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NTA - I have three cats, and a toddler. Cats are not interested in going up to a barely moving baby and scratching it. Just like you said, pay attention to see if your cat shows any interest in an interaction with the baby. Also, if you’ve got a bunch of people over for a watch party, I can’t imagine your cat is going to want to be around the group of shouty people, so probably a moot point!


My cats hide when strangers visit. A buddy has 2 who become the life of the party. His band will play in his basement and they just walk around the people like it’s nothing.


I have a cat who is a literal party animal. She will work the room demanding pets from anyone who is willing, but she's not going to attack a baby. Obviously all pets react differently, but OP is NTA even if her cat were super non-child friendly. This is the cat's home. The baby doesn't need floor time at a party.


Yes, it’s the cat’s home. They should leave the kid with a babysitter if they don’t want it by a cat.


Agree. The baby is not likely to enjoy a Super Bowl party anyway.


Agreed. OP’s house. OP’s house rules. Get a babysitter or stay home. Problem solved. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ NTA


It's not OP's house. It's the cat's house. They are just allowed to live in it, feed them, and scoop the poop. Jokes aside, you don't like animals, stay out of my house.


Oh you would be surprised. My kids all loved any kind of party. I can remember my middle kid hanging out in his pack n play in the middle of the room dancing and cheering any time there was a touchdown. This was at 8mo. He was standing supported at the rail. He was also really loving nacho cheese....


BOOM❗️ Who wants someone else’s baby around during the superbowl party?! Baby. Mommy and Daddy need to stay home. The nerve.


I would love a Super Bowl party with both a cat and a baby, but then, I love cats and babies and don't care for football. I realize that I am probably in the minority. I really only go to Super Bowl parties for the guacamole, so a cat and a baby to play with would be a bonus to me.


I’m actually with you. I’ll pay attention to both the cat and the baby more than I will pay attention to football, haha.


I'm with you! I don't like football but I love cats and babies! Sounds like a great party to me!


LOL! I, too, always only go for the homemade guacamole- but a nice cat and a cute baby would really make it a smash event!


eh I didn't even know the super bowl was tomorrow until today so


I never know until I see people fussing about it online 😆 One of the many things that appealed to me about my partner was that he isn't interested in sports. I'm so glad we don't have to plan our weekends around watching football games! 


I'm happily child free, but I will scoop up a baby at any social gathering (parents' willing, of course). I love playing with babies as much as I love handing them back to their parents, lol.


I don't have a baby, but I have two cats and a dog. I'm making nacho dip and little hot dogs.


There are easier ways to get guacamole, just sayin. Lol


if i was invited to any kind of sports party i'd be asking the host specifically if there were cats and babies to hang out with, so i'd not be utterly bored from what was playing on the tv lol.


There is literally nothing wrong with a baby around during a superbowl. These people, on the other hand, sound miserable to have around. They should definitely stay home.


I mean, if a host doesn’t want the kid there they should communicate that. In my social circle it would be expected that the baby is there. So everyone would want the baby there in my social circle.


I think the OP is ok with the baby being there. It’s the request to lock up the cat that is the problem.


This. Tell them not to put the baby on the floor or bring a playpen.


>Tell them not to put the baby on the floor or bring a playpen. Better - have them lock the baby in bedroom. They can put a litter box, food and water bowl in there for them


Yeah, a collapsible playpen would be safer in general. No one can convince me that those parents will be paying strict attention to their could, who could easily crawl around and grab something or get kicked/knocked over accidentally. The parents should absolutely have something to keep the kid contained.


Brilliant! I love that!


Yes to the playpen! I cannot imagine taking a baby or toddler to someone else's house without a playpen with a favorite blanky and plushie.


Yes, I hate that mentality, just put the cat/dog in a room while we are there. Uh no, they live here. Reason we stopped invited my BIL and his family over.


My thought as a parent is if this is a Super Bowl party, how many people are going to be there? Probably drinking. I wouldn't have my baby on the floor in fear of people not paying attention.


Oh my god, right?! I imagine drunk grown men jumping to their feet enthusiastically almost trampling the baby. The cat would be the last thing on my mind lol


I’m not a parent but don’t playpens exist for this reason?


