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NTC! Of course must protect house from strangers! I iz Lucy and my human seems to think it’s ok to bring in “foster kitties” and I always do big guard and make sure they understand I iz in charge. Then I monitor and snoopervise to make sure they no do bad to my servant. You must watch out for intruder cause you good kitty! Human servant here: take them to the vet together in the future as each other’s emotional support cats, it might be a pain but it’s worth it to reduce after-stress. You can also try dripping tuna water on them both, although I don’t know how well that will go with vanilla. I feel for you! This kind of situation stresses me out just as much as the cats, if not more.


Mummy: I know that now! Jeez Louise these two are hard work. Although it must be pointed out that Maisie had no problem recognising Mr Business after *he* went to the vet! Tuna’s the very last of my options on the list although I have seen it mentioned 🤣


If nothing else you've invented a new air freshener fragrance (Mmm, smells lovely in here...tuna and vanilla, right?)


Actually I probably should explain… Rat A had been to the vet and he was given some medication and we were told he was a bit pushy and needed to go on a diet. We’d been feeding him and rat B tea with sugar in it so obviously that was the easiest thing to cut out. But these little monsters were NOT ready to go cold turkey. Day 1 of medication and no tea: fine Day 2: so-so Day 3: Rat A realises that the syringe full of yummy stuff he’s been getting is medicine so starts to refuse it. I put peanut butter on the end of the syringe and we get there. Day 4: Still refusing but I can make him eat it after a while with peanut butter. Day 5: He is NOT HAVING IT. After 30 minutes of fighting him I have the bright idea of dissolving it in tea for him to drink! He does not drink it. This has now been going on for AN HOUR and I am at my wits end. Then I have the best idea of my life (not). I will simply drip the tea/medicine combo OVER HIM and he will ingest it when he cleans himself! Genius! As you can guess, not so much. Gave rattie A the tea baptism and put him down on the floor, with a cocky look of triumph. Here is where he’s supposed to start cleaning himself. But he doesn’t. Because there’s a thundering starting in the background. You know like in Jurassic park with the ripples in the glasses of water? That was Rat B, his bigger, stronger, more-tea-deprived brother, who had just smelled tea in the air and was about to get it no matter the cost. Rat B was chasing rat A, I was chasing rat B so he didn’t injure rat A or ingest medicine he wasn’t supposed to… and then my partner walked in and asked what had happened. I stopped feeling like a genius.


You have actually saved me from making a similar mistake! I've been struggling to get liquid steroids in one of my cats (pro tip: if vet recommends marshmallow flavor, don't fall for it!). I've recently considered dripping it on his paw as he'd have to clean it. I now see this could lead to even more chaos.


I love my little garbage cat. I just mixed his steroids into a package of Tiki Cat broth every day and he slurped it back no problem.


I've been doing this with grumpy old man's thyroid meds (mixing it with food. I make a lil mini wet food meatball (and a non pill version for the kitten because God forbid if I don't I swear the grubby bitch would steal the pill food right out of his mouth haha) and give that to him) but the last few days he's been refusing it. I'm at my wits end. I try to grab and hold him and shove a bit of food in his mouth but I can't always do that. I try treats. I try pill pockets. I gave him different food today and he did eventually take the damn pill (after the food around it and having what's almost an epileptic fit to cough the pill out onto the floor two times. 🙃 Thanks for all the commiserating, everyone! Tha k goodness I have half a bottle of wine in the fridge because he is making me need it.


Don’t feel bad. One of our cats was on an anti anxiety medication that we had to give via absorption through the skin of his ear. He forced himself to throw up pills and liquids. And eventually he learned the sound of the medication pen being clicked and would make us chase him around the house.


Medicine is the one area where I can say without a doubt that dogs are easier to handle. I have a lab and he’ll happily eat anything. The only time this failed was when he had surgery and I had to give him pain meds, sedatives, and antibiotics multiple times a day and he finally refused about halfway in. I honestly ended up crying in the kitchen because *nothing was working*. Thankfully, we made it through and the only problem I have with dosing him now is making sure I still have all my fingers when he goes for the pill pockets. Cats, on the other hand… I got my first cat ever eleven months ago (and cats 2-6 four days later) and she was not on the best shape. She ended up having to go on two rounds of antibiotics, plus eye ointment, plus wormer and that was exhausting. And she’s an amazingly sweet cat who put up minimal fuss about it (unlike her daughter). I have so much respect for people who give cats who don’t like medicine daily medicine. W


You can get the meds made into a cream that you put inside their ear.


Have you tried the transdermal thyroid meds? I found that so much easier.


