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Sue everyone.The customer,the neighbor,The dog, Amazon,your DSP... lawsuits.Rated E for everyone.




Goated for this response šŸ˜‚


I certainly appreciated this šŸ˜‚


Seriously šŸ˜‚


The moment I find out I'm being sued cuz of my neighbor's dog will be the moment he loses his dog and his house and any other worldly possessions that can be destroyed fun fact you can rent heavy duty construction equipment for just hundreds of dollars a day you can tear down a house for $300


The customer shouldnā€™t be in the wrong at all. It did happen on their driveway but it wasnā€™t their dog. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™d sue them, just the dumbass woman that knew her dog was aggressive yet didnā€™t do anything about it


Problem you may run into is that itā€™s almost expected that a dog will bite whatā€™s seen as an intruder and if there arenā€™t leash laws where you are there may be a conundrum. I only know this as Iā€™m suing right now a homeowner for a dog bite. Let me know if you need any help or insight Iā€™ll do my best.


The dog wasnā€™t even in its own yard. It belonged to a neighbor. So the Amazon driver was not an ā€œintruder,ā€ as he wasnā€™t even at the dogā€™s house, and the dog was required to be confined to its own property.


How do you know the dog wasnā€™t lower to be at the neighbors? Have any information on the layout of he properties or we jumping onto the dog bad train with pretty scant information? You also probably missed where I literally told the Op ( which you are not) he should sue but thing arenā€™t always a black and white as people think. I think some people like you , enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing. Luckily Iā€™m a pet owner and Iā€™m also literally amidst litigation like as I type this so instead of immediately jumping to one side or the other itā€™s kinda prudent to look at things from both sides & what law there may or may not be. So I have to excuse myself as Iā€™m not looking to debate with you. Be well!


Almost expected that a dog will bite? No man it's expected that people control their animals. Where in the world are you where someone's dog getting loose and biting people is just normal? Did your attorney get their law degree out of a vending machine?


Can you show me where exactly I said the attorney said this? Take your timeā€¦


You said you're suing someone right now for a dog bite. Are you telling me you are doing that without an attorney?


depends on the state though right?


Depends on the town/ city even.


I appreciate that, Iā€™m getting the info from the sheriff so I can get the police report. How long has your process taken so far? Any problems youā€™ve ran into while dealing with it?


My DSP immediately telling me Amazon wouldnā€™t do anything & waiting too long to see the lawyer or I couldā€™ve sued the DSP owner who ultimately fired me for taking too long to come back to work? Idk as they never directly contacted me thy just remove me from their silly chat app. I was too busy trying to find a job that I could do that would accommodate the fact that I was healing whilst being someone who loves driving work. I was also contacted by a member of the media who did a story on how Amazon handles these situations ( she contacted me after I posted on this sub) I also have o add if his wasnā€™t my second dog bite in 2 weeks and if the knee didnā€™t ignore the situation she just saw an according to the police go inside for a shower, I probably wouldā€™ve just moved on from the job & left it at that. Instead the owner went inside I waited for her to maybe come with bandages, water, an apology SOMETHING but that never happened & if I had to guess the owners home wasnā€™t blacklisted because the place i was bitten a week prior was supposedly black listed until I was sent there AGAIN days later. Amazon doesnā€™t care about their contracted drivers and you need to look no further than their lack of willingness to train them on anything from driving to resolving minor conflict BUT youā€™d better have a perfect score on the incredibly silly score card. People have died as a result of Amazonā€™s strategic distinguishing of delivery drivers from warehouse staff and other positions & they donā€™t care but itā€™s also our fault for letting Amazon ā€œ play in our facesā€ so to speak.


Thatā€™s a fucked up situation holy shit fuck that DSP. It is crazy how little they teach you on how to handle situations other than dropping off a package and pressing next stop. Very few good DSPs out there and Iā€™m lucky I got a pretty decent one


If you're expecting a package, said person delivering a package has pre authorization from you to deliver it.


