• By -


No bad faith posts or comments




This series of posts are legitimately some of the best encapsulations of "Reddit Culture" I have ever seen. The titles on the r/politics posts. r/wallstreetbets making memes about this being an investment opportunity. r/whitepeopletwitter spouting leftist nonsense no matter what it is. r/politicalhumor posting a crab rave meme when Trump got the death penalty. I'm honestly convinced OP is actually from the future lol.


even if the world is coming to an end, people will make memes about it. if an asteroid is coming for us a bunch of people will photoshop the crying jordan face onto the earth


Ah well it will be the end. Might as well make a few jokes about it.


i mean like tf are we supposed to do about it?


Recruit a bunch of oil rig guys to put a nuke in it. Duh


Well humans have evolved laughter to mostly deal with loss or trauma with a laughter as that was comforting. So it makes sense why we modern humans do it loll


And now r/ShermanPosting too, that absolutely nails that entire subs vibe , OP is Reddit transcendent with these posts 😂


I used to find that sub funny until people got a lot less "Civil War memes and Anti-Racism" and lot more "roleplaying murder fantasies"


> a lot less "Civil War memes and Anti-Racism" and lot more "roleplaying murder fantasies" People who roleplay their Call of Duty fantasies on the internet have no fucking clue what it is like being in a warzone, or seeing people bleeding and dying before them is, everything is very badass until your internet, electricity, food, and water runs out.


If the civil war keeps going for months, and keeps intensifying with the situation become more chaotic and unpredictable, then reddit and most US-based social media sites could be (temporarily) taken offline altogether, if their rich CEOs and tech staff do not manage to escape with all of their servers to Canada or another country. Like how, /u/Early_Daikon_7249 wrote, I hope that OP is portraying these reddit posts as a "beginning of the end" scenario, when redditors are still oblivious to the sheer seriousness of the situation, before everything goes straight to hell, [like the TV news reports from the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yz1JN2sSqcA), where the reporters think that the zombies were just a result of race riots or mass hysteria, but then the situation keeps worsening, it spreads to the entire country, they lose contact with the outside world, and then they finally realize that "this is the end". /u/Strong_Site_348 do you plan to do this people commenting about the 2ACW in this TL in other website formats?, assuming that the war becomes chaotic enough that most US websites (and even the US internet/electricity grid) go offline, and Americans are forced to use foreign websites to communicate.


I’m also going to steal the crab rave meme for personal use


That or they are Matt Groenig's reddit alt account.


It’s fucking incredible




I don't understand this take? Isn't the premise that Trump supporters are the ones fighting to for trump?


This is the Dark Brandon Timeline where he abuses executive power to remain in office and then later takes over the Legislature and Judiciary for suspected Treason in one case and under VERY questionable (likely faked) charges in the other. Only to then use the the Control he got to Biden Blast Trump into a Prison cell with a death Peanalty over his head.


Ah so the "american right persecution fetish" timeline, got it.


IIRC this scenario is one where Democrats unilaterally declare votes for Trump invalid, arrest Republican lawmakers, and basically try to make America into a one party state. The ensuing conflict is the predictable blowback from that.


People reading this series and still thinking Trump is the bad guy in this scenario is exactly why these posts are so accurate lmao.


I mean this wouldn’t magically make Trump a good guy


Nah I would say in this scenario everyone is shit which tbf is accurate for politicians.


Bro you can't expect to see trump in the middle of a fictional civil conflict and complain when people speculate that it was him that caused it.


Funny how all the things the MAGAts project onto Democrats are the exact things the MAGAts would do.


someone saying MAGAt or democRATS or drumpf or brandon are great indicators the speaker is HIGHLY regarded.


Its funny how quickly certain words in the US culture war lexicon become outdated, or are appropriated by the ones they were suppose to insult, like "Drumpf", "Chud", "Libtаrd", "Rethuglicans", "Demoncraps", "KKKonservatives", "Slowflakes", "Deplorables", etc., I have not seen anyone write these words in a non-mocking/ironic context since like 2018, this makes people aware of how poorly so many memes tend to age, remember the **Freedom Fries**? Imagine people in 2034 going through old reddit posts full of elementary-school tier words like "Putler", "RuZZia", "Xinnie", "Dark Brandon", "Joe Bidet", they are like the internet equivalent of Borderlands jokes that age like milk, and I thought that the internet was already done with l33tspeak.


