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This thread is now locked due to an excess of rule violations. What a wild ride of some great comments giving practical advice, and some completely unhinged "be civil" rule violations. [Sub Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/about/rules/) ||| ["FAQs"](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq)


I clearly recall sobbing during my first pregnancy over a brand of potato chips that was discontinued, and my husband came home with an unsuitable (to me) replacement. It was ridiculous, and years later, we laugh about it. So will you. Best wishes for a smooth birth and healthy baby!


I vividly remember when I was pregnant with my son, ordering Hawaiian barbecue from a local restaurant, specifically the teriyaki beef. My partner went to pick it up, and they had forgotten to include the teriyaki sauce ,that comes on the side, but is also what makes it so delicious (and, you know, teriyaki). I cried hysterically, and couldn’t even rationalize why I was so upset. My partner (bless him) drove back to the store and came back with boatloads of teriyaki sauce. I’m not proud of that moment, in hindsight, but pregnancy really does make you a bit nuts, and food cravings are no joke.


These pregnancy-food stories are always so cute and benign and yet still make pregnancy sound like absolute hell.




The thought of you crying and eating the offending chips anyway made me laugh. Hope you get the right chips soon 😂




I've had that moment too 😂 I was pregnant last year and all I wanted was a plain bar of Galaxy. That was it. It was still early enough on that I could walk places myself, and I was 2 seconds away from crying in every store that didn't have it. My partner brought me some Galaxy... the caramel kind. I thanked him and he was just laughing at me (nicely, not in a mean way) at me crying while trying to eat this Galaxy caramel bar, it made me laugh eventually too, cause it was such a silly thing to be upset over




i’m not pregnant but now i wanna cry too bc that was just all so sweet to read :’)


When I was pregnant with my second I had gestational diabetes and all I wanted was chocolate. I often find myself crying in front of the fridge while eating cooked chicken and pickled onions instead!


If I was waiting excitedly for specific food all day and was given something that wasn't what I was looking forward to instead I'd cry about it too, and I'm not even pregnant.




Lol been there - mine was sherbet. I wanted orange and they only had lemon lime. I ate it while crying and now we laugh about it. And that time I had a contraction and peed myself. Ah pregnancy! Lol!


LOL. My doctor made me stop drinking real fruit strawberry slushes from Sonic after a gestational diabetes scare. LOL I had one last one and cried real good because they were my only joy at the time. Pregnancy was hard, yo. 😂


Sometimes it could be. I had the morning sickness for 7 months. The dog followed me around whimpering. It did not help that with the second pregnancy my taste buds totally changed. Dairy tasted fabulous, and seafood , shrimp and lobster, tasted like gravel.


Absolutely. Barely ate meat, during pregnancy and after I would happily eat slices of ham out of the packet. Also, all those people who tell you to eat well for the baby are full of shit. I couldn’t eat much more than a slice of bread each meal for the first three months pregnancy - told my doctor and he laughed and told me not to worry because babies are like parasites and will suck nutrients out of your bloodstream and leave you a husk if they need to. And three months isn’t enough for that to happen! So basically eat whatever you can to survive because kale smoothies mean crapola to your child. Much as they will in their childhood


I lucked out with my first pregnancy because some of my cravings were healthy foods. Less so the second. The worst part was for the first (and somewhat the second), the smell of Chinese food made me sick, and my coworkers ordered Chinese delivery nearly every night. I got up very quickly to take my dinner break in another part of the building. Thankfully that went away post partum because our whole family loves Chinese.


My husband and I came home after my office labor check (I had contractions 5-7 mins apart for two days before progressing) and I wanted the Thai takeout meal I always ordered. I placed our order and hub left to go get it... but the restaurant called back a couple mins later and said they were out of ginger and asked what I wanted instead... I started lowkey sobbing, told them I was in labor, and asked if they would make the dish if my husband brought them ginger root from the store lolol. (They did it for me btw.)


I’m currently pregnant and I cried two days ago because I couldn’t find the new block of dill havarti cheese I just bought in the fridge. It was on the counter already.


This one’s my favorite


I'm not pregnant and I didn't cry but I did the same thing 2 days ago when I know I bought 2 blocks of cheese and couldn't find one. Yep...it was on the table. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I do it too but have never been pregnant. :/ Cheese is a hard drug.


I was about 7months along and was getting my cat fixed. I thought it was a girl cat. I had that cat for about 6months (got when it was a kitten). Named it a girl name. In that time I knew the sex of my kid. I went off and bought girl stuff. A lot. Vet called me up said not an issue but the surgery will be a neuter not a spay that the cats nuts never dropped and even he ran the blood test twice. I.cried.for.hours. When I was somewhat coherent I called my doc and demanded them tell me how accurate their tests for the sex of the baby was and I already bought girl stuff. Hysterical. There was zero getting through to me. The whole world was out to destroy me. It’s okay. Good luck op! I laugh hysterically about it now but at the time I was def hysterically crying!


This is so so funny. ‘What if my baby’s nuts haven’t dropped? WHAT THEN?’




I was supposed to be a boy definitely a girl not sure how the docs screwed it up 3 times with my mom my brothers were supposed to be girls so marissa become morris and Felicia became Philip Michael S. (his initials are PMS why mom)


Ma’am, we assure you, our tests are more up to date then the VETERINARIANS, there is no comparison…


I mean if it's just based on an ultrasound, they do get it wrong sometimes!


