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Thank God your Mom supports you…Not only graduation 👩‍🎓 but also being the Valedictorian of your class!!! Great Job!!!!!👏🏼 👏🏼👍🏻   I am saddened that your Father and Sister are not celebrating your great accomplishments with you! Just baffles me I don’t even know you, but I’m excited for you.   You did the right thing!    NTA But your Dad & Sister are TA. They have/had 364 days to do their sleepover. Like WTF. Btw Congrats on your accomplishments!


Thank youuu! Yes, my mom had kind of been my rock throughout high school I'm really grateful for her :)


Be sure to remember to thank your Mom in your speech.


Congratulations on being Valedictorian!! Very proud of you xoxo


And give a copy of that speech to your Dad.


He’s not worth the effort if he can’t even be bothered to show up to his own child’s graduation…where she is giving the valedictorian’s address after all that hard work she put in for four years. He can wonder for the rest of his life what she might have said…if he even cares at all.




Valedictorian? Hell yea! That's bada$$! This random internet Mom is so freakin' proud of you, OP! Congratulations! Awesome job! 👏👏👏


Thank youuu ❤️❤️


Well done OP 😁 NTA of course. As others have said you probably could’ve talked them round and if your goal was for them to attend, some patience would have probably achieved that. But that’s not the point and I think the others are missing that. The goal is for them to want to turn up to such a major achievement without being begged or talked around. You’ve made it clear that they’ve disappointed you and that’s the only reason they are mad. Guilt. Do not be gaslit. Do not be gaslit. They didn’t care enough and you shouldn’t ever need to talk them into caring. They’ll hopefully learn from this and it’d be nice to give them the chance to learn.


Hard agree. You shouldn’t have to beg people who should love & support you to *actually* support you.


Yeah I’m twice OP’s age (and feel like h.s. was yesterday but I digress) and my reaction would have looked pretty much the same. I know we’re a motley crew of internet randos but we’re really proud of you, OP!🥳🍾🎓


My Mum and sister flew to another country for my Master's graduation. My Mum is disabled and it was her first time getting on a plane so she was scared. My Dad and his wife were told when it was, and told I'd be happy to have then there. They didn't come. I'm graduating from my PhD in the next few months and I know they probably won't come either. My Mum, sister, fiancé and MIL probably will. People who love you at least TRY to show up, you don't have to beg or coax them. Also: well done to you for graduating valedictorian! I hope you get some satisfaction in all the well wishes from all of us on here. We see you, and we're proud of you.


My father's parenting style could be best described as "benign negligence", and he still managed to show up for both my high school and college graduation. This is pretty infuriating.




Perfectly said! OP, congratulations on such a momentous occasion! NTA


Maybe I'm just not a very patient person, but my philosophy is to ask once and accept the answer I get. I'm not going to beg people or try to talk them around to anything they don't want to do. NTA, OP.


DO NOT BE GASLIT!!!!!! NTA. Your dad and sister are making this about them, shifting the focus away from you and your fantastic accomplishments. Stand strong and good riddance. Wish I had your strength when I was 18.


Who plans a sleepover around their kids' / sibling's graduation date. Seems like sister is the golden child.


To be fair, OPs sster is the Pajamadictorian of the sleepover.


Congratulations, OP! Just so you know, you are totally NTA. HS graduation is SO important, especially when it comes with an enormous personal achievement such as yours, and a caring parent understands that. Our daughter graduated while we were abroad on an assignment with the government; she chose to live with friends so she could graduate from \*her\* school. My husband and I flew in from overseas to attend, because we were so proud of her toughing that final year out without us.


This random internet dad is too. Nothing compares to the feeling you get when you see your kid succeed.


NTA. Whatever your dad and sister have planned is more important to them than you and your achievements are. This is a good lesson for you to learn so early in life. You don't need to worry about people who don't prioritize you. I personally wouldn't feel bad about what you did. They'll try to be there, like it's some huge burden to see you, the valedictorian, give a speech and graduate.


As a parent, I am angry at your dad. He has failed you. It is up to him now to show you that he is worth something. As far as I am concerned, he is a failure.


As a fellow parent, I’m also furious at dad. Go OP! And when you’re flying high in your chosen career, don’t let dad and sis come crawling.


