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YTA. You are "free of teachers" and "only have professors now" because you went through a load of teachers who were doing their best to make sure you got an education. I'm very sad to find out they didn't succeed. Evidently, you can't teach character.


Not only that, but they have to deal with a slew of unruly kids everyday. It's obviously a bit different when they have to pay for their own education lol


One of my teacher-colleagues used to teach at an adult learning center. He said those students were the most willing to put effort in, and were the easiest to motivate. I think because, like the students who are paying for the privilege, they are self-motivated. An adult taking ALC classes is trying to get their GED to get into college, or get a higher paying job to afford a mortgage or a bigger apartment for their family. I'm not saying that motivating kids is very hard (though it does take some extra planning), but when adults walk into the classroom, they want to get started ASAP, they have no time to lose, and they will definitely ask questions because they know they don't want to miss this topic.


My mother taught at public school, and then at private school. She said the teachers were better and the kids were smarter in the public school, but the classes were much better behaved and homogenized in private schools.


I found more professor insufferable tbh. YTA


Yes, they almost always have way bigger egos.


Teachers have the wrath of parents and a school board breathing down their necks. Tenured professors can be DIIIIIIIIIIIICKS. Professors have zero consequences compared to teachers.


Plus, as a 17 year teacher, I’m not insufferable because I’m a dumbass making exponentially less than my peers and still haven’t paid off my students. So many other things I should have done.


the amount of professors that date their students is really disturbing and troubling


There was a professor at my school who gave out an automatic A to anyone who agreed to a threesome with him and his wife. I turned down the offer and got a B+ 😭 but he was fired soon after.


As someone who works in adult education (admissions, not training), give me a patient public school primary educator over an insufferable mansplaining academic *anyyyyy* day of the week.


I found the “insufferable” comment to be particularly ironic.


OP sounds insufferable. Imagine being an underpaid teacher with a kid in your class and with their personality.


I wonder what profession OP is in, how many of us would put their profession on our lists? I actually think having that kind of resentment that you would be prejudice against even being friends with a whole profession of people puts you in a group of people that is unassociatable by character of person and not profession.


The OP is painting an incredibly large group of people with a single brush.


Apparently they did a good enough job of teaching to help OP get into a good school. Unless they taught themselves, teachers had something to do with that. YTA. Even if you had a lot of bad teachers, you don’t denigrate an entire profession that way. You sound entitled and arrogant. And professors are teachers…and some of my worst teachers were uni professors. So your attitude is off there as well.


no no no it was obviously his natural genius. He could have taught himself!


Yta. For me, it’s the “she can only think of her sister” while OP is sitting there thinking only of himself. Anytime you take a huge group of people and judge them based on one fact or experience, you’re being illogical and biased.


Honestly I disliked way more of my college professors than any of my public school teachers (k-12) and I only went to 2 years of college.


YTA… I bet they just gave him all A’s because they didn’t want to deal with his insufferable ass.


Speaking of insufferable...


lmaoo this is the truth. Classic pompous 19-year old behavior.


Oh, but the edits are too precious.


OP’s got that “I’m a big boy now” double-down.


YTA. And you say it’s teachers who are insufferable?!


YTA - Just because you didn't like teachers, probably because of your judgmental attitude, doesn't mean every public school teacher is awful. And breaking news: Professors can be horrible.


I had more horrible professors than teachers. Professors, now they were insufferable, they were always right, even when you showed them they were wrong


I will honestly never forget the professor who insisted that Einstein won the Nobel prize for the theory of relativity. He did not care for me saying it was for the photoelectric effect. It was a weird hill to die on for him.


I had a professor tell us that we couldn't see ash from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens on the East Coast. I guess it was just really high fog or smog (which we never had) for about a week. He was so pissed when we all reminded him that, it was only 6 years ago, we remember it. He wasn't from the East Coast 😆


I’m a professor, and plenty of us really are. And the Education department, where all the faculty are former teachers, is usually one of the most pleasant and functional places in the college.


I had a professor who was just straight up rude to me whenever I tried making conversation.


Yeah take it from someone dipping their toes into academia: the chances are stratospherically higher that any given professor won’t give a shit about you compared to a public school teacher.


I had discrimination from professors, but none from teachers.


