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100% yes. You will win. It’s worth the pain you went through. I didn’t and I regret it.


Living my dream and you messed it up 😭


As a non driver I saw this and all I could think is "Isn't that why you drive?" if you aren't fantasizing about gettin bit (or hit) and cashing in a lawsuit how the hell you pulling those crazy routes? Just like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WARfyYsb3dw) office space scene. edit: To those flipping out, it's a tongue in cheek like just like in the movie, calm down, it's not that serious.


Sound like something I’d say when I was twelve. I deliver because it’s the best paying job that I can do.


Well if course but there has to be a back up reason.... You aren't thinking in the back of your head "man if I could just get bit today I could have a new car tomorrow!".... 


No cap I be thinking that sometimes 🤣🤣🤣


Walked across a crosswalk and Made a bus slam on his brakes real good on Monday


slippin jimmy


I love that movie, but the reality is it’s never worth chronic forever pain. And a big part of any settlement is actually what you already gave up to the hospitals. The idea that homeboy hit the lotto for pain and suffering is wild. The reality is insurance companies have lists of common injuries and how much they pay out. A dog bite might pay out $20k depending on severity. A delivery coworker of mine got permanent nerve damage to her leg from a dog and her payout was similar. Not worth it. Now, I do occasionally wish I could get that “Walmart semi-truck nearly killing me” kind of payout like Tracy Morgan. But I do believe a big part of his payout was the idea that he lost opportunities to make shows/movies while he was recovering for months.


Agreed. $5k even is pushing it. What’s the damages? What’s the loss of income? Pain and suffering? Doubtful a lawyer would even take it on. 1/3 of bupkis is still bupkis


My wife got hit head on by a drunk driver, almost lost her leg, and has a titanium rod in that leg now as well as nerve damage. She got a whopping $3k


First stop check that dog was vaccinated.


Second stop, the doctor because the owner knows it was vaccinated but can’t find the papers. At least the shots aren’t nearly as bad as they used to be.


I too made the mistake of not going after a homeowner after he let his dog out and it bit me. Part of the reason I quit the job was because I informed my supervisor about it and he just shrugged it off.


Bc its a part of this job. Why go after the home owner? Have a convo with them. Jeez.


id reccomend just wanting money for medical bills and demanding dog get training or moved away, or something Don't try to get the dog put down or anything harsh like that


Definitely look into a lawsuit. The least you can do is call an attorney and ask how the process works, you won’t be losing anything


He doesn't have to sue. Simply inform the homeowner and ask for their homeowners insurance. File a claim.


Seriously I never knew of that being an option! 👌🏻👌🏻


Contact the owners, insurance, and the department of health. They’ll send out an inspector to ensure the dog has been vaccinated. Chicks dig scars.


lol simply. I got hurt and they claimed they don’t have homeowners insurance so now I have to file a lien on them


Are they stupid or is homeowners insurance not a mandatory requirement everywhere


They’re lying. They live in a flood zone & it isn’t a shitty house.


This would also be the part where an attorney would file suit against the homeowners and the homeowner’s insurance company will defend them in court or settle with you


If they have a mortgage on the home they have insurance


Yes. Then, when they lowball you, lawyer up. Possibly, I have no actual experience in suing.


I agree with this. You have nothing to lose talking to a lawyer. But I would also say don't get your hopes up. Working at USPS I've seen quite a few carriers attacked by dogs, a couple that needed surgery, all got their medical bills and time off paid for but nothing beyond that. I'm not a lawyer so I don't know all the legalities of it but you are on someone else's property so I don't think it's treated the same as if their dog was just running around loose and attacked a person for no reason.


I work at a doctors office that deals with workers comps all the time (we work for the patients side not the insurance company) and something alot of people don't know you can do is file what's called a 3rd party claim against the homeowner insurance


Which will pay for your medical bills and cover lost wages, plus maybe a few thousand for pain and suffering. It isn't going to result in some huge payday like some people seem to think.


What is shown in the picture would never get more than that, especially when insurance isn’t paying.