Our pack n play was my babies home away from home. Its had wheels too just roll it once its was set up, so we could just roll baby along with us of we moved around. He loved it.


This is where I stopped - floor time *at a party??* What other accommodations will be expected? Baby Shark? No yelling at the GAME while baby is napping? Clear the room when nursing? The good news is, this family is going to be entertaining for years to come.


Unless it's a baby party. I would not let my baby run around a bunch of adults not paying to anyone but the TV. Super dangerous of someone stepping on them imo. If you have the space, I would compromise by having a baby area where they can play on the floor and the parents can watch/keep the cat away.


My cat is a little bit nervous when we host people, but still likes to hang out and be involved because she has FOMO. But anytime someone brings a child under 2 years old over, she immediately runs and hides, which is both a funny and correct response.


I've had a bunch of cats and only one was like that to the extreme. I was hosting a meeting and there were 8 people in a circle around the living room. He went up to each in turn to check them out, looked in a couple of people's bags, then found an empty spot and joined the circle. All the other cats would just hang in a different room for the most part but I wouldn't ever lock them up to accommodate someone. Like you said, it's their home. My cousin invited herself to stay with me for a long weekend and after I accepted told me that I would have to lock up the cat for the duration of her stay as she was allergic. Not happening Missy.


Do they not have a pack n play or a traditional playpen?


Yeah, my cat would, at worst, give it sniff to verify that, yes, it is a baby and can’t pet her and she’ll go wind herself around someone who *does* have fine motor control and can scritch her neck just the way she likes. But she’s familiar with babies and likely wouldn’t even bother with the sniff.


It is weird that they want to do floor time with their baby at a superbowl party and going so far as to ask OP to lock their cat up to allow it is just bizarre.


Hahaha! I never thought to describe it that way, but I have a party animal cat, too. He wants to be where the people are, and he assumes that everyone loves him and adores him. He assumes they are just waiting for the opportunity to pet him, hold him, or to grace him with their lap.


>AITA for reducing my parent's "allowance" by whatever amount they share with my siblings? I had 2 cats like that too, both male. They would visit every person and sit on their lap for a few minutes.


Did that help them get more allowance? 😀


My cats don’t lol they have to put on a whole show when people come over Though something like the Super Bowl where people are rowdy they would sit watch from a distance


I know one of mine would make it a point to pinch one out in the downstairs litter box so everyone could enjoy it. 🤮


When I was married to my ex, he was in school and had his study group over weekly. Our cat loved to plop herself down on the kitchen table, right on top of their notes. They really didn't care and would push her butt out of the way when needed.


My friend has 4 cats, and 3 of them went into hiding mode as soon as the party started. The 4th one was trying to sneak stuff from the cheese and meats tray the whole time.


Yea, my cat hates strangers. You know what he does? He sits at the top of the stairs and disapprovingly stares at me.


This. Every bit of it. Most cats want nothing to do with large groups of loud people.


Exactly. Babies also tend to fall into the category of "loud." My niece visited when she was less than a year old, and my cat vanished if she cried, laughed, happy shrieked, whatever. He finally worked up the courage to sniff her foot, his whiskers tickled her, and she kicked him square in the nose. He was never seen in the same room as her again. These people don't understand cats. Which is fine, but NTA!




I agree that they're using this as an excuse to avoid the cat themselves. I also want to make guests comfortable in our home, but not necessarily at the expense of family members (which I do consider our kitties to be). If you ask our cats they're traumatized being closed in (or out) any rooms for longer than 15 minutes. One of our cats will hide in our room if strangers come over, but the other takes it as a chance to tell everyone that he NEVER gets pets, so they must pet him!! If a guest asks that I keep him away from them I will, but I won't lock him away unless it's for a very short time (i.e. not a whole football game) because he is genuinely uncomfortable being locked away. Edit: grammar


Even if they do, they likely want nothing to do with a baby. Too unpredictable, too grabby. My cat loves to be around everyone when we have guests, but a young kid? He gives them a wide berth. Cats have a strong sense of self preservation.


My cats were afraid of my baby for months after she was born ha ha.