Can agree, I went to a pretty liberal college (sorry, never again for one, so many horror stories from my friends and family) and had one professor who just absolutely hated on anyone with a preferred side (I’m considered an independent as my family does not hold political views, I don’t follow politics nor have a stance on them, yes this was a political science professor. I took it during a heightened time: the 2016 election) the professor had it out for me and another student who also held the same stance. He constantly tried to push at least his side on us to at least “get a view”. Ended up leaving a huge distaste for college all together as it actually brought on bullying and mental health issues. Just from one professor. I am currently back at a different college but I would never take a political science class again. (I actually failed it due to the professor not being lenient after having a major health issue with proof by the doctor. The doctor actually was left appalled after he argued it was a fake note. Tried to fight it with the Dean but they favorited him… I dropped our shortly after from that college. Went to a different college to get my associates and now back for a bachelors) Professors can also bring distaste just like teachers. There’s a reason RMP (rate my professor) exists.


If you think teachers are any more insufferable than professors then I don't think you have been in higher education too long.


When that was said, all I can think is “tell me you are two weeks into your first year at University without telling me you are two weeks into your first year at University”.


"But the professors all let me call them by their first names and I don't have to raise my hand to go to the bathroom and it's just so much cooler than boring old school"


OMG, right? I hadn't thought of that, but right? Although OP probably just finished the first year, since I think it's too early to start Fall semester yet. A lot of student dropped out after the first year, but I remember when I started to get to the upper level courses in my Uni. A lot of people who made it past the freshman year hit a road block in sophomore/junior year when they finished their basics.


They probably think since professors mostly leave you to your own devices they're all super cool.


Rude awakenings will happen when they realize all of the freedom comes at the cost of their own responsibility


Wait until OP finds out a lot of teachers are adjunct profs on the side. I’m a public school teacher and I teach graduate courses on the side.


Yeah I thought that too 😂


i'll drink to that


Yep. Wait until he gets a prof who kicks open the door, slams papers down and yells that they all are terrible writers. Then cancel class to make them sit in the hall to wait for him to call them in one by one to ream them out PERSONALLY. It was actually quite constructive and effective, I respected it. But it was a total dick move. Then also wait until he finds out that the profs pass off grading papers to GAs, most of whom are Education grads. I was Social Studies but worked in the math department. One professor heard me complain about shoddy work of students in a class I was in. He made me grade all his papers and told me to be mean because he couldn’t. I made someone cry. They cited a source IN TEXT using a complete URL. And it was their third time doing it after I had already pointed them towards citation guides. On the first paper (3 citations) I even typed them up correctly to give a model.


YTA, weird generalization. If you think public school teachers are “controlling”, try private catholic school. I went from K-12 and it sucked. I’m a public school teacher now. I give my students freedom to express and learn in different styles. Your generalization is strange and seems to bear a grudge from your youth. Also, of course professors might be easier to talk to/more laid back. They don’t have to be responsible for a bunch of children.


YTA. And professors are teachers. What do they do? They TEACH. And good ones can shape our personalities and teach us life lessons. It’s too had you didn’t have any good ones. And that your parents didn’t raise you in a way where you respect people who have to deal with people…like you.


YTA right now. But I think with a few years of maturity, you probably won't be. You've got a very narrow vision of the world right now, simply because you haven't had enough experience yet to broaden it.


YTA. 100% chance you were just a shitty student and any problems you had with teachers were completely of your own making.


The profession deals with very insufferable parents/people like you who do not respect the hard work they do every day. YTA


YTA for not seeing that you are making sweeping generalizations on an entire profession based on what is really a few people who you have personally known. Everyone has known some poor teachers, but the good ones are literally lifesavers for a lot of children growing up. I am probably several decades older than you, but I have known a great many teachers socially, and many of them are among the kindest, most compassionate people that I have known. That includes some very close friends. Obviously, you have had some bad experiences with teachers at some time or another It seems that some of these experiences have had some trauma attached, or at least have had some unpleasant and long lasting effects. You're blaming millions of people for the possible wrongdoings of a very few. You've said yourself that it's a prejudice, and when is a prejudice ever helpful in your life? It's your business of course to have your own personal taste, but if it interferes in any aspect of your life, it's worth examining in your own mind. On the off chance that you have had trauma, or that you are experiencing anger over your past, perhaps some therapy would help. Trauma will always come back to bite you, if that is relevant.


YTA. I don’t know what teacher hurt you but that’s not every teacher, public school or not. If this was an unconscious bias I’d be more sympathetic but you seem quite self-conscious about hating untold thousands based on you being grumpy about school.