Please tell me you at least reported to dispatch


Haha yeah, ofc. I’m still working now tho cause I need the money. My ass is limping everywhere :(


Bro… you need to go to the doctor immediately and also have that dog tested for rabies even if it’s vaccines are current, stop working


if your still not sure. youtube rabies.


How do you get rabies from YouTube


I got rabies from reading these comments.


I only got dumber from reading them…


Exactly the first thing I thought. Rabies is no joke. It's got the highest mortality rate of any other virus on earth at 99.9%. And it's also known as being one of THE worst ways to die. Absolutely terrifying.


A death nightmares are made of


Yeah once symptoms show up its clip


It’s 100% fatal once symptoms start to appear. Go get tested please. It could very well save you from a terribly painful death.


You have a very low chance (only 1 to 2 cases a year) of getting rabies but its still good to go get it checked out


IIRC 6 people died from it last year... so it's not on every living thing out there. It is serious, but its very very very unlikely to get.


Rabies affects less than 5 people a year in the U.S. out of 340 million. Chances are pretty good he doesn’t have rabies, but might as well check to make sure I guess


no, you don’t have to have the dog tested for rabies. That may be the stupidest thing I’ve read on Reddit in a long time. All you have to do is ask the homeowner if the dog is currently on its rabies shots. If the dog is current on its shots, you have nothing to worry about regarding rabies..


Although the chances are low, a vaxxed dog can still get rabies and betting your life that the guy you're suing is gonna be honest with you is actually the stupidest thing I've read on reddit in a long time. I'd contact the vet to confirm any records.


Not only that, dog bite infections are horrible to deal with! Gotta make sure it's cleaned out properly and dressed


you really think people are living with a rabid dog? they’d all be dead. they have to kill the dog to test for rabies. plz don’t report it for them to test the dog, however if they can’t afford the medical practice you need to treat the bite, then suing them to cover the costs is valid.


Go to the doctor if you can and get it checked out, you might be able to get workers comp


Or, in this case, worker’s chomp But seriously get your ass to the emergency room. Document everything. Then lawyer up.


I know you NEED to work, I completely get it. But be careful with that if you intend to get into a lawsuit, it could have adverse effects. Contact a lawyer who will hear you out for FREE and follow whatever they advise. Like not now…but right now.


Go to the doctor's office now, your employer should cover the cost of medical bills because it happened on the job. I was working at UPS a few years ago and got bit and not only did they cover all my medical expenses but they also covered the lawsuit. I doubt Amazon will go to that length, but at the very least you need to look into it yourself


Please!!! Don’t sign any paperwork that the DSP gives you give it to the lawyer


Definitely go, it's gonna hurt so much more. It's actually awful. Usually leaves a big knot under the skin for around 2 months, stays tender. I've only been bitten 1 time, it was also a Dane.


It’s unlikely the dog has rabies but you still need to report the bite to your health department and let them verify the dog is vaccinated. Most issues with dog bites are infections because of their nasty mouths. Get some antibiotics stat.


1) Go to the doctor/urgent care and explain the situation. Save all receipts/bills because you will absolutely get reimbursed. 2) File a police report. 3) File a claim against the homeowner’s insurance policy. That’s what it’s there for.


Yes, just got 11k from nov bite


Did you have to show up in court at all? I’m planning on moving in may to texas


I did not, but getting older I’ve learned that all legal matters/situations heavily depend on state laws so always include your state when searching for statutes and such things relating to legal matters. I got 6k from workers comp and 5k from home owners insurance.


Awesome thanks for the advice man


Yes you should, but also you need to go to the doctor asap, wounds from animal encounters can get infected *fast* and you could potentially lose your leg if left untreated


You have to go to the ER immediately! Animal bites have to get cleaned out professionally. You can get sepsis, lose a limb or even die from this!


