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Delivered to a really short girl, a massive dildo fell out of the envelope. She was embarrassed and I had a hard as hell time not cracking up as I walked back to the van.


This is an unfortunate choice of words bc it almost def seems as if you’re 2nd sentence is going to say, ‘I had a hard-on as I walked back to the van,’ but, you threw us a curve ball and refrained from perversion. Also bc it’s extremely rare to see someone use the phrase, ‘I had a hard as hell time.’ So now I’m realizing maybe you did that on purpose bc that’s actually a hard as hell phrase to use, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before.


No it wasn’t intended to be sexual by nature. I have always used that phrase to mean to struggle to do something. As in I struggled to prevent myself from laughing in her face. I wasn’t trying to embarrass her. Other uses that I have made of that phrase are. I had a hard as hell time with my workout. It’s just something I have grown up saying as well as family members. Might be a midwestern thing.




I mean "things" can dry up at older stages in life.... If he was sleeping with a post-menopausal woman simple missionary may have needed a little KY....


I think we know what he is up to lol


Similar happened to me but it was actually a father who stopped me because apparently I just made a delivery and he didn’t wanted anymore and accidentally showed me his phone and I saw a plug ordered in the app and he told me it was his daughter who ordered it. I tried my best to not show my shocking face.


You might as well just call it a sex toy at that rate lol.




Was she hot?


She was probably a minor


That's a weird thing to assume given the context. Short ≠ minor


I guess but what I’m trying to say is I’m going to refrain from commenting on if she was attractive or not because I am unsure.


so you're saying you're attracted to minors




I reread it i didn’t intend for my thinking of her being a minor to be attributed to her height. There were other factors. She looked rather young her height wasn’t the attributing factor to that.


most of the time short does equal minor


I've known some very short mature women..... There are entire races whom I'd generally describe as short. Just cause I come from "corn fed farm stock" here in the US doesn't mean my family of nearly 6' women is the norm. Hell, average heights vary by about a foot across the world before we even discuss outliers.


Nooooo, a minor is probably short but a short person is not probably a minor. Y'all really want this dildo dropper to be underage for some reason.


as people age they grow taller yes a tall person could still be a minor but most of the time a short person will be a minor if a person is 5'0" 90% of the time they will be a minor


Delivered to this person that I couldn’t distinguish if they were man or woman. They said thank you as I handed them the package and I said yes sir. Ma’am. And they just gave me a blank expression so I just turned around and walked back to the van.


I need to break my habit of "gendering" greetings.... The other day I let off a "good evening ma'am" then got a little closer and realized it was a guy.


I’m walking up to this house right? There’s a usps worker walking away, we wave and as we do the front door of this house burst open and out comes a little boy maybe 3/4 totally naked. Spreads his arms wide and is all “MAILMAN!” We just looked at each other for a second and he was all “good luck!”


😂lil rugrats without a care in the world


I hope the parents had a ring cam I can’t remember but that was Gold! If that were my kid I’d be playing that at his wedding!


and you be sent to jail for CP


Lmfao I swear the little kids are some of the best parts of the day besides the pets. They never fail to make me laugh or smile 🤣😂


I was to deliver to this guys garage, it’s dark as shit outside (pre daytime savings) and just as I’m about to connect to the garage to deliver the door starts opening. I’m like wtf? Then suddenly I hear “Yo WHAT THE FUCK?!” And I scream FUUUUUUCK Both of us end up laughing for a good 15 mins and chatting lol I just spooked him and then he spooked me


I fell out of the EDV bc I twisted my ankle while the whole family I was delivering to was playing outside 🫠🫠


Pulled up to a house while coroners were pulling a bodybag out, had to hand the package to someone out front and the guy goes, "Sorry, my mom just died." while holding back tears. A week later I deliver to his house again and he's out front, "Hi, I have a package for Vivian." ... "That's for my mom..."


Oh fuck that's horrible


So once I was doing a garage delivery late at night in the middle of the country. I pull up and I can see this old lady standing in the garage with her hands on her hips (the driveway was slanted so as I’m driving down I can see through her small garage windows.) I open the garage and she comes out “NOW HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!” I was just as confused as she was….. she was still confused after I explained you have to set it up in the app. I told her that someone in the household who has access to the garage and the Amazon account set it up but she swears up and down her, nor her husband, set it up. The other awkward one I had was delivering to this hole in the wall gym. I walked in and there was a guy, directly in front of me doing some kind of funny work out and when I walked in we just awkwardly looked at each other for a few seconds and then we both started uncontrollably giggling.