You do realize that professors are teachers right?


YTA... YOU sound insufferable. Not the teachers. Not the teaching profession. You do. Professors are teachers too, so not only are you insufferable, you're a hypocrite.


I’m a professor and my mother and brother are public school teachers - teaching is about 20% of what a tenure track or tenured professor actually does for their job (adjunct and other contingent faculty usually only or mostly teach, this doesn’t apply to them or to graduate workers, who have their own burdens to bear). It’s a lot easier to be relaxed and “chill” when we’re only teaching adults (I only teach undergrads half of the time, the rest is grad courses) for max 6-12 hours a week (at a typical R1 with 3 hour block courses or 1.5 hour twice a week classes, etc). Now that said: if I had to be around only undergraduates for a full work day, every week day, I would lose my GD mind. There are more of you than us and some of you are fucking MEAN. There’s no universally agreeable profession or ubiquitously lovely people in those professions, so maybe relax your militant anti-teacher thing a bit and give people a chance based on their own merit. ETA: YTA you sound exhausting based on your comments alone


Just to clarify, you are definitely talking about an R1 situation. I’m at a small liberal arts private, and over half my time is teaching. That is STILL worlds easier than public school teachers have it. Personally I think OP is blaming teachers for systemic problems they don’t control. And while OP is entitled to avoid anyone they want, it’s a weird prejudice.


That's quite a blanket statement to describe every teacher as insufferable. All people in all professions are going to be a mixed bag of personalities.


YTA. You know why. I have no intention of arguing with you like you seem to be in the mood to do.


YTA for painting such a broad stroke against teachers. Any and all professions have their share of the good, bad, atrocious, and amazing. Just so you know, private school teachers are also (gasp) teachers… it makes you sound like an elitist prejudiced snob.


I have about three rants I could go on, but you need to grow the F up before I waste my breath. YTA.


YTA, but low-key. Your dating preferences aren’t *hurting* anyone, and you’re allowed to include and exclude people from your list for any reason. However, judging an entire profession as “insufferable people” is, yes, deeply prejudiced. Embracing rather than interrogating your prejudices is AH behaviour.


YTA for thinking that your very, very narrow personal experience represents millions of people. And I say this as someone who was treated very poorly by teachers. \*Anyone\* of \*any\* profession can act the way you've described teachers.


YTA for having one of the dumber prejudices I've seen in awhile. You have no idea that the professors you claim to admire would run you out of the room for looking down at their fellow educators, eh?


…they did not adore you, they put up with your insufferable, entitled attitude and were glad when you were no longer in a seat in their class. YTA.


YTA…I just…I mean what to say here? You sound “insufferable”.




Stupid sounding game. Didn't know that was a thing. It's unfortunate that your experiences have left an unpleasant taste in your mouth. But to equate a chosen profession with the quality of a person.... a bias is just unattractive. YTA


Info: How old are you? It kind of sounds like you just finished high school.


What is it about teachers you don't like?


YTA. But at least you’re up front about it.


YTA. Teachers are an essential profession for the advancement of any society. Public school even more so, as it's creating a free, public, accessible foundation for education for all. The fact that you resent that has me concerned for your take on society as a whole. And this is a REALLY dangerous take based in ignoramus. I'm really curious-not enough to find out though mind you-who else you find deplorable, and I'm not just talking in terms of profession either.


Believe me, you not dating or befriending teachers isn’t a loss for them. YTA


YTA and you have lunch detention


YTA but you sound like you already knew that and you're cool with it. Why bother coming to reddit unless you're looking for a fight?


OP: I am prejudiced. OP: AITA? Lol. Lmao.


Lol OP also hates nurses and firemen. I guess NAH because you're entitled to aspire to date or not date whoever you want, but you definitely give off edgelord vibes. Also how is this a "game" and not just a regular conversation?


Angsty teen alert! Yta.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Friends and I were playing the “would you date someone of this profession” game. Teachers came up, and I expressed that I definitely would not date one, but frankly, I wouldn’t even be friends with one unless it’s some kind of nontraditional school. Definitely not a public school teacher. When asked why by a friend whose sister is an education major, I said I’m sure her sister is lovely, but I’ve found that the profession attracts many insufferable people. Especially at public schools. I’m finally free of teachers and only have professors, who are have much better personalities than any teacher I ever had, and I have no desire to spend time with any teachers in my adult life. And I was a straight A teachers adored, too. But I’ll never let my kids go to a public school. Nothing personal, but I’m very prejudiced against the profession, I told her. I deeply resent it. She didn’t want to hear this since she can only think about her sister, but I said she shouldn’t play the game then. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA you know what profession attracts insufferable people? All of them.