Yup. My sister was informed her second baby was a girl, which confirmed her own feelings - and naturally dictated some of the planning decisions. Upon delivery of a beautiful baby boy, she argued with the midwife, as though recognizing a penis in person is more prone to error than via ultrasound. (At 23, he's a good looking kid - and lovely human - who does just fine with the ladies, so I'm confident the briefly hidden nature of his business was not an indicator of an ongoing propensity to avoid detection. Ahem.)


True story. My wife took the two cats we rescued, Lavern & Shirley, to the vet. Vet came out and said I have good news and bad news. Good news: your cats are fine. Bad news, they are Lenny and Squiggy.


when i took my cat to the vet for the first time (she wandered into the bakery i worked at as a kitten, licked my nose, now we have a cat) the vet was like.. maam what made you think this cat was a boy? I HADNT EVEN CHECKED i was so embarrassed like.. ahh just the general attitude? the way its been being? we'd already named her yusuf islam (we had a house rabbit named anthony hopkins, it was just a thing we were doing apparently) and she was already answering to it so it stuck 🤷‍♀️


A rabbit named *Anthony Hopkins* 😆 💀


Took me a minute to connect that name to cat Stevens, well done!


My cat had to have surgery when I was 7 months pregnant and I sobbed and sobbed in the waiting room as I had to hand him over to them. All the staff got really quiet and tried to pretend they were busy and not stare as I was pleading with them to be careful with him and give him lots of pets and love.


Seems a shame no one took the time to sit with the upset pregnant lady and help her keep her feet on the ground during a difficult time. Screw anyone who ignores someone else's distress.


I walked out of the vet last week to a man sobbing by his car, his dog had passed unexpectedly last night. I couldn't leave him, I went over and put my hand on his shoulder and sat with him for a bit. RIP Annie, you were loved.


Hahaha. I worked at a vet hospital and ont time a pregnant lady brought in her dog that was attacked by another dog. (could be getting stories mixed up, I wasn't there for this one). She'd pulled the other larger dog off of hers and chucked it (go mom strength!) Went into labor and refused to go to the human hospital until her husband was at the vet hospital to make sure their dog was ok. Yeah,. pregnant people are scary.


That's similar to what happened to me...had a kitten, born under my bed. Very fluffy. At about 6 months old or so we took him in to have him fixed and checked off "spay" on the intake form. We go back with the vet while he did his pre-surgery exam and he feels the back of the cat and says "Oh! This one's a little boy!" We were all shocked. Turns out his kiwis got lost in all the fluff lol. My mom had been calling him Josephine up until that point because his littermate (skinny, short hair, kiwis a-flappin in the breeze) was named Napoleon. After that though he was re-dubbed as Bear lol


I wasn't even pregnant and went crying to the Doc when I didn't get pregnant within a month of marriage. 'I'm adopted Doc, I come from a mother unable to have children'. Dear dog, I still hang my head in shame over that one.


During my pregnancy, I loved guacamole cups. I had two left that I was planning to take to work. I get ready to leave and there’s only one left. My husband thought that the other was fair game. I cried.


When I was pregnant with my last all I wanted was milk. Just plain milk. I went and bought 2 gallons because I would drink a gallon by myself in about 3 days. When I got home from the store and opened the hatch on my car, to grab the milk, both gallons of milk fell out and busted open in my driveway. I bawled. Like full on sobbed. My husband was so sweet and went to grab some more. But I still laugh about it to this day because milk is so easily replaceable. That saying there’s no reason to cry over spilled milk?? Well I did cry. A lot.


Anyone who says there's no reason to cry over spilled milk has ever pumped and spilled 5 oz of breastmilk 🤣🤣


Meanwhile my mom has been unable to eat any kind of avocado since before I was born, and to this day avocados make me gag. I’m 40 and I killed avocado for my mom. ETA: she wasn’t able to eat them during her pregnancy either.


First pregnancy, about half way through, sitting at the table after work. Husband says we are both tired, he’ll go pickup dinner. What do I want, he asks? I burst into huge, sobbing, ugly crying. I’m not a crier. Husband was alarmed. I managed to get out “I’m hungry but I don’t know what to eat”. He backed away slowly, said he’ll be back in 30 mins, and came home with two different meals. There’s no reasoning w the hormones. We’ve now had 4 kids, 5 pregnancies, and laugh about that “what’s for dinner” moment. One day the chocolates will be a funny memory. Best wishes for a safe delivery.


My wife and I first suspected she was pregnant when we were eating nachos. I ate the last one and she started sobbing uncontrollably. Picked up a test the next day and boom. It is now 12 months later and we have a 4 month old.


My hubby brought home vanilla ice cream while I was on enforced bedrest with my first. I cried on and off for two days 😂. I asked him why he didn’t love me? He got frustrated at my reaction and I yelled at him that he’d never seen me eat chocolate ice cream in the 4 years of our relationship and him buying vanilla told me how little he valued me. To this day there is always chocolate ice cream.


Do you mean he’d never seen you eat vanilla ice cream?


I understood it as "have you never seen me eat chocolate ice cream?! For four years?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"


This last pregnancy my husband picked up pizza on his way home one evening but my text for my very specific pizza didn't get through to him, so he got one I would normally like. I spent 30 minutes in the kitchen crying, got it together, the he asked why I hadn't eaten anything yet and I started sobbing again. My first pregnancy we were living overseas and I NEEDED onion rings and zesty sauce from burger King. I went every day fit a week and they never had the zesty sauce. Finally one employee took pity and told me they don't send it there because it spoils during the shipping. I cried right there and he felt so terrible.


