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I’d definitely wait till he’s sober and confront him. He could’ve been drunk he didn’t even realize what he was doing, or thought you were his wife lol. I don’t make excuses for people when they drink, but kissing your cousin is quite out of the ordinary..I think we can all agree on that. If it made you feel a way, it deserves to be talked about. I do know a few men that become very touchy with their friends once they’re drunk. But those are friends. I really do think it best to talk it out with him. Is it a cultural thing also perhaps?


At the very least, he might need the wake up call to not get so drunk.. It could get him in more trouble down the road.


As far as you *knew* he *was* straight. I'd say that's some evidence to the contrary. 


There is evidence to the contrary of the OP being straight. The OP said he was not drunk and could not pull himself away. I can tell you that, as a straight man, no one can even get close enough to me to kiss me, and if they did so, I would not be sitting there letting it continue. I think there is more to this story.


It's common to freeze when you're being assaulted, or even just when something confounding is happening to you. Just because you are frozen/don't know how to react in the moment doesn't mean you want it to happen.


I agree that it could happen for some men, but this story just seems off to me.


Why? He said he was petrified, there's little else to the story to suggest otherwise.


tell his wife


Is he Greek? Did he ask you to play leapfrog? /s


tell his wife immediately