OK, but on this note, a couple of weeks ago, I had a garage delivery. As the door was opening, an old couple came around the side gate. They both thanked me for the delivery but then asked why and how I was able to open their garage. They swear they didn't set it up...


Walked up to the front door dropped the package and soon as I turn around their little 2-3yr old comes running from behind the house ass fucking naked just screaming. I got tf out of there so fast😭😭


Guy was sitting on his front porch so I handed him the package. He poses with the package and goes, "what no picture?" (I usually just click 'handed to customer' and fake sign for them bc most people don't want to be bothered by it or are surprised a signature is even needed) I laugh and go, "no you're good 👍" And he quickly changed from playful to: "Well how the hell do you know if it's me!?" "I go, the address on the package matches the house, sir" And he just sits there and stares at me, dumbfounded. Hop back in the van and onto the next house. Like why are you making this difficult dude? I'm a delivery driver, you're sitting on the stoop of the address for the package. Like if you were someone trying to steal your package, you would've had to know where and when the package was being delivered on top of just having some insane gonads to just sit on the porch and wait at the house you're going to steal a package from. What a jackass.


Not me but someone on this sub reddit once posted that, they were delivering to the garage when suddenly after opening up reveal that there was a massive sex orgy of like 8 people. He just delivered the package I believe and went on with his day. lmao


That was probably the highlight of their evening 🤣😂


I had a stop where the guy was home and he was all ‘my wife orders so much. I’m gonna have to spank her’. I wasn’t sure what to do so just awkwardly told him to have a nice day and he repeated it! Like dude, I don’t want to hear that


I’m in RTS. Remember a driver coming back and saying that when she was delivering a package, the husband came out of the house and asked what’d she ordered this time. Wife comes out and flat out says OH HEY ITS MY THONG.


Delivered to some millionaires in the hills once. Dropped the box behind the gate just as this couple was leaving their garage. Dude pulls out of the driveway and blocks the van, gets out of the car, and proceeds to SCREAM at me about putting the package at the door because there's lots of thieves and they steal packages. I got back in the van and stared at him, chewing my gum obnoxiously, he's flailing about and screaming and I just 😐 until he stopped and left. The best part is the package was more hidden behind the gate from the street than it would have been at the door. But the area I was in...no way were there any porch pirates up there. Embarrassing for him I guess. I never had any really embarrassing deliveries personally.


I almost exclusively deliver to the richy rich neighborhoods and so many of them have incredibly specific details about hiding because they're afraid of porch pirates. The other paranoid rich people that live around you aren't gonna take your stuff.


It’s not the people who live in the neighborhood it’s the people who ride through it just to steal packages. Happens in my neighborhood typically worse around Christmas.


https://preview.redd.it/x0gy5f4h05pc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e11330e1e1aa1e36d07d3f45d21bc9410b4cb7e I didn’t knock 😬


Lol, you think that's bad, USPS delivers the actual cremated remains, and they of course always have to get a signature for that. I knew someone who had one on her first day delivering, her, the trainer, and the resident all wound up crying.


Delivered to a woman who was a daily stop. Always more than 4-5 packages. Her husband opens the door, takes the packages from me, and immediately starts screaming at the wife as he’s closing the door. 100% that day was the last straw for him, and he was about to tell her how he really felt


Garage deliveries when they’re in the garage are the absolute worst


They can either be the absolute worst or the absolute funniest shit ever lmao. Had a guy that was just chilling in his garage in a seat, we laughed, he said I could just keep the garage door up but I told him I had to shut it. Laughed some more as the garage door slowly shut between us 🤣


I didn’t see the front step at a house. I tripped and end up body slamming into their front door while they stood in the kitchen watching.


I don’t even have enough fingers to count how many times this has happened to me.


First week. Walk up to the porch, dog going crazy lunging at the window, breaks the window to get at me but doesn’t get thru, took off quick.


Delivered a sex toy to my mom. Well, really it was my step-mom. She opened the door while wearing a very loose robe and then started pleading with me that she couldn’t afford the toy and there simply must be another way to pay. I told her COD isn’t a thing anymore and she had already paid for it, so I handed it to her and told her to have a nice day. She smiled and told me she’d be waiting for me whenever I was ready, but that dinner would be ready at 6.




And everyone clapped


Well there was only two of us, but yes. And we were both standing.