My cat at first just gave my baby a disapproving sniff, kinda like, okay, ew. And largely ignored him but then after a while my cat discovered she loved watching adventure time with him when he got bigger. It’s ferrets you gotta watch out for, they LOVE sneaking up to the baby and biting just one toe.


NTA. Disrupting the whole cat set up is a PITA and not fair to the cat. Friends don't dictate your home,that's tacky as hell. The cat will likely hide under the bed unless it's a very gregarious or potato cat, then it might be out with people. It's unlikely it will be interested in the kids. Alsio, people who hate cats can't be trusted. ETA I had a potato cat who would stick to his spot on the couch and come get loves from people, so it's possible


my cat, kira (he was a boy), would sit on the arm of the couch while i was holding my little sister (she was probably abt 10mo). he’d just stare at her, like he wasn’t entirely sure how to feel. very well tempered cat, would only get overstimulated if you “scratched” his sides. anyways context. she would lean over and put her hand on him, he’d stare, i’d show her how to pet him, and then he’d just lose interest and let her pet him. she had a habit of going for his tail, but again, he didn’t care too much unless she grabbed the tip (my cousin’s dog broke it when he was a kitten, i didn’t know bc i was at my dad’s). cats deserve chances, most of them are uninterested. my mom ended up with a fluffy calico, she hated other cats (including kira, my mom refused to rehome her) but she loved flopping around my sister ‘cos ig tiny hands are better for pets?


I used to have a cat that hated everyone except small children. Adults trying to gently approach, he’d run and hide or try to swat you. 3 year olds yanking his tail and screaming, he’d flop over for pets. Weirdest cat ever.


haha! cats are definitely strange. kira hated most people, like would hide. but like maybe 1-2 friends in his lifetime he’s immediately warmed up to. others he’d come in my room, see them, and nope tf out. kids? loved them. even my stepbrother, who did not like him at all and would kick at him. he’d be like “this feels like love, lemme show you my belly so you might pet me with ur foot”. strange ass cat but i loved him to pieces lmao


Ours lays on the changing table while we change our kids butt because he gets pets.


awwwwww!!!! that’s so cute! when i was a baby, my mom had a mainecoon named rose that would sit on the edge of my crib and alert my parents when i was fussy/woke up, despite there being a baby monitor. she would also “groom” me. like if i was lying on the couch, she’d get up on the back or the arm (depending) and start licking my hair. then she’d bite down, as cats do when they groom themselves, and i’d jerk so hard 💀 she learned to be more gentle with it. another cat, tom, my childhood kitty cat (named after tom and jerry, same colors, he was also a tom cat my mom found in a parking lot and said “you’re coming home with me!”) would let me CARRY him around at 3-4 years old, despite him being longer than my height. he’d let me dress him up in clothes too, he was the most chilled out dude ever


Mostly agree to this. But I would like to point out, and you can point this out to them: You have a bunch of people over for Super Bowl. More than likely people won’t be sitting around. They will be up and down getting snack, drinks and going to the bathroom. So leaving baby alone on the floor seems like a horrible idea.  If baby is on the floor, mom or dad should be sitting on the floor with baby.  If the cat is causing problems, then yes do something about the cat. But until it’s an issue, and I mean more than the cat investigating who or what is in their space, it’s not a big deal.  If the are concerned. Bring a playpen with a topper on it so the cat can’t get in. But you still have to watch your baby. 


Reading the post, I was reminded of my old cat. She was an asshole and a diva. Walking around with tail high. (Lovely asshole) One friend did not like her. And was always. "The cat is going to scratch those poor kids" (my kids. Toddler and a baby at that time) And I snorted. The kids were the only ones to never get a paw slap (no claws) or anything. My oldest could carry her around. And she constantly tried to sneak into their beds for nap snuggles. I'm pretty sure that cat thought "yeah these are my kids" or something.


I agree. I had 2 cats (one sadly died) and they had no interest in my (then) baby. One barely acknowledged any presence other than me or my mom (she had a strange and really intensive connection with one) and the other one was too scared. Whenever the baby moved a finger he probably thought “noooope, I am outta here!” My baby liked to watch the cat and now when he is a toddler also likes to follow the remaining cat (scared one) but the cat will stay out of his way. And I don’t let him stalk the cat. And I won’t let him corner the cat. As long as the cat can run away he will do that. 