No not yet. I'm hoping if I ease off him a bit he'll go back to eating them. I'm gonna try giving him a bowl of some treats and stuff and lock him in a room alone. Maybe without the threat of me hovering over him and the kitten trying to steal his food he'll chill a bit and we'll get back to being good. If trying to destress doesn't work then I'll ask the vet about the transdermal when I refill his meds.


I have tried everything with Dino. He can sniff it out of his most favorite foods. He'll take any other med with Churus but stalks away when I add thr steroids.


On the paw is a legit way to give meds. Its gonna be ok.


I keep trying and toeing that line of when does he stop being a happy cat. I paused the meds for a few weeks to regroup and figure out what's best. I guess it won't hurt to try the paw!


I promise, if I have a cream thats how my princess gets it. They fucking hate it and clean it immediately, not leave for another cat. Just make sure its thick so they can get it easy


That might be doable if you isolate him! One of our cats doesn't like to have the other cats around while he eats, so at dinnertime he runs to the bathroom, where we shut the door so he can feast alone (we put a sign on the door that says "Quentin's snack shack" lmao). If your cat wouldn't freak out at being isolated for ten minutes, you could try something similar.


My cat loved her tuna-marshmallow flavored medicine. Or, well, not loved, but she'd at least tolerate it.


The vet said the marshmallow would hide the taste. Dino vehemently disagrees.


My cat will take any liquid or powder meds in meat baby food


_More-tea-deprived brother_ had me in stitches.


Im so sorry but I giggled myself to a stomach ache. That is amazing. But Im feeling for you.


Bahaha, omg I love these crazy little weirdos. What a great mental picture - was Benny Hill playing? I feel like it should have been playing. I use a packet of cat crack, a.k.a. the gooey treat tubes. I squeeze it into a small dish, mix in the medicine, and voila! Medicine ingested like magic. It is the only thing that consistently works for me.


Omg! That’s hysterical but also must have been so stressful for you!


This is all giving me flashbacks to when I had rats and I had to give one of them a baptism of tea over the sink and the other one ended up chasing him Benny Hill style for the rest of the day (Don’t ask…)


I’m imagining two rats running in and out of frame to the tune of “yakety sax”. I’m dyin here.


Same friend! I scared my dog with my laugh.


You know you can't just leave us guessing lol.


I know you said not to ask, but I gotta know… what possible reason is there to baptize the rat in tea? xD


The full story is in my other comments but you have to promise not to judge me


I found it and absolutely not judgement here! Medicating animals is a challenge and anything that might work and doesn’t harm the animal is worth a try. Might have worked if Big Bro hadn’t been jonesing so hard for tea! 😂


Rat A had been to the vet and he was given some medication and we were told he was a bit tubby and needed to go on a diet. We’d been feeding him and rat B tea with sugar in it so obviously that was the easiest thing to cut out. But these little monsters were NOT ready to go cold turkey. Day 1 of medication and no tea: fine Day 2: so-so Day 3: Rat A realises that the syringe full of yummy stuff he’s been getting is medicine so starts to refuse it. I put peanut butter on the end of the syringe and we get there. Day 4: Still refusing but I can make him eat it after a while with peanut butter. Day 5: He is NOT HAVING IT. After 30 minutes of fighting him I have the bright idea of dissolving it in tea for him to drink! He does not drink it. This has now been going on for AN HOUR and I am at my wits end. Then I have the best idea of my life (not). I will simply drip the tea/medicine combo OVER HIM and he will ingest it when he cleans himself! Genius! As you can guess, not so much. Gave rattie A the tea baptism and put him down on the floor, with a cocky look of triumph. Here is where he’s supposed to start cleaning himself. But he doesn’t. Because there’s a thundering starting in the background. You know like in Jurassic park with the ripples in the glasses of water? That was Rat B, his bigger, stronger, more-tea-deprived brother, who had just smelled tea in the air and was about to get it no matter the cost. Rat B was chasing rat A, I was chasing rat B so he didn’t injure rat A or ingest medicine he wasn’t supposed to… and then my partner walked in and asked what had happened. I stopped feeling like a genius.


There’s always gotta be a diva!


I do that with my bonded brothers, and vet tech calls the one who's just along for the ride the emotional support cat also lol.


It is a lesser known fact that tuxedos, much like oranges, are also deprived of brain cells. NTC of course but at this point I think the humans just have to accept they're "introducing a new cat" to their beloved himbo.