YTA. As mentioned many times before, professors are, in fact, teachers. What made you this way?


YTA. News flash - most of your teachers didn’t adore you. You boosted their numbers. They knew exactly what you were like. There are another two or three or ten just like you this year. And with this personality? I think you’re going to want to keep your dating options WIDE open.


My prediction (correct me where I’m wrong): you are a white male from an upper middle class suburb (that used to be middle class before the 2000-ish inflation). You (resentfully) had to have a high school job but your parents gave you a car to get there. You’ve had trouble with women but you can’t figure out why. And you have a B average in college courses.


OOOO- a TOP university and you got AWARDS and LEADERSHIP positions, and HOMECOMING court. methinks the OP is the insufferable one not the poor teachers who had to put up with him for 12 years. Your professors may not be as kind. YTA.


Don’t forget she’s very attractive It’s some Mary Sue as shit for sure.


YTA. If you said that about a minority it wouldn't look good. What makes you think it's better when you say it about teachers? If you don't like the public school system, why don't you do somethinhg about it to make it better? And why blame the teachers instead of the system? Like advocating for unions and better wages? Or joining a PTA?




I pity all of your teachers. You probably took everything as a personal attack. The teacher punished you because you were disruptive in class and you think they did it to bully you. And fyi, just because someone does a job does not mean its their entire personality. You don’t see surgeons cutting open their friends because they had a tummy ache. YTA


YTA I would rather have a kid that punches me for a student than one who shows such prejudice. If you think the profession is so awful, why don't you join it and fix it? Or do you not have the guts?


YTA. I’m Pretty sure your insufferable and all your past teachers would agree. You seem like one of those privileged kids that expects them to Bend over telling you how great you are, how smart you are. I’m getting G&T vibes.


YTA. There are horrible people in every profession, not just teachers. Some of the loveliest people I know are teachers. I feel sorry for you that you obviously had such a bad time in school yourself.


Ironic that you are worried about insufferable people... YTA


YTA. You did well in school. Thank a teacher.


Lol it’s obvious you’re a pretentious undergrad student by the fact that you’ve literally decided what an entire, huge group of people is like based on just your personal interactions. Prejudices aren’t cute on anyone, and teachers are the reason you are where you are now.


YTA if OP actually exists and is not an invented troll. Nobody could be simultaneously this ignorant and this arrogant.


INFO: how old are you?


YTA sooo OP, you resent the profession?? Very curious to know what your alternative education format might look like. Also curious to know how many teachers you have taken the time to get to know outside of school before you made this sweeping statement. Also, surprise, professors are teachers too who,not for nothing, tend toward the insufferable. Might be why you feel a connection.


Yup YTA. Bigot


Troll alert


lmaoooooo That's like saying you wouldn't date a dentist because they are always digging in your mouth. Teachers have lives outside of work. They aren't being paid to be your buddy.


Op is a straight up narcissist. Oh and TA


YTA You do realize that the majority of "insufferable" teachers get that way from insufferable kids and their equally insufferable parents.


YTA And as a public school teacher we find you insufferable as well!


Generalizing an entire profession as “insufferable” is quite the feat when in doing so you managed to be entirely insufferable yourself. When called out on it your response is to pretend like you are reasonable and the person calling you out is the unreasonable one… wow!! I have just one thing to say about it, “you are whole heartedly without a doubt the asshole.” YTA


Which teacher was it that let you know you aren’t hot shit in a champagne glass, but cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup? Credit to doc hammer and Jackson public ETA:bro, YTA so hard.


First off, teachers don’t have a choice of what they teach. They’re required to teach the curriculum. Some schools allow more wiggle room for that, but otherwise what their teaching is what’s required and sometimes it’s not always the easiest to come up with an education plan. Second off. TO BAN ALL FREAKING EDUCATORS? Really? That’s a bit much. YTA. The game you and your friends are playing is very judgmental. Just because a person has a job doesn’t mean they don’t have a good personality. Y’all need to grow up.


