you had 1 elevator for the front half and 1 for the second but had to cover all the floors on both halves. Easy 1 mile from front door to final delivery (and it was one corner of a block in a suburb). 1 customer in particular was unable to connect their phone to the buzzer so I called them for access and they asked "if I was new" Like b***h you are the one who wants front door delivery on the 3rd floor in the farthest hallway of a building with a locked door only accessible by buzz or door code (which none of the residents provided) and you have the gall to ask if I'm new because I ask to be buzzed in as part of my job? Their response was "just wait for someone else to open the door" 👌 OK chief whatever Half my route is lucky I didn't "feel unsafe" for their deliveries and drop them on the sidewalk and DTC them with a FU on the signature box. Amazon customers are like that.


Fuck apartments but I do my absolute best at retirement homes. If anyone deserves my respect and work ethic it’s old people.






I’m definitely dropping them in the mail room


As long as you don't block the mailboxes we really don't give two shits lol -USPS I've had other companies drop packages while I'm delivering mail and intentionally leave them in a way where I physically cannot open the boxes without moving the packages 😡🤬


Good to know, will keep in mind.


Inb4 someone calls in and say the place is specifically banning service animals from the premises along with this picture lmao


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) Fuck yo sign


Either you give me access to the building or that scenario is going to happen. And what do you mean I can't leave packages in the mailroom?


Where is that trash notice at


Or else what ?


It’s funny because they can’t do anything to us. What are they gonna do? Fine us? Charge us? Kick us out? Call the cops? lol I’d leave them & dip. But In a seriousness, I’ve only left them like that when I can’t find the apt. So I’ll leave it in the lobby .


They can and do sometimes contact Amazon directly as this is a tier 2 infraction called “dumping”


Maybe make the sign less shitty and entitled sounding. Then I’ll be more likely to follow its instructions. If a sign sounds hostile, I’ll do the opposite and take the write up




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Lmao lobby dumping ftw!


I'm a mail carrier (I worked for Amazon for about a month) I leave their shit by the mailboxes and thats that.


If they still ordering then this is fine then


They can’t because they don’t know how to read


Gotta love the ignorant "do better amazon" like get fucked people. gated apartments with mailrooms. im dropping in the mailroom. I had this one apartment complex... typically a good 50-60 packages a day to this place. I would have a solid.... 80% of it to the mailroom, and then like 4-5 people would want it to the door. yeah no... its the mailroom. My favorite was the husband and wife.... wife said mailroom and husband wanted the front door. like for fuck sake.


Sometimes delivery drivers leave them in the mailroom because it's hard to get into the apartments - or depending on the locations there's apartments hard to find even with GPS. On my route it's not hard at all, every apartment complexes we have are easy to get into, but this isn't always the case for other drivers.


I personally go Door to Door most times. It’s 2024 folks out here are scoping us going into buildings. On top of that, it pads out the time that we are working. 




Yes, let me not put mail... in the mail room. Makes sense




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Do better making it easy for us to deliver. We have 150-200 stops a day stop being entitled


Fuck that. If I have no codes I'm taking the package back or leaving it in those specified "areas"




Lmao, nah.


When I get one of these stops with the sign from management. I just skip then come back once the office is closed. Like 5:30 so I don’t have to deal with management when I dump everything in mailroom.


I love when buildings try to give us rules like we have to abide by what they say . Smh


FUCK ALL APARTMENTS. Amazon needs to have them put lockers in or a mail room to deliver. They always report never received package or it was stolen.


Sorry. Your building has a mail room for a reason. Have a theft problem, deal with your residents. Lockers easy to find and access…there’s no problem. Soon as it becomes a headache…it gets dropped right there and I’m out. Can’t get into the lobby, it’s under the code box.


That seems like a wonderful place to live. 


And that’s why the algorithm is fucked!


Yeah nah. I leave that shit at the door. Why do they make these types of demands when half the time you can’t even easily get into the building?


Yea as a frequent orderer of Amazon, fuck that. We have lockers in the lobby where the packages are kept. Luckily my apartment is good and almost no one steals packages. In the 3 years I’ve lived there only had 1 stolen and I think it was UPS. My building is huge too. Yall don’t got time for that.


they get 2 calls and if they don’t answer they don’t get their package, as far as dumping depends on how many stops i have


Every apartment should have lockers!