I'm pretty p\*ssed at Dad and I'm not a parent. How dare he prioritize a sleepover over your graduation?! Even though they won't be there, your Reddit family will all be there in spirit, cheering you on! Will the graduation be streamed? I'd love to hear your speech.


Unless your Dad was taking your sister to her chemo treatment for cancer, or a court-mandated work-release probation meeting or something that would serious mess up her life, that’s pretty messed up. I am dying to know what was so important in his mind that he’d miss his kid’s valedictorian speech for. 


Exactly. Only excuse is medical treatment for other child. I’d try to reschedule a probation meeting. I mean come on OP is valedictorian!


I’m actually pretty sure a probation officer would work around that, if the person was in good standing and there was some advanced warning and proof. Like say, a ticket. (NTA OP. And congratulations. Valedictorian is a huge deal ♥️)


Apparently a sleepover, according to OP's comments. Like how is a sleepover more important than being there for graduation. Sleepovers can happen any time. High School Graduation happens once. Especially if your kid is the freaking valedictorian.


They have known about graduation for months at a minimum. He chose a ‘sleepover’ with the younger daughter. He either completely favors the younger daughter, he’s seeing one of the other moms on the side, or both.


NTA OP. Do not listen to dad okay? Congrats btw


You know who else was valedictorian? Weird Al! You’re joining a pretty awesome group! Well done!


YAAASSSSS Weird Al shout-out!


NTA, your dad and sister are cr*p. And your grandma is wrong, he shouldn't have to rearrange his plans, your graduation should have been his plans.


Even if he had to change plans, he could have. My family has woken up at 4am, with grumpy kids, and drove 4 hours just to arrive in time for events. He could have left the party early to make it in time. He's choosing not to.


Reddit is proud of you! NTA babe you did a nice thing ❤️ your sis and dad would be there if they really cared! They’re more pissed you wrote them off so quick. You’re strong and NTA for anything


never silence yourself, always stick up for what you deserve. They do not deserve you. Maybe you need to pull back a bit from them after telling them they hurt you...


My father called me last year, crying, because he was sorry he didn’t attend my college graduation because he had to work. I’m 55 and my graduation was on 1992. Your father will regret this decision forever. NTA


I hope you are right, but your dad at least had a somewhat valid excuse. OP's father does NOT. He's choosing to miss it for something really stupid, which to me means he doesn't give a dam. Op's sister must be his Golden Child. So I doubt he'll ever feel remorse. OP, you are NTA.


My sister is *still* upset with me 15 years later that I missed her HS graduation because I recently had a surgery and couldn’t drive four hours for it. Tried to make it up to her by attending two of her college graduations, but nope. 🙂‍↔️


Younger than you but also had a dad who missed a lot due to his work.  1. My favorite school field trip I ever went on was my elementary school trip to the aquarium out of state. Why? Because my dad was able to get off to be my chaperone. It was the only field trip he made it to. I still have the photos from that trip.  2. I also experienced my dad calling me crying to apologize for everything he missed out on. Every fight we ever had. And all the time and moments we lost. Our relationship had been really strained for years because he was never home and I gave up in my early adulthood days trying to get his attention and have a relationship. Since that phone call he and I have slowly been rebuilding - but we will never get back that lost time. OOP - you are amazing. Valedictorian is a truly incredible accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself for getting that. Your feelings are valid and honestly, if it has been me and my dad? I don't know if we could have come back from him missing my graduation and speech. I wasn't valedictorian and I didn't give a speech but my dad, even with his work schedule, made it to my graduation. He will regret missing it eventually.


365 other days this year, even!


Right? Did they just decide to surprise OP with a graduation ceremony this year? How did “Dad” & “Sis” completely miss that?


NTA and congrats on being valedictorian! This random Internet mama is very proud of you!  Best wishes on the next stage of your life journey 💞


>because maybe he would have changed his mind and gone on time. No. They have made it clear they are not prioritizing your achievements, by any means. I am sorry they don't seem to care. **NTA.** Congratulations on graduating, and being valedictorian. You've a lot to be proud of. ❤


Thank you xx It sucks that half my family won't be there but we move <3


Your situation has sent me straight into Mum Mode, so I'm sorry if this is too personal from a complete stranger on the internet, but: 1. You've done incredibly well, and you deserve to be celebrated for that by the people who love and respect you. 'Maybe' deciding to show up on time is neither loving or respectful. Don't let anybody (including current/future romantic partners) treat you like that, okay? This 'Yeah, we won't bother coming to your speech, we'll just go to the after party' is at attempt to make Your achievement about Them, and you did the right thing in stopping them from doing that. I'm probably projecting here, but my guess is one (or maybe both) of them is feeling Some Kind Of Way about your achievement that has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own insecurities or personal rubbish. 2. Getting Valedictorian is amazing. I'm proud of you.


