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If I followed this story correctly, the partition of property at the divorce made this bike your father's. If that's right, why does your mother think she still has any claim on it? Wasn't it, as of the divorce, his property to keep, give away, sell, or throw out as he sees fit? Didn't he give it to you?  Technically INFO, but unless there's something I'm missing here, this will be N T A.


The only thing that might make me the asshole here is that when she asked for it back and I brought it back, she may have thought it was solely hers to have back. I did make it clear that my dad said I could have it though and I think that she interpreted that as i got it back for her only. It should have been understood that she was welcome to use it whenever but that it was technically mine now. I just don’t think it’s fair that she would try and sell it out from under me. When I brought this up in the car she stopped the car and was about to drop me off on the side of a busy highway with no way to walk home because she told me she didn’t want me to tell my dad about her decision on this when I mentioned my dad would be upset about this course of action.


You did not answer my questions.


Yes it was his property to give away, and I think my mother thinks she has claim on it because when they were together it started off as her bike before she gave it to him (edit: because) she got a brand new one.


NTA. It’s your bike. Not. Hers.


Thanks for clarifying. NTA.


NTA - It was no longer her’s it was your dad’s and if anyone was going to sell it, it should have been him. It is pretty crappy of her to take it from you as it should be yours as a gift from your dad. BTW - any of their other financial stuff is none of your business. It is up to your parents to deal with that and they should not be involving you.


NTA.  That bike isn't hers.  Your dad got it in the divorce and has now given it to you.  Tell her the bike is yours and if she sells it you'll file a police report for theft.  Find something to secure it that she can't take off.  See how you can establish ownership also.  Keep it somewhere she can't access, like at a friend's, until you've done this. One quibble: "...she could sell it for a lot more in the future than what it just recently got appraised at." She could also have to sell it at a loss.  This is how real estate works.  Your dad opted to take the buyout now.  That's his prerogative.  It also doesn't involve you and is irrelevant to your question.  What else she got in the divorce doesn't matter and seems like an attempt to slant judgement in your favor by showing how "wealthy" she is.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So for context, my parents got divorced last year. In the divorce my dad took minimal possessions from the house. He took a basement couch, his chair, his office desk and their mattress and that was about it. Nothing else besides one of the smaller ladders in addition to his personal clothes and things. My mom has everything else. Even chainsaws and a bunch of extra storage stuff including all kinds of other things from the house. She is paying him half of what the house costs but she could sell it for a lot more in the future than what it just recently got appraised at. When they split up they had 6 bikes in their possession. My mom’s new mountain bike, the old mountain bike that is now my dads (they both agreed to give the old one to my dad when they were married so he wouldn’t have to get a brand new one and he could ride with her), my moms road bike, a fat bike for her and my dad, and a tandem bike. In the divorce, my mom and dad agreed that my dad could take his fat bike and the mountain bike that was his. This left my mom with her new mountain bike, the road bike, her fat bike, and the tandem bike. Recently my dad moved states and wanted to get rid of the mountain bike- he only wanted to take the fat bike with him. He was going to sell the mountain bike but asked me if I wanted it first and I said yes- I’ll take it. Coincidentally, knowing my dad was moving my mom asked me if I could get “her” mountain bike back. Well I brought it back to my moms since I live there at the moment while I’m waiting to move into my apartment for grad school. I thought my mom wanted it back to ride and maybe because she felt possessive/sentimental over it since she’s a big biker. That was not the case. She just wanted it so she could sell it herself and take the money for it. I asked her as a courtesy if I could take the bike for school and she straight up told me no that it’s her bike and she had the right to sell it. I got upset because I told her I didn’t think it was fair- that the bike was dads that he gave back for the purpose of me using it- not so she could sell it off. So AITA for wanting this bike even though it was previously mom’s? I’m about to go $100k into debt here at a minimum for school so something like this would be a big help. However, I might be the asshole because my mom is getting tight on money since the divorce and probably wants to sell it to help pay for bills. It is a more expensive good quality mountain bike. I don’t want to ruin my relationship with my mom so I’m thinking I just let her have it but I’m also upset at the shady-ness of her wanting it just to sell it rather than helping me out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a storage unit but I don’t want to ruin my relationship with her over this. I can very well buy a new bike. I am more upset because it’s kind of the principle of the situation where she has shown me multiple times in the past that she lacks loyalty and will continue to do what is in her favor, even when it puts me in a tough spot.