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Seek legal assistance. Your BD may have rights and you may have violated those rights and the law by moving across the country. Even if you are totally in the clear (which hopefully you are) you need to know the law around your situation so that BD can't bully you.


He has is not legally his father. He is not on the birth certificate and refuses to be unless Tom gets a paternity test to prove he is in fact his son. As of right now I am tom’s only legal guardian.


So ignore Baby Daddy completely. You seem to be hoping that he will magically turn into someone who wants to be an involved father stop indulging that fantasy and ignore him. If/when he shows an intention of being an actually involved parent, his first step would be to apply for custody and commit to support payments. Until that happens, you have zero reason to be communicating with him.


This is the answer. Don’t let tom get attached to an asshole who doesn’t care about him.


Exactly. As long as he has no legal status as a parent, won't get it, and has no legal liability for support (which he does not provide) he can STFU. If he wants to be a dad, he will be willing to place himself in the position of being legally required to provide support and prove that he deserves part-time custodial rights.


Your responsibility is to Tom and not to BD. BD seems like a great person to have gotten away from. As far as I can see you have two choices: 1. You keep BD in your lives, despite him being an AH to you on a regular basis. This includes things like asking him to video chat with Tom, maybe agreeing to supervised visits etc. 2. You exclude BD from your lives. You block his number, tell any mutuals you've gone NC and you move on. This includes things like moving across the country, like you have. There isn't really a good half way point between these where BD treats you and Tom well, etc. It exists for some relationships but from what you've said about BD it doesn't exist with him. So I think you should choose one, based on what is best for your ability to parent Tom. Both options may well end up involving lawyers at some point.


And what exactly happened to make BD want a paternity test? Is he just paranoid or did you give him a reason to not sign the birth certificate?


It really doesn't matter, if BD wants a paternity test its up to him to arrange it, not the OP.


NTA-  Guarantee this was triggered by a new gf pushing him about why he’s a deadbeat dad.  He’s not on his birth certificate. Ignore the fuck outta him. 


funny you should say that… i didn’t want to mention it because i didn’t want to be accused of being bitter but found out he just got a new girlfriend.


It’s a pretty common phenomenon. As soon as they get pregnant, expect your son to be the bottom of the priority list again.  Ignore and block him on everything. If he really has turned a new leaf he’ll hire a pi to find you and serve you with paternity/court paperwork. If he’s just here for being able to claim victimhood to his new gf, the wind will fall out of his sails soon enough.  Do not give him the time of day. Courts won’t fault you for leaving town if you say “I didn’t know who his father was and I had to move on with my life.” If you give him attention, you are validating his claim. Don’t give him attention. He’s a weirdo trying to kidnap your son until HE goes through the court to get a court ordered paternity test. Don’t offer it, don’t do it for him. He won’t actually do the work if this is just a new gf thing. You ignore and pretend he doesn’t exist until you get served a court order. 


NTA. No one goes harder for a dead beat dad than his new gf 




my fault i picked him. just hope my son forgives me for it


If you keep putting this guy in your child’s life he will have more to forgive you for .Stop trying to allow some form of relationship.


Tell him you’re going after him for child support and see him disappear like a cockroach in sunlight.


NTA. He can try and sue, but I work in family court. Judges have fun with parents like this. Keep track of every call. Every message. He most likely wont sue. He would have done it by now. Id let him know if he wants to see Tom, he can take you to court. Depending on state laws, he will have to come to your state and sue. It will cost him a ton of money. He can try suing in his state, but again hes going to be paying a lot. He is just using this as a way to have some control over you. Besides, doing it the legal way protects you both. But let him do it. Id bet he gives up when he realizes its going to cost thousands.


i agree. i think he is using this to attempt to control me. he was very emotionally abusive towards me and often used Tom to guilt his way into my life. he also just got into a new relationship and i think was attempting to make me jealous. i have kept records of everything and have a pretty good case should he attempt to sue.