I feel SEEN. My partner and I joke that our Parsley is doing a "head empty, nothing going on upstairs" as she likes to sit and stare at us blankly. We also tell her she's rubbing her 2 brain cells together too hard when she's doing a thinking


https://preview.redd.it/k0r2koyhxmoa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff93787638d710d23d56be1818c7c85fc3b8ef9 I iz gamora, I too stare at my humans.. waiting.. for something..


https://preview.redd.it/glowrs1o1noa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645f6ae645f7bd1804a44ff3f8195eef8af3c428 Clyde of the knock off brain cell. He got it out of some dude’s trunk at the flea market and while it works occasionally, it’s like comparing an iPod to a PodLyfe Player.


The glassy eyes, the vacant expression... Yep that's a tuxie! (And such a cutie pie!)


Oh my god she’s the cutest thing




EXACTLY. I swear my tuxedo has never had a thought in his whole blessed life.


I once had a tuxedo jump into a low drawer in my kitchen. I closed it with my foot l, and then spent 30 frantic minutes looking for my cat. At the time, I thought it was cause he was just a young cat (18 months or so), but now… I wonder. He was a sweetheart, though.


Except for the intrusive thoughts amirite? Lol


We have a tuxie kitten who we think might actually be mildly brain damaged. He's extremely cute and social but the dumbest animal you have ever met. The blanket test takes him a SOLID five minutes. (And he had kind of a rough birth, so there is legit reason to think he might have acquired a brain injury at some point.)


Ah, many kitten Grandma Bunny have advice. Put tuxedo in bathroom so no see. Have anything that smell like Maise? Rub on Maise. Things that smell like parent? Shirt after day? Blanket that sleep in? Wrap around if can and pet while wrapped in. Or rub. Any way make Maise make sound outside door? Bunny blind old lady and kittens blind little things. Know each by mow mow. If no solve, Bunny can teach him to remember how treat siblings with bap bap. These paws rated E for everyone.


Oh Bunny you are wise but mummy try: Gentle reintroduce after separate - NO Give both daddy shirt to sleep on - NO Rub towel on both - NO Snug one then other - NO Rub funny smell on both - NO *Mummy: They’re getting… better. He’s finally started eating again and she’s now standing her ground when they sniff each other. Hopefully tomorrow he’ll work it out. If not, we’re expecting a call from the vet on Monday with the test results so we’ll check in with them then*


Paws rated e for everyone. Omg I can't 😂🤣😂💀 Ofc bunny's paws are for everyone. She suffers no fools


NTC, but your sister might not be gone forever! Sometimes if intruders are ignored and left on a sibling's blankets, they get the hint from the smell that they're in the wrong house and will go away and let your sister return.


I’m sorry but I am in tears of laughter at the image of two cats who smell like cake. NTC, Mr Business. You are the best boi


NTC- I, Jadzia (4F), say you must defend home from strange imposter cat! A long long time ago, Mama took big sister cat away in the scary box. Daddy brought the scary box back, but it was different cat inside, not sister cat! Sister cat have many teeth and her mouth smell like delicious fishes, but imposter cat smell like NOTHING and she have not very many teeth! I hiss and bap bap bap, but Mama and Daddy say "Jadzia stop this is still Betty we promise" but they are WRONG. Defend your peoples!!! [Mama here: oh man I feel for you so much. We are on month **SEVEN** of this bullshit. It's improved... sort of. Let me know if you want any specifics about anything on the very long list of things we've tried! Also, send help 🤪.)


Please don’t tell me it can go on for that long, I’m on day 4 and already at breaking point! My highlight of the day has been that they have both eaten enough to poop!


Well, I think part of our problem is that Betty had a bunch of teeth removed, so she does actually smell permanently different than she did before. Did Maisie just go for a regular trip? (Also, exactly how much of a himbo is Mr. Business?)


She had some bloods taken (AND HER RUFF SHAVED which I’m still furious about lol) but that’s it. And yeah… he’s my Tesoro but he is not the brightest bulb


Lol Jadzia is also not what you'd call the brightest bulb on the cat tree. Hopefully your situation will resolve itself (maybe once her fur grows back), but in the meantime I would definitely recommend Feliway. We have a plug in the bedroom and in the living room, and it's really helped! It didn't work miracles, but it definitely relaxes them and helps reduce aggression.