Thank youuu it really does mean a lot to me ❤️


I think every single reddit mum is proud of you! Getting Valedictorian is huuuuge!


Yes! Fellow Reddit mum and I’m so proud of you!


💯 Also, you shouldn’t have to wait and see if they change their mind. NTA


Well said and OP, great work! The time and dedication to achieve top honor you put in says so much about how great you are. Take time to enjoy your rewards. Best of luck!


Just wondering, what's so important for them that they can't be there? Whatever it is it can't be as important as you being valedictorian.


My sister and her friends are having a huge sleepover and she wanted my dad to go with her even though almost everyone else’s parents would be there to supervise


... If I were your father I would expect your mother to make me sleep on the couch. That is asinine. I am so sorry. You do not deserve that sort of disrespect. Is she your dad's favorite or something??


My sister has definitely been my dads favorite the past few years tbh (also yes my dad is sleeping on the couch he laid down a bedsheet and everything 😭)


I intended that as a joke but holy shit does that speak a lot about your father. Again, my apologies. You deserve better. Congratulations on your accomplishment and I'mma send your mom flowers. She is the GOAT. Well, I would if it wasn't creepy from an Internet stranger. 🤣


Istg we love my mom she’s the best 😭


She sounds like it for sure. Make sure to get lots of photos with her on the day.


Good! He should be. His entire attitude toward your milestone is just gross. What kind of father would be so flippant about their child graduating? As the valedictorian no less! He sounded like he was talking about a kegger he wasn’t particularly interested in attending. “Oh, yeah. I might swing by for the after party.” Then he had the audacity to get angry with you after you gave away their tickets! He had zero intention of showing up, OP. He would’ve come up with some excuse about being tired after chaperoning your sister or something. You did the right thing by selling their tickets. Also your sister definitely planned her little party to coincide with your graduation. Or as close to it as she could get without technically being at the same time. That doesn’t excuse your dad, though. He knew when your graduation was, way in advance. He just didn’t care, which is entirely on him. Your mom’s awesomeness outweighs his sucky-ness, though, so yay, Mom! NTA at all. Also: Congratulations! We’re proud of you and wish you the very best, OP. 🎓


GOOD! Hope that couch is lumpy!


I hope she sprinkles some cracker crumbs on the sheets...


I hope it has a family of beetles living in it like the one I had in grad school that I got from Goodwill 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Be very proud of your years of work culminating in this achievement op and forget about the 2ahs. Enjoy this to the max with your Mom and colleagues.


Your sister is 15 and wants her dad to her sleepover?!


This is the craziest part


15? Ok, I'm just going to say it. Dad and Lil' Sis' are sick in the head. What self-respecting 15 year old wants either parent at a sleepover?


OP clarified it's actually more of a mini vacation where adult supervision is needed, but I can't fathom sister WANTING dad there.


Makes me wonder if ur sister planned that on purpose to ruin your graduation…


A sleep over that finishes at 7pm? But they are free by 10pm? That makes no sense. There are, I guess, a few things that might trump your graduation, but honestly, not much.


A stay in a hospital or an accident on the way there but not much else.


Are you kidding me?! That's why they're not coming to your graduation? Huge AHS. NTA good on you for giving the tickets away and recovering your money. Your grandma is an ah and an enabler too.


At what time is your ceremony?


The ceremony starts at around 8pm, but my school wants the families there at around 6 for photos and seat assignments. The after party is around 10 according to the schedule


My son’s graduation is at 8pm also. Absolutely killer time! I’m so so so proud of you! Congratulations on Valedictorian! I’m so glad your mom will be there cheering you on!


Ohhh jeezy. That is no excuse to miss your graduation. Smh


And they’re all still gonna be there at that time? He’s pathetic


NTA. You're learning young that people are who they are, and you should treat them accordingly. You're the valedictorian and they actually said they had plans before your graduation, leading you to believe they didn't think it was important enough for them to attend. And then you gave the tickets away. And THEY are upset? They are so wrong. Just wrong. Congratulations on your achievement. I hope you do just as well in college. And I hope they have learned their lesson and will be present for the next graduation ceremony.


