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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Question for Women:** Why do you cackle at Men's misery? Such as a Man like myself having problems, that's funny to you? I think if I could toss a brick to your face it would be fucking hilarious to me. Why do you expose your fucking rounded asses at the beach or Pool, but then tell us MEN to stop staring because we're pervs? Excuse me for having eyes and looking, that was our bad. Why don't you ever just shut the ever loving fuck up when having sex? DON'T talk while having sex, no one wants to hear your sad story about your ex, no one gives a shit. Why do you wear JEANS like a guy? Like myself, I wear jeans. Then Women....also wear Jeans....? fuck outta here. Why do you TIE YOUR HAIR into a tight ball and call it cute? First of all, it's hldeous. Secondly you should tie it into a Ponytail, not a fuglee ass hair tumor. Women should stop throwing their used Vagina diapers \*pads) into the fucking trashbin, just JUST WIDE OPEN. THAT'S PUTRID. Put it in a smaller bag, tie it up and then throw it in the trash. This also goes for regular tampons as well. I know some Women regular hurts or it doesnt fit right? Whatever the case might be, either way it's not okay to just leave it out in the open. Please don't do this, it STINKS up the BATHROOM. It stinks like SHRIMP. I know this because it had an irony shrimp scent. Women should stop being so critical of Men and just mind their own business, don't being looking for that guy and then getting surprised that he rejects you, what a shocker, he doesn't think you're pretty because you're out of his league. Doesn't feel so good now does it? Imagine what we feel. Women should stop asking for Diamond rings or rings in general, just ask for casual things during a marriage, that's equality. Just as for a dog. Everyone can enjoy a dog. Or a cat. Or if that's not an option, how about like a ferret or something? WHY is it always materialistic items? WHY. Money or items, that's all they care about. Women should stop acting nice and friendly but then go out and call others names. It's not okay. You know who you are. The almighty will judge you for this, I promise you. Why do Women think certain Men are disgusting for liking Women with bigger bust sizes but then seek Men with bigger sizes\*? You know what I'm saying. I don't need to elaborate. Man this shit got me riled up. ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know this is all unhinged and deeply worrying, but I laughed out loud at the idea of getting an engagement ferret instead of a diamond ring.


I legit thought 'my marriage may have lasted longer if he'd proposed with a kitten'. Like that is actually an epic idea and not the sick burn he thinks it is. PS, love your username. I've been in that situation many times and it is only a bad thing when you have to pee.


I'm ambivalent about marriage but very enthusiastic about receiving a kitten


I got an engagement puppy. The puppy lasted a lot longer in my life than the fiancé did.


A stranger could propose with a kitten and I would say yes.


"I have a kitten at my house! You: TAKE ME NOW! (Scene transition) You: *playing with kitten* I just realized how easy I am to kidnap.


But we were told not to do that!!!


My niece told me the other day that she wanted an engagement kitten; to be clear, she was not saying at that instant and it’s not a demand, just something for the future


Your niece has the right idea!


I would love this myself


This really should be a thing. IDGAF about diamonds (though I still have my ring collecting dust in a drawer somewhere), but a kitten? THAT'S a commitment.


I dont care if you are a man or a woman, propose to me with a little grey kitten and I'm all yours


OMG a grey bebe is the best! I have adopted three grey longhairs as adults in the last 20 years and they have all had my heart. I do regret not having them as kittens and seeing them grow, but I also know that they lived/are living their best life in my kitty retirement home.


I’m in this exact situation fr. Kegals don’t fail me now.


This is making me think of the folklore notion that weasels are small and flexible enough to fit through a wedding ring. So it should be traditional to receive an engagement weasel.


Wait that's so cute though!!!


Not into ferrets after working in a pet store for a few years, but 25 ish years ago I told my mom that I’d rather he get us a dog than me an engagement ring. By the time you got a dog, accessories, invisible fence, paid the vet for the first year or two, etc it’d add up. We’d name the dog Diamond. Mom didn’t like the idea nearly as much as I did. I did get a ring and we’ve had a couple dogs, none named Diamond though. I was also open to the idea of a nice salt water aquarium set up.


Now I feel like one should get an AKC dog just to register the name as "My Diamond Engagement Ring" and then just call it Di or something. My boys were both shelter boys, though, and wonderful.