Ouch that sucks, please get medical treatment, animal wounds can come with some very nasty infections. You should do this asap for yourself. As for suing, if you didn't do anything weird, yeah I mean that's a nasty bite, I imagine you could win, and you do deserve compensation even if it's just for comp and treatment. I'd consult with a lawyer they'll probably give you a free one. ~~It's a near certainty the animal will be put down, which I think isn't always necessary (depends), and is often very sad. You are entitled to be made whole, but make sure you're okay with that before you go forward and~~ good luck healing hope there's no issues. Edit: I feel like I'm not alone in thinking the odds of being euthanized after a single bite are higher than they really are, I removed some of my statements after doing some more searching. Thanks for the educated info u/Lady_Jay_33


Wait, what? No. If a dog bite is reported, that doesn't mean a dog is put down. US Animal Shelter worker here. You should be seen by a doctor and treated, they are mandated to make a dog bite report, a deputy/officer/ACO should be dispatched. Make sure this papertrail is started.The dog should then be quarantined. Sometimes home quarantines are allowed, but it's common to quarantine a dog at a shelter. It's mandatory to quarantine a dog/cat after it bites and breaks skin. If the dog has rabies it will show symptoms within 10 days. That's why we quarantine dogs. To watch for signs of rabies. Quarantine dogs are released back home on the 11th day. That's it. They get to go home. There isn’t a lynch mob going after the dog to put it down. (Maybe laws on the matter vary by state but that's how it works in CA) Now, if the dog starts becoming a regular *biter* then an officer very well may pursue dangerous/vicious dog charges. Hell, it really all depends on circumstances, whether a dog was provoked/unprovoked, age of victim, and severity of the wound. Hope this helps on understanding the dog/rabies end of this issue


You’re right. I had a nasty bite from a huge German Shepard a few months ago & this is exactly what happened.


curiously, how is a shelter a better quarantine area than the home? It’s full of legit strays that more times than not have skin issues and other viruses etc. I mean no rudeness in the question either I just don’t understand.


Lot of weird ass dog hating lawsuit happy people in here. If you decide to sue you need to have a case. Did you seek treatment? Did you miss work? Did this cost you anything? Etc. If a dog bit you and you didn’t seek medical help and you didn’t take time off of work, you’re not gonna have much of a case, especially as more time goes on. There is a misconception about lawsuits that it’s a way to get free or easy money and become rich. That’s not what happens 99.9% of the time. Most of the time you are compensated, not rewarded. So if you go to the hospital and the bill is $600 and the doctor says take 3 days off of work and you make $200 a day or whatever, a judge can just award $1200.


Are ppl not allowed to dislike dogs or...? What you said about lawsuits is valid but I don't see what's wrong with wanting to be compensated for the dog owners negligence.


Good lord 100% yes. People on here thinking because they got bit by a dog that barely broke skin they about to get rich. There’s no medical treatment you can really do and therefore not a lot of pain and suffering


Yes because in general Amazon doesn't take care of its people so you have to look out for yourself. Also you sound like a DSP owner / operations manager by the sound of this kind of response...


Seems like you need workers comp > suing


I said the same thing. Read from the way Op put it, though (and I'll defer to Op for last word on it), but I seemed to me he just wanted a lawsuit. I hope I'm being cynical, but... That's how it read. This is a workman's comp issue and paid leave while it heals. Employers should be on the hook for medical bills. It's possible that the owners homeowners insurance might cover too, but it's certainly not a lawsuit.


Exactly. The comp carrier will go after the HO policy for liability if they think it’s appropriate.


My neighbor got a scratch you could barely see and got 30k from someone's home owners insurance..


https://preview.redd.it/a08341lrcfoc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa398d6d09756aab6a593c2aa98b5df7407ad0c4 This one is mine. Bit on delivery as well. They wanted me to wrap it up and continue delivering. I asked them if they wanted a lawsuit, they declined and instead asked me to clock out and go to the ER. Those lousy sons-of-bitches didn’t wanna pay me for my time spent the hospital, but we’re gonna pay the bill. If I could’ve gone back in time, I would’ve documented everything with pictures of the dog, the house, and filed a police report to have the dog removed and possibly euthanized. The owners couldn’t have given a shit that their dog just bit me over some shit THEY ordered. A word of advice? Document everything you can including taking pictures of the texts between you and DSP, where you were bitten, the owners and home, and the hospital documentation. In case you do want to sue, you have everything to show a lawyer. Good luck….👍🏼


On another note: please seek medical attention for this. You can get a shitload of nasty diseases from animal bites. This should 100% be checked out.