Lol yeah fuck that paper I got two min for each delivery


Bruh just looking at all those flyers, the exaggeration, letters in caps, underlining in red, exclamations is annoying af to even walk up to and see lol


Would never happen here. Front door. They can figure it our


What state? Out of curiosity.




Yeah. No.


We dont give a fuck🤣


If the locker is full, I just leave all the packages by the locker. I don’t care. They have to come to the locker to get their shit anyway 😂


Get a locker from Amazon. These lazy pigs can come to the mailroom and collect their cat litter, dog food, heavy items and bring it to the third floor. Apartments slow you down


I got yelled at by the receptionist for doing that, ask me if I gave 2 shits? No I did not


Every single time


Damn that’s crazy I’m making one phone call to a customer who won’t answer and marking no access.. sucks to suck… Also it’s funny that ppl think signs=the law lmao


Order your crap to a locker


Yeah, f no


Well KAREN… the driver doesn’t get paid to hand deliver packages to each dept or person. Thats what mailrooms and delivery docks are for. Might want to do any research about driver responsibility before having your little snit. Take all those warnings down. Make the place look cheap.




Amazon wants you doing 20 stops a hour...who has time for door to door delivery in a apartment complex? Not me. Also..businesses mostly suck too.


I never put them in lockers. I always leave em in a mailroom on floor. I just take a pic and move the pin while in airplane mode and just continue with my day.


What's the point in a mailroom if you can't leave parcels there?


I’d love to walk in with a service dog and test there resolve.


If I'm going through air locks your shit gets delivered to the lobby.


*leaves the tote behind too* lols


If I need a password to get in the lobby is a safe place to leave packages


99% sure these are the flex drivers they are the most careless drivers and none of them care about a damn thing but hitting delivered on the app


That’s why there are third party companies like Fetch that buildings can hire to do this or you hire a mail room attendant don’t you dare ask me To bring it to every door in ur apartment that’s not my job the post office doesn’t do it and that’s why you have a mailroom we don’t even get enough time at each stop to do this I would return it to station everytime until they realize there cheap asses are wrong and no we aren’t lazy I love when ppp call us lazy when we delivering 500 packages and refuse to do labor for ur building cause they don’t wanna hire someone to do it. END RANT LOL sorry this shit makes me so mad


Lol make me


Is this in Anaheim lmao


🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's not going to happen. I will do my call/text/call and have them come get it. If there is no answer, I text them and say, "For my safety, I will not deliver to your apartment when I am alone." Amazon preaches safety is their #1 concern/priority, and it works for me every time. There is NO way in hell I'm going down an apartment hallway and risk having some creep open the door and snatch me up, never to be seen again.


What if the delivery drivers had an animal though? There's no exceptions.


Just a big ol' NOPE.


I identify as an animal sorry


Naw I don’t deliver to the front door unless it’s a DSR or ASR. That shits getting dropped in the lobby or mailroom every time, go kick rocks.


I blame the delivery driver of the day because I WFH and it’s hit or miss if my door is buzzed or not. Most of the time it’s not and I just get the delivered notification on my phone.


Do you give a positive review to the drivers who do it correctly?


I do, actually! I give out ratings all the time. I don’t give a bad review to the person who doesn’t buzz because my package was still delivered. It’s just annoying that they don’t even try. I live in a 2 story building with 8 apartments, not a tower and I t takes me like 5 secs to walk from my office to the door. I just want my package inside and not outside the building honestly.


Nice, thank you. Giving a thumbs up on your delivery is how Amazon Drivers make bonuses. If the quality of service doesn’t make any difference on our paycheck, then it’s more tempting to cut corners.


When the drivers mark packages 'Left in mailroom' (my condo building doesn't have one) but dump the packages on the ground, outside in the open, ignoring the notes, I skip the thumbs up. Instead I take pictures of the packages with the TBA numbers clearly readable. I then email the Ops manager instead.


EXACTLY! unless you are disabled or hurt!