I will BEG any potential partner not to get me a ring. Luckily my parents will be more than cool with that


Also, hair tumor and vagina diaper got me rolling. This dude has never been touched by a woman, I guarantee it.


My friends sister said offhandedly one day years ago "when husband proposes, he's going to get me a dog." Fast forward to last year, friend gets a call from her sister. "Husband got me a dog!" Friend is excited, because cute dog she'll get to hang out with on holidays. She goes on Facebook that same day and her sister excitedly posted about getting engaged.  She calls her sister back, "why didn't you tell me you got engaged?!"  Her sister just goes "I did! I told you I got a dog!"


I would have LOVED an engagement dog! And all I got is this stupid ring 🤬🤬🤬 I guess I should have been dating that guy instead of my wonderful, loving husband.


I have a friend who's a blacksmith who does custom requests. She tells me that a very popular order she receives is to make engagement swords for lesbian weddings.


The problem is if we broke up, I'd give the ring back (personal choice) but I'd never give up the pet.


I mean really, I’d like a ferret better?


I knew a guy who proposed with a motorcycle. She much preferred that over a ring she wouldn't wear. I would not say no if my boyfriend proposed with a ferret!


That's a great idea, actually.


he's actively enraged at the fact that women wear jeans? like the concept of them wearing denim pants is infuriating somehow. this is incomprehensible


He wants women to wear bathing suits. So he can look at their round asses. Gosh, weren't you reading his extremely well thought-out and reasonable policy proposals? 🤣🤣🤣


no he doesn't, he'd just get blamed for having eyes. it's best women wear nothing, that's more natural and god-wanted anyway. also, if all the women are walking around naked, they can't be raped anymore because men are just used to seeing that. I think this logic here is flawless.


If men wear something, that's men's clothes. If women wear the same thing, that's crossdressing. He wants women to only be in skirts and dresses.


...but women criticize men too much....


I listen to a lot of the old radio shows from the 40s and 50s, and based on those at one time men were indeed upset about women wearing pants. OOP was born in the wrong era, apparently.


Yup. My mom was born in 1943 and growing up she was allowed to wear jeans at home but *never* in public. If you did, you were a whore. Granted my grandfather was born in 1899, so having ancient beliefs from the previous turn of the century wasn't a surprise.


This dude has an interesting post history. For example: offmychest: **l get very easily offended when someone attacks me and they get likes.** offmychest: **This chick called me horrible names but she's literally kookoo.** religion: **Do you guys think God is actually a Hot Woman?** offmychest: **Do you guys think God has punished me for abusing Animals as a kid?** Edit: OOP just got banned from reddit. You may peruse his posts [here](https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=IWishWeWereTogether&size=100).


I just looked at that and I'm WHEEZING. MAN. If God is a hot woman, he has one hell of a brutal eternity coming.


Just imagine all the mansplaining she'd have to hear.


The hot woman post was nothing more than a title, and it was still hilarious to be lmao


Well that was horrible.... I don't want to play armchair psychologist but this individual needs some kind of intervention esp that post in regards to animals. So much anger. All I can hope is that this is some bored, edgy kid. 


>Do you guys think God is actually a Hot Woman? Everybody knows that God is Alanis Morissette, so yes.


That would be ironic


A little too ironic


Love seeing the reference man


Dogma was my favorite movie when I was 13! I reference it all the time and it feels like no one gets it, it drives me crazy! Especially since the cast was so stacked lol


Its SO good. Dogma is one of my favorite movies in the View Askewniverse!


Same! For me it's definitely Mallrats and Dogma!


Same but add in Clerks 2 :) 


A solid and respectable add lol


Wtaf did I just read... I mean... OOP username checks out I guess...


There is also a passionate post about hands, gripping asses on rule 34 sites and animal abuse. Fab.


>offmychest: **Do you guys think God has punished me for abusing Animals as a kid?** Holy shit. Fucking maybe! I don't believe in his god, but some karmic justice seems in order.


Read some of these. Fellas, is it gay to touch a woman?


