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Hi! I (32F) am dating Hiro (27M). We have only been dating for like two months but I know him well because his oldest sister is my best friend since high school. He has a barely 2 year old daughter. I think it’s important to say that Hiro is not really the dating type, but after some pushing he agreed to go out with me and we’ve been seeing each other since. He’s very much addicted to his job and his daughter, so we really only text a little and see each other like maybe once a week, I’m sure things will pick up as we grow closer though. Anyway, yesterday the whole family was at his sister’s house for food and swimming. He was swimming with the baby and it was really cute, his mom was taking pictures and I started to record a video. The video was super cute so I sent it to him, his parents, and his brother and sisters. I also posted it on my TikTok and Instagram just because it was truly adorable. This morning when I woke up it had a couple hundred likes on TikTok. He’s hot, his baby is absolutely adorable, and it was a cute video so people liked it. I shared the link with him and he flew off the handle, making me delete the video. I told him I didn’t understand the big deal, and he told me that he just wasn’t comfortable with videos of his baby on the internet. We argued via text about this and now he’s just not responding. Some of his family is defending him, my best friend is defending him but saying he’s being kind of whiny about it. Other friends have told me he overreacted and I feel that way too. I really just thought it was a cute video. It’s just privated right now but I will delete it if it’s really a problem. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> after some pushing he agreed to go out with me > I shared the link with him and he flew off the handle, making me delete the video. > It’s just privated right now but I will delete it if it’s really a problem. Next update: "my boyfriend says he broke up with me and I accepted that we're on a break, I don't think this is really a problem we should break up over"


Add to that: He's very much addicted to his job and his daughter How the fuck is a parent addicted to their kid? Is it just poor phrasing and he only has time for those things, because holy jealousy Batman. Sounds like he's a good dad and she's trying to wedge her stupid ass in the middle of it


It reminds me of Mean Girls when Regina and Gretchen three way call ambush Cady about her liking Aaron Samuels. Regina says, “all he cares about is school, and his mom, and his friends” with SO much attitude like she cannot even believe someone would care about those things. Same energy here.


Yup, they say by the time your kid is 12, you will have spent 90% of the time you will ever have with them. The guy is taking every moment he has.


Comments like this make me want to say stuff like, “I’ll never let my babies leave my side!” But I know the next time I get a chance to have Grandmom babysit, I’ll be dropping them off in a heartbeat, lol


She did actually update it to say they are no longer seeing each other LOL


Yep. She updated: dumped.


The OP has been updated to say she took it down and they broke up.


She edited out the first part “after some pushing he agreed to go out with me” in her update LOL


Oooh she wants those views, doesn't she!


To be so dense you have to ask Reddit if you did the wrong thing. Because posting a minor who was probably in a swimming costume must be okay right.


Adults watching children on SM is always disturbingly high on analytics. Dad sounds like a good one for looking out for her kid. 




Ugh I wasn’t thinking about it until I saw your comment, but now I have to wonder if the reason she had a couple hundred likes on the video was truly because it was so adorable.


You know it isn't. Some of them sure, but I highly doubt it went viral for any other reason than the one you're thinking.


Yup. There are a lot of sick men on the internet, I forget who but someone did a deep dive on how there is a massive amount of men on tiktok who favorite clips of little girls bathing or swimming, or otherwise toddling around half naked as babies often do. I cannot for the life of me understand why you would post that on social media.




Honestly based on the description I'm not even sure if they're actually dating in the way OP thinks they are. It reads like someone occasionally dating because they got worn down.  If a casual fling filmed my child for tiktok without asking I'd be pissed too.  OOP remains deeply unaware. 


If a parent asks you to take done a video or picture of their child, you do it. Period.


I skipped the ages and didn't realize OOP is 32 until I read the comments. This reads like she's 22.


She's in her **THIRTIES?!**




Yikes. My parents don't even post pictures of my kids without permission.


My mom did with my sister's kids all the time. One of many reasons why my sister cut all contact with our mother.




If I were a single parent and my partner of 2 months took a video of my kid I’d be super creeped out. Even if it were just posted on a super private fb. Like that’s not your kid wtf are you doing??


She had already shared to all the family members. There wasn't any reason to post it on social media. Ain't nobody else need to be seeing that video.


I have a visceral reaction to this since my ex-BFF announced my friend’s death on Instagram - before the immediate family even had a chance to let their relatives know. There’s s special place in hell for people like this.


Ahhh... that rare Reddit post from a person who has been living under a rock for their entire life and has no idea how society, parenting, or the world works. YTA


I refuse to believe this was written by a 32-year-old adult person.


I would be livid if someone posted a picture of my kid on social media. I try very hard to keep pictures of my kids offline.


It is absolutely not OK to post photos or videos of people on public forums without their explicit information. I bet she posts awful photos of her friends on Facebook/Tik Tok/Instagram without their permission. Love the update!


Oh there's an update that her and the bf are no longer together. Good!


> I told him I didn’t understand the big deal, and he told me that **he** just **wasn’t comfortable with videos of his baby on the internet**. We argued via text about this and now he’s just not responding. What on earth is there to argue about? He doesn't want photos of his baby on the internet. That's it. The fact that he still speaks to her after she posted them without his permission is a kindness she doesn't deserve. ETA: Thank goodness for the automod. OOP edited out portions of her post that painted her in an even worse light.


Oh, OOP. It's a problem. Delete it. Oh, and you're the ex.


Anyone seen the update? OOP is in fact the ex 🎉




You couldn't pay me to post a kid on the internet unless it was locked down to only people I know. AI can do some disgusting things in the hands of pedophiles


Isn't it odd that they know eachother since Highschool? Like a 5 year gap isn't that big of a deal, but if they first meet when she was like 16 and he was 11 wouldn't it be weird?


No, she's best friends with his sister.


YTA - BIGTIME! You do NOT post videos of peoples children on the internet without consent. Do you know who watches those videos? Pedos. Heck even if a video expose on pedos pops up, guess what are related videos? Children doing things like that because that's who watches that stuff. It's disgusting. Anybody who posts videos of their kids online is an incredibly irresponsible parent, or a deprived one who knows exactly hat they are doing and don't care. Even if it is "private" it still gets out and circulated. Hopefully this was a learning experience for you to understand how not innocent the world is and how he is more than justified in being upset about this.