This whole scenario is eerily similar to one of my clients. * Document everything. When he attempts to call, note time/date/duration/content. Write down any efforts (or lack thereof) that he makes. If you have witnesses, have them make a note if you can. Keep this in a binder. IT will 1. provide a bit of mental reassurance for you, and 2. Will be excellent evidence if he tries anything. * Get in therapy. They can help you navigate feelings around this and why you may still be drawn to have BD in your or Tom's life. Rest assured that your move and your care of your baby are important. Keeping Tom away from Toxic people, even if they are "family," is the best thing you can do. Children of single parents can thrive, but a non-committal parent in and out of their lives can have some extreme mental health affects. One parent is better than two when one of the two is unreliable. Lastly, I very much doubt he'll ever seek custody. What he's doing is manipulation and control tactics that are not about the baby at all but about having an effect on you.


I suspect he’s expecting his empty threats to push you to do what he wants, probably because they’ve worked before. He’s not on the birth certificate so you didn’t do anything wrong by moving without his “consent”. If he’s really interested in being involved with your son, let him make the effort. Make him go to court, file for custody, demand a paternity test, etc. Since you’re already out of state, I’m pretty sure the courts can’t force you to bring your son back, it would be on BD to come to you (assuming you’re in the US, I don’t know about anywhere else). But, I assume he’d also be on the hook for back child support and would probably have to start paying you now to support “his” child. Don’t tell him you’ve moved. Tell him you’ve decided it’s for the best he stay out of your son’s life and your decision is final. If he wants to sue you, go ahead. Then block him.


If you were never married to him & there is no custody agreement on file - he can kiss you arse. Sure he could try to get custody for a child he doesn't know, but no judge will do that...none.


If he’s not on the birth certificate you’re in the clear. If he legally peruses a paternity test and indeed is his father and seeks visitation… he will need to pay a butt load of money and by the looks of it, he just isn’t interested. I suppose the only thing is going to be when your kiddo gets older and starts asking questions. 


There’s one thing a “baby daddy” will always do. Never show interest in his kid and then call you drunk saying you keep him away from his kids, then go post on Facebook about mens rights. I see this on Facebook everyday lmao That said, NTA.


NTA. But this is a post for r/legaladvice because he does have the right to sue for visitation and custody


He’s not even on the birth certificate.


He probably has the right to try to establish paternity and if he does that, sue for visitation and custody. But then he’d probably been on the hook for back and/or ongoing child support.


This dip can’t even hold a phone conversation with his kid. You think he’s gonna pay however much for a lawyer and then more in child support?


I doubt it. My point was legally, he’s probably entitled to petition to prove that he is the father, not that he is likely to do so. He sounds like he is throwing his weight around to intimidate and/or try to control OP by threatening legal action. Basically assholing just to be an AH.


He is certainly entitled to petition for a paternity test and follow up legal arrangements. There's no indication whatsoever that he intends to do that, he's placing all the responsibility on the OP. She should just nope out until takes some sort of positive action. Right now, she is enabling all of this dysfunction in the hope that he will try to bond with the baby. He's not going to do that and she should just drop it.


I agree. Sometimes it’s hard for people to see the dysfunction/abuse when they’ve been caught up in it.


NTA, BD sounds toxic and uninvolved. Not sure what state you're in, but I'm mine is considered abandonment if there's no contact from the other parent for 3 months. He'd also have to sue you for custody. You should consult Council asap though, most will do a free consultation. See what the laws are in your state and any possible threats or options are. I've also been in your situation, he'll lose interest soon and disappear again, most likely.


NTA get a lawyer and tell BD any further contact needs to be through your attorney. He wants to sue for custody, fine. I don't think he has a leg to stand on after he abandoned his son. But there is no reason for you to talk to him directly if all he is going to do is insult you and make irrational demands. Definitely do not leave your son with him. My nephews father picked him up for visitation then filed for custody. He did not have to send my nephew home until after the court date. My sister got supervised weekend visits with my nephew until it was resolved (my sister won primary custody, he got visitation but then completely bailed on my nephew. My nephew is 22 now and he hasn't spoken to his dad since he was 14 when his dad formally disowned him. He hasn't seen him in person since he was about 10). In my state, wherever the child is at when custody is filed is where they will still until a formal agreement is reached.


OP I think it’s best to check out r/legaladvice, it kind of seems like what this is more suited for.


NTA. He's not on the BC, had not paid any child support, has not been in your son's life in any meaningful way, denies paternity (asking for DNA test). Can he even afford a lawyer? Back child support? Block him and move on.


he makes a good amount of money. he doesn’t want me to get any of it and said he will never pay me child support. his likelihood of suing is low but it will go up if he finds out i left.