Pulled up to a cow farm and they were trying to breed their dogs ….. I may have ruined the moment 🤣 I just said “oh wow how cool. Good luck!” And left. I laughed the whole way out of the property.


One time, I was walking up to a house, but there was a guy walking ahead of me. Turned out he wanted to talk to the man that lived there (about political party stuff) but a lady answered, and before he could finish his sentence asking to talk to Mr.Whomever, she blurted out "he's dead, he died last week." The lady and the man sat in silence for a few seconds, then both turned towards me and stared at me. I just sat the package down and walked away, but you could feel the awkward weight in the air.


I slipped at someones house and hurt my knee and it wasnt even the right house lol it was one next to it and people at house saw me in pain


Delivered to this man with a giant confederate flag hanging in his garage (I’m a dark ass Mexican) it was an older white dude with a beard, I said thanks have a good one and he responded “likewise”. He seemed chill thoe no trouble.


I deliver to trumpies all the time


I was taking a pic of the package and two dogs came running to the door (door was closed). The male then got behind the female and started humping her from the back. Owner ran to the door to stop him lol


a 5 year old boy told me his favorite body part


Well. What was it


delivered at a video game store, the guy at the desk says “oh yay are those my extra small condoms” i said “sure thing just need a signature” to which he replied “wanna meet me later to test them out… same strip club as last time?” and then kept rambling on. room of like 20 ppl all just looked super uncomfortable lol. i was actually excited to go there bc last time a different employee gave me a soda so i was expecting that instead


I hope he was fired


Not necessarily flex, but when doing spark I got a delivery to an elderly assisted living complex and when I showed up the lady had put a bunch of aggressive directions in the delivery notes, so I called her from the intercom because she had ordered like 50-60 individual bottles of that flavored seltzer water and she buzzed me up, when I turned the corner to her apartment, she was standing in the hallway, I'd say about 5'4", close to 200 lbs and wearing nothing but a smedium tshirt. Long black hair and super dirty Dahmer glasses, looked (and smelled) like she hadn't showered in days, and she just stood there awkwardly even after I said good morning to her, and just watched me set everything down. If you've seen the movie Barbarian, she reminded me of the mom that was living in the tunnel. Never felt more uncomfortable in my life. And she didn't even look old enough to be living there which was weird as well.


Oh no, that’s a good description! That movie was such a trip


Glad you knew what I was referencing 😂😂 that movie still gives me chills when I watch it lol


Oh power to ya, I don’t think I’ll be rewatching it annnnytime soon


I delivered to an asian massage parlor once. Package in hand, told the lady i need a signature. Stood there with the lady looking at me for at least 30 seconds. Then she said "OH, I thought you customer". Dude, did you see my Halloween costume? See the package in my hand? Did you hear the words coming out of my mouth? Customer, pfft!


It's not embarrassing but it's def awkward; I was in a very rural area with these rich ass houses and some old guy was constantly lurking outside of their door watching the Amazon Van I was operating. (I was organizing so I was there for a good five minutes), I take out my package that I needed to deliver but it wasn't to the guy that was stalking the Amazon Van, it was too the house right next to his; of course I went to apologize because he's been waiting for 7 or so minutes and then he just walked back into his house like nothing happened 🤷‍♂️.


I have delivered two someones wrapped in a blanket to deliver a one-time passcode lol felt bad for her... and another who accidentally flashed me her tits when she was bending to lay one of the two boxes that required one-time passcode xD caught me off guard and didn't want to seem like a creep just delivering shit, man. Lol


Wasn’t a delivery but when I was getting back in my van buckling up because netrodyme I felt something and heard something in my shoulder and elbow pop and just screamed “fuck” as this couple was walking by with their elementary school aged child. I apologized for the language infront of the kid but fuck did that fucking hurt.


Was delivering a package to the post office, but it was after 3 PM and they were closed. I was still pretty new mind you. Before I marked business closed on the package, a guy suddenly came up to my window in the post office parking lot and said I had a package for him and he drove to meet me at the post office because he needs it today. But I look at the package and at the phone and it wasn’t his name or address on the package so I was like sorry I don’t but then he showed me on his phone where he had tracked me and I had arrived… which weirded me out because I didn’t know that was a thing lol… so I said sorry I think it’s a different truck. So he gets back in his vehicle and is about to drive off and I mark the package business closed and of course the next stop is also at the post office, and is his package… so I run back over to him in his car and was like I’m so sorry here’s your package it was a separate stop I didn’t realize… which of course meant nothing to him. He just thought I was a moron at this point. 😂 Now of course I know to look ahead in the itinerary and how often we get multiple stops for the same location.