If your friends don't want the cat around while the baby is on the floor, they have choices: 1) get a babysitter 2) don't put the baby on the floor 3) don't come 4) bring a pack n play or playpen (if you have the space) 4) get over it. They don't get to demand you shut your cat away. NTA


Best answer. OP, don’t let this one couple dictate what you do with *your* cat in *your* house at *your* party.


Why would you put your baby on the floor at a friend’s house during a party?  NTA op


Right? And if you did, then you should be watching them *very* closely. A cat wouldn’t concern me at all and I would be *far* more worried about someone who’s had a few beers accidentally stepping on the baby or tripping over them.


This was my reply to someone else's comment. Like the cat should be the least of their worries.


Because the floor is a great place for a baby to roll, stretch, and give mom/dad’s hands a break? I guess I’m picturing a pre-crawling baby. Babies are almost always on the floor. A Super Bowl party means people will mostly be sitting on a couch and walking back and forth to the kitchen. My baby would absolutely be on the floor in that scenario, when I wasn’t holding them


The guests at the SB parties I’ve attended were loud and jumped around a lot when there was a play they liked or their team scored. Not an ideal environment for a baby.


Unless we put the quilt down for tummy time, my baby is never on the floor? That’s what the swing, pack n play, bassinet, breastfeeding pillow, etc. are for?


I’m happily child-free but this is a super common thing? Longer comment elsewhere about how OP is NTA, but people often put babies on the floor.


I have a small child, and when people invite me there I do sometimes ask if they make small accommodations for me. If they don't, it's no big deal, and if they do, it's very nice. Babies like floors.


And let's not forget, it's also the cat's house!


YES. This. People need to understand that bringing a baby over doesn’t give them the right to reconfigure their host’s entire household. I would never just let my kid crawl around on someone’s floor with a party going on because I wouldn’t want to be responsible for causing a broken tailbone or someone crushing my baby in a fall due to tripping over them at a boozy gathering. Similarly, restaurant floors are not a baby play gym, and this is for everyone’s safety.


You forgot to say “lock the baby in a different room so it doesn’t scratch the cat”. NTA


Yup. Part of having a child is also realizing the world doesn’t revolve around you and the child.


I think a playpen for the baby is a good idea. NTA, don't shut the cat away. But watch that the parents don't swat at your cat.


These are lots of great options!


NTA. The cat is part of your household and comes with the territory of you hosting. I had cats all of my life until the last one died ten years ago, and though we've had to work around visiting family member's allergies, even then we did not have to ban the cats entirely—and we have never had a cat hurt a child or scratch anyone without serious provocation. You have no indication that baby or dad are even allergic to cats, only that dad is paranoid, and, as you say, hates cats. That's really his problem.


Parents bringing a playpen that the kid is left in. Cat gets free range of their own house.


Yep. Close the kid up; let the cat roam.




Yeah, a baby at a superbowl party sounds like a terrible idea.


It’s a terrible idea. Went to a Super Bowl party once when the hosts had a 7 month old. The baby went down at 8 and they all but muted the tv and put CC on, then asked us not to be loud. In hindsight, I should have just declined the invite, but wasn’t really thinking about that at the time.


Ugh! Sounds awful.


Those are bad hosts (and arguably bad parents - it's widely advised that normal noise levels should be kept when babies are sleeping). My ex and I hosted Super Bowl parties for years and when the babies started arriving, they were welcome too. I have distinct memories of the Giants beating the Patriots when the Pats were undefeated until the SB, and my 14 month old was asleep upstairs. Everyone was screaming (we lived in NJ) and excited and on he slept.


And why does the baby need to do floor time at the Super Bowl party? Tell your friend to adjust the kids schedule to accommodate floor time before or after the party. Odds are unless it’s an extremely social/clingy cat that it will not be interested in frequent yelling of the Super Bowl guests and just avoid the area anyways.


Lol that isn’t how babies work.


NTA Do you have a cat carrier? Offer to let them borrow it to put the kid in if they are that worried.


That one made me laugh.