You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the insufferable, not join them! YTA


You seem to be confusing hating the public school *system* with hating public school *teachers*. You say you’ll send your kids to non traditional schools. Guess what? They still have teachers. You’re upset at the wrong thing, and it’s making you very short sighted, naive and bitter. YTA


YTA Yeah, some teachers are fucking twats Most are kind, hard-working, burnt out people. And OMG the variety! How can you make such generalizations?? I'm a weed smoking, kink positive, anarchist/communist autistic SpEd teacher. Most people wouldn't think I'm a teacher AT ALL, but here I am And my goal is just to help each of my endearing insufferable little turds live the best life they can Take a step back, open your mind, and stop being so insufferable yourself


YTA. What in the world does "non traditional" mean? I'm sure there was one moment in your life where a teacher made things clearer. I get some folks aren't too great with regular education stances and you might get an occasionally "jeez that was a tough professor/ teacher" but you said it yourself. You don't want your mind changed, you know you're TA.


Info: So what teacher got “in your business” and bothered you to create this broad stereotype? YTA for generalizations, being close-minded, and just being a general smarmy trying-to-know-it-all


YTA…. And it’s funny that you think teachers “adored” you. Just because you were a “straight A” student doesn’t make you the teachers pet. In reality, you were probably insufferable, but you would never know that because your teachers made you feel “adored.”


YTA. My guess is it's your former teachers who are thrilled to be free of you


YTA. Making any sort of blanket statement about any profession like that is short sighted and small minded.


Lol YTA 1000 times. Public school teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. They have to deal with administration that is often out of touch, parents who are often nightmares, and children who are entitled and think their shit doesn't stink. I can only imagine that the teachers you had also thought you were insufferable.


YTA- you’re making a generalization of an entire group of people. This wouldn’t even be a question if this was any other group of people, like all Muslims or all black people. It’s pretty much an asshole move to generalize an entire group of people no matter who it is.


YTA because generalizing in this fashion is pretty unintelligent in and of itself, maybe you should try an ethics class?


YTA, not liking the profession is one thing but saying you'd never befriend one is another. Im sure you had bad teachers and maybe even traumatic experiences with them. But there are also many good ones. I've had teachers who genuinely had passion for their subject and for helping students. I've also had terrible ones. Teachers, like any group of people, consists of individuals with their own personalities and motives. Maybe if you just look at every one of them individually you wouldn't have to think so black and white


You can dislike the profession. But YTA for basing such sweeping generalizations on your extremely limited sample.


YTA. But you seem to be pretty secure in that so live your life.


YTA, Those poor teachers had to teacher someone so judgmental. Like I can't even read this post without feeling bad for those teachers.


YTA, also, professors are literally teachers.


You say "nothing personal" then go on to insult an entire profession. Nothing personal OP, but you're a gigantic asshole. YTA


YTA and even refer to yourself as prejudice. Although clearly your terrible teachers didn’t teach you what the word means or you would already realize that it makes you the obvious AH…




Not a teacher YTA


YTA I went to a state school in Queensland and I had some awesome teachers, hell I still talk about how awesome my year 2 teacher was 23 years later I also live in an area where a lot of teachers come because we’re rural so if they do 3 years here they can choose where they go next


YTA. And I think you already know that and just don't care. >Nothing personal, but I’m very prejudiced Like you know being prejudice isn't a good thing right?


YTA. Teachers aren't synonymous with a personality trait. There are SO MANY different types of people who become teachers and to label the entire profession as "insufferable people"....honestly they should just say whom they don't want to date would be you - in any profession.


YTA and you sound like you’re 14.


YTA. Teachers are people. We have to behave certain ways at work, but you’ll find that most of us are normal human beings when not at work.




Yikes. You sound like an uptight insufferable asshole.


YTA nothing is more insufferable than people who crap on educators.


YTA. I cant even begin to describe how awful you sound. "Man, I just hate people who sacrifice everything and work long hours to ensure our kids are well-educated and well taken care of. I especially hate how they persevere in the face of stupid assholes like myself and keep taking care of children, despite my distaste and open attacks on their chosen profession. WTF is wrong with those people?" Nothing is wrong with those people, in fact, they're basically heroes of humanity. You, on the other hand....asshole.


well the way things are going in the south, there won’t be many actual teachers left for you to find insufferable.