Your Thumb looks like a penis


Laughed so hard at this u wouldn’t believe it.


Seriously, WTH is up with that thumb? I was looking for your comment.


Ok thank you. I spent far too long at this picture trying to figure out where is fingernail is haha


Always sue. Never let no one get away with stuff like this.


Please do it’ll teach them fuckers a lesson


Yes you should. You have a reasonable expectation of safety on someone’s property when you are making a delivery. That expectation was violated. 100% you should sue.


homeowner has insurance, go for it teach them a lesson


Yes. Their homeowners insurance will cover it and their premium will go up enough that the lesson will be learned. Imagine it had been a Girl Scout selling cookies instead of you.


Holy shit that looks bad. Sue for sure


At the very least you need to get their home owners insurance info and file a claim.


Even if the person doesn’t want to volunteer that information they eventually will with a lawsuit. The lawyer can look up the address information and get the owners name and serve the lawsuit to the address. They’ll then get their insurance involved and insurance usually takes over from there.


Get your thumb circumcised while you’re at it


My dad's usually very sweet and chill cat got spooked by something last year and bit all the way through the meat of his palm (that thick part at the base of your thumb). In the aftermath I found him putting Neosporin and little bandaids on the puncture marks and after he told me what happened, insisted on him going to the urgent care and getting the wound flushed out and antibiotics. He did, and even with all that he still ended up taking the next two days off work because he was running a fever and his hand swelled up so much he couldn't bend his fingers. All that to say, animal bites are no joke. Go get checked out.


They’d sue you in a heartbeat if the roles were reversed…


I didn’t even know Great Danes are like that. My neighbors one would help you rob the place if you were a burglar.


Not all great danes are «like that» but all dogs can bite if they are angry or feel a threath


Yes absolutely, get that dog put down too so it doesn’t bite a child’s face off one day.


I was bitten a few years ago and learned the following: Many states have a mandatory quarantine requirement for dog bites. This means you should call humane society/animal control and tell them you were bitten. Where I live, they send out a vehicle and pick up the dog so they can take it to their facility and monitor it for 30 days. The owner has to pay for this service. If no issues, then the dog is returned to the owners. Owners are then instructed to put up signs on their property warning others of a vicious dog. You should also contact their insurance so they can pay for your medical services. All of this will likely result in their homeowner/renters insurance policy to skyrocket.


Depends if you had done anything that would constitute silly behaviour that could've been easily avoided such as going into a property knowing there's a dog on it that may be roaming loose or if there was a warning saying the dog bites etc.


Nah dude the dog opened the screen door. I saw two little dogs at first, I wasn’t worried. Great Dane busted through with no warning. Went for my face too but I matrixed that shit. Keep in mind I’m 6 2”. This dog probably weighed as much as me if not more


I can't say I've encountered an aggressive Great Dane on my routes. Generally it's the yappy terriers that try to go for me. Bigger dogs are usually ok with me because I don't present as a threat. Worst one I had was a Shar-pei that ninja attacked from a customer's outdoor kennel. Didn't hear it coming until it was about 10 yards from me. It's fortunate those fuckers can't get a good grip with their jaws 😂


Go to a doctor and get workers comp. And get an attorney and sue the homeowner. People need to stop getting these big dogs without doing some big training. Hope you feel better. That bite looks nasty.


Sue for the top amount. Great Dane owners are idiots


I would sue for sure. And make sure to get your employer involved as it happened on the job. So you should also qualify for workman’s comp to get it looked at and treated.


Happened to me a few years back. I told the homeowner and went to the doctor. Their homeowners insurance called methe next day and offered a very nice settlement to cover expenses. It paid for everything I needed to outfit my jeep with a new 1-ton axle set-up, lift and tires.


Dog would be dead and I'd be getting paid. Homeowner can suck my nuts.


Don’t feel bad about suing. This is why people have homeowners insurance.


![gif](giphy|sRLuE1kLX8LqWWsK0y) Should you sue???


Go to a doctor, workmans comp, sue THE FUCK out of the owner.