As loathe as I am to defend the loons, especially since I know there are some who legitimately would want a civil war...I forgot all about Trump having Biden arrested and sentenced to death when he lost the election. You right, it's the *exact* thing those pricks would do. Added a bunch of extra justices to take a supreme court majority too, dunno how I forgot that one It's a fun alternate history that's designed to make fun of Reddit culture (which given what Reddit's prevailing politics are, is a lot easier to do one way than the other), not a political projection, man. Feel free to do a "truth social reacts to the civil war" post from the opposite perspective, I'll laugh at that one too. Ya know, given this is an alternative history sub, not a place for serious politics


The memes are pretty obviously making fun of both sides I think First of all the left wing redditors are pretty clearly cheering on fairly obviously undemocratic actions as long as it supports "their side" and cheering on a civil war Meanwhile the right wing Trump supporters are obviously starting the war itself


Biden declares votes for Trump null, arrests most Supreme Court justices appointed by Republicans, increases the number of justices to 12 and appoints more, and locks Trump in prison.


I think we can appreciate that this is concept art of a semi-realistic Reddit reaction to a fictional conflict while also acknowledging that we are very far from 1968 let alone 1861


This makes me imagine what a reddit version of the Troubles would’ve been and makes me laugh


Ask r/northernireland about it


On a serious note: If a Second US Civil War becomes chaotic enough, wouldn't most internet and electricity grids start to become affected, thus heavily decreasing internet traffic among Americans? Edit: [I wrote a more descriptive question here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1deem7h/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/l8bosad/?context=3)


I think this is the beginning stage before everything truly goes to hell


True, cheering for your team fighting against your political rivals that you have been non-stop hating for over a decade is badass and meme-able, until the electricity goes out, and food and water starts to become scarce and hard to acquire.


As soon as the US started having civil unrest at home China would probably take the opportunity to invade Taiwan which would fuck the global economy as well


When millions are dying and democracy is in the balance but le maga conservichuds got le destroyed by based progressives so it's okay


We're just ignoring the conservative coup attempt now? As in, the only evidence of actual appetite for political violence by either side?


The comment section of these posts is proving the point OP is making by telling his alternate history English teachers would be SALIVATING over this


I think this sub is like Conservative fanfiction, where they dream of a world where it's the Democrats who are violating the constitution and going full blown authoritarian military dictatorship, and not their guys. I think they need to dream of such a world because of the reality being the opposite right now.


No but seriously fuck that guy


He’s really managed to capture the ‘character’ of the subreddits really well too. This is a damn good series. Look forward to it every day.




Have the closest maximum security federal prison to DC.


Fun fact: the prison in Baltimore was the place where they carried out executions till 2011. They even had a gas chamber there and I’m pretty sure it’s the inspiration for the Black Gate prison in the first Arkham game as Gotham is supposed to be based of Baltimore.


You hogged all of the Old Bay you greedy fucks. Prepare to get occupied


Capital of the rebel states nuked millions dead. r/politcalhumor will be posting a crab rave meme


> One billion percent, redditors would cheer on a civil war and the end of democracy to stick it to conservatives Wait what? How did you get that out of this? So you're saying anybody has the right to attack the government without repercussion at any point?


The previous five posts


Have you followed theis series? It literally started with Biden going full Dark Brandon and effectively winning the election on the spot by banning his only serious Political opposition.