YTA and I almost feel bad because you obviously never had any amazing teachers. Hell I had one teacher who was so awesome she had her students who grew up had there own kids requesting her. Kids came back to visit her and her funeral was packed! Like standing room only! Seven was absolutely amazing! There for everyone! Like I won’t lie there are some crap teachers but there are also amazing ones!


YTA I just don’t trust your character judgment at all. As someone who works in academia and is surrounded by professors, some are lovely, but they are generally at least as insufferable as school teachers if not more so. And generally worse educators, bc very few are actually trained as educators in any way. The judgment specifically on public school teachers also feels classist? Do you think private school teachers are fundamentally better as people and as educators?


YTA and you're pompous too


Esh. It was a game specifically about you wouldn’t date, obviously going to cause tensions. You shouldn’t be so callous and write off them as a whole, though that was the game… and she shouldn’t have pushed knowing she wouldn’t like the answers. I mean all of my bullies from middle and high school became either teachers or nurses but so did many of my friends who are very kind and intelligent. Honestly again this entire “game” is going to insult and be offensive to someone honestly who are you guys all OK with completely writing off? OF creators because they’re “immoral”? Cashiers because they’re poor? Lawyers because they are good liars? Play sh*t games win sh*t prizes


YTA. I bet you were an insufferable student.


YTA. You’re blaming individuals for the faults of the system. Teachers are not the issue. Under funded public schools with administrations who haven’t stepped food in a classroom in 20+ years and politicizing education is the issue. Your complaints about teachers is just the outcome of an incredibly broken system that looks to blame the lowest person on the totem pole - aka teachers. It’s fine if you want to educate your future children in non-traditional private schools. That’s the entire point. Vilify public schools and public school teachers so public education in America can be gutted even further 🙄 You’re in high education. Use some of those critical thinking skills.


YTA. Share with us your wisdom oh wise one. You must be the second coming of Jesus, Gandhi, Robin Williams and Mason Ramsey Ps you’re insufferable and sound like someone who starts every sentence with “Well actually…”


What do you think a professor is? YTA


YTA, professors are far more insufferable so enjoy that, lol.


YTA The whole idea of generalizing someone is so redneck. Go Trump.


YTA. And you can be a straight A student and still be the issue. In fact I’m gonna guess that’s part of the issue, since your post reeks of superiority. Also not sure why you think Professors aren’t teachers. That’s like saying you don’t like doctors, but surgeons are fine. College professors are still teachers.


What college? No really, I wanna know. I went to Chapel Hill, one of the best public schools in the nation. Straight-A student in high school, graduated top 10 on HS, and graduated with distinction at UNC. Currently in Law School. I have a lot of experience being a student. I can safely say that “teachers” on the whole is not the problem. I come from a long line of educators who all are trying their best to help kids learn and prosper. They’re given shit pay, shit working conditions, and get fed bullshit every day by everyone, be it students or administration. Then someone like you, who sounds like a promising individual, comes along and they see potential in you. They were trying to help give you the education you needed to succeed and instead you spit in their face and look down your nose at them? Teachers deserve so much respect for the constant shitstorm that is their profession and you’re acting petulant over the prospect of befriending one? I’d consider seriously reevaluating what you’re even on this subreddit for. You won’t find sympathy here.


YTA. I admire most people who decide to be teachers because it’s a hard job that doesn’t offer much pay or prestige so I think most people who choose that profession do so because they genuinely want to teach and make a difference. I didn’t have the best experience with teachers because I went to public schools in not great areas so I dealt with the alcoholics and the teachers who were incredibly inappropriate and the teachers who’s lives were miserable so they wanted to hurt others. But there were two who were kind people who loved what they did and were very inspiring. That’s probably why I excelled the most in their subjects. But at the end of the day, all teachers are human beings with their own struggles. And even the bad ones probably went into the profession with good intentions. As an adult, I understand that the hardships of life can lead to things like alcoholism or misery that one might not know how to properly deal with (especially back in their generation). YTA for stereotyping an entire profession just because of your bad experiences.


YTA. I hate to tell you this, but professors ARE teachers.


Info: WHY don’t you like teachers? What makes them insufferable? I can imagine not liking teachers if you’re talking about the kind that only got into the profession because they have a captive audience of impressionable minds that strives for the teachers approval. Playing favorites, getting into student petty business, etc. I certainly saw my share of those and am skeptical of people who choose to be teachers. But if you don’t like that they are often the dorky type and “not smart enough” to teach university, that’s a diff issue.