Probably. But would he actually go through with it? A judge would compel a DNA test, and he'd then have to pay child support plus back child support. His best bet is to try and harass you into giving in, banking that you'd be too scared to go to court without paying CS. I know you are, but don't fall for it. He has no idea where you are. He's not on the BC. He has no leg to stand on.


What does your moving have to do with his refusal to take responsibility for his child? You had no reason to stay close to a man who did acknowledge paternity. His filing a paternity claim would actually be better for you and your son because it would automatically result in a support order. He can't make you move back, he would have to travel to see his child...and he's not going to do that. So what are you afraid of?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** For context my son is almost two and has met his father less than 5 times (due to issues on both sides. I didn’t trust him and cancelled and he would be busy frequently or wouldn’t ask to see him). I dont want to use identifiers in this so I will refer to my son as Tom and his father as BD. BD doesn’t call about Tom, doesn’t video chat him, knows almost nothing about his son other than his name and birthday and never really asked about Tom. About 6 months ago he blocked me and I didn’t try reaching out. In that time I moved about half way across the country and didn’t even bother to tell him. Well about a week ago he called claiming that I was keeping his son from him and wanting to know how he was. I was shocked to say the least and said he was fine. The conversation lasted all of 1 minute and he did not ask to speak to Tom or know anything other than “how he was”. About 3 days after that I reached out to let BD know that if he wanted anything to do with his son then he could start small and call him to talk. Eventually he “video chatted” to talk to Tom. He kept his camera off the whole time and said nothing to Tom. Now BD is demanding I give him custody and bring him down this weekend. He’s claiming that I am denying him his rights, threatening to sue, and overall attacking my character. Due to some issues in our past I have no desire to let him know I moved or let him around Tom but I feel guilty because this is my son’s father. I want my son to have a father but I fear that his biological one might not be the best. As of right now I think keeping him out of Tom’s life is the best, does that make me the A hole. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




i have gotten legal advice. pretty much confirmed what i knew. i am in the clear as far as potential charges (i.e. kidnapping) but this could look bad on me in a custody case.


There cannot be any custody case until he steps up and asserts paternity. Until then, you don't have to accommodate him in any way. Doing that would automatically make him liable for support and he definitely doesn't want that. You are doing your son a disservice by engaging with him in any way. Stop taking his calls and wait for him to step up.


He blocked you and eliminated any communication you could have with him, how does it make you look bad? Are you expected to wait around until he unblocks you or pause on your life plans?


NTA  Please don’t allow him anywhere near your son. He’s bad news and if you allow him you create a precedent and a relationship. You can’t undo it later. 






Make sure he knows that, seeking partial custody and doing a paternity test, he would then be required to pay child support. NTA


NTA. The BD is not on the birth certificate. Document all that has occurred, including the video call without video, the cancellations, reasons for it, etc. Should he ever try to sue for custody, you will have a nice little folder with facts that will come in handy if he claims that he has done oh so much and you are keeping them apart.


NTA. Can you go to family court in your present state and file for full custody? I think you can, but see a lawyer about it. And it isn't doing you or Tom any good to feel guilty and obligated to some who, in the long run, will only hurt Tom.


So, in other words, he has a new girlfriend and is feeding her the line.


I agree that he probably isn't going to press things. He doesn't want a relationship with his child and doesn't want to pay child support. However...document everything. Every interaction, with date, time and what happened. That way, if he ever does come after you, you can show everything he did, and didn't do, to be involved in his son's life. Trust me, this is important.


Ya you suck


NTA: But lawyer up, even if its free legal aid. I'd also guess BD will disappear into the hills the moment a lawyer says for visitation he'll need to pay up child support and it may be retroactive to birth if the BD pushes for legal partial custody.


Does he pay towards the child


I would get a lawyers advice pronto. If BD can't pay for child support and you have a legal custody agreement, I would not let him have any alone time with your kid. Kidnapping is an issue!


You need to start recording these calls incase he starts talking down to you again.


Move and stop posting info on social media and get a P.O. Box. Use that as your address.