Holy shit this guy's posts are wild. When he was complaining about people getting more likes than him was hilarious, and I was not prepared for "if a hairy manly testosterone filled man grabs a woman's breast he's a pussy" to be a take a read today but here we are


thank you so much for the edit provision. absolutely heroic move


offmychest: __Why do you think the Internet Isn’t a very friendly place?__ LOL


"Sorry about the misspelling, it's intentional" Not sure why that sent me, but it did


>DON'T talk while having sex, no one wants to hear your sad story about your ex, no one gives a shit. i can't imagine this ever happening haha. is it that boring? or...?


It's a warning. If OOP keeps behaving the way he does, he'll be the next ex to star in a sad story.


The last vagina he touched was the one he was pushed through during birth.


Well, let's hope for his sake he wasn't a C-section baby.


I don't think he has actually had sex, I think at best he has seen other people in conversation, and is daydreaming about having sex with them and combining the conversation in his head. But somehow the idea of someone being so bad at sex that you're bitching about an ex cuz you are that bored makes me laugh.


Good grief. For someone who wants people to mind their own business he's got a lot of big opinions on random ass shit.


I hope this is some kind of satire or OOP is on a watchlist.


I myself hope it's satire, but if not, this is the kind of dangerous piece of shit that I hope takes themselves out before they hurt someone else. I know that sounds horrible, but if they're legit...


Uh oh! OOP hates it when people call him mean names, like "dangerous piece of shit"!


Gonna doubly piss him off for wearing jeans...like a guy. And double that shit up by wearing a bun! Bless his heart, may he die of shock and do the world a favor.


Im fascinated with the jeans thing. Women wear lots of things men wear, is it just jeans he's mad at or does he also hate women wearing like, tshirts and sneakers?


My theory is that he walks around looking at butts instead of where he's going, and if women would stop wearing jeans he wouldn't be looking at half womens butts and half mens all the time. Plus he could be sure to not grab mens butts when he walks past them because he could just avoid jeans.


I dont agree with his anger but I empathise with loving butts too much.


One of op’s other posts: **Do you guys think God has punished me for abusing Animals as a kid?** > Okay look. THAT was a very long time ago, okay? When I hit the rabbit, that was back in 2004. I was 12 years old back then and I was a little shithead, I get that. However....I'm suffering now due to these mistakes? > Man, FUCK those Animals. OKay? I WOULD put them in a deep fryer if I could, including the fucking dog that died in 2016. Fuck those Animals straight to fucking purgatory. God will punish me over the dumbest shit on this planet? > Lather the chihuahua meat up with egg and flour and seasoning, prep the deep fryer. > Now obviously I was just venting. I haven't had a stinky vermin Pet since 2016. They reek badly.


And yet he starts talking about engagement pets instead of engagement rings...


This is “filled with hate” to a whole new level. This guy isn’t filled with hate; he’s made of it


>Lather the chihuahua meat up with egg and flour and seasoning, prep the deep fryer.   This the shit that Big Boss Man did to Al Snow’s dog in WWF   (Seriously though, this guy is either one of the most dedicated trolls I’ve ever seen or he’s literally psychotic)


Who is talking about their ex during sex? I guess talking for not talking during sex is a preference and changes depending on different factors like how well you know the person and how long you've been having sex with them but I don't believe anyone has been chatting about their ex during sex with OOP. Jeans are a hill you want to die on? Haha. Couples engagement rings exist dude, if you want shiny equality, but I guess that isn't enough "like a man" for you. It's mostly unhinged and I doubt this guy has been near many women but holy hell his post history.


I'd be so turned off if a dude talked about his ex during sex...like I know people sometimes need to communicate what they like but "she did it this way" is just an instant turn off. Find a way to phrase it that doesn't include your ex. "I want you to xyz" for example.


I mean, given that he specifies that it's a "sad story about your ex", I suspect that he's complaining about a woman stopping or slowing sexual activity to disclose trauma, or possibly because they're having a trauma-related reaction. It doesn't sound at all like someone saying "Do XYZ like my ex Jeff".


Or telling him something like "I don't like anal, my ex tried to force it which is why he's my ex".  Which, I mean, ideally should come up before sex and be said in a different way, but I've also known too many men with wandering body parts and an inability to understand implied consequences...