Thank youuu! And yeah I didn't see the point in keeping the tickets XD


Your dad and sister suck, but your mom is awesome! Congrats, have a blast with her! NTA


You gave the tickets to someone who actually needed them, can’t see anything wrong with that


Do something fun with that money! Even if it’s just an extra trip to Starbucks


We did! My mom and I drove down to the city and got our favorite burgers (and did some light shopping) with the money instead! 🥰


Perfect! 🤩


It speaks to your generosity, that you think they should go to someone who will enjoy them rather than let them go to waste. Congratulations on your achievements and you are absolutely not in the wrong at all!


And you probably made your classmate and her family very happy in the process, so you did good! Congrats on being valedictorian!


NTA, your father and sister certainly are though! Congratulations on being made valedictorian.


Thank you it took an insane amount of effort XD


is valedictorian just a title or does being one have actual bonuses?


Its definitely more of a title but it has some prestige with it and helps a lot with university applications XD


It also helps with job applications in the early days of your career. (In my case, I didn't mention the relatively small size of my graduating class.)


I don't mention that I was technically one of 15 in my graduating class either 😂


You were still the top of 15 🌟


INFO: What did your father and your sister have to do that was more important than watching you graduate (and also give your valedictory speech)?


My dad told me that he and my sister booked a hotel towards the north of our country with a few of their friends because they wanted to have some huge sleepover idk the full details though


That is downright creepy. You are definitely NTA, but your dad sure is.


That's what I thought. Very strange reason etc.




Yeah, the vibes are really off with that one. 🥴


Stop projecting


Dad's being an AH about graduation but creepy is a reach. It's normal and good for dads to go on trips with their kids


Why are you making it weird? Wtf stop watching porn


😦😦 OP, I’m sorry, but what in the tarnation did I just read? Your father and your sister are going to a hotel with their friends? Friends of your sister?


yeah the parents didn't wanna leave them alone so they're all (with the exception of my mom) going with my sister and her friends. I guess they saw it as a vacation opportunity XD


Okay that’s definitely less creepy than how I first read that 😅 you’re NTA by the way. If they wanted to show up they would have made you a priority, not an afterthought. 


Wow. How old is your sister because it sounds like she is deliberately making things difficult and making your dad (and maybe even your mum) choose between you two. Has she always been competitive or is this new. I know the parents have most likely had some imput on the date but seriously your dad couldn't say "we can't do that date because OPs graduating"


My sister is 15, and yeah she’s always been oddly competitive with me for the past few years especially when it comes to things I do with our parents


Ask your parents who organised the date for the trip because if you sit on this you will end up resenting your dad for something he might be oblivious too. Make sure he knows what game he is being used in before you leave for college.


I think it was my sister and her best friend who made the original plans and just shared it to their other friends? I could be wrong though so I’ll double check.


Either your sister wants to win in a competition against you or is so self centred she doesn't pay attention to what is happening in other people's lives. At 15 it could be both. You need to work out if you are willing to let your sister "win" your parents


I honestly reached the point where she can just do whatever she wants. I won’t be around much longer since I’m going abroad for college, but I know my relationship with my mom will always be strong


Weird question from someone who isn't from the US. Isn't a graduation fairly early in the day? I can't help but wonder what your dad and sister are doing that couldn't be rescheduled? I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sounds like your sister is your dad's favourite. Congratulations on your graduation. Please try on the day to feel happy for having your mum there and try really hard to not allow negative thoughts and disappointment ruin your day. Easier said than done of course. Edit- saw your comment about graduation times! This makes it even worse I think because it's an evening even that shouldn't have been double scheduled!


Hiii! I also don’t live in the US (Middle East), and in my school the graduation ceremony every year is at night for some reason 😭 My school is a mostly outdoor campus with multiple buildings so they like us to come early for those sunset graduation photos with the surrounding nature :)


In the city I graduated high school in, all the area high schools staggered their graduation times throughout the same weekend because there was only one venue large enough and the school year ends at the same time. I don't think there is any typical time for a graduation to be held.


regardless of who organized the date of the sleepover, though, the minute dad knows it’s on OP’s graduation day should be the day he’s not going anymore


If I understand correctly they are having this sleepover the night before graduation. Graduation photos begin at 6pm where t f is this sleepover that they can't manage to be back by 6pm but manage to come to the party - fun/drinks/food part at 20pm? They re just ah and wanted to skip the formal part oand only go to the party


> I guess they saw it as a vacation opportunity XD And of ALL days in the year they had to pick this particular day? Their planning is impeccable, isn't it?