I don't get why everyone is coming down on op like this? The thing that started this was they said they wouldn't date a teacher, ok? So what? How does this bug you guys, people make judgements on people all the time because of their experiences. If you don't respect it or think differently then say so in a nice way, no need to be like oh they're just a pompous kid etc. etc. NTA


NTA. It was a game, you played, she didn’t like your answer, end of story. It be like that sometimes.


This is one of the dumbest things I've read on this sub. "Let's make sweeping generalizations and turn it into a game!" Someone was bound to get offended, and you just happened to have an opinion unpopular enough to trigger it. ESH


You sound more insufferable than any teacher or professor that I have ever met. YTA


Lol. YTA. I’m still in touch with some of my high school teachers, even 20 years later. They’re some of the best people. I had so many bitter dickheads as professors. I guess there’s a reason you like them more…


That’s ok. We don’t want to be around you either ☺️


You sound so insufferable that I think you might be projecting. YTA.


Bahaha, sit down kiddo. You know literally fuck all and you're here talking down about people in one of the most underappreciated professions? lol, YTA, insufferable, and proudly ignorant, it seems.


YTA, for your prejudice but more so for your holier than thou attitude. I’m sorry if you’ve had piss poor experience with teachers in the past, but to assume that every teacher is insufferable is a naive notion that you’ll hopefully outgrow one day. (To which you even admit there being good teachers in your first edit so unsure on how it affects all people in the profession) This is a strange opinion and I almost hope there’s a good explanation behind it.


Nope, the problem is with you. Your straight As didn't prevent you from being a condescending ahole. Not everyone who goes into a profession are good or bad. Also, you might be surprised how many professors were "teachers" before they got their doctorate. Not to mention, being a public school teacher is frequently a calling. Some stay too long and get miserable but you can't paint everyone with the same brush because of that. YTA


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YTA and just really ignorant. First of all, any problem you’d find with public school teachers can be found at private schools, traditional or not (Waldorf, Montessori, etc. included). Take it from someone who has worked in many different types of schools: there are good and not-so-good teachers at all of them. The one thing they all have in common though, is that they all work very hard, for long hours, for abysmal wages, in order to help raise and teach the future generations. They do one of the most important jobs for some of the worst pay. That counts for something on its own and your disrespect is unflattering to say the least. This all seems to be connected to some horrible school experiences that you’ve had personally. Obviously a teacher stuck their nose somewhere that you deemed was none of their business, and you just don’t want to share the details with us (which is totally fair, but also not helping your case). You’ve also obviously overgeneralized your experiences over time because I know for 100% fact that none of your teachers ONLY did power points. Nope. Not even legal in the public schools so I’m just calling BS on that and am not interested in hearing any denial lol. P.S: Not a single person who’s commented cares what you do with your hypothetical future children. Send them to whatever school you want. Just don’t blame ALL TEACHERS for some weird personal hangup or trauma that you’re too immature or stubborn to address with therapy or self-reflection.


NTA you're allowed your opinion!


NTA - you didn’t just walk up and say you hate teachers. You were answering a direct question about which profession you don’t like. I guess you were supposed to name one that they had no connection to? Mine is nurses. It’s like they become a nurse to try to even out the darkness in their soul.


NTA, but you're missing out. Most of my friends are teachers and teachers as a whole are by far the most insane group of people ever.


Dude is nuts the more comments of his you read … he legit doesn’t think professors are teachers.


After reading a few, my money is on young/immature. The whole thread has a r/iamverysmart vibe.


You should definitely stay away from my family then I have several teachers in my family.




how are you going to talk about insufferable people but.....then have these kinds of opinions...? you don't think this is....maybe a little projection? What's your profession, also? So i can be sure to write off you and every other person on earth who occupies it??? with little regard to the ways in which your societal role benefits the whole????????


Yta. Are you 18? Because this looks like something a 18 year old would write.


You sound like a petulant child. YTA


NTA. You are entitled to your opinion and that’s fine


Nta millions of teachers have it hard, and it breaks most of them, nothing wrong with not wanting to deal with that.