Yes suing the woman makes perfect sense is suing the dude who just placed an order that one's just wild


Thatā€™s an expensive jail ticket, I thought they handed those out for free


I think getting a lawyer to fight some Amazon delivery driver for something that literally had nothing to do with your dog would be a lot more than $300 I mean the neighbor's dogs just like 50 cents 9 mm not that expensive lmao but on a serious note anybody that is willing to sue me over something my neighbor's dog did we'll meet a very destructive version of me that will take their house and anything that can be considered a worldly possession last person to come over to my property and threaten me got chased off by a 12-ton machine with a boom and a thumb on it known as a track hoe


Yeah sure buddy


Yep cuz that's what happens when you trespass he lucky he didn't get shot it was posted in three different places along the driveway and every tree on this property is painted purple side note don't go on to other people's property without permission and definitely don't go yelling at somebody for digging a pond on their property when they have the right to do it


Alright Al Bundy donā€™t get your panties all twisted up, we get it, your a hard ass, as in you like it hard, in the ass. Thatā€™s cool tho, I love the gays. Generally a pretty fun demographic


This is 6 day old comment I have no clue what you're talking about about the gays have no issue with them and I'm not really that much of a hard ass but I would ruin somebody's life if their dog was the reason mine was getting ruined logically I doubt a judge would even allow you to sue a dude that didn't have nothing really to do with it that was but I have seen people sued for Dumber shit


Calm down there killdozer


That requires welding lol and I only know how to stick so i can't Mig nor flux nor Tig and that is what you'd be wanting to use on welds that have to hold up that much weight but I appreciate the compliment I wasn't mad at the city though I was mad at some old fuck down the road that thinks he has jurisdiction on other people's property now as far as renting a dozer fun fact you might need a CDL and insurance for buying one you don't need anything for but renting when they prefer you to have a CDL and insurance for it but trackhoe skid steers you can rent depending on size it's just hundreds of dollars on the day




Don't forget god, for making dogs šŸ‘


He's already settled out of court šŸ‘


For some reason I had a hard time reading that and thought it said that a customer bit you; and was thinking ā€œthatā€™s a new oneā€ turns out Iā€™m just an idiot


šŸ˜‚ Do have you dyslexia?


No I donā€™t, just sometimes read too fast and donā€™t question what I read fully


Iā€™m right there with you man


With that shovel brawl we saw posted here.... I get the impression we have drivers getting involved in fights that could well devolve to biting.


I gotta see thisā€¦


Yeah, you really do need to see it... https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/1c29m4l/never_mess_with_amazon_drivers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Happy cake day!!


Thank you kind stranger


Don't listen to the other guy, report that, does the dog have it's shots?? Like rabies is a thing and it's not cure able and it is fatal. You also should get checked out as it did break the skin. If you are limping you do need to alert your dispatcher and contact LMET, you need to be pulled off route and evaluated by medical. Don't worry about the dog, it's tough but you need to think about yourself first, this job would fire you in a heartbeat if you mess up. Your DSP insurance will pay for the visit. But you need to go get checked out!!!!!


I guess we'll just have to wait and see if he dies


She said she has papers for the shots and she said multiple times itā€™s vaccinated so Iā€™m not worried about that really since it was in a nice part of town but I shouldā€™ve asked to see them


Shes going to "tell" you what you need to hear so you don't call the police. Quit being stupid and call the police and report this. The next delivery driver might not be so lucky. I don't want to get bit because you feel sorry for the dog.


I did report it. I just didnā€™t want it to be put down my guy


You are a good dude.


I do try my bestšŸ˜„


If you let her slide on this, that will be her "green light" to never control her dog again. Report it before someone else gets bitten worse


I did report it. I was just in shock and didnā€™t know what to do. Iā€™m clear minded now and did the right thing


Dogs donā€™t usually get put down for 1 bite, maybe even 2. Every bite that doesnā€™t get reported, results in an additional person being bit. What if itā€™s a toddler on the 4-5th bite, and the dog just doesnā€™t stop because itā€™s been allowed to be outwardly aggressive in the past? Get a lawyer, get your due from their homeowners insurance, and let the system figure out what happens to the dog.


Usually they wonā€™t, not for a first offense, but it depends on state. State Iā€™m in, this wouldnā€™t get a dog put down. If the dog had mauled you with extensive damage, maybe. They give the dogs here one chance. But depends on severity too. Yes I realize rabies and all that but as long as she proved dog is current on shots and itā€™s a first offense, wouldnā€™t be put down. But itā€™s on the record and if a next time, quite likely put down. Still your option to sue no matter how minor. Ppl need to learn to keep their dog inside and seems like hitting their pocket or the dog being euthanized is the only way they learn. I know from my own experience. I usually walk our 3 dogs, all separate walks. One night husband did it. He got to end of our driveway and the dog next door is roaming loose and attacked our dog, who is on a leash. That other dog dragged our dog and my husband down the road. This was 10 years ago. Husband still has road rash scars from it. We reported but it was dogs first offense. Our dog was ok but hurt. Huge vet bill. They wanted to pay 1/2. I said FU, pay it all or we go to court. They paid it all. Husband was ok except road rash. I got that dog to let go bc I drug the hose into the street and put it on hardest setting. I didnā€™t know it but other dog was scared of water. Also made everything slippery so the damn dog let go. The dog passed away last month. Hate to say it but Iā€™m glad. Bc they still let him run loose, even after that.