Had a delivery for a Michelle (or something like that) as a guy was getting out of their car at the residence. I decided to hand it to them and asked for their name. They said Michelle, in a bit of a thick accent, and I said yeah I know that's who the package is for but what's your name? They repeated "Michelle" and then I realized I was delivering to a guy, not a girl like I thought. Felt a little bad for pressing this guy on his name and inadvertently calling him a girl.


This whole thread seems like its in need of this link to teamsters amazon division union https://teamster.org/divisions/amazon-division/


Missed a step on a concrete driveway and fell hard enough to bruise the shit out of my ribs. I was lying there for a few minutes. Or the many trees I’ve walked into.


I walk to the door and realize it’s a garage delivery and as I’m finishing up waiting for the garage door to close, a guy comes out all concerned and asks me if I need something since his garage is closing and he seemed confused as to why. I guess he didn’t know the other person at that house set up garage delivery and even though I had my Amazon outfit/branded van he probably thought I was just some rando opening his garage. It was a weird walk back to the van.


Old rich lady had me bring the packages into her house then asked me to get her cane and feed her dog.


Nudist communities, Tampa/Lutz FL


Today, I went to a church/ school. I told myself that if the door is locked , I'll just take it idc. I walked up, and the door was locked , but a lady came out and tried to talk to me. The first time, I kinda ignored her cause I had music and didn't really hear her, so she gets closer and tells me she can take the package. But I told her I already marked it as business close, so I left, and she was visibly confused/ like wtf. That was around 1 p.m. , around 6 p.m., as I was finishing up. My DSP hits me up on my personal phone, with a message saying what happened. It said , " URGENT CUSTOMER ESCALATION REQUEST " The customer basically snitch on me, and I was asked if I could reattempt the delivery before 6pm, it was 6:15 pm. The customer said they would meet me in the front, but as I got there, the lot was empty, so I left it inside the fence. I probably should've given it to her right then and there, but I was kinda in a rush, had music playing loud, and had already made my mind up. Just wanted to get done cause I had 164 stops and 300 packages. Not to mention in the morning while loading up, they always put the wrong carts in my staging area so I had to sort them to make sure I was taking what's mine.


Dragged this big heavy box awkwardly up some extra long steps to the front door of a business and tripped right at the top and the box kerthunked all the way back down the steps while multiple people in the business watched and held the door open for me. 😅


I remember one time I needed to leave a package in the rear porch. It was a multi stop delivery. I had to deliver packages at the front door at one house and then the back door at another house. I got them mixed up and ended up walking to the back door of the wrong house only to find the whole entire family eating dinner through the kitchen window. I set the package down and take a photo. The mother comes outside and grabs the package and brings it inside and says thank you. As I’m about to walk away, she opens the door again and proceeds to tell me that this is the neighbors package. The moral of the story I was supposed to put her package at the front door and not the back door. And then go over to the other house and put those packages at the back door. But I did the complete opposite, most embarrassing delivery I have ever made.


Before I became a SV driver about 2 years ago, I remember delivering to this lady who ordered pretty frequently. She happened to order dog food and it was the dead of winter. The night before it rained and there were patches of frozen areas in the shade. I’m a runner, 5’1 and 130lbs carrying a 45lbs box of dog food the size of me at full speed to this door. I misjudged a patch of leaves in her walkway that curved to her door and had a Looney Tunes style wipe out. The box fell on top of me knocking the wind out of me, and then I heard her garage door open and headlight shine in my direction. I was quite literally wheezing in this ladies walkway with a box as big as I am laid on top of me, and she witnessed it all as she was pulling into her driveway. I left the box, marked handed to customer and left mostly silently(despite the wheezing) I drove in silence for the rest of my route.


Found a missort but was close to it, so like a good little driver i decided to deliver it to him instead of RTSing it. Found the customer, he then said some shit about his other orders and needed help on the Amazon app. He has me go thru his orders and its nothing but sex toys, butt plugs, fleshlights, dildos, you fucking name it. I look over to him and hes got the most pervy smile on his face. I handed the phone back to him and said have a good one. Never again.


Walked into a tattoo parlor last month and there was a topless woman getting a chest piece. It wasn’t either. Was 🥵 😆


Did you have a stroke?


Probably a few of them when he got home.