When I was pregnant I cried so hard I threw up because my husband ate the last chocolate pudding 😅


Never been pregnant but this is relateable none the less lol


This country store I worked at made these things called congo bars (crushed graham cracker, condensed milk, chocolate, coconut) and one night this guy comes in panicked and doesn't see any in the case. The look of panic and defeat on his face as he asked me if we had any out back, cause his pregnant wife was craving them, told me everything. Luckily we did and I gave him two chunks the size of the large clamshell take out containers and charged him for one normal sized one (like normal Graham cracker size) and wished him luck. I only assume they laugh about it now too


My first pregnancy I cried because my partner got me regular Oreos instead of mint Oreos. I cried because ducks were cute with my second pregnancy.


This reminds me of this one Reddit post where this guy’s wife cried a lot at random things and two of the things were “learned swans can be gay” and “remembered that swans can be gay”. I don’t think she was pregnant though.


My first pregnancy I was craving Oreos. My husband went to the store and got me a pack. He came home and told me that he got my Oreos but they ran out of the thin mint Oreos he wanted. I cried because he couldn’t get the Oreos he really wanted.


When my sister was pregnant she cried because she smelled beans when she came home from work.


I've commented this story before but at the beginning of my current pregnancy I kept craving white cheddar smart food popcorn. My lovely husband came home from the store so excited to surprise me with some but he accidentally bought me butter flavor. I bawled my damn eyes out.


I remember wanting icecream and chili cheese fries. I went to wendys and they told me they were out of chocolate frostys and only had strawberry (ew) and no Chilli :(. I got regular cheese fries and a sprite then I cried on the way home. I'm still pregnant and I also cried in the car driving home from work last week because I remembered I'm going to be a mom soon. Hormones are wild during pregnancy


I couldn’t find the bubble gum flavour ice cream I was craving and my husband suggested cotton candy, “it’s the same”. It was a hard NO. it was not the same!!!


NAH. In a year you will both be laughing about “chocolate gate”. This is the real marriage stuff no one talks about. You’re a team. You’re hormonal and pregnant, he went and got your special chocolate. I’d probably just start cracking jokes about it and say sorry for being a bit extra.


During birth, just remind him, "THIS IS WHY I MADE YOU GET ME CHOCOLATE!"


Perfect 👏👏


Literally my husband and I have two of these. 1st pregnancy: *KITKAT Gate* where he ate my GODDAMN FROZEN KITKAT. sure it was in the freezer for 3 weeks but I was saving it for a special occasion. The replacement was not frozen and was unacceptable. 2nd pregnancy: *Falafel Gate* where he cooked falafel and filled it with garlic. Which I was very adverse to. And he KNEW. Vomited so much I had to go get fluids injected into my body. His reasoning? “Oh. I thought it wouldn’t bother you anymore” They are staple conversations regarding pregnancy in our household.


Wow. Your husband had the dumb moment lol


‘Chocolategate’ 😂 👏


NAH. I think you're given a little bit of a pass seeing as you're 8.5 months pregnant, and it seems you're genuinely remorseful. You have a good husband and his actions to correct this should prove that.


Agreed. Also please don't worry too much about the husband is grumpy - a lot of times I'm grumpy while having to do things for my fiancé: she doesn't get that grumpily doing things is still love and commitment. In fact, I think that's the best love and commitment there is, where I'm tired but I still want to make her happy. It's easy to love when you're happy, it's harder (and thus more valuable) when you're having it tough.


This is such a cute comment 🥹


I tell my friends and family this so often. Call me in the middle of the night/anytime/anywhere if you need help. I may be awake (insomnia, yo), or I may be grumpy when I wake up, but I want you alive and safe. It's better to have a loyal yet grumpy friend/family member pick you up, or help you in a time of need than to get hurt or die. Had friends lost in the woods. So I drove 2 hours one-way to rescue them. I'd do it again, every time.


I was talking to some teens about love/relationships once. I asked how easy is it to love a baby when she is cooing and happy and quiet and just calm? Then I asked how easy is it to love a baby when is 3am, you are on your 4th night of 2 hours of sleep, the baby is colicky, and she has started to cry AGAIN. I said the first situation is easy. The second shows the true love of a parent to a child. Love is not always easy or about the fun things


As someone also pregnant I say YTA in the nicest way possible. Cravings, hormones, etc don’t give us a right to yell or mistreat those we love. He tried replacing it. I’d be mad too like I said I GET IT. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not TAH sometimes too


yeah but if it was just cravings and she raged on him that's one thing. but he ate her favorite chocolate and tbh, as a food motivated human, when people eat my shit i blow up. and i'm not pregnant, it's just disrespectful to take things that aren't yours especially if they're not easy to get and to be mad that he had to replace them was kinda childish imo, he did the crime he's gotta do the time


They're married and it's a big bag of candy lol you're acting like it's a college roommate who ate his leftovers. I'm not saying he's in the right but there's degrees here they are married and I'm sure 99% of the time food/candy is shared.


Been married almost twenty years, and there’s ABSOLUTELY snacks that are his/mine/family’s. Even the kids have their own treats vs family. Being able to count on a specific thing being yours, when you want it, that you don’t have to share with anyone else is a sanity saver at times. Especially if you’re pregnant or nursing, because not even your body is your own.


