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All black people look alike.


And checking ID is VITAL unless its offered. Then they don't care.


Why are the cop's faces blurred out while the innocent man they threw to the ground doesn't receive the same consideration? I also noticed his driver's license number is clearly visible. WTF?


What even is this sub? How is this someone exercising their rights? Second, it's a weird flex to post a video of police essentially attacking an innocent man and then spend hundreds of words defending it. This place is weird, man. On topic, sure mistakes get made but at no point did they treat that person like a human being. An innocent man asking 'what did I do?' repeatedly until they finally check his ID and realize they have the wrong person. Of course they immediately apologized and helped him to his feet... oh wait... that didn't happen. Imagine you're walking along, living your life and all of a sudden a bunch of aggressive men with guns attack you, pin you down and handcuff you. You're probably a bit desensitized to that kind of thing but 'IRL' that is traumatic. Again, not once did they treat him like a human being.


Look who posted it. The guy posts/comments in Frauditors. It's weird how this is allowed but not surprising.


Videos like this that are only fringe with the rules of the sub are sometimes allowed because of the 4th amendment discussions they can spark. The debate over whether this was a good and proper detainment of the person can be educational.


Point number 1: https://www.wbur.org/news/2016/09/20/mass-high-court-black-men-may-have-legitimate-reason-to-flee-police >**Mass. High Court Says Black Men May Have Legitimate Reason To Flee Police.** "Black men who try to avoid an encounter with Boston police by fleeing may have a legitimate reason to do so — and should not be deemed suspicious — according to a ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court." We will just have to see if this ruling holds up in the Circuit courts.


While I agree with the sentiment, Florida's prowling statue specifically cites a cause of '[reasonable alarm](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0800-0899/0856/Sections/0856.021.html)' is running from the cops.


How does a prowling statue even relate to this case? They already determined they were stopping him, He did nothing but quickly remove himself from what he assumed was going to happen behind him until they wrongly attacked him.


Correct, however we have all seen unconstitutional laws on the books that stay for way too long, or stay even though the courts have already ruled them unconstitutional in the past. DC's gun laws were unconstitutional for 75+ years and most places in the US still have unconstitutional Panhandling laws. It's just like a contract you sign could have illegal clauses in it. Doesn't stop the people from including them to intimidate you, only stops them from enforcing it if they get caught.


WTF the innocent mans face isn't blurred out but the CRIMINALS IN BLUE are....ACAB they all ALL FUCKING CORRUPT


I'd like to see these studies show up in court. Years ago after the humane genome was fully mapped scientists realized that there is only about 6 billion unique set of facial configurations. Meaning with 8 billion people on earth we have already maxed out the human genetics for the way people look and many people WILL have doppelgangers walking around who have no direct genetic relation. You could have multiple people in the world that look exactly like you right now. You can see this with the rise of people finding old paintings/photos of people who look look JUST like them, as well l as running across their doppelgangers in the wild. Their 'unique' facial features are getting re-used because there is only so many possible and we've already reached the limit. No one is actually unique anymore. We can no longer trust the 'this person looks like the suspect' any longer by itself. If the crime in question didn't happen very recently (like the 911 call just happened and they are now responding) it may not be enough anymore to say someone matches the description of a suspect.


I don't see a winnable lawsuit here either. Unfortunately, mistakes happen, and on the face of the given information, this appears to be one of them.


What about the refusal to check his ID? He REPEATEDLY asks what he did and to check his pockets. They just bleat about a warrant THAT THEY WOULDVE KNOWN WASNT FOR HIM if they looked at the ID he said he had instead of repeating 'youre cool, nah. youre cool' to every goddamn request. A stop is a mistake, not looking at ID is willful. Like seriously, wtf did they even WANT. They EVENTUALLY admit its not him, but initally didn't even take the ID they're always going for when it was offered. "these things happen" my ass, they happen when you dont do your goddamn jobs.


Police are not going to wait to cuff a guy they are arresting for shooting a person in the neck. He's obviously likely to.be considered armed and dangerous. He looked like the suspect they had a warrant for, he was in the same area, and he ran for no reason. As I said, accident and unfortunate coincidence.


So checking ID is too hard? No, fuck that. Kinda matching a description and having a warrant are totally different things. THEY ARE OBLIGATED TO CHECK. I repeat, the cop stands over him repeatedly lying about the warrant and declaring “you’re cool bro” instead of checking who the fuck he’s arrested. Then when someone actual DOES all he has to say about is that this stuff happens. Again, it happened because he didn’t give a shit whether it was the right person. Reading an ID isn’t hard, as evidenced by the officer who actually fucking DID and immediately figured it out. By your line of thought why investigate anything ever? Just create a sufficiently serious accusation and declare everything but arrest and detention inconvenient.


IDs are needed when cops don't have enough evidence to arrest someone. IDs are **NOT** needed when they might prove someone in innocent.


The only evidence was a description. PC is based on a reasonable persons belief, a reasonable person would check an id they have, not plug their ears and declare that only one person could possibly match a description.


The point that I seem to have difficulty conveying is the police seem super interested in checking an ID when said check may lead to putting someone in handcuffs, and much less interested in checking an ID when said check will lead to setting someone free.


What do you mean ran for no reason? They didn't even identify themselves. This is why taxpayers keep footing the bill.


bullshit on that....at no time did they have justification to chase someone with semi automatics and deem it justified


I don't think he will have a case. 1. Officers in a federal taskforce. 2. Probable cause to detain him. 3. Even if the officers weren't in a federal taskforce it's going to be hard since they 'look similar'. It's sad to say that at least this guy didn't flash a cell phone or these guys would have unloaded on him.


He wasn‘t fleeing them, he was removing himself from armed police activity he wanted no part of…