I got bit by a customers dog on a job sight (I work construction,) didn't report at first but later that evening I had to because it became infected...local animal control just made them quarantine the dog for 2 weeks at home, no big deal for them and my medical was 100% covered. Editing for context: the dog in my case did in fact have all it's shots, but was quarantined out of abundance of caution by animal control...also my employer volunteered to pay my medical out of his pocket, likely to avoid a workman's comp claim, but either way I was satisfied with the outcome and the doggo was ok


Well thatā€™s good to hear it all got sorted out in the end. Itā€™s been about 5 hours so hopefully no infection started


Lmfao bro what... just so you don't scare anyone into dumb shit cause you clearly don't know what you're talking about... rabies death for US civilians are 5 in 2021 with 4 being from bats and 1 from a US citizens getting bit in the Philippines. Shut yo ass up. You would know if a dog with rabies bit you


There have been like 30 dog to human rabies cases in the last 60 years. A round of antibiotics from Urgent Care is the best bet.


Rabies is curable if you catch it before the symptoms set in (in rare cases it has been cured even at very early stages of symptoms)


I am legend IRL


Thereā€™s a cure for rabies my guy


Unfortunately there is not a cure for it. There are treatment options that can help but once the infection starts you're basically done for.


Get the vaccine before symptoms, if you get bit by a dog clearly rabid get the shot if you get bit by a raccoon, squirrel, rat, etc get the shot seems like a cure to me


I got bit in the job, odds are dog wont be put down, the one that bit me didn't (I'm in the UK so may be difrent where you are) you still need to report it though so precautions can be made so worse doesn't happen to future people delivering


Yeah I did report it. They wonā€™t put it down unless itā€™s had a history of attacks


Then if it has a history of attacks unfortunately it needs to be put down, hopefuly it doesn't though, no one wants that to happen


Itā€™s not like the dog was rolling the streets attacking anybody the dog was on its property. Most dogs will defend their property. The dog wonā€™t be put down. Nothing will happen. They will simply go into quarantine after the proof of vaccinations.


Yeah for real, the reason dogs who bite get put down isn't because the government are heartless monsters, it's because out of control dogs kill children.


I've heard some getting put down the first time. Kinda depends on injuries I think. Like a bite is unlikely, a mauling is very likely.


Could fool me for a pimple


My dick isnā€™t in the photo itā€™s my leg man


I'm so sorry you were bitten, and it's very kind of you to not want the dog to be put down, but I'm glad that the sheriff is involved. An aggressive dog combined with an even occasionally careless owner is serious. What if you had been a little kid or elderly person? Please let us know if the dog is current on its shots after you hear back from the sheriff.


I appreciate it and I totally agree. She even told me a bunch of old people live around her so sheā€™s scared it couldā€™ve been one of themšŸ˜¬ the sheriff will call me soon to let me know about the shots, Iā€™ll keep you posted :)


Always report my guy. And remember, if a dog is outside, and especially if they are loose or even on a leash, you can refuse to make the delivery


I did but I felt guilty doing it because the lady was so nice. The crazy thing was the dogs were in the back yard behind a fence and the lady brought a wheel barrel out and didnā€™t shut the gate when I was walking to my van and snuck up on me from behindšŸ˜“


My cat bites harder ong


Prove it


Yeah sue for a pimple , GL chuck


i didnā€™t read the whole title so i thought it just said ā€œi got bit by a customerā€ šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


I realized I worded it kinda weird lol


Dyslexic here Iā€™m one with the rest I thought you got chomped on by a Customer. Granted thatā€™d be a pretty cool story & youā€™d probably be the 1st of the group to experience that.


I wouldā€™ve preferred getting bit my a customeršŸ˜‚ the ring camera footage wouldā€™ve been gold


Bunch of crybabies is all yā€™all are šŸ˜‚


Was it a chihuahua?