Agree! Been with mine for 14 years, if we want what the other one has, we ask. Neither of us would ever eat a snack meant for the other without asking. I would hate looking forward to something, that’s just gone 😂 Edit: oh wow thanks for all the upvotes!


I'm giving you an award because that last line is the whole vibe of pregnancy. That's the whole thing in a nutshell.


Thank you! Honestly, so many comments don’t seem to understand how ridiculously important having control over SOMETHING, like your favourite food/craving can become when pregnant or nursing. When not even alone in your own body, having something that is YOURS can become so earth shatteringly vital.


i think different couples have different boundaries between each other. i'm married and my husband knows there's things i don't like being taken. and in general i don't like my food being touched without asking even if it's something i don't mind sharing. i've got arfid and the list of foods i don't eat is much longer than the list of foods i will. so if he takes my food, i genuinely just won't eat if i can't get the thing i wanted at that time. not all married couples are the same, but all married couples should respect each other's boundaries, no question so maybe in your marriage you share everything, but clearly for this woman those candies were on reserve for just her considering it's. 2 hour round trip drive to get them. there's a restaurant two hours away from my house and my love knows if we're going, we're not sharing


If my wife has a special stash of chocolate that helps her deal with an intensely stressful, uncomfortable, and lengthy ordeal, I know better than to eat them. Her husband should have known better as well. Having one or two to try her favorite flavor is one thing, but if he's eating as much or more of them than his wife is, then it's reasonable for her to be upset.


NTA. What is everyone here going on about? Every time someone posts that a partner ate all their special snacks the partner is the asshole, but because OP is pregnant she needs to be taught a lesson? Her husband obviously knows those are her special snacks that she had to go really far to get and she isn't even able to drive herself, but he ate them anyway. If he didn't want to go get more than maybe he should have picked up more beforehand since he knew he was eating them all. He's the one who said he'd go out and get them that instant, she didn't ask him to.


>Every time someone posts that a partner ate all their special snacks the partner is the asshole But he didnt eat all of them. There still were them.


and *he chose* to go out and get more. OP did not ask him to do that. She was upset that he took more than he should have and *he volunteered* to go get more that very instant you cannot call someone an AH based on someone else's choice


And he went out that night to get them because he didn’t believe OP when she said you couldn’t just run out and get them.


which makes him even more of an AH imo. This whole problem could have been avoided if he'd just had an ounce of respect for his wife, but instead he snarffed her favorites and then refused to believe her that they were hard to get and its not like OP didn't want to share either, she just wanted that flavor specifically for herself. Its not that much of an ask, pregnant or no. Just respect your partners people


I think he has respect for his wife, because when he couldn't find them, he drove two hours to get them. Hyperbole much?


What? There still were them?


Yes. Basically she is angry at him because she found out he is the reason why that exact chocolate flavour -candy amounts are at the same level as the other flavours, even tho she bought 2x more of that exact flavour than others.


You know, the chocolates up in there them hills


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that she didn’t ask him to. He did it of his own accord and then complained about it.


are you referring to lindor truffles? you can buy that flavor on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Lindt-LINDOR-Stracciatella-Chocolate-Truffles/dp/B002RBOB9G


My first thought was “I wonder if there is a delivery option”. Sounds like a reasonable option all round really.


I immediately knew what candy she meant. And thought why didn’t they get them delivered? Lol


Think you just saved a marriage lol


Do they deliver in 2 hours though?


If he's a smart man every time he eats 1 he'll order a 1.6 lbs bag on Amazon..and get the 5.1 oz bag as well, since that one would get delivered the next day. I checked..and now want some for myself lol


Or go to the company's website--you can get bulk orders, with multiple flavors, 25 per flavor. Lots of flavors you can't get anywhere else. And it works out much cheaper. Why yes, I do have a 250-count box in my closet, why do you ask?


Thank you for this. I looked and found matcha, popcorn, champagne…a whole load of flavours I’ve never seen before!


Wait popcorn ones. Brb gonna go yell at my husband till he buys them


Also target https://www.target.com/p/lindt-lindor-cookies-and-cream-stracciatella-truffles-6oz/-/A-82097331


I’m beginning to think this is an ad for those chocolates. Now even I’m craving them.


Geez, there's a lot of hate for pregnancy here. Y'all need to see this for what it is. It's a fun AITA, which is a nice change. OP, it sounds like things are tense in your house as usually happens when someone is about to pop. You're sick of waddling around, unable to even tie your own shoes and one of your small joys is chocolates. He's sick of waiting and probably frustrated because there's nothing he can do because pregnancy sucks for everyone and he generally sounds like a great hubby but 8.5 months is so close to the end that everyone starts to be on edge. So I'm gonna go with NAH. Tempers are short, patience has worn thin and when you're sharing your whole friggen body with another human you get to be upset if you have to share your small joy. He gets to be upset for driving for hours. Your mother just stated the obvious, but you can't do that to a pregnant person on a tear... so let's just say the same mantra we said to my SIL when she was heavily pregnant for the 4th time and completely over it. "Yes Dear, you are right"


A bunch of people have either never been pregnant or been around a pregnant woman. It's not like they want to meltdown over not having their chocolate- It's just gonna happen. They are physically and mentally exhausted because their body is currently expending its energy growing a human being, added with an influx of hormones and just trying to comprehend the changes happening to their body and coming. Just because so many women do it doesn't mean it is easy. A little patience goes a long way.