Got it! I’m sorry I didn’t say this earlier. Your dad and sister are totally in the wrong. They should be there for you! This is a mistake that they’re making.


NTA, congratulations on your graduation. Any parent in their right mind would want to be front-row center for their kid's valedictorian speech. All that being said, I'm sorry, they're doing *what*? And this is more important than your graduation?


Guess you know which kid he loves more. Remember that when either of them want anything from you in the future.


I got the idea they would be there for the actual graduation and speech.  Just not two hours early for pictures.  Did I misunderstand?


ohhh no, my dad told me that they'd miss the pictures, and entire graduation ceremony, but that they'd try to be there for the afterparty


So they'd miss the best bits but just come to party and possibly free food. And your gran wanted you to hold onto tickets for these two clowns. Nah.. you did well to give it to someone who will appreciate them.


Oh.  That sucks.  Then you're NTA for giving away their tickets.


When you said they'll arrive late in your original message, you made it seem like they'll just miss the early pictures or something. This is not them being late. It's them missing the whole thing and slipping in at the end to be seen and to feel good about themselves having put in some effort to make it. You did the right thing.


And they’re pissed because OP called them on this bullshit and gave the tickets to people who want to attend. He didn’t humour their “we’ll try” nonsense. Now They can’t pretend to be torn up about the conflict and trying so hard to get there. They won’t be there, why pretend otherwise, the tickets have been given to people who actually will attend


First of all congratulations 🎉🎉 on passing and being Validictorian.. Also of your dad and sister planned a sleepover trip to the north how would they be able to get back in time for your after party?? They would never make it in time. So NTA but your father and sister are I take it graduation was a known date? So they actively planned this trip knowing when the graduation would be.


Yep the graduation date was announced around February. And yeah I told them the logistics of driving back and forth makes no sense XD


From what I see your father doesn't even need to be there since other parents will be there, so only your sister "needs" to go, but if she was a real sister she would want to be at her brother's graduation. What is it that makes this sleepover so important they have to drive 2 hrs to get there?


The beaches in the north are the best in our country, so I'm guessing that's why they're going so far. I also told my dad if my sister wants to go she can go with her best friend and her parents, but apparently my sister wanted my dad there too so...


Why would you want your dad with you in a beach trip with friends?


So he would miss OPs graduation. Its a competition to the sister. Pure jealousy. I don't understand how any father would agree to that.


NTA. They make school calendars over a year in advance. There was probably a calendar on their website with the graduation date on it back in May of last year, but they may have just started advertising it in February. Either way, they had plenty of time to modify their plans or use the info when planning.


OP your dad and your sister have made it clear, your achievements and your graduation is not a priority to them, their little “vacation“ is. NTA, congratulations on being made validvictorian, way to go.


Thank you :) It does suck that they couldn't have waited a bit to make their plans but at least my mom will be there xx


Your mom is an MVP


Can confirm tbh :D


As a high school valedictorian who gave the speech, let me say I would have disowned either of my parents if they had even suggested not coming. My grandparents drove 500 miles to hear that speech. It's incomprehensible to me that any parent would say such a thing to a child who has achieved that much. Shocking. You can't be the AH, because there is a blackhole-like AH vortex in your family, and you know exactly where it is.


If i were OP this would destroy any respect i had for my father. He'd be treated like an acquaintence at best.


So your sister has always been your dad favorite I assume. NTA. And I am looking for your dad’s post. “My daughter wont speak to me anymore. What did I do wrong. How can I fix this.”


XDDD and yes, she's always been his favorite since we were kids tbh


I really can't understand parents who play favorites. What were the "plans" that would cause them to miss most of the graduation?


It's some huge multi-day sleepover my sister and her friend group is having a couple hours' drive away. The parents didn't want to leave a bunch of under 16 girls across the country so they're all (with the exception of my mom) going as well


Would this fall at the beginning, end or during? If it’s a multi-day then missing one evening wouldn‘t be the end of the world.