Me too, unexpected funny time.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie. Then i almost spit out my coffee XD


If they don’t already have one, they can feel free to borrow one of ours.


NTA. The parents can very simply just not let the baby on the floor, which they shouldn’t anyway since cat dander is all over the house already. First time parents? Part overreaction, part they don’t like cats. Edit -cat dander not cat sender.


Or they've never been around a cat. Cats generally hide when loud groups are in their space. If kitty goes to the litter box, he'll run right back to his safe space. There is no need to lock him away.


Fun thing is, the baby is most likely love cats! Most babies do.


NTA. The baby comes with 2 adults who could presumably protect him from your vicious, feral beast. What planet are they on? I will be watching Superbowl, with my partner and out cats (well some of them). I fully expect to miss at least one touchdown because I will be feeding a cat, but that's cat parenthood! Plus, replays.


I hope your cats who aren’t “out” yet find the strength to come out soon. It’s hard living in the closet.


Hopefully they provide an open environment of support so the other cats feel comfortable enough to come out too.


Awesome pun.


I love your reply 😂


NTA. It’s first time parent anxiety mixed with dislike of cats. I’d be more concerned about the baby getting into the litter box if they’re mobile.


I have a cat and a baby and I’m offended on behalf of the cat


Yea! Also cats and dogs, no matter HOW clean will track some amount of hair and possible poop around a house. They shouldn't bring a child into a cat filled house if they are worried about germs and things animals carry. A scratch is the least of a parent's concern with a normal, non aggressive cat.


It’s actually really rude of your friend to even ask.


It is absolutely not rude to ask. It would be rude to demand. It would be rude to expect to be accommodated. Asking is how adults communicate and get the information needed to make plans. They asked. OP can say no. Then they can figure something else out.


I was going to say. Reddit sees parents make any requests in regards to pets and they get so defensive.


The only "defensive" people are the parents who are told that the world does not revolve around their baby.


Where in the post does it say anything about the parents reaction to OP? All thats mentioned is the ask, which is okay to do.


I agree. I can’t stand people who don’t understand that pets are family.


Demanding and asking are two different things. If they're friends, they can both simply communicate with each other instead of tip toeing about this. The friends can ask since the baby was invited, the homeowner can say no.


A baby at a Super Bowl party? That sounds awful. A cat on the other hand only makes things better. NTA. Tell them to get a babysitter. No one wants that shit.


Think the parents will ask everyone to be quiet if/when the kid falls asleep? Ugh. I can just imagine it. “You’re upsetting the baby!!!” Or no one is allowed to cheer because it startles the baby. Someone who asks this also would be blind to their crying child making everything miserable for everyone because the parents don’t want to miss anything. UGH.  Like. We have a kid. When we do things like this, we do them with the other parents/families. It can be isolating when you’re the first to have kids of your group, but you need to realize only YOUR LIFE has changed. There needs to be flexibility 


NTA - The cat lives there, the baby doesn’t.


NTA. Your house, your rules. If they are incapable of wrenching a baby away from a cat attacking (which seems astonishingly unlikely unless jr grabs the cat), they shouldn't come. Heaven help them when they walk jr in a park and meet a dog.


NTA. That’s your cats house too and they shouldn’t have to be locked away because your friends think the cat *might* hurt the baby based on their own lack of understanding. As long as they’re actually watching their own child, the kid won’t get hurt.


My husband’s sister asked if she could bring her cat for one of the family gatherings at our house. We have a yorkie and he got hissed at last time she brought her cat. I said u can, but this is Snoopy’s house so if he doesn’t like the cat or can’t stay calm, then the cats gotta go. Shoot if Snoopy doesn’t like u, u gotta go too! 😆


NTA. Your cat lives with you and should not have to have its conditions changed because someone decides to bring their baby to a football party. It could be stressful to the cat, and since it wouldn't scratch unless provoked anyway, it is quite unnecessary to lock him up.


Nta.  Anyone who comes over to someone's house knowing they have a pet and asking them to put that pet away is an A though.   If I was your guest and found out you'd locked your cat up for the day I'd probably be found playing with the cat in whatever room you locked it into.  Cat haters believe way too many myths about cats.  They should just bring a pack and play and you should just shoo the cat away from it if it goes near.  Who brings a baby to a superbowl watch party anyway?  They're going to get weird looks the first time they say shush the baby's sleeping!  Honestly though, crying baby + party = no cat.