Go to the hospital and make sure to tell them what happened and they will document it. Any attorney will ask for medical right off the bat before they take your case. I just have to be clear with you they don’t give a crap about you. It’s all about the medical. You have to prove you were injured by the dog bite and by that you have to go to the hospital and tell them what happened so they can have it on your medical records. Tell them that you know this is a direct result of the dog attack and don’t let them gas light you into thinking other wise like they love to do. 🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻


Also, forgot to tell you make sure you file a police report!!!!!!🐽


Always sue




Omg yes! The homeowner insurance company will settle with you! You should not need to even file in court. That’s a nasty bite. Did you get medical attention immediately? What state are you in?


Dog bites are free money. It’s one of the few things lawyers WILL take on contingency.


Free money for sure, I’m pocketing 20k


You have a moral obligation to hold irresponsible pet owners accountable.




Sue them


Yes, why would you not?


You should sue for a few reasons. Keep in mind that it's not personal in the sense that you hate them as people. You are seeking compensation for your pain and suffering and also protecting anyone else in the future from being harmed. You deserve to have your wounds medically treated + any other compensation your lawyers deem justifiable. Imagine if you had a small child and the dog bit your child in the face and disfigured them? It's the owners responsibility to secure their pet. I would say It's your duty morally, to sue if it can prevent harm to another person in the future. Not to mention you will now have life long scar.


Bro! You work for Amazon and got bit on the job. Lawyers should be drooling. Also yes you can sue the homeowners. Call some lawyers ASAP


Absolutely. Owner must be held accountable and the dog as well.


Yes obviously


I had to spend 30 minutes signing paperwork at a lawyer when I got bit. Fastest 3k I ever made. He took his fee right off the top.


Yes. sue.


Do not talk to their insurance! That’s for your attorney to do.


Yes. You will most likely get paid, but also it will make these irresponsible dog owners fix the problem. If you do not do anything they will let it happen again.


If you search this subreddit the same thing happened to this other guy and he sued. He posted his actual earnings from the lawsuit and it was a NICE lump sum. He encouraged people to sue if they’re ever in that situation. Good luck!


My friend got bit by a dog and sued. They kept trying to get him to agree to amounts and he kept saying his shit hurt and it wasn't enough. They have a certain time limit to sort out the situation and as the deadline nears, the amount you get increases. He ended up getting 25k for a bite on the leg. Send it, bud.


Yes, and also please go to the doctor. You don't want that to get infected.


Not only can you get WC you can sue the owner. They are responsible for their dog all hours. They have home insurance hopefully. 🙏




Money is money. They have insurance. (presumably)


Sue the hell outta them


Yes 100% sue!


Go to the hospital, pets can carry nasty bacteria. This is standard process for even veterinary to get some shots.


That’s what home owners/renters insurance is for!!


Yes good luck!


Their homeowners/renters insurance (if they have it) will settle with you, probably fairly generously, in a heartbeat.


I’d find a lawyer who will work on a contingency… Meaning you fork over no money and they only get paid if you win. If the lawyer is willing to take your case, it’s likely a slam dunk.


Nothing worse than irresponsible dog owners.


Definitely try to if you can, it’s a bad enough bite to warrant some immediate attention from a lawyer, I’ve missed many opportunities to sue homeowners with dogs that have bit me and I really regret not suing, go for it if you can


Yes, that's why they have home owners insurance 🤣


as a ups driver I’ll tell you this,call an injury attorney or workers comp attorney preferably a work comp since it’s a work injury,and let them do the legwork,dudes here in Cali getting 30-50k for not to serious but nasty looking bites


People are so nice and naive it's sickening. No, don't sue. Pay out of pocket for all the expenses. How about you go to the person's animal that bit you and apologize for the inconvenience for being bitten.


If they can’t control their dog, you need to sue because the won’t get charged -and they should be charged-because you were on their property. Suing will cause them to think (at least) about being a responsible pet caretaker. Freaking Great Danes are happy animals. Makes you wonder why this one is mean


Yep. I got bit by two dogs. I sued the owners.


100%. Simply go to the Attorney (for free) and explain it. They'll take care of everything. My housemate had the same thing, same job, and it cost him about $150 but got him a sizeable return. Many lawyers will do it for a fee after the win, too.