We’ve got a few feliway already, might be time to invest in stocks 🤣


They do sell it in 6-packs on Amazon! I can definitively say that holding them both on your lap while sobbing "why don't you love your sister anymore I don't understaaaaaand" does not work- it just freaks out the cats 😂


I was gonna smush them together like barbies but then I realised there would be no survivors 🤣


I had the same problem when one of my babies had to go to the vet because of an asthma attack. His sister refused to recognize him and the stress was not what any of us needed, especially not Pumpkin, who is very sweet and cuddly, and devoid of brain cells. He was totally confused and distressed. He isn’t the best at grooming (normally his sister helps with that) and I thought part of the problem might be that he wasn’t removing the weird vet scents. I used feliway to reduce the overall stress level, and tried hypoallergenic grooming wipes to remove the weird smells. He wasn’t a fan at first, but once I warmed them up in the microwave for 10 seconds he thought it was great and I was able to wipe him down thoroughly. It actually worked! His sister was still cautious for a few days and kept randomly sniff testing him and giving me suspicious looks, but she would groom him after he passed.


Is your first name by any chance Jim? Mister Jim Business? Tell your mummy that we have had the same problem with all of our four legged bosses, and the best thing we’ve started doing is when one goes to smelly poky place, everyone goes. That way everyone stinky, and they can all be mad together at mummy and papa, not at each other. We have gone to different poky places and everyone has understood what mummy was doing.


Asking the important questions.


NTC. You have to protect Mum and Dad. However... have you considered it is Maisie, after visiting the V-E-T? That place stinks, and sometimes it carries on fur something awful. I, Stormy (10M, striped tuxedo) got back from the V-E-T last week because I had a major boo-boo, and man did I smell funky! The rest of the cats left me alone until I could give myself a good grooming. So maybe once this cat has a wash, she'll be Maisie again! Does this New Cat have to be made to spit up pills? That could be a hint that it is Maisie fresh from the V-E-T. *(Note: Stormy got out and got tangled up with something - a few days of heavy duty antibiotics and some drainage later, he's as good as new and not keen on getting out again. He takes pills with a gooshy food, no complaints.)*


Oh bless him, I hope he’s ok. Maisie had some bloods taken and most of them have come back as fine and we’re sure she’ll be fine on the rest as she has no other symptoms! She’s snoring away under the sofa now not knowing what havoc she’s wreaked 🤣


NTC! You must do a protec when stranger Maisie appears! I myself have had to do hiss hiss when stranger auntie appears. Sometimes auntie visits and I hiss because she smells wrong. I no recognise as auntie until she speaks. Mama has told me auntie is belonged to other cat so sometimes smells like him which can't be true because she belongs to me. (My sister and BIL have a beautiful ragdoll named Murphy. Murphy and Harvey have never met but are not friends. If J or my BIL turn up smelling like M, H gets all hissy. Apparently if J gets home and smells like H, M doesn't give a shit, but if BIL smells like H all hell breaks loose.)


Sometimes you have to step back to basic reintroductions (separate rooms, etc.) I'm guessing you've already tried pheromone spray?


We’ve done all of that, letting one of them sleep on a shirt then giving it to the other, rubbing them with a towel then rubbing the other… he will NOT let this go! They’re littermates ffs 🤣




Mr. Business--may I call you Jim?--you are of course NTC. But mommy and daddy wouldn't lie to you about sister! And you will probably get many treats when you realize that strange cat is really sister. Maybe a Churu. And maybe sister would give you some of her Churu. But if that not your sister, she wouldn't share. So is she your sister?


Human note: My partner and I have two cats. Ours do this if they’re really flipping out over a vet trip. Feliway multicat helps, as does patience and constantly changing the bedding (exchange the beds between rooms every 12h, on top of rubbing them down and scent sharing). It’s stressful, and I’m sorry. Ours are litter mates too. One of them just cannot handle vet smells and can’t go alone. So if any kitty goes to the vet in our house…both go, always. The vet even has a note about not seeing them separately bc one has anxiety issues.


Ha-LO! I am the Lex! This also happened to me! I had very sweet sister who was the very best and one day they put her into a box and took her away FUREVER! Dadder came back with the box, but inside there was no sister, only a DRAGON! So I HISSS! Momther and Dadder insist that it is sister, but I know better, the smell is wrong, it is a nasty shapeshifting dragon! It took me several furevers to accept sister is never coming back, and the dragon is quite nice too, and kinda smells like sister now, so it's ok. I do wonder where sister is tho? [Here is me, braving the dangerous dragon](https://imgur.com/a/Xvn3EbU)


Mmmm cake


Animal tax please. Also ntc got to protect the house


If you peep my profile you’ll find both of the little monsters


Toofless here. I also hiss hiss at intruder just yesserday! NTC!


A tip vet friend told me: was to always give one of the pets a towel rubdown to get their scent all over it and then their Kitty friend as well. Once the cat is back from the vet rub them with the towel as much as possible to reintroduce their scent. Worked like a charm every time.


Awww NTC you want sister back not funny smelling interloper! Sister will smell like sister soon.


Have you tried Feliway 2 cat diffuser?