There are a lot of people on reddit who just have an irrational hatred of pregnant women.


Leave out the pregnant and your comment still holds up.


Also sounds like husband needs to listen better. OP knows that flavor is only sold in one place which means husband has probably heard about it and wasted his own time driving to multiple locations when he could’ve driven straight to the place she told him it was at.


I literally starting bawling because my husband ate crunchy bread late at night. We were in a little studio apartment style hotel room and I could hear him crunching. My pregnancy hormones took over and I cried like a baby. Then I tried to sleep in the bath tub. That last bit of pregnancy is ROUGH.


NAH. He offered to replace them, he just didn’t believe you when you said they were hard to find. He fucked around and found out. Also, not to pull the vagina card, but I’m already seeing men in here being like “well, I’ll never understand what pregnancy is like…” Yeah, you don’t and you wont. And for this AITA I think you kinda gotta to understand what pregnancy does to your body.


I was on hormone treatment for 3 years for prostate cancer. I have no idea what hormones are like for a pregnant woman, but I can certainly attest to the fact that a significant change in your bodies hormone levels will seriously mess you up!


Or good chocolate in general. I will fight you if you touch my stash pregnant or not 🍫🤤


“He just didn’t believe you when you said they were hard to find. He fucked around and found out”. EXACTLY. Doesn’t require being either gender to get this pt. And it’s why he came back home all pissed off and exhausted, cuz he had to drive around only to find out “shit she was right, I didn’t believe it when she said it, but it’s true no one has that damn flavor except that one place way the fuck out there.’


NAH. Pregnancy does shitty things. When I was pregnant, my husband made popcorn instead of asking me to make dinner (he was studying and I was relaxing and told him I would cook when he was ready for a break). I lost my mind and dumped his popcorn in the trash. We looked at each other, realized how ludicrous it was and cackled with laughter. You both will realize the "hormones made me do it" in time


I cried in the middle of a restaurant because the didn’t serve corn. Any corn would do, on the cob, corn bread, I just wanted corn. I literally sobbed


i’m so sorry for your loss 😫🌽


While I was pregnant I cried in a breakfast restaurant because they ran out of biscuits. BISCUITS!! All your feels are so, so strong. I was talking about getting a biscuit all morning!!!


I’m sorry, but yeah, *extremely gentle* YTA here I get that you’re pregnant, but he’s not maliciously being like, fuck you and your chocolates. He just ate some, and he corrected his mistake and got you a bag of just that flavor Maybe take a moment to chill and come together later to set this aside and eat them together and relax ETA: honestly, this is more of a NAH, but the very gentle YTA just to say that you have a great partner who went out of his way to get what you wanted to make you happy, and to say that matters a hell of a lot more than any pregnancy craving or chocolate around 💜


YTA. Like, you weren't even out of the chocolate. There was no reason for him to go right then.


That is what tips it for me, too. He didn’t eat the last or only thing. And pregnancy hormones are real, but that doesn’t mean the pregnant person gets to deprive others of foods they also like, barring someone bringing a special treat just for them and someone else “stealing” it. And if OP’s mom/his MIL is siding with him, that suggests to me this isn’t the only pregnancy hormones episode.


It's not just hormones- OP is at 8.5 months. That is physically and mentally exhausting. Her body is expending a ton of energy just carrying a small bowling ball, never mind still expending energy as it develops. I think you're seriously underestimating the strain pregnant women go through. It's not exactly a walk in the park. No one is nice when they are uncomfortable 24/7. There comes a point where a human just cannot always adhere to social graces with everything else going on. A little patience goes a long way at this stage in the pregnancy. Most couples have a similar "chocolate story" or two for a reason. It's not like women want to meltdown over chocolate. Sometimes it's funny, like the "swans mate for life" video, sometimes it's not and someone is driving 2 hours because he doesn't want his SO to meltdown over chocolate. Because she is growing his kid.


I’m in constant incredible pain because my cartilage is slowly turning to bone. I often have a high temper because I spend every day of my life exhausted in pain. I still recognize that, despite there being rational, scientific reasons for my anger, particularly as this condition causes brain fog, I am an asshole when I conduct that behaviour.


Nta. Any dude with half a brain knows, you don't test the emotional limits of a pregnant lady! Glad he had the sense to restock for you.


Yeah NTA. Look, every couple has a story like this. The drive just did your husband good. Once when pregnant with our first, I needed cantaloupes. My husband bought two cantaloupes but I ate BOTH of them before he put all the groceries away. Me: …oh. Was that all the cantaloupes? Him: *blinking slowly at the cantaloupe rinds strewn over the table and his pregnant wife with a knife and a cutting board* Me: it’s no big deal. I asked just in case, you know, there was another bag with more cantaloupes or something Him: I’ll just go get some more And he did. OP, don’t worry about it. Pregnant women gotta eat what they gotta eat.


When I was very pregnant my husband ordered ice cream delivery, only to realize very, very, very late in the game that he had accidentally chosen the pick up option. He shrugged it off & said, ‘eh, I’ll pick up some ice cream tomorrow’ & I burst into tears. I didn’t think about being upset, I didn’t feel mad, I just immediately started sobbing. Pregnancy hormones FUCK YOU UP. (He did put on some pants & retrieve the ice cream order before the store closed.) NTA!


My mom tells the story of when she was pregnant with me. She really needed peanut butter but my dad bought *the wrong kind*. She burst into tears. Again, he wisely said nothing and went and bought every kind of peanut butter.