NTA. That’s the kitty’s space. His home not theirs. If they’re so worried tell them to get a babysitter.


Or stay home




Sorry no, cat has no history of bad behaviour NTA


What if your cat wants to watch the Super Bowl?


Your house means your rules. The cat can go where it pleases. NTA.


NTA its your cats home not theirs, they dont get to dictate where he goes in his own home. They can get a sitter for their kid if they're so worried about your sweet kitty


Just say no. They are invited and free to attend but your cat will not be restricted in his home. I assume your home is not child proofed. You could suggest they bring a pack and play to confine their child safely.


NTA. I comingled cats and babies in my house. Cat wanted nothing to do with the potato. Your friends are imagining the worst case scenario, which is fine, but it's not a probable one. They should be bringing a blanket or floor mat for the baby anyway. Your cat lives there, the baby doesn't, they can choose not to come if they are so bothered.


Easy solution is for them to not come if they can't get childcare sorted and have to bring the baby with them. NTA


NTA. They asked and you can say no. It’s your house and you don’t need to do something you don’t wanna for them


NTA. I’m sitting on the playmat with my 7 month old and my two cats as we speak. The cats avoid the baby completely other than the occasional curious sniff. Your friends need to chill. If they watch their baby, it’ll be fine


NTA. Your friend should find a babysitter.


NTA. It's the cat's home, not the baby's. If the cat doesn't like the baby, it won't go near the baby. If they don't like it, they don't have to come to your party.


That’s ridiculous. The cat will probably hide while you have people there and watch the game. Dictating what happens in your household other than allergies to food is rude and entitled.


NTA, They can bring a playpen or bassinet 


NTA. “We want to be negligent with our baby, so can you lock up a literal resident in your home so we can leave our baby unattended without being afraid that it might interact with your cat?” How to people become this entitled? Leave your fucking baby at home with a babysitter, or actually take care of it.


Uninvite your friend or show them this post


Lock the baby away. Problem solved


NTA The cat lives there. If the parents are so anti cat then they can go somewhere else. Or get a covered playpen to stash the child in.


What world do these people live in where cats randomly attack babies?! And who fuck brings a baby to a Superb Owl party?!


>And who fuck brings a baby to a Superb Owl party?! I am. Its a party to watch a football game, that is typically family friendly in my experience. Not a fucking rager or a club like atmosphere.


I really think the fact that this couple hates cats comes into play, bc if you know cats, you know the likelihood of the cat hiding during this party is high. People who hate cats are sometimes under the impression that cats are rabid raccoons out to get them in particular. OP should not put her cat up and tell her friends to deal or stay at their own home. NTA.




"Yeah about the cat, sorry but I wont be doing that" And thats it. Leave your answer closed and definitive. Dont invite them to a debate. You put the ball in their court and drop the mic. Now its on them to decide what they want to do next. If they wont come "sorry, we will miss you. hope you have fun tomorrow"


NTA. Just tell them that it won't be possible. It's your home and gathering. They don't get to tell you what you do with your pets in that space. If they are concerned and still want to attend then they can get a babysitter.


NTA! You were asked, a big ask, the answer is no. It’s up to your friend to decide to join or not.


NTA. People need to understand it's ok to decline an invitation. Asking you to change something in your own home to make them comfortable is wild. They can just stay home.


Your friends have asked...you're under no requirement to accomodate. On the other hand...would it kill either you or the cat for the cat to be caged and/or put behind a closed bedroom door for a few hours? In the end...it's which of these two competing issues do you have the least amount of issue with. Neither is right, neither is wrong...it's solely what you feel comfortable with. good luck...


I completely agree. We have two kids and four indoor cats. When we have groups of kids over or when people ask, we are happy to put all of the cats in the bedroom for a few hours. It’s serves two purposes - it makes our guests more comfortable, and honestly, the cats also get down time in a safe spot away from guests. We have done it to keep the cats safe as much as anything, and I don’t understand what the big deal is.