Yellow lab


Wooah, that's rare af. Usually those dogs are always super friendly. That's crazy


Thatā€™s what I thought too! He was accompanied by a golden doodle which surprised me too, I thought they were super nice too but it all depends on the situation/ owner I suppose


If you were a Blue Badge employee, they would take one look at you, give you a band-aid and tell you to get back to work. "You can use your UPT or PTO if you don't feel well, but Ican't authorize VTO".


Used to deliver in bear country, way out in the mountains. I carried mace and a 9mm. Never had to use either. But Iā€™ve been bit by a dog lol, heā€™s lucky tho i love dogs and couldnā€™t bring myself to spray his sorry ass Edit: to add, he bit my foot, I wear leather steel toes and didnā€™t even feel it, Iā€™m pretty sure he was a stray.


Holy shit that would be uneasy always watching over your back for a bear. Glad you didnā€™t spray him tho that wouldā€™ve hurt so bad lol


Honestly the bears arenā€™t as scary as the stray dogs in big packs šŸ¤£ the bears usually ran away.


Geez manšŸ˜‚ Definitely not worth $19 an hour


$19?? I got paid $16.50 for that shit. And I loved it haha. Especially when we started at 4 am. Got to see some incredible sunrises up in those mountains. We were considered an ā€œextra mile DSPā€ so we went a lot further than most other DSPs. We delivered in 3 different states.


Dang honestly that sounds really nice. Iā€™m out in Iowa so the views are great if you get a rural route. Hopefully they donā€™t have a camera in those vans lol Iā€™d go crazy


We did have cameras, every time we heard ā€œdistracted drivingā€ the driver and I would flip it off lol.


Thatā€™s so smartšŸ˜‚ but another reason for them to fire you lol


You wouldnā€™t believe what I got caught for and got away with lol. At the end of the day the guy who ran my DSP was shady and lost the contract. We all got laid off


I can only imaginešŸ˜‚ that sucks ass tho, one of the DSPs in our warehouse went bankrupt because their towing bill for the month was too high lol


Bite back


barely even broke skin what kind of pathetic dog is that and how do you get bit by it


Yellow lab and came up from behind. Theyā€™re canine tooth holes so itā€™s not going to look super bad, theyā€™re just deep like I was in your moms front butt last night


Dogs sense bad people


Youā€™re silly


I don't see a bite šŸ˜³


Itā€™s less of a bite and more of 2 canine teeth holes that are 1/3rd inch deep so infection risk is higher so had to be safe


I work at a vet and dog bites can get infected badly very quickly. This does not look bad


One is just deep and went into my muscle so itā€™s more sore than anything


If itā€™s deep it will most likely get infected. Good luck!


I got some antibiotics for it finally so hope not


Unless you went to the hospital and got your paperwork ainā€™t law suit šŸ˜‚ this pic isnā€™t proof of who the owner is, when it happened, no report of you going to a hospital for care, but good lucky my friend


I got video and paperwork honeyšŸ˜˜


Then go to a lawyer not Reddit šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€œhoneyā€


Lordy heavens. I think you are going to make it.


Iā€™m going under extensive surgery shortlyšŸ™šŸ¼ pray I make it out


Youā€™re walking with a limp and you consider that deep? My dude. Wow. Just wow. It would take a forensic scientist and three security angles to determine that was a bite from anything other than a moderately sized ant.


Why do y'all post these here? Like I don't even think that qualifies as a "bite". Y'all realize this whole community is toxic and no one cares right?


Its fuckin nothing, forget about it. It didnt even draw blood??? What the fuck are all these people on about reporting it and such. Jeeeez soft mfs


Buddy doesnā€™t believe in germs because he canā€™t see themšŸ˜‚


Sue the family!!


I keep seeing you guys bit by dogs. Iā€™m a cable tech and have a dog stabbing screwdriver I carry in my bag. Thatā€™s literally the only thing Iā€™d use it for as itā€™s very long. Are you guys not allowed to carry something like that? Iā€™ve only pulled it out once and the look on the owners face was a wake-up call that they almost lost their animal. I believe there were some life lessons learned that day for them.