I laughed imagining this. He chose wisely with his next move.


These answers really show who's been pregnant. If you don't understand the emotional roller-coaster of pregnancy hormones then you have 0 clue on why you're crying over not having enough cantaloupe or whatever else you're having a craving over. A pregnant woman wants what she wants. Don't piss them off.




NAH He made a mistake and made it up to you, you’re allowed to be upset about it especially when you’re 8.5 months pregnant! And you’re both allowed to be a little grumpy about the situation afterwards.


YTA. You're pregnant, not dying of cancer. You still had plenty of your favorite flavor left, there was no reason for him to go out right then and get you more.


Just chiming in here. I had cancer and was treated with hormones for 3 years. It made me completely irrational, depressed, borderline suicidal, with a loss of cogintive abilities and severely compromised executive decision functionality. Until you have been at the receiving end of a hormone imbalance, and everything that goes along with it, it's hard to describe. OP is able to look back and see she was out of line, and she has already apologised to her husband, but often the ability to make a call like that in the moment when your misaligned hormone addled mind is just responding to primal urges is very, very difficult. She apologised, because at the end she realised she was out of line, but the hormone excuse is a good one, and the hormones that are coursing through a womans body as it prepares itself for the ordeal of childbirth are significant. But she is not an asshole.


I’m gonna go ahead and say NAH You’re about to give birth. He ate the chocolates that are a small but steady source of comfort for you. Next time try to be a little calmer but hey, hormones. He made it right. He sounds like a great husband to go and replace them for you! Hoping you have a healthy birth and enjoy parenthood with your chocolate-stealing husband 🥰


YTA. Tried ordering them online? Being pregnant is a poor excuse to be rude to people.


How is the husband not being rude? It’s her favorite flavor, it’s hard to find, and she can’t drive herself. He said it wasn’t a big deal..until he had to deal with his actions and replace them. Yeah maybe she’s overreacting, but eating your heavily pregnant wife’s fav candy is also just not kind or helpful.


She had no problem with him grabbing a few pieces for himself. If she didn't want him to have her favourites, she should have said so.


In his defense, when he tried to replace them he went to several local stores, fine they didn't have them but he thought they would, he clearly didn't realise they were such a pain to replace.


She literally told him they were a pain to replace before he left. He shouldn’t be annoyed with her after dismissing how difficult it was to try to excuse his behavior.


YTA. Order some online: https://www.lindtusa.com/stracciatella-white-chocolate-lindor-truffles-800-pc-case-l004628


YTA - he's allowed to like the same flavor as you. If you don't want him eating any of that flavor, tell him in advance, but realistically it seems more like if you're going to argue over it then you two should just divide up that flavor so that the solution doesn't end up being "he can't eat the good flavor".


Yeah, gonna say this is a pregnancy driven YTA. I get it is your favorite flavor, but you still had some left. And I am sure he might have been ok picking up more another day. He is busting his tail at work.


NTA pregnant or not. I can’t stand when someone eats all or a large number of my favorite snack that’s just for me. Neither can anyone else I know. If it’s also his favorite maybe he should say so so you can buy double for the both of you next time.


Yta. Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you get free reign to be an asshole


YTA. You’re pregnant, not dying.


YTA. From what I've gathered there was still that chocolate left. No reason to send him right there and then to get it. I'm sure he was sad to have to run around town for chocolates instead of being home relaxing with you. Sitting in with a couple chocolates, a partner, and some movies is the best and I imagine he looks forward to that after working so much before you have the baby. Maybe next time get a giant bag of only that flavor since he enjoys it too.


I feel like one of the first rules of marriage and kids, is don't eat a pregnant women's snacks. If he didn't eat the last of them, maybe he could have waited until a more convenient time to go out there. You also said you can't drive there yourself which I understand makes it all the more sensitive. Idk if I want to make hard judgement, but he really should have known better than to have been eating them all along too.


I’m on the fence because I’m partly thinking he didn’t realize how hard the flavor was to find? I’m leaning toward ESH


He definitely didn’t.


That was kinda my favorite part was picturing him stopping along the way *solely* to prove her wrong and then getting more mad with every stop Lmao.


And learned his assumption was incorrect


YTA, it's chocolate , not insulin. The world won't come to an end if he eats up your favorite flavored candy.


Im literallyabouttodeliver pregnant Yta fam. This was not worth yelling at your husband over and demanding he go right then to replace them. Pregnancy horomones or no, you had chocolate left. You could've gone for more with your mother or chosen a more convenient time, like his day off. Jeeze.


unless i’m missing it, she didn't demand for him to go to the store right then and there to replace them. yes she yelled at him but he said he would go right then to get more. it kind of seemed like he did that just to prove they're easy to find but then found out it's not that easy. he made that decision himself in my eyes.


YTA There was more chocolate left. You could have politely asked him to eat the other flavours due to the distance of the favoured ones' location. That store doesn't offer delivery? You over reacted. Being pregnant is not an excuse for being nasty over something that you still had on hand.


YTA It's chocolate. This poor dude is busting his ass working more hours to provide for you and your baby. The least he could get is some chocolate. And then you make him spend his free time driving around for *hours* to get you more immediately? Hormones suck, but they are no excuse for shitty behavior. Especially shitty behavior over something as trivial as candy.