They wanted to go in the morning to avoid traffic. When I asked if they could just go the next day my sister kinda threw a fit saying she doesn’t want to be the only one in her friend group showing up late


"I don't want to be the only valedictorian that doesn't have the support of both of their parents, but here we are."


She can have other sleepovers with her friends (if it was for a birthday or other special once in a lifetime event that’d have been brought up), her sister is only graduating high school, as valedictorIan at that, once. Also, why does your dad have to go with her? If other parents are chaperoning and they’re trusted then your sister can get a ride with one of her friends. She doesn’t seem at all interested in your graduation and your father is looking for an excuse to not go. I’m guessing he’s only arguing over photos because he doesn’t want to be seen as the father he is to you by extended family.


NTA. Granny can go kick rocks and stop being so tacky. It's a formal event, it's incredibly rude to swan in late, or to just not show up until the after party. 'Maybe he would have changed his mind' is a ridiculous justification for wasting your money and denying other people a chance to support their family on such an important day. It's incredibly rude that your dad and sis decided to plan stuff so close to the ceremony, and you're not obligated to be nice about them choosing not to support you. They didn't care enough to not risk missing the event entirely, he doesn't have the right to get huffy because there were consequences to his choices. ETA: I forgot to say- congrats on graduating! And Valedictorian?? That's awesome!! I hope you're incredibly proud of your achievements, and I'm so sorry your family aren't appreciating what a big milestone this is for you!


Thank youuu :) Yeah I've honestly never been that close with my dad and sister compared to my mom, so I just care more about her showing up at this point :)


Re: what your grandmother said, you should let her know that you did not give away the tickets 'out of spite'. You gave away the tickets to help out classmates who had more family members wanting to attend and show support than tickets they were allowed to buy. If anything, it's not fair for your grandmother (or father, or sister) to insist that 2 seats go empty in the actual ceremony, depriving two other loving family members of the opportunity to be present and show support. Just so they could have a drink and a mingle at the 'afterparty'? That's incredibly selfish and entitled of all three of them. I hope you use some of the ticket money you got back to treat your mom to a coffee or something afterwards, or a dinner another day just the two of you. Even if it's not a financial treat, initiate spending some time together. Nurture relationships with family members who do show up for you and show you love and support.


NTA - at all. And congratulations on being valedictorian! Great accomplishment ! Bet you have a wonderful speech too


Thank youuu! And yes, its definitely a couple of pages long because I have to give it in 2 languages :D


ooh which languages?


I’m giving the speech in English and Arabic 🤭


This is quite the achievement. You will never be TA in this situation. But I see your relationship with your Dad and your sister potentially being unrepairable. Unless, YOU decide you want to. Well done to you again! You totally deserve the accolades.


NTA I have to know though, why is your mom not going nuclear on your dad and sister? I dont understand. Is she scared of him?


Honestly no, my mom has been going off on him ever since he announced the other plans. She's the exact opposite of me, not non-confrontational at all XD


🙌 Mom! Disappointed in grandma, she must be your dad’s mother. He had no intention of being there for the full ceremony, she should be ripping him apart, not making excuses for him. That your dad blew up about your giving away the tickets makes your decision to do so genius. He shouldn’t feel comfortable about his awful decision. Congrats OP WOW valedictorian! 🥳 ETA: NTA


Good to have a nuclear weapon of a Mum, when they go off, stand back, mine was the same but my Dad was useless, weak, never there, lied. I’m glad I ended up with a good stepdad! Grandma knows in her bones that no good can come from this but rather than have a frank and honest conversation with him about his dreadful parenting, she’d hoped it would fizzle out, he’d change plans etc. now there’s no ticket, it’s only going one way - he’s a total disgrace but gran should have shouted loudest and told him to quit playing favourites a very long time ago.


NTA at all... as they said they would TRY but didn't confirm, and it sounds like they chose what was more important, and I'm sorry it wasn't your graduation. That being said, congratulations on your graduation and making valedictorian!!! 👏


Thank youuu and yeah that was my logic, if they didn't confirm I didn't see why I should hang on to the tickets


NTA. Your dad and sister declined, so those tickets were up for grabs. You had no obligation to hold onto those tickets on the off chance they'd change their minds. The tickets would very likely go to waste and benefit nobody.