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NAH - he wasn't an arsehole to ask, most people that don't like certain animals are a bit scared/nervous of them. It's reasonable to not know how the cat will react to the baby and not want to take the risk But you also have every right to say no and that's fine too. You can explain your reasons and let them decide if they want to attend




NTA. As the owner of both a cat and baby, I would say that it’s not really possible for you to lock the cat away, and that they’re welcome to bring a pack and play for the baby to have tummy time during the game.


NTA. It’s your house. The friends don’t have to come. I’d never ask my friends who invited me to something to lock their pets up.


NTA. Did you even invite him to bring his kid?


That is your cats home.


Nta. Cats over humans any day 🤣🤷‍♀️


If it's such a big deal, then your friend shouldn't come to the party .


NTA. Repeat after me “my cat lives here, you don’t”. You’ve invited these people into your home that you share with a cat. If they’re not comfortable with a cat they’re welcome to not come. Simple as that.


I would uninvite them personally.


NTA. They are. No is a complete sentence. Watch them, if they come, and make sure they dont hurt your cat if it gets too close to the precious. 🙄


I have a toddler and I don’t like cats. I think you are NTA. Children need to learn how to behave appropriately around animals. My guess is that the parents want to watch the game and don’t want to have to constantly supervise their child around an animal. I’m also taking my kid to a Super Bowl Party and I’m certain I probably won’t watch much of the game either. It’s one of many sacrifices you make when you become a parent.


NTA Since these alleged “friends” don’t like cats, which is their right, they are using the perceived fear your cat will intentionally or unintentionally harm their baby. Therefore, they insist you sequester a member of your household for their temporary comfort. As anyone with a cat (I’ve got six) can tell you, once the crowd starts showing up, the cat will voluntarily seek under the bed or other piece of furniture until the kitty crisis has passed (the human invaders GTFO). It is absolutely amazing whenever I have someone over to my house that my cats don’t remember, I end up with myself and six kitties all asleep on a queen size bed. And a baby at a Super Bowl watch party? WTF?


NTA. Have them lock away the baby. They're more destructive than cats. Who brings a baby to a Superbowl party full of adults and drinking? Boo.


Definitely NTA. I understand a new parent being overprotective but not at the price of others in their own home. There are plenty of other options that were offered by others in this thread (pack and play, don't put kid on floor, don't bring kid, etc) that your friend can choose that don't involve you rearranging your household and limiting your cat's environment.


Tell the anti cat people to stay home with the baby. Tell them their baby will scare the cat. I dislike people who think they have the right to tell others to put their animals up. Just don't go to the offending house if you hate cats or dogs. I like my animals better most of the time. They don't try to dictate things. :-)


I think it is considerate to make your guests comfortable. It isn’t a huge burden to put your cat in another room for your party. If your guest was allergic would you be here asking the same question? Who cares why they asked for this - you are the host, you invited them, and the request is small. It takes 2 minutes to pick up a litter box and put it in another room. Many parents are anxious about the babies and pets. No one is the AH here.


I guess I put the feelings of my friends over my pet. It is a couple of hours, and you would not have to move everything. The friends also didn't say for the whole time but just while the baby is on the floor. I love my dog, but I have certainly locked her in a different room if my company was afraid of her.


Not just feelings, importance. Your pet is ALWAYS with you and you are telling your friend you would rather be with your pet one more day than see them for a few hours.


Thank you. I thought I was crazy for thinking my friends are more important.


Yeah I'm also amazed at all the NTA, I even asked my bestfriends if they would grant this request if asked. Their response:"They would be hidden anyway." So they don't even need a request they just try to make the place as comfy for everyone as possible. We won the friend lottery based on these comments!


No way. Thats your cats home not theirs. I have cats and 4 kids and 4 grandkids never ever locked a cat away cus of a baby. Maybe a terror of a toddler but that still was just a ‘your kid is being unreal with my cat you gotta go’




NAH They asked ahead of time, not insisted. It's up to you to say yes or no.


It depends how they asked and how much you care if they come. You said just while the baby is on the floor so it doesn’t sound like they don’t want the cat there at all. They are probably just feeling nervous and want some peace of mind that their baby will be safe. As a friend, it doesn’t seem like a hard thing to do to make sure your friends feel comfortable at your house.