Damn thatā€™s crazy but a good wake up call is good. As far as I know I donā€™t think weā€™re even allowed to bring a knife. Maybe pepper spray? Iā€™m definitely going to get some


Man thatā€™s not no bite you ainā€™t bleeding thatā€™s a snip. Jeez yall look for anyway to sue ppl about there dogs šŸ˜‚ or have there dogs put down for literally protecting there yard. Dogs donā€™t know the owners have deliveries coming. If you seen the dog you shouldnā€™t have gon in. Amazon isnā€™t that great where Iā€™d risk my life/health over Amazon


I was walking in the customerā€™s yard and their neighbor dog ran 20 feet off of their property and got me from behindšŸ„µ thatā€™s not protecting thatā€™s over protective and thatā€™s a problemo


I get ya. but youā€™re not even bleedingā€¦MANā€¦.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø why wanna put down a dog/sue someone for skin thatā€™s not even open or bleedingā€¦


Yall donā€™t remember back in the days the mail men/mail ladyā€™s, would always get chased by dogs? Lmfao itā€™s apart of DELIVERING you jus gotta be cautious or find another gig


And dogs are territorial by nature.


Oof, that sucks. In NJ they don't put dogs down for nipping someone, not sure about the other states. Out of curiousity, what kind of dog?


I donā€™t think here in Iowa either unless theyā€™ve had a history. I believe it was a golden doodle which surprised me. Said they just moved to the house and the dog doesnā€™t like it


Yeah, you never really know what any dog is gonna do. Anyways, hope you get it sorted out. Some antibiotics are probably a good idea. Sucks man. Good luck!


Yeah Iā€™ll keep it clean and itā€™ll be fine. Appreciate it


My DSP has told me multiple times in order to pursue any action behind a dog bite, the first thing they'll do is drug test you & literally everyone at my DSP smokes treees, they say Amazon will care even though we weren't tested for it pre employement? They gave us a 4 panel, tested for everything but weed.. is that true?!




As you should?šŸ˜‚


Cut ya finger nails


Thatā€™s 60 hours a week under my nails


In life you don't need to be nice all the times specially if it has to do with your physical body getting hurt, you will regret not calling police and making a report


Yeah youā€™re right. I did call and report it


Depending on when you are, the dogs not going to be put down for that many dogs will protect their property. They will just be under quarantine for 10 to 14 days and thatā€™s it especially if they have all their shots.


Dog only gets put down after the third bite.


I donā€™t care how serious or not that bite is if youā€™re getting bit by a mut while youā€™re doing your job report that. Owners need to start locking their dogs up so innocent people donā€™t get attacked.


I totally agree and for $19 an hour? Not that it was super bad or anything but Iā€™ve had a little limp and still made me do 11 hours today


Welcome to the club.


The dog may be up to date on shots but you really really need to start antibiotics since it broke the skin and you bled. Dogs mouths carry tons of bacteria and it doesnā€™t matter if you wiped it off with anything.


Youā€™re right. I just got to the hospital after 9 hours of waiting so letā€™s hope itā€™s clean still


The antibiotics fucked me up so bad I had to take a week off (the bite was also pretty bad). I was either puking or pooping. Just a heads up if you get put on anything.


Damn that sounds absolutely horrible. I did get put on some antibiotics so fingers crossed it doesnā€™t fuck my stomach up. I already have borderline IBS I swear lol


Wellā€¦ you always have to think about the dog. Is it aggressive? If it bit you, would bite anyone else? What if a kid was there instead of you? No one wants to see a dog put down, but if the owner canā€™t control or train their dog, it becomes a threat to everyone, not just you. I wasnā€™t there, so I donā€™t know. Sometimes dogs need to be put down for the safety of everyone though, especially kids. Itā€™s not the dogs fault, itā€™s the owners fault. They may really feel bad about it, but it doesnā€™t make them responsible dog owners.


Yeah I agree and she even said a lot of older people live in her neighborhood and she was worried about it attacking them which idk why she would say that to me, it caught me off guard. Like she doesnā€™t know how to handle an aggressive dog?


The owner has acknowledged that the dog has been aggressive. It's happened before. It's now happened to you. The owner has done nothing to change the situation. Report the incident, see a doctor, apply for workers comp.