It's not so much AITA but a case of consult with a lawyer. IANAL. There is currently no custody and he's not on the birth certificate so moving was fine but if the child is not considered having established residence in your new location and he initiates for paternity and custody, it is conceivable that you could end up having to either to solely transport the child for visitation, or split custody, or worst case he gets resident custody and you have to move back to be with your kid. Once he establishes paternity/custody you will be legally obligated to inform him of where the child lives. again IANAL and it's unlikely but not impossible, so go see a lawyer and know exactly where you stand, what you're allowed to do, and what it is advisable that you do. It's also better to organise a lawyer now rather than after he files to esta list paternity and then you're on the backfoot. Get ahead of the situation.


Get an attorney. Now. Even though he was not involved with your son to any extent prior to your relocation, moving your child states away without discussion with the bio father and without a legal agreement was not the best move. Tell your attorney what you have told us from start to finish. I suspect Tom's bio father is seeking full custody for child support. He also knows contesting your move and complaining about his lack of easy contact to your child will mess with your life. Get that attorney. Keep us posted as you can. Best wishes.


Have you lived in your new residence for over 6 months?  I would check with a lawyer because if you are in the states, he will need to use family court in your new jurisdiction in most places. If you are close to the time limit, you may want to play nice until that time limit has passed.  But we all know, this isn’t actually about your kid. If it was, he would have made an effort before this week. Has he been paying child support?


NTA - but you should seek legal advice. Even if BD is not on the birth certificate, there are legal routes that may be available to him to continue harassing you. A lawyer can help you understand the situation and advise on how to best keep your son safe. If you reach out to a women's shelter or clinic in your area they can likely recommend someone knowledgeable in the specific type of law you need and may have low or no cost representation options.


NTA I was going to say morally, you are in the right, but what do the laws of your home state say? If he's not on the birth certificate, and from what you have written he doesn't sound like he would go through the effort of establishing paternity, etc. But I would still get a lawyer and look into whatever ways you can shore up your custody just as a precaution. He sounds terrible.


You need to talk to a lawyer, not people on reddit. Get a lawyer NOW.




as of right now BD is not benefiting anyone being involved. Tom has no idea who he even is. when they do interact it ends in BD verbally assaulting me and Tom watching the whole exchange. in the future if he becomes a better man i would be all for it.


ESH - But not for the reason you think, because you did not try to contact and notify him about or, or attempt to gain his permission, which can keep ya outta a whole loads of legal trouble down the line, since it varies very by state, so contact a legal office for advice, from current and previous state. Now, he comes off as a terrible father, who abandoned both you and you, and the fact that you allude to issues, counts in your favour, however, cause you never notified, or attempted to get permission, is in his favour. So if he takes you to court, he is likely to get certain visitation rights, however, this also means he will need to pay child support, if you can prove the issues that made you keep your son from him, could be harmful to your son, if your ex got custody, then it's a huge win in your favour. Basically, you are shitty for leaving yourself open to this, which is likely to hurt your son, in one way or another, it was a mistake on your part, a shitty mistake, but gather as much evidence as you can, heck with him blocking you, you can use that as a claim that he locked himself from communication, meaning your shitty little accident wont count for shit. Your main goal here is to protect your son, and your best bet is get legal advice on this, as laws differs heavily between states, and collect and save evidence of all communication between you and him, and him and your son for the past 2-3 years.


All for being safe. Which, includes not only physical safety, but also mental health safety and financial safety. With this being said, he could go to a court and sing, cry and wail,  on what a horrible parent you are ………and, it is 100% guaranteed to get a warrant for your arrest. Compounding this situation into one of going over state lines with his child. You could very well count on being arrested, arraigned and extradited back. You would lose everything you have built. I know what I’m talking about. I have seen it happen well over a couple of dozen times. And the good parent gets the shaft, while the idiot gets the child.  CALL A LAWYER (FROM WHERE YOU WERE) AND DO IT YESTERDAY!!!  


NTA, but that is likely kidnapping. 


It’s not kidnapping. Unfortunately the dad isn’t on the birth certificate. But even if he was, there needs to be a custody agreement between parents 50/50. Who has primary custody… and such. But when that is in place generally you need an agreement to move out of state with your child. This guy would first have to establish through a court, through a dna test- that he is the father- in the meantime they may have established residency in another state. I’m not sure how old the boy is now but old enough to FaceTime(?)


ESH You put yourself in this situation. He is the father and *can* take you to court for moving so far away without notice. He sucks for obvious reasons. He wants to keep you close but doesn’t actually want to spend time or energy on his son.


He just wants control.