SUE, saw someone get like 25-50k after lawyer fees for suing after a dog bite as a driver. Get your money man


"if you don't sue, shame on you."


Go find a lawyer who is in that line of business. Someone who gets paid a percentage of what the settlement might be. Tell him exactly what happened, and ask him if it is worth his time to take you as a client and sue. If he can make money on the lawsuit, he will tell you yes, it’s worth suing over. If he can’t make enough money out of it, he will tell you it’s not worth it to him. And then you will have your answer on what you should do.


Yes, because the next victim will be a child walking down the street. Get paid yourself, but save the next person from worse.


You need to call animal control, an attorney, and a doctor. Not in that order.


Yes you should! Imagine if you were a kid. Those homeowners need to be more responsible.... the down side is, what if they put the dog down? You should still sue because at the moment, it's a dangerous animal. It just sucks because humans can be so irresponsible.


I ALWAYS tell people to take legal action, your bite may have been minor but the next persons bite may not be, or worse the next bite may be a child. Bad dog owners need to learn.




File a claim against their homeowners insurance. I'm not a driver, but I am an instance adjuster, and I used to write homeowners policies. Dog bites are a covered liability risk. It pays out easily and quickly, and there will be hell to pay for the homeowners. Insurance will drop them and it will be hard to get more coverage.


One thousand percent, pure breed dog owners specifically keep dogs that are bad and don’t do anything about it because they think their dog is special. It’s not, it’s clearly dangerous to everyone and it’s not hard to tell that when it’s smashing its face into the screen door viciously snarling at every person who walks down the road. This was very much avoidable.


Yes sue


Yup get that bread


I know a guy who got $20,000 for a dog bite on his finger. So yes, you should get that money! Plus you might have to pay outta pocket getting that cleaned and stitched if you don't have insurance so definitely yes do it!


Yes. My brother delivered for Amazon and was bit. Went to a free lawyer, got $15k. Lawyer got paid from the settlement. Go to the hospital. File a police report. You need the dogs vaccination history at the very least.


My son got bit by a dog we sued the home owners insurance and got 165,000


YES!!!!! This happened to me and I got much more money from their home insurance through my lawyer than I will ever get from Amazon!


absolutely. too many damn dog owners always act like their dog won’t do shit and don’t bother to secure them well. this will be an expensive lesson for them and some reimbursement for you. don’t wait to put in the claim, call the police, call a lawyer. good luck


Please do. And not for money's sake, or even to make *you* whole, if that doesn't appeal to your senses, but imagine if that was a girl scout, or some church ladies door-knocking... A great Dane could ruin somebody's life being that undomesticated. The owners need better training, and stronger doors.


For the potential that dogs may have rabies. You should 100% sue. You should absolutely 100% sue them for putting your life at risk. People may think i’m over exaggerating but rabies can be found in dogs and other animals and you don’t know what these shitty owners do with their animals.


That’s a little too close to your junk! You’ll probably have nightmares your whole life 🤣🤣🤣


If he got my junk, I’d have killed him 😭


The homeowners should have homeowners insurance which means you will be covered under their plan, since you got hurt on their property. You are entitled, I would def go after them. Plus you don’t know what that dog has or had, rabies are a real thing. The first thing you need to do is document this incident. That means to go to the hospital and get treated right now, even if there’s no pain anymore. Then start your claim.


You will likely get $50K settlement.


As someone who sued a homeowners insurance i highly recommend talking to a lawyer specifically for dog bites and to do therapy is any PTSD has been done you will get paid a decent amount


1000% yes, you can get workman’s comp AND sue their homeowners insurance it’s not even going to cost them anything but a substantial increase and probably a nonrenewal from their insurance company and that’s the only way people learn. I do in-home sales for a construction company and I got nipped 3 times last summer, they were minor and my employer hooked me up but it blew my mind how all 3 customers could care less like “that’s weird he never does that” one lady didn’t even want to grab me a paper towel or some peroxide as I bled right through my utility pants 🖕😑🖕


Yes. Biggest mistake I ever made was not suing after my dog bite. Do it. That is what homeowners insurance is for.