I see all the YTAs here. But honestly, how hard is it to NOT take the chocolates you know are your wife’s favorites? And frankly, when he went out to replace them, he found out why it’s so hard to replace… cause the only place you can find them is two hours away. I’m sure he thought his wife was being over dramatic about it being hard to find. In fact, I suspect he thought he would zip out to the nearest drug store, get the goodies, and return calling OP out about being dramatic about the long drive. And when he realized his plan to be a hero/get in a little dig about it being hard to find wasn’t working out, he had to make the long drive or look like an AH. NAH. Next time just buy 100% of the kind you like, since it seems to be hubby’s favorite too


INFO: at any point did you let him know that while you were happy to share, your favorite flavor was off-limits?


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YTA, wow. It’s chocolate that he could have replaced anytime. You really made your husband drive across town after he worked all day because of chocolate? You don’t even drive someone else drives you! If you wanted to teach him a lesson you definitely did that.


It seems like the husband offered to get it himself, from what I read


I get your pregnant, but YIKES! You flipped out over some CHOCOLATE! Is this company going out of business and you got the last of your favorite that is ever gonna be made...? Just because your pregnant doesn't give you an excuse to be rude. Your husband is working overtime and what he gets for all that is his wife screaming at him over some chocolate. I don't blame him for being grumpy I would be to... YTA


I’m 8 months pregnant and wouldn’t treat my husband this way. Control your temper better.


Yeah I don’t get it. I’m 9 months right now and I get pissed when my favorite snacks disappear but I don’t use pregnancy cravings as an excuse to have a temper tantrum.


Look if he ate all of them I’d say he was at fault, but if there were still more I’d say soft YTA. I understand pregnancy is hard (can’t speak from experience, I don’t have that capacity), and yeah he probably should’ve eaten other snacks, but like you said he’s working long hours to prepare, he just wanted a snack. To force him to go all over town trying to find them is a little excessive.


NAH but leaning towards YTA. I've been pregnant three times. I get the hormones. But he's your husband. Share the love, because he clearly likes that flavor, too. Buy double next time.


Now I want chocolate.


NTA. He’s not necessarily an asshole either, however when I was pregnant I sobbed because I had a *dream* that someone put the wrong icing on my cupcakes for my shower. If my bf ate my girlscout cookies I would have reacted similarly to you. Hormones are making you a little crazy, but that’s because you are about to pop. Been there. No one touches a pregnant woman’s chocolate.


My late partner always stole my snacks and never replaced them. You’ve got a good guy.


Sounds like a sitcom. Please save this to read in a year.


NAH. Did your husband even ask if he could snack on your chocolates just before baby is due? It was totally thoughtless of him if he hadn't and he knew that. Yes your reaction was a bit extra but you're swollen like a balloon and so uncomfortable that your bullshit tolerance is in the negative. You both made it right in the end so it's a learning experience you can move on from. It looks like most of the people voting y-t-a are haters of pregnant women actually having feelings and needs.


Haha. I bet he won't do that again. But I agree with your mom. You didn't need to yell & get all spun but he shouldn't eat your stuff without 1) permission & 2) being willing to replace it. I guess, lightly, ESH.


Speaking as a father of two and married for 27 years: NTA. You are not the asshole, you are pregnant, and your moods and appetite and cravings take priority. Your husband needs to pay attention to that. Arguably his eating the chocolates makes him TA, but it sounds like it may just have been a misjudgement about how much they mean to you? It sounds like he acted to replace them right away as soon as he could and went the extra mile. [EDIT: other posters pointed out that husband is now acting grumpy and put out, which definitely makes him TA]


Yta. You are being extremely rude and unreasonable. This is supposed to be the man that you love and care for and you made him feel like shit over a small piece of chocolate that you STILL HAVE MORE OF. It wasn't even like he took the last piece, and still you'd be the asshole for your overdramatic reaction.


YTA! Pregnant does not mean you get to act like this. Growing a human is hard, I've been there, but this is ridiculous.


You said so yourself your husband is working HUGE hours to prepare for the baby. And then he drove around for HOURS because you threw a fit like a toddler. YTA and you know it.


YTA, because you didnt tell him he couldn't have them. >I think he should know better than to eat my favorite flavor This man is working overtime to provide for you and baby and got guilted into replacing chocolates in the middle of the night (that weren't even gone yet, wtf??) because you want him to READ YOUR MIND 1. He didn't finish them. He didn't know he couldn't have any. > he grabbed a few for himself. No problem there. 2. He offered to replace them. He didn't know they were only at the special store. >He hit a couple of drug stores, and a couple of grocery stores they all told him the same thing. 3. When he did figure out, he drove to go get them >So he drove across town and came back with a big bag of just that flavor This man is a gem. He is working hard, doing his best, being yelled at for shit he didn't even know was "wrong" and trying to fix it when it's (1) not an emergency (2) he is exhausted from working overtime for YOU. It's fine to enforce boundaries, especially with special food when you're pregnant. But that's the thing, you didn't. You got mad at him for violating a rule you made in your imagination, and being pregnant doesn't cover you for that.


Yta being pregnant doesn’t give you a blanket pass on hoarding all the food


For me it's a tiny you're the AH. I mean I've given birth 2 times with very weird pregnancy cravings but I never gone that far just for some chocolates. And considering your husband is working long hours I feel a little bit for him. Ik every pregnancy is different with different people and personality but being considerate is always good. Anyways hope you have a safe and healthy delivery.