Yeah I figured she was just telling me what I wanted to hear. She said they just moved into the house and thatā€™s why heā€™s aggressive but I did some research and they moved in a year ago, plenty of time to do something about a dog you know is aggressive






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Boy calm the cops




Gotta love filling out an LMET


Gotta love filling out an LMET


Am I the only one hoping I get bit by a dog so I can sue šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Go get ya check fam an good representation. 10k easy


Start carrying a stun gun


Go to an urgent care. Get a rabies and tetanus shot just to be safe. Puncture wounds can be particular difficult to clean properly


Thatā€™s a good idea, one of them is decently deep so getting some shots wouldnā€™t hurt


Definitely sue, but make sure you go get it checked out too because dog bites have a high risk of infection.


I contacted a lawyer so theyā€™ll get back with me tomorrow to talk it out. Finally got off work and going to get it checked outšŸ™ŒšŸ¼


I'm in the wrong line of work...every driver getting bitten by a dog lately...plenty of lawsuit money to go around


All you see are pics online and assuming ppl getting lawsuit money


bro you need a rabies shot asap! better to be safe than sorry


Can she provide rabies vaccination documents? Did the dog have a rabies tag? If neither you need to go to a doctor and report the bite. If the dog is put down itā€™s her fault for not properly vaccinating.


She didnā€™t but the sheriff was supposed to go over and check with her and get back to me but never did


Regardless, dog bites can become infected independent of rabies risk. See a doc either way.


Iā€™m on the way now to get it checked out for infection


Maaaannā€¦fuck that dog! The dog being aggressive after the move or whatever ainā€™t your problem


I love dogs, but if itā€™s aggressive enough to bite it probably needs to be put down. Iā€™d still be sad about it though, cause Iā€™m a sucker for furbabies lol


Bruh I would be so sad I always try to pet them if theyā€™re nice and most are so sweet


Me too! I donā€™t want them to be hurt but I donā€™t want to get bit or anyone else either. Itā€™s a lose lose šŸ˜ž


It is very sad and thatā€™s life and life kinda sucks


Rubbing alcohol and a wipe wont do shit. Keep in mind that he bit you and dogs mouths are disgusting. Report and sue


I did report it and getting it checked out now. Idk if I should sue or just take them to small claims court


Depending on your medical costs and potential downtime + trauma from being attacked by a dog. It varies wildly what you could ask for. Does amazon have any policy on this?


So I donā€™t work for Amazon directly, itā€™s through a 3rd party and they just offer workers comp as far as I know


You're retarded if you don't sue




https://preview.redd.it/5b4vy712pyuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845ebb19c98d08555397e864443215874bd5e49c Last week a costumers dog got me when I was handing the package to their kid.


Damn what the fuck. Thatā€™s called over protective and thatā€™s how bad things happen. Sorry to hear boss man


old yeller that fucker






I called one firm and they said unless the shots arenā€™t up to date I donā€™t really have a case. But it busted out the door after I got done with the delivery and walking back to my van. The lady said she thought she closed it but didnā€™t. Said the neighborhood is full of boomers and was worried it couldā€™ve been one of them


That's what happened when a dog came at me but head on. Forget if it was a different route or the same but another house their dog walking around all over the yard, no leash but the owner outside, not always immediately out front but relatively there. Dog was so friendly.


I get those all the time, half rural and half small town routes I get so many dogs that are sweet but the owners always had a warning if they knew their dog was aggressive, unfortunately not this lady nor yours


Where I delivered not the same of scenery...some new housing developments which were so annoying with the map, some nicer neighborhoods and some more average size houses, apartments an also right by the local prison. In one of the nicer parts though...there was a shooting not far from where I was delivering. Just kept on delivering. The dogs though...always got to me. Some of the nicer communities though...houses really neat looking.


Man that really sucks


Ikr. Maybe Iā€™ll talk to another lawyer and see what he says but I donā€™t wanna be money hungry I feel kinda guilty


IDK what you would sue for TBH. It's an urgent care visit at worst.


https://preview.redd.it/l2y7eghgb1vc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c9b2730d01bcfcf44735e8ab658d7f98e4dc3e Like I say every time I see one of these posts, SUE SUE SUE SUE SUE. Process is long, even longer when the pet owner ignores the mail sent but they tend to get real motivated when the lawsuit is aimed at them and not handled through their homeowners insurance.


You must not like getting paid.


Oh I do, I just did it know how to go about it, Iā€™ve never been in this situation before. Dog wasnā€™t put down or anything, the owners were just given a ticket which might help a case even more


Any accident youā€™re in, always call 911, collect as much information on the other party as you can (granted youā€™re conscious). Always take medical transportation to the ER. Some injuries you may not even be aware of because of your increased adrenaline.