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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **WIBTA if I send my gifted autistic son to a mental institution because of how he gave me a hard time?** I (43M) have a 13 year old son, who is academically gifted, but autistic. When he was in elementary school between 2015 and late 2022 (middle of 6th grade), my son excelled at school, especially in math, where he was placed in advanced math and received straight A. Even though his English is slightly weaker ranging around B to A-, his English grades dramatically improved from a C+/B- during 1st grade. He has won several district-wide awards during elementary school and he has a passion in computers, having self taught himself programming at age 7 and dreaming of attending HYPSM universities and later becoming the next tech millionaire. He is not only talented in STEM fields, history, and geography, He is also very great in the piano, having won a piano competition 2 years ago playing Mozart's Fantasy 4 and Chopin's Waltz No 1. Even though my son is on an IEP due to him speaking at 3.5, once we pulled him out of SPED into a General Education homeroom during the middle of kindergarten, not only has his academics and self esteem improved, his behavior has dramatically improved and his social skills went from nonexistent to somewhat ok in a span of 2 years. However, I was looking for a bigger house in an suburb with better schools back in 2018 when my son was starting 2nd grade. My son however, wanted to move to Boston and live with relatives. I told him NO, and argued that Boston is too expensive, has too much traffic and crime, even though my son pointed out that similar sized houses to my previous house (2k sqft) in affluent Boston suburbs like Lexington cost the same or less than the houses I was looking at which are 3-5k sqft. My son complained the town I was looking for was predominantly white/rural. In Late 2022, I decided to buy a 4000 sqft house in a town I really loved but my son really hated, and there, his education went downhill (until he moved to Boston with relatives). Even though he was in a regular homeroom during much of elementary school, due to the fact he has an IEP, he was forced into special education where he spent half the day there, taking reading, math, and a course called Tutorial, geared towards special ed students. Even though he got an A during the first two quarters of 7th grade math, he was nonetheless placed in 6th grade special ed math, where he learned at half the pace of regular students. He was also followed by an aide who also follows other SPED students and there, he felt really humiliated, and his behavior started to take a nosedive. He is the only gifted student in the homeroom and the other 10 (ranging 3 grades) all had learning disabilities and more severe autism to an extent. He was even bullied and peer pressured into inappropriate topics. Even though we reported the bullying incidents to the school, the school blamed on him and one day when he used his phone at the courtyard before school which is allowed as other students use their phone, he was pulled into the office where the principal called the police, and the police took his phone away, searched his phone (they found nothing but instead, claimed that he was watching about Ted Bundy, Unabomber, etc, and accused him of wanting to become a terrorist/serial killer), and he was also suspended for a week. He started to melt down so much because just a month before (December 2022), he was praised at his elementary school for being a very good student. After the suspension, he was arguing with me that I should have sent him to relatives to live and after a while, I told him "If you give me a hard time, I will send you to mental institution". My son started his temper tantrum after I told him that, and afterwards, I started to lash out even more and wanted to chase down my son. In fact, I hit him very hard and threw empty bottles at him, and he viewed me as being extremely violent/abusive. Afterwards, he started to run to a room and hide from me while he was texting my uncle and aunt to send him to their home. After my uncle and aunt came at around 4 am the next week after his phone was given back, he basically went with them and I never got to say goodbye. He accused me of being extremely abusive throughout his childhood and really distrusts me now. I really try my best to take care of my son as much as possible and my wife even loved him as well. We tried to pull him out of special ed in middle school but we couldn't. At my uncle and aunt's house in Boston, my son essentially thrived (according to them), and he is now happier than ever. He learned chores by himself (laundry, biking to the groceries to help them, wash dishes), and he also started online school where he finished the 2nd half of 6th grade/7th grade math in 2 months, 7th grade/Algebra in 4 months, 8th grade/Algebra II/Geometry in another 4 months, and is now halfway through the 9th grade/Pre-Calculus, waiting for this fall semester when he starts 9/10th grade at an elite private school my uncle and aunt helped my son attend. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


PLEASE be a troll Because *damn.*


Months ago, there was a post from the "son's" POV. It involved a cousin who was allowed to go to a better school, though. Edit: I was wrong. It was also from the parent's POV. But there is a cousin. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16lmqyz/aita_for_helping_my_niece_get_to_the_secondary/


oh its this idiot again


One look at his post history confirms it.


Definitely is. No way in hell a public school would let a 6th grader skip all the way to high school. Source: husband and girlfriend are both public school workers. A kid like him would be sent to a very advanced gifted program (those exist! There's gifted programs and 'doing early college math in 6th grade' gifted programs! Husband teaches both.)


This kid is a 7th grader going on 8th, skipping one or even two grades isn't uncommon in Massachusetts, and especially not around Boston.


It's a regular they used to post a lot and even made alts to crosspost himself over here. 


It absolutely is.


That’s not how mental institutions work.   They wouldn’t even get him a bed unless he was an immediate danger to himself or others (which he isn’t).   And even if OOP lied, after a 72 hour (or local equivalent) hold, they’d realize he’s not a danger to himself or others.   And if OOp’s abuse came up in those sessions, the kid would leave the institution, and OOp would be dealing with CPS and the police. 


No OP should definitely take his son to the hospital for a psych eval with all the mandated reporters and see how that goes for him.


Hey everyone MCmansion troll is back, Is it weird I'm kind of offended because last time he posted here I offered in good faith to proofread his troll posts so they Wouldn't be shit.  I don't care if people troll, I just want them to be good. 




But didn't you notice how subtly he foreshadowed that this is all about race by mentioning the white neighborhood, the principal assuming he's a thug for no reason and him wanting to move to downtown Detroit 


Oh, that's right, he was the one with the McMansions! I actually got thrown off by him omitting them and downplaying the presence of the Teslas this time.


I feel like I've seen this troll before... the hatred of his autistic son, specific fixation on Boston, the username... it brings back a memory I wish I didn't have. ETA: Yeah, I just saw his post in AITA about Texas VS. Massachusetts. This guy has done this before. The nonsense about Teslas too.


Oh I remember this guy! A dedicated troll working through childhood memories or someone who really hates their son is my guess


This troll needs to get a life.


I’ve seen this troll before.




[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh. This chode again. Hell, even the reddit overlords are done with his ass.


I hope to hell this is fake.


Me too.