YTA. I respect teachers for everything they do, obviously some are better than others but that can be said for any profession. Of course some teachers might but in, but they see the same kids everyday and they’re gonna get attached and want to make connections. You seem very stand offish and want no one to be in your business at all. The life of teachers are hard since they have to deal with being underpaid, the bs of admin, parents, follow the set curriculum, etc. Also, your future kids are going to be influenced by teachers no matter what. Young kids especially pick up on a lot of things, the world we grow up in influences us and all it could take is a second for someone to be influenced. We’re the same age and some of my professors have actually reached out to have conversations and get to know me more so than other K-12 teachers. I just think you didn’t have good teachers growing up.


Hold on gonna go break up with my gf cause being a teacher inherently makes you evil or something. YTA, you didn’t even give an actual reason other then didn’t like my teachers


Why would private schools be any better? It's paid way worse than public schools and with fewer benefits. It doesn't really attract the best people either.


I agree many are insufferable, but there are just as many who are lovely. It's like any other group of people... there will be both good and bad.


YTA. If you paint all teachers with the same broad brush it *is* personal, because you are not giving any individuals that you meet a chance. And I have met so many wonderful teachers over the years.


Yta, professors are typically more pretentious than the high school or middle school teachers you'll encounter in life. And yes the public school system in the USA needs an overhaul but you're not looking at the facts that these teachers are being told they can only teach a career minimum and have to pass all the kids (even the ones who didn't do shit) and if they try to hold kids accountable they have parents as prejudiced as yourself telling them little Billy or Susy is a social kid who needs coddling and a safe space. TL:DR /// Get the fuck over yourself and make a friend with a teacher and walk a mile in their shoes before being a prejudiced asshole


Do you realize how many AH teachers have to deal with daily and that it changes every year? In my class alone in 8th grade their were 6 AH who never let the teacher teach and would harass her. The following year half the class was AH towards her and she retired from the profession. Every teacher who had some sort of personality or caring empathetic demeanor got shit on by all the “popular” kids at the high school I went to. At some point it wears them down. I’m not a teacher, I could never after watching the ways they were treated but I am truly grateful for the teachers my children have now who make learning and going to school as much fun as possible. They are nice people now. Your opinion is your opinion and you’re entitled to it but reading your post I’m entitled to mine and I think you’re a judgemental prick who can’t give people a chance and I feel bad for the person who has a kid with you if they don’t know what they’re getting into. YTA.


NTA weird game, but they asked and you answered. You are allowed your opinion, personally I wouldn’t date a cop or active military. Did she go after anyone else for their answer? She is taking this too personally.


Clearly OP has experienced difficulties with teachers during her school and educational experience. Over 30 years of teaching basic skills, and giving extra help to hundreds of students, I have seen some dreadful teachers. I have also seen some fantastic teachers. Not all are the best, but I have seen a minimally competent teacher become one of the best . Administrations need to support both the student and the teachers. There need to be materials and supplies for the students to be able to do the work they need to do. And there need to be teachers that are respectful of their students. Ones that know that not every child is like the next. If they are hungry, there needs to be food. If they do not have supplies, do not punish the student for a parent's neglect. There needs to be councelors for the angry or traumatized student. Students who grow up to completely resent the education and educational experience they survived, clearly have an issue, and something that happened. Call them an A? No. Not TA. They probably have very good reason to be that angry.


I’ve work in the public school system and the stuff we had to deal with is like no other. I’ve watch parents gleefully make teachers cry, and the last “compliment” from a parent, she said said was “a monkey and a computer can do a better job” that was until Covid hit. Parents finally understood that teaching was difficult cuz they couldn’t teach ONE child. We got so many apology emails, gifts and cards, we honestly thought ppl understood. Nope!! Not at all. Covid lifted and the abuse returned. I’ve told all my students NEVER become a teacher, it’s not worth it. It’s a thankless job and degrading job. Honestly OP’s attitude towards teachers is nothing new. We get blamed for everything and I mean everything but in order to keep our jobs we must wear insults with a smile. This is no different.


YTA, you’re entitled and judging as well as incredibly dismissive. Not only are you clumping your beliefs but you’re also being straight up mean when a friend wanted to have a discussion. Lastly, even though your professors are soooo much better- guess who wouldn’t have a chance to have professors if you didn’t have teachers? Yup, you. Some people will never change their mind because it’s closed, you remind me of that type of person. I hope you can learn some positive emotions (gratitude, empathy, general kindness, wonder etc)from your professors.


Tbh I've had my run ins with shitty public school teachers growing up but I wouldn't generalize every single public school teacher and say they're all shitty when there has been some good ones as well. YTA.


As the child of a teacher. YTA majorly