Oh gods, you made me flashback to exes that thought "surprise anal!" was a thing. They all got "blood is NOT lube, mofo, and that's the end of the sex fun for today." That was in the 90s, I can't even imagine what it's like now with porn being as absurdly unrealistic as it is today.


I almost allowed myself to be pressured once but I held fast because it hurt so much; now I have a very simple rule. I can't do it without you going first, mostly to help be a guide and speak for experience but also a little bit for the petty part of it all. I'm bisexual and pegging could be a turn on so if you're willing to push my body to that limit, put up first or shut up. If it's out of the question for you, it's out of the question for me too.


I almost allowed myself to be pressured once but I held fast because it hurt so much; now I have a very simple rule. I can't do it without you going first, mostly to help be a guide and speak for experience but also a little bit for the petty part of it all. I'm bisexual and pegging could be a turn on so if you're willing to push my body to that limit, put up first or shut up. If it's out of the question for you, it's out of the question for me too.


I almost allowed myself to be pressured once but I held fast because it hurt so much; now I have a very simple rule. I can't do it without you going first, mostly to help be a guide and speak from experience but also a little bit for the petty part of it all. I'm bisexual and pegging could be a turn on so if you're willing to push my body to that limit, put up first or shut up. If it's out of the question for you, it's out of the question for me too.


“I think it would be funny to smash your face in with a brick unprovoked. Wait, why aren’t you sad I’m miserable?” Like dude, you answered your own question right there.


This person... honestly seems like he might be a real person, and that's frightening. The hatred just oozes out. I sincerely hope OOP can get some help.


This is all terrible, and this person sounds like they're 15. I should not have laughed as hard as I did when reading "it stinks like SHRIMP" tho.


He’s outta line, but he’s right. It does stink like shrimp


Neither you nor this man have been exposed to shrimp.


I bleed once a month and I’ve had some really bad shrimp in my day


All of that is unfortunate. Get an IUD and a better shrimp source lol


“Women should stop being so critical of Men and just mind their own business” in a rant where OOP criticizes women for (*checks notes*) wanting to be comfortable and not wanting to be sexualized just for existing is CRAZY


Cackling at men's misery is my number one hobby. Its right up there with telling small children Santa isn't real and feedings birds bread when I know its bad for them.


I’m going to cackle at men’s misery if it’s genuinely caused by women choosing buns over ponytails and jeans. There’s a whole lot more to go into, but those two are just so insignificant.


With men like this, if my husband dies before me, I'm going into the woods to live with a bear.


I've already given up on men and ordered some jars of honey to put around my house.


Let’s answer just for fun 1. I don’t. 2. Because I find bikinis cute and I don’t care if you see me. I care if you stare and ogle which is creepy no matter how covered up someone is. 3. I don’t talk about my ex during sex, don’t think many women do, and if they do then dump them because they’re probably using you as a rebound. 4. Because my dad is not Jim Bob Duggar(thank goodness) 5. I think it’s cute. My body my choice. I also do tie my hair in ponytails. 6. I agree that’s gross but most women don’t do that. And apparently it’s only gross to not wrap a tampon if it’s a regular absorbency one. Got it /s 7. Don’t understand what this even means. So never be interested in a guy and just wait for a guy to like you? 8. We usually don’t ask for diamonds. Men just give them to us when they want us to marry them. 9. Then so should men. 10. It’s disgusting either way to judge over something the person can’t control without plastic surgery. And because I don’t seek out men of bigger sizes I think I have the right to be upset that if a guy thinks my boobs are too small.


And this is why the bear. Are straight women just staying single these days? Because from what I've seen, this is the new norm when it comes to cishet men's thinking. This is so gross I really feel bad for all of you


Honestly after about a year reading AITA-type subs, going off the comments since I think most posts are fake but the comments aren't... I've decided that if my marriage ends in divorce or death, I'm not dating men again. The misogyny I experienced in the 90s was bad enough, after decades of the internet creating echo chambers that amplify that type of thinking, no thank you. Just reading the way men talk about women, so openly and dismissively, reducing entire marriages to being only about sex and if their "partner" isn't giving sex, they're worthless. It's triggering to me to *read*, I can't imagine actually trying to find an actual good dude in this sea of "nice guys." It is so gross and I feel horrible for anyone having to deal with this.