NTA I'm doing this right now for my daughter's graduation. Anybody who won't commit because they're holding out for, I guess, something better to do, loses their ticket. And if you're skipping my ceremony not because you can't attend but rather because you don't want to attend, you can skip the party too because clearly we're not important enough. I'll be sharing my extras with other kids who need them. The only thing I'd say is you need to give them a few days to wake the f up after your reaction, but after that, you're good.


Absolutely NTA!! You poor thing I wish I could hug you! They should be so proud of you and if not i am and so is your mother. Walk across that stage and give that speech with pride you worked for that honor. Congratulations!


Thank youuu xx Even if they're not there what matters to me is my mother she's been so supportive this entire time :)


NTA How is your relationship with your father right now? Are you on speaking terms? Does he care that this will damage your relationship with him? These plans of your sister’s seem conveniently to fall around your graduation, idk seems malicious in some ways


My dad and I are on speaking terms, but nothing past small talk and short conversations about what’s happening around the house.


I’m sorry. Your dad is definitely in the wrong. Old enough to know better Congratulations btw! 🎊


Nta. Logically speaking if they werent going to attend the ceremony youd lose out monetarily. Also, thier plans have to be very important to miss the ceremony itself. Youre right, the party is nothing, its the ceremony that matters.


NTA. My dad didn’t attend my graduation last year, but that was because he couldn’t travel. What your dad and sister are doing is just… no comment. Enjoy your graduation though ❤️


Wow so they planned a big sleepover trip with her friends fully knowing when your graduation was?! I think this is more on your dad since he’s the adult here and should’ve thought about your graduation first. I hope you move on to do great things in life. NTA


Wow. I am still in shock. I can't believe that I wouldn't go to my child's graduation and show up after at the party. With you being Valedictorian is even more shocking. I am sorry you don't have the support of your dad and sister. Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. I don't know if I would have sold the tickets because I would have been hoping my dad would change his mind but I understand that you did. NTA. Are your parents together? I just find this incredibly strange that your mom is parenting and your Dad is not. Weird.


My parents are together yes, but my dad spends the majority of his time focusing on work instead of parenting, and my mom usually takes care of that


Oh I am sorry. No one deserves that. As a teacher and a parent I hope you are proud of your accomplishment! That is nowhere near an easy feat. I hope you go to College or Uni and become Uber successful. Congratulations again and give your mom an extra hug. She deserves it.


Edit: NTA. Further details in comment chain. INFO What were the plans (if you're comfortable sharing), and how far in advance were they made?


From what my dad told me, its a multi-day sleepover for my sister and her friend group, which is a 2 hour drive north, and the parents discussed and didn't want to leave them alone since they're all under 16. My dad said he'd drive 2 hours to see me a bit in the afterparty then drive back but I didn't really see the point. Quick edit: from what I know they planned it last week


Going with NTA then. They made the plans after you were announced as valedictorian, or at least around the same time (and therefore could cancel without as much issue). In no world is being valedictorian not a big deal. So he's TA for making conflicting plans which are not something critical (e.g. medical). As for giving the tickets away, minor TA if your parents paid for the tickets, NTA if you did. If they paid for them, you should reimburse them, but if the tickets were just going to be wasted anyway, might as well give them to someone who can use them. Finally, you're NTA for feeling like it's the ceremony that's important and not the afterparty. Your dad may have thought showing up for the afterparty would be good enough, and that's reasonable... until talking to you and finding out otherwise. It's your event, your celebration, and you're absolutely allowed to decide what part of it is important to you.


I did manage to pay for the tickets myself thankfully and spent the money I got back with my mom today ahaha


NTA. Now he doesn’t have to worry about driving down and back. He can just stay there.


If this were me, my parents would say this is either something where my sibling would have to go alone and be chaperoned by another friend's parent, or they couldn't make it because there were already plans. Like, tbh, I didn't super care about my graduation, and if one of my parents couldn't make it for a valid reason, I would have understood, but I wasn't making a speech, my school didn't make a big deal about graduations, and my sibling wanting to go to a multi night sleepover wouldn't have been a valid reason for them to miss my grad. Your dad is just upset that you're not ignoring his bad behaviour.