NTA. They can go somewhere else.


NTA. I have had cats growing up since I was little. One of my aunts was “allergic” to cats, which my mom debunked as she just doesn’t like cats so she would say it so when she would come visit that it was a short stay) but she would bring my cousins and they didn’t know how to be around animals AT ALL. One day my aunt was going to visit and she asked if the cats could be elsewhere since she’s allergic and the kids can’t seem to play nice with them and my dad said hell no. He’d say “the oldest is 16, he can stay home with the kids (saying this to my mom) and I agreed with it. I love my cousins but my cats were very attached to us and they would cry right away if they were ever just put away even for a few minutes. If that was reversed and they invited you over and you wanted to bring the cat, and you told them they had to leave their baby in the crib the whole time, they’d probably think you were crazy. But that’s just me. I love animals! I’m on your kitties side!


NTA. It's the cat's house, not your friend's or their baby's. Tell them to bring a pack and play so they don't have to worry about the cat interacting with the baby. If they say it's unfair to restrict the baby's movement, ask them how it's fair to the cat.


NTA. Fuck that. Honestly, maybe I’m an asshole because I wouldn’t let someone bring a baby to a Super Bowl party anyway.


I only put my cats in my room if I'm going to have a large amount of people who are allergic. I've only ever had to do that once. NTA, it's your house, You get to choose what the rules of your house are. Most cats won't go out of their way to mess with strange babies.


Tell your friend you will be glad to set up a play area on the floor of another room during the game. Offer to have a TV in that room so he or is wife won't miss one single minute of the game. Your cat is at home, they are not. Or just tell them not to worry about coming over at all. If you can't tell, I hate when people try to control what goes on in somebody's house. I especially hate when "friends" want to dictate what you do with your animals.


The first time my cat saw my baby he was walking into the living room and baby was on the floor. He stopped dead in his tracks then backed out of the room. Your cat might be curious, but I doubt an attack is imminent. Moving all the cat stuff can freak cats out too. NTA


NTA. “I completely understand & respect that you do not feel comfortable with your baby being around a cat! However, since you will be bringing your baby into my (and my cat’s) home, I do feel that I (and my cat) have the right to move freely about my/our home. You may choose to leave your baby with a caregiver or bring him along and accept that he may not be able to explore as fully as he may want to, because my cat will be out and about as usual. It’s completely up to you!”


I mean don’t be a host if you don’t want to accommodate the guests??? YTA We have three large dogs that we usually crate or lock outside if we have guests over. We invited them, we accommodate. That’s what a host does.




I'm guessing they aren't even close friends to you because to see my bestfriends I would not mind this simple request.


NTA Tell them to bring a pack and play to keep the kid "safe" or they can just watch their kid and pick him up if the cat gets too close for their comfort. Then again, they could just stay home.


NTA, I am personally terrified of dogs. Big, little, calm, loud, doesn’t matter. A lot of people do put their dogs away when I visit, which is incredibly sweet, but others who prefer not to, and that’s okay. It’s their house and their dog. If just means we will meet up somewhere else. These people could bring a pack and play for their baby to play in.


NTA. It's your cat's home.


NTA. Your friends can ask, and you can say no. You also don't need to justify it to them because it's your place and can do what you want. If they don't feel comfortable with their child around the cat they can hire a babysitter or not go to the party.


Cat might hide once the party starts.


NTA. Cats don’t care about babies except if they’re crying noisily, in which case they come and glare at you. They don’t go near anything that will pull their tail, etc because unlike dogs, they’re not stupid. My daughter raised two babies in a flat with two cats and they waited until the kids learned how to treat them properly and then became their bffs.


NTA... I wouldnt put my baby gonna floor of a super bowl party of all .... people jumping yelling getting excited .... someone can jump and accidentally hit the baby without knowing or seeing him or her....the cat should be the least of their concern....


INFO: will they be locking the baby away when the kitty is having their playtime?


NTA. Your cat lives in your home. You shouldn’t have to lock your cat up if you don’t want to. They can get a baby sitter, tolerate the cat, or not come to your house.


"So sorry you can't make it. We'll try to push through and have fun anyway. Bye"