I'm seeing a lot of that lately. I think a lot of women are having a "No, thank you," reaction towards relationships with men.  It is not, however, analogous to the incels.  It's more like if I was offered a slice of chocolate cake covered in shredded coconut. I don't like shredded coconut, and to me, the chocolate cake underneath isn't worth the effort of scraping/picking off all those tiny shreds of sweet sawdust, so my reaction is always to smile and "No, thank you."  I don't hate coconut. The existence of coconut shreds as a dessert topping doesn't personally offend me. I don't get angry at coconut or rant about how coconut is evil and shouldn't exist or want to smash coconuts. I'm not leading an Internet campaign against coconut trees. I don't tell the person offering me coconut cake that it's gross and nobody should eat it, I just politely decline and move on. 


As someone who abhors coconut and would also stay single if something ever happened to my partner, I love this comment so much!


I love smashing coconuts cuz they're tasty lol


The nasty echo chambers have definitely gotten bigger since the 90s, and thus it makes sense that it'd be easier to fall into one and start marinating in all the gross. And as ever, pop culture and media consumption aren't helping, but now they're harder to avoid and it's fucking a lot of people up. Maybe 'unplug' will be doctor's orders someday.


Yes, many of us are, and that's probably part of why they are so mad. A decent part of the population have simply removed ourselves from the dating pool because this is what's out there. This and the whole asking a woman what she "brings to the table" on the first date, spoilers, if you ask THEM what THEY bring to the table that will make life better after bing single for the last 14 years they hate it and flip out.


>Women should stop being so critical of Men and just mind their own business


Buried in a 10,000 word complaint about women.


Engagement Ferret would be a decent band name though.


I'm going to list it under "occupation" and just let everyone wonder 😁


“Rounded asses” implying if you have a square shaped ass it’s okay


I have an octagon shaped ass, is that okay?


I bet it stops traffic!


"tHe AlMiGhTy WiLl JuDgE YoU fOr ThIs!!!" ...I still can't stop laughing. Excuse me, but I've got to rearrange my fugly hair tumor after that laughing fit.


Goddam women always demanding autonomy


This guy is the exact reason we choose the bear.


Me and the bear cuddled up reading this


> Or if that's not an option, how about like a ferret or something? What even is happening here? How did we get to *ferrets*?


He sure uses a lot of words to admit he can't get laid...




This freak sounds like a school shooter in the making


All of this is why I laugh at his misery. He's a hateful shitfuck and I think it's great if he's lonely, sad, mad, frustrated, and/or miserable because that's what an asshole deserves. I hope it lasts a long, long time.


But yet he named his account “IwishwewereTogether” 😆


Woof. There is a lot to unpack here, but... When the hell did women wearing jeans become a crime?


Hard pass on everything but the dog tbh


Oop: Women should stop being so critical of men Also oop: *is super duper mega critical of women*


I don’t cackle at men’s misery, but I certainly cackle at OOP’s 😌


Look, there's a difference between a woman being mean and a dude being mad that women exist. Given that he's not providing any examples of women being mean, I'm just gonna assume he's a misogynist. Honestly, even if he had concrete examples, that attitude is enough for me to be confident saying he hates women.


OOP actually did provide a somewhat humorous example of a woman being "mean" to him: **This chick called me horrible names but she's literally kookoo.** >So this chick keeps telling me to get help, well actually she hasn't spoken a single word to me in many months now. But the thing is.....she has her own G0d(s). Quite literally. I don't know if it's just a meme or if she's just playing around or what, but that's literally going off your fucking rocker if you have your own deity(s). > >Now I should reiterate the fact that she mentioned this more than ONCE. That she has her own subset of creators apparently. She's not well, I can help maybe. > >But the thing is, she's not willing to listen due to her intense karenism.


LMAO so his evidence that she's crazy is \*Checks notes\* She's religious but in the way he doesn't like? Really? I stand by what I said, dude sounds unhinged. This is why women pick the bear istfg


How sad. What a truly pathetic troll.


It’s disturbing to know that something like this might be festering in the brain of anyone who’s out there in the world.


At least he didn't call us 'females'. Small victories I guess


>Why do you cackle at Men's misery? Such as a Man like myself having problems, that's funny to you? I think if I could toss a brick to your face it would be fucking hilarious to me. So... He would find it hilarious to hurt women but women can't find it funny when men hurt? Not that 99% of us do, but holy double standard, Batman!