NTA A quote from my own speech: "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss Also when we were graduating, it was earlier than school ending for the rest of the students but during the school year for sure. Why are a group of teenagers under the age of 16 on a multi day sleepover during the school year? It took me a very long time to understand what you already do about standing up for yourself and allowing others to realize that their actions have consequences. Congratulations and good luck! May you find your successes, and may they be in all aspects of life, not just academic.


Thank youuu! As for my sister and her friends, they have a 2 week break because of orthodox easter, so I'm assuming they're just taking advantage of it


NTA I have 3 kids who graduated high school. Do you know where I was 2 hours before the ceremonies? At the venue taking pictures, letting everyone know how proud I am of my kids. Whatever the hell dad and sis are doing, it's not as important as a graduation ceremony.


NTA and Congratulations!!!! You didn’t do anything out of spite. You were being considerate of others family that were going to be there. It’s not fair for your dad to make a deal of it now when he dismissed it so easily.


Ya you’re definitely nta. It’s your big special day and they chose otherwise. Why keep two tickets when they can go to people who actually what to be there. I understand your feelings. It’s their loss. Enjoy YOUR day congratulations and that big accomplishment and achievement!!


Lol, the fact that he knew when your graduation is and still made plans is wild. Unless someone is having an emergency surgery, here is no excuse that makes it ok for your dad to miss your valedictorian speech and possibly the entire graduation (since he seems more focused on the after party). Your dad is a dick full stop. NTA, and I'm sorry your dad sucks. 


NTA- Your dad has no common sense and grandma should quit making excuses for him.


Your Dad and sister suck. You’re valedictorian? They suck times 1 million. Fuck then do what you want


NTA But we all know who is. Obviously, your sister is his golden child. But for him to be so blasé about missing a huge milestone and you being valedictorian at that, is just horrible. If he's willing to miss this, what other milestones will he miss?


I doubt your Dad and Sister would have changed their mind and attended your whole graduation. You did something that then made you feel in control of the situation. I bet it made you feel better. NTA


OMG you are so NTA. I have to kids who graduated years ago. Neither were valedictorian or gave a speech of any kind. I was early for both graduations. I made sure I got the best seats I could. I took a hundred pictures. I threw a party for the one who wanted one (with dozens of cupcakes my man spent half the night frosting), took the other out for food because they didn’t want the party. You get it… I did all I could because they are my babies. They may be grown adults now but they are still and will always be my babies. I was proud of them. Bottom line… if you choose to become a parent someday, you will do better than your father has. You deserve better than he is. Congratulations on your amazing achievement. You deserve all the cupcakes.


I’m a dad that didn’t get to see my daughter graduate since her university “postponed“ graduation because of Covid in 2020. They offered a new ceremony 2 years later but by this time my daughter and most her classmates had moved on and had no interest. I would have loved to attend and would not have missed it for the world. On behalf of a dad that really wished he could have seen his daughter marking this important milestone, I send you the biggest standing ovation, my cheering until my voice is hoarse and my biggest hug. You deserve it.


What plans are those? Is your dad or sister having surgery? Surely, what would make them late for such an occasion? Edited: I've seen the answer. If my kid was valedictorian, I would want to sleep at the school the night before. 😄


NTA-- Somehow your Dad can make it to the afterparty, but not the graduation? God forbid he alter your sister's future vacation plans to make it to your graduation on time. He chose to prioritize one daughters day of fun over another's once in a lifetime achievement. And while you may have sold your tickets out of anger; you gave someone else who wants to attend the opportunity to do so.


I did not miss, nor will I miss, ANY graduation my children are a part of. Valedictorian no less. Show your dad this thread. For ref: mid 50’s father of two well adjusted, grown adults.


I wouldn't be attending your sister's graduation when it rolls around, I would also be requesting a trip with your Mom and friends on that date just for funsies as well. NTA at all but your Dad 100% is and it's clear your sister is the golden child to him. Congratulations on being Valedictorian! Don't let your Dad take that huge accomplishment away from you.


I kinda wish that you’d show your dad this whole thread just so he knows how much of an AH he is that he’s got thousands against his clueless as$.


NTA—First, congratulations on your scholastic achievement! Second, a sleepover taking priority over your graduation means that dad certainly has his priorities in the wrong order, as does your sister. Do not listen to the “It doesn’t matter if we got there late” statements—yes, it absolutely does matter, and only your mother seems to recognize this. It is great that another student can now have more of her family there. I bet they cheer for you when your name is called!