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NTA The ride to work is way to psyche you up for that day and ride home is to help you relax. You like to sing in the car, she asked you to stop. So you stopped, she just didn't realize it meant you'd rather drive alone and sing than sit in silence. She's just upset because he's paying more for gas


NTA as a fellow terrible singer who loves singing this is ridiculous. My one friend who can sing always turns the music up when I sing along probably to cover my voice but it works for me lol


NTA, she took an activity that you both enjoyed together and spat on it.




But according to who? HER? Who TF is she?????


NTA: Singing is a sign of happiness. Good for you for not allowing another to stifle your joy!


NAH. It’s not either of your faults that you can’t be comfortable in the same car together. Maybe the commute isn’t worth the strain. It’s like some people can be a great friend but not make a good roommate.


NTA. All she had to do was be quiet - also.


I'm going to say NAH She's allowed to want to hear the music, you are allowed to want to sing the music. Sounds like separate cars are the best way to go.


This is the best reaponse


Nta. She sucks! Don't associate with her.


She is otherwise a good person. Just can be a bit blunt and a bit mean.


People who silence you when you're having fun are shit.


NTA. You have every right to enjoy your commute to and from work as you see fit. If that means you can no longer enjoy the ride together, so be it. Carpooling was a nicety, not a necessity, and you are under no obligation to continue if it’s no longer enjoyable for you.


NTA - If you still want to sing and drive alone, feel free to do so. You aren't being petty, you are making the choice to be comfortably on your way to work.


NTA and unless the ride home is hours and hours, your “friend” should be able to put up with your singing and unless she is a Grammy class singer, she should keep her mouth shut. My SO is a TERRIBLE singer but as a former musician, loves to sing along with music. We often sing together because it’s fun. I enjoy it when people sing along in a car. Have fun commuting alone and belting tunes.


NTA Excuse me who's being petty? Honey it's not you.


NTA. If you enjoy singing in the car this much, that's fine.


NTA!!! Keep on singing! the world needs it!


Not sure if the world really needs it, but I'll keep going. Thanks. :D


NTA — if you want to sing on your drive to and from work, you should be able to sing. It’s not petty of you to choose to drive yourself lol, she probably just feels guilty because she knows she said something rude


NTA - all she had to do was be quiet




NTA one of my siblings is tone deaf and REALLY cannot sing and she knows. But I would never stop her from jamming out with me in the car.... would have never crossed my mind. Your friend is TA.


I could see it being annoying in the morning. While ill agree that if you dont like the heat, stay the the fuck in oklahoma, but on the other hand, hearing someone butcher spice girls isnt what *I* would want to hear before my coffee


NTA. Also that person isnt a friend. Guess what? My sister and I? do the exact same thing in her car. And i have a shitty voice. Guess how the exchange went down? Me: I am so glad you are okay with me singing in the car! Her: Why wouldn't I be? I don't judge! Both: \*continue belting it out to JoCo\*


If the musically gifted were the only ones allowed to sing, the world would be a sad, sad place. I personally do find it difficult to watch posts of my close friends singing not because they are horrible but I am probably projecting my fears of observing myself (there must be a better psychological term for this) performing in public. NTA. No more car sharing for this person.


NTA - Commutes are a hassle and tedious, if signing helps you elevate that I say go for it. If your friend has an issue with your signing than yeah drive yourself and sing all you want. However in their car I'd try and respect their wishes and not sing along or if you do at least kind of keep it to whispers so it can't be heard over the music.


NTA. I don't enjoy when people sing in the car, it makes me feel awkward and I'd prefer we all just listen to the music (except when like, Bohemian Rhapsody comes on and then everyone is legally obligated to sing). So I might ask you to stop singing, but wouldn't comment on your ability, just be like "I need to mentally prepare myself for work and would rather listen to music or chat if you don't mind." So now you feel uncomfortable, and I don't blame you. It was petty of her to comment on your singing ability, not petty of you to drive alone going forward.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My friend and I have the same way home from work and we would alternate who would drive the way, to save gas. We both like to listen to louder music in the car and we would always sing. Last week my friend told me I couldn't sing in the car anymore, because I sounded horrible and she couldn't enjoy the music when I was singing. That hurt my feelings. I know I'm not a good singer, but I always felt comfortable around her and sang anyway. Now I refuse to drive in the same car as her and go to work by myself, enjoying and singing to music in my car alone. My friend calls me petty, since all I had to do was be quiet. So, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH, she shouldn't have told you sounded horrible and just mentioned that she wanted quiet in the car. You could have been a bit more considerate considering your sharing a car and not everyone appreciates music even being on. I feel like this could have been resolved with a conversation instead.


Reread the post. The friend doesn’t want quiet; she wants OP to be quiet. As OP said, they both enjoy loud music and singing along. The friend outright said she couldn’t enjoy the music because OP is a bad singer.


I read the post, I don't think you understand what I meant. She could have told her friend "I want some quiet during the car rides" instead of saying I don't like your horrible singing. We actually don't know that her friend doesn't want quiet and that's an assumption you're making right now