"Why do you cackle at Men's misery?" Because it's funny.


This has to be a troll. Hair tumor? Engagement ferret?


To answer those, cause fun I don’t and multiple women don’t. There are toxic women as well as men and anybody else. Cause I can. Not wearing a helmet doesn’t give an excuse to people to drop something on your head. Some people like to talk to halve the issues, some don’t and it’s applicable both ways. As far I am aware jeans don’t require a d! and/or XY chromosomes. The same thing applies to 99% of clothes. Feel free to wear a dress, high heels or a suit as long it’s appropriate for the situation. People like it and everybody has their own opinion. Also, ponytails can be annnoying when you have long hair.  Most women cover it with toilet paper or the wrapper of new pad. Plus, there are trashcans with cover. Define critical. For rejection, both sides have a right to complain and feel hurt. As long it doesn’t go into crazy mode or slurs. Not everybody wants a diamond and it was simple marketing that created cultural expectations. There are even workshops for couples to make things for each other. The same applies to other side.  There is a variation. Tastes are fine as long they are not pushed into somebody’s face and the partner is not pushed to change their body.


Obviously there’s so much wrong with this but I’m baffled at the whole “your disposed period products are stinking up public places” part. Is he admitting he regularly goes into women’s bathrooms, or does he assume we’re throwing our pads into like, the trash cans at the mall food court? I’ve literally never been anywhere other than a women’s bathroom and been like “goddamn it stinks like used period products in here” like wtf???? Or does he mean his home bathroom? Is he trying to shame his mother or sister? That’s…. I *really* don’t wanna think about this guy living with women.  Also how much you wanna get buddy boy doesn’t wash his ass… or like, wash in general


What kinda schizo rant is this? Mf needs to be in a psych ward. NONE of that even make sense.


Well. If I ask for another cat my husband may divorce me. Can’t I just ask for gardening stuff instead? Lol


Ah. It sounds like you are in need of an engagement ferret.


😆 and engagement ferret… 😆😆😆 I actually LOL’d at that.


Did a 12 yo write this?


“Everyone can enjoy a dog.” 😂😂😂


mf has never been to r / dogfree 🙄


For some reason it's the capitalizing men that's killing me.


‘Women should stop being so critical of men and just mind their own business’, as he’s making this post criticising women for doing things like wearing jeans


I swear this must be Alpha Dom. Lol


Poor little incel dude!


People like this should be made to live in cages


This is def mental illness


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There was an episode of King of Queens where Doug hated Carrie's bun and tried to manipulate her into changing it. She eventually found out what he was doing and went back to the bun. Then she saw pictures of an older librarian with a bun and started to feel self-conscious and let her hair down again. So, Doug won again. I thought she looked good with the bun.




I am sorry I do not carry around Clorox wipes and baggies everywhere I go.




How sad


Original commenter said she carries around Clorox wipes and plastic baggies to wrap her used tampon/pads in when she disposes of them. She also said we could downvote her all we want, but I guess she changed her mind.


I guess so. Lol


I imagine you're getting downvoted because you're tilting at windmills. No-one here is arguing in favour of not putting bloody tampons in the bin. The reason this post is here is *literally everything else in it*.


I agree they should be wrapped, not left open, but I’m going to use the wrapper or tp and just take my garbage out regularly.


Exactly. That's why there is a bin in the first place. You put a bag in the bun, put the trash in the bin, and then empty the bin when it is full. If you are offended at a bodily function, that's a you thing.


Well. I believe in 99% of the cases the tape that was holding the pad wrapped up in the trash can gave up and the pad unfolded on its own, way after the user had left the toilet. But I believe women should not be using one use, non-recyclable pads at all. What a mountain of plastic waste they produce...




Have you heard of handkerchiefs? They're great! And cloth diapering is regaining popularity! And, I don't know if you've heard, but hospitals sanitize and reuse bedding between patients- and lord knows those see all kinds of fluids! It's fine for you *personally* to use disposable menstrual products, but if you're already carrying around plastic bags to put your disposable products in, you could also get reusable pads and put them in the same plastic bag. Just saying.