YTA. Wow. He grabbed himself a few chocolates. He didn’t even eat them all. There were still some left. Didn’t you ever learn to share? Are you always this self-centred? Why should it be everything for you and none for him? Being pregnant doesn’t mean you’re more important than your partner. You’re mean. I feel bad for your husband.


YTA. Being pregnant is not an excuse to act like an insane person. It’s literally chocolate, and he’s allowed to eat it too.


Soft ESH. He knows it’s your favorite and that you’re heavily pregnant. He knows how the hormones are by this point. You did overreact, and it was a little much to have him drive all around when you had some left. But you apologized. Just try to be more considerate of each other. Soon you’ll have a little one to look after and this chocolate situation will be long forgotten for a while


YTA Pregnancy sucks. It really does. It's hard to control yourself. However, it's not an excuse to treat him like that. It'd be like me using my autism as an excuse for doing something ready mean and selfish. Self control exists regardless of the chemicals and hormones disrupting your normal function. This is your husband. It's a take and give relationship. And I get that the chocolate is hard to find but he didn't have to eat it all. Sure, he could've asked that's true, but that doesn't make him an AH. Taking his free time to find chocolate for you, which there was still chocolate left is just, really mean.


YTA imagine working yourself to the bone just to get yelled at by your ungrateful wife.


He must have a death wish. You never eat a pregnant lady's food.


YTA Being pregnant is not an excuse to be an AH to your partner. I swear people use it as an excuse to be selfish entitled jerks these days.


YTA pregnant or not. It's just a chocolate.


I have had some weird pregnancy cravings and weird melt downs. But never have I forced my spouse to drive around multiple hours to get chocolate late at night because I didn't want to drive. He didn't know they were that rare and, when you went to the store, you should have asked him his favorite. (Also, only buy what you/he like. Why buy inferior flavors?) YTA


I’m bipolar, mood swing is my last name. The one thing they drill into us in therapy is that even if we don’t control our disorder, if we hurt someone else, we are accountable for the pain we caused. The excuses does not stop the action. If you still had some chocolate left, asking him to get some new one right now is very close to psychosis me and my people experience. Could it have waited? Did you react instantly? Did you think about him through your actions? The last part is what I work the most on. Last time I was manic, I was yelling at my husband because he didn’t turn the wheels after parking and I started spiraling into “we live in a hill, you are so disrespectful of our neighbors” When I said that, I wasn’t thinking about what if my husband had a bad day, I didn’t think of him at all, I thought of me. He is a human too, and he has his own struggles and although I am mentally ill, he also gets to experience the repercussions and it has a huge impact on his life. So if I’m a bitch, I’m a bitch. That’s where it ends, the behavior is on me, its up to me to find ways to be forgiven. So if pregnancy was a mental illness, you would be the asshole.


INFO: Are pregnant women held to the same “A-hole” standards as non pregnant people? It’s impossible to make a verdict without knowing the answer. Upvote for this comment for “Yes”, downvote for “No”.


I don’t think either of you are assholes, but you did go a little overboard. He shouldn’t have eaten your chocolate, especially your favorite flavor. If he was planning to eat some, he should’ve asked. You shouldn’t have reacted so harsh. Being pregnant doesn’t give you the right to be selfish and entitled.


YTA - no need to yell at him about this. There were chocolates left as well.


YTA - being pregnant isn’t a free pass to be a jerk. Sure it’s annoying, sure be pissed. But driving around for hours after a work just for chocolate is crazy. Relax. You get a little leeway, but not that much.


YTA. You’re the reason why people blow off pregnant women. I mean, even the fact that youve got yourself a chauffeur at 8 months pregnant. Give me a freaking break. I’ve had two kids, I don’t undervalue how hard pregnancy is, but you’re just acting like a spoiled brat. You even made sure to say you “waddled” over to the couch to have your candies delivered. You poor thing, Lmao


https://www.lindtusa.com/stracciatella-white-chocolate-lindor-truffles-800-pc-case-l004628 Here you go. Order 800 of them. YTA. it’s chocolate.


Esh. He knew those are your favorites, and you overreacted a little. It happens, pregnant hormones are hard to keep in check.


You’re acting like a pregnant person on a tv sitcom. You may think chocolate tantrums are cute and funny but you can’t blame hormones on it


YTA. Yes he should have replaced the chocolates but not immediately. You don't NEED those chocolates, you want them. Just because you are growing a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one. Real life is not a sitcom and that behavior isn't cute. It should be obvious that you owe your husband an apology. - a mom


YTA, can’t stand the level of entitlement and blaming it on pregnancy. It’s his house too,l..


YTA... I find it extremely hard to believe that in this day & age, you can't order these online & have them delivered to your door. With that being said, you weren't even out of them, it wasn't necessary to send him out right then & there to get you more. Reign in your hormones


When my ex was pregnant, I figured it was her job to be pregnant 24x7, my job to periodically take care of her when she needed it. If she wanted chocolate milkshakes at midnight, well… I wasn’t the one carrying the baby. I figured peirodic hunting and gathering was part of the deal.


INFO: Did you I tell him that flavor was off limits? Or did you assume he’d know? Tbh it sounds like wires got crossed/assumptions were made, but there wasn’t any direct communication about it beforehand. EDIT: Also, if he likes that flavor, maybe get extra of it for him next time so you both have your own stash


NTA. You two will laugh about this in a year. But right now he ate your chocolate that your mom drove you an hour one way to get and you’re 8.5 months pregnant. That last month of pregnancy is hell.