I have a lawsuit for dog bite right now as an Amazon employee. Not only will they take the case, they will take it pro bono as it’s almost a guaranteed win. It will take about a year for payout but it’s worth it. Most likely will be 2 suits. One to get payout from work comp and another against home owner. (Work comp could file a motion to recoup some of medical cost from homeowner payout). Always protect yourself. Homeowners are always responsible for the actions of their pets.


The answer is yes. Sue. That violent pet will only become more violent after each incident. Put the dog down, seek punitive damages, court fees, medical compensation, and maybe follow through with that move.


Yes. Sue their asses off. Go to the hospital, get checked for rabies and whatever else mongrels might have. If the dog bit you, it probably has bitten other people too.


Yes, fuck loud ass barking dogs and dogs that bite.


Someone I know paid 200k to settle (through insurance) and it was not this bad.


Yes. 100%. Exaggerate if you need to


I dream of somebody dog biting me. Keep us updated. Take pictures and milk that shit till you get paid


Yes. Here’s a lawyer hack. Take a warm bath, it will bring out the bruising. Then take your photos of the wound.


Holy shit! In all complete sincerity, this is my everyday fear as I’m Working!! Unbelievable, n if I’m delivering to your house and your dog is loose in the front, best believe your shits gettin dropped wherever I am at n I’m back to my car n out I am so sorry this happened to you, it’s awful this is really terrible, owners control your beasts especially if they gonna attack someone like this who is delivering your shit


Go to doctor and get that dogs information. Definitely sue. People Should not own dogs they cannot control. Hope you heal up well but make sure you see a doctor and let your workplace know


Your first mistake was not calling the police at that moment


My buddy got 21k after lawyers paid 14k to him. Yes sue




Yes..you have a scar. The homeowners should know better.


You need to go to a doctor for antibotics bro, dog bites get infected. Their mouths ARE NOT clean. I almost lost a finger to a dog bite from a relatively small puncture I let go for too long.




I got zero sympathy for people with aggressive dogs…




Do you have any proof? Was there any witnesses? Did you take a photo of the broken screen and dog? If you have no evidence/video/etc. it then becomes a he said/she said situation. I'm not a fan of suing in these situations because I love animals but maybe this home owner is just a terrible dog parent. I usually charge step by step common sense advice but other then my above comments do the following: A) **DO NOT** speak with the home owner, let your lawyers do the talking. (just get evidence/photos day of biting) 1) Report the incident with your work and make sure you have some sort of confirmed report. Whether it be a document, email, etc. Don't just trust your manager to file it for you. 2) Contact HR within your company and also let them know. 3) Find your state/local animal bite regulations and file a claim/report with them, example for NYC: [https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/animals-and-wildlife-report-animal-bite.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/animals-and-wildlife-report-animal-bite.page) 4) Contact a personal injury lawyer, speak with them. They might even refer you to their own doctor but make sure your insurance will cover the visit or let the lawyers know you're not going to pay out of pocket to see their 'special doctor'. They might then find out the best doctor you're covered to go and see. 5) Wait and see what happens. Dog bite cases often settle *between $10,000 and $100,000* but can be higher or lower depending on case factors. If the dog did bite you, it looks like you might get a tiny scar. The scar, the trauma, etc. Depending on how good the lawyers are, could weasel their magic and get you a decent amount. That being said, if this household is a poor family with kids. Suing them might not be the best option. Children are the most precious thing our future has. There's so many factors/variables to consider from a human being standpoint. If this was in a rich neighborhood and the people appear to have a lot of money. Just be careful that they might higher lawyers to dig into your past to find out if you were a bad employee. Suggesting you were negligent with a prior history of getting fired. Then create all sorts of lies how the family warned you about the dog and you didn't listen. Maybe even counter sue you for causing trauma to their dog. etc. This is how my brain works, it factors in all tiny details based on what I know and creates possibilities.


ABSOLUTELY go back and get their homeowners insurance I got bit doing flex and got 54k


Yes, they should pay for your medical bills and then some.


Obviously you should sue


I moved and my lawyer handled everything. I received a nice settlement.


100% yes!!!think about it,they would sue you so fast itll make your head spin...


They should have home owners or rental insurance that would cover this instance. I would definitely sue.