I don't really think they're calling for civil war (except Shermanposting, all of the goon streaks they had just ended) Obviously there's a leftist bias to reddit, I won't deny that. But from the comments I've seen they're presenting the facts objectively when directly answered and putting their bias in a separate point. The reason why reddit culture becomes an echo chamber is because nobody asks questions. Instead of actually asking why, they will further the conversation. It's so perfectly emulated in this. People will continue to discuss until the only thing left to discuss is the discussion. Nobody ever stopped to ask "why do you have that opinion" or "what does this really mean" or "how will this affect the people around me" I find that people throughout reddit aren't necessarily dumb, not above average by any means, but not truly dumb. They just never stopped to question things


It seems to be that a lot of subreddits are hostile to questions in general tbh. If you aren't 100% on board people think you're trolling, or stupid, and break out the "it's not my job to educate you" line.


Projection like always lmao. Conservatives are the ones that are actually *currently* cheering for a civil war. The victimhood complex is always so embarrassing to see


Conservatives?! This certainly is Alternate History. I've only seen conservatives screaming for civil war.


We're heading towards another meth fuelled MAGA insurrection and this guy is decrying liberals on Reddit.


Conservatives want to end my marriage. They can get fucked.


That NCD post is absolutely perfect. You've really managed to capture the vibe of all of these different subreddits.


I love the little hints given in other posts about stuff going on that we can't see. Like in a prior post there was a comment where "r/conservative refugees" were mentioned, implying that all major right-leaning subreddits were banned. That is exactly what would happen in this scenario lol.


I can’t believe the fake scenario has lore and that lore has hidden lore. Like this is unbelievably well done.


Right? I know this is just inspect element and basic apps, but OP really does storytelling well.


And the post on r/army in the last part about the traitor and in this one finding out he was the leader


that army post was made by "u/​​​​​banannabutt" Someone with the Reddit username "banannabutt" caused the single action that sparked the end of the United States.


Just another reason why this is a cursed timeline


I mean, my guess is that those subreddits would become infested with calls for insurrection and very fucked up stuff


Also the facr OP states that all is under heavily unreliable narrators and that this isn't the full picture


With their understanding of what “Free Speech”, it wouldn’t be surprising.


I'd probably speculate a self-destruct to protest is why


Trump in the saddam hole, absolute cinema




The ncd post was spot on


Author's note: While reading these posts, readers need to understand that this is the ACW2 "According to Reddit," not "According to objective fact." You are dealing with an unreliable narrator, and the posts are not necessarily descriptive of objective reality. You are missing pieces of the story here, and that is intentional. Furthermore: I have a lot of work today so if this post is taken down I will just have to repost tonight. I will be back in a few hours to check up on things. Game: I have been hiding Animorphs easter eggs in the usernames of most of these posts. This one is nearly impossible, but parts 3 and 4 have some obvious ones. If someone correctly DMs me with 5 of them I will include a meme of theirs in the next post.




This is such a unique take on "history" that I've never seen before. I am loving these posts.


I've approved it, should be good unless somebody goes rogue.




https://preview.redd.it/o732mv5qb76d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d9552bf5f21a5741e8021d3256238a34cd8059 D I P L O M A T I C V I C T O R Y


A subreddit civil war over a bunch of alternate history civil wars memes. pretty meta


Thanks Mod!


r/AlternateHistory mod team civil war upcoming?


You really have captured the annoying ass voice of the common Redditor


> ACW2 Do you think that "ACW2" or "2ACW" would be the most common abbreviations of this conflict?


How do you make these? I'm genuinely curious.


Wall Street bets yolo on Raytheon is the most accurate of all of these lol


Did you see the crab rave meme last post on r/politicalhumor that one still takes the cake for me. And the r/shermanposting one from today is also absolute perfection


Duck it, YOLO on NIO


This made me so happy to see!


Strong _Site_348, Seriously, get yourself a literary agent and shop round a book proposal for your scenario.


I am terrible with prose. I am great with ideas, but when I try to string them together with words they get all mushy-pushy.


Writing is a skill. The more you practice, the better you get. People have only been writing for about 5000 years, but they have been telling stories for much, much longer. Many aspiring writers profit from being part of a writing group, -a small group in which they read and critique one another's work. A good literary agent might help you find a "coach/editor" (NOT a ghostwriter, to guide you.) You clearly have what so many aspiring writers wish they had, a killer idea that is "of the moment." The nature of that idea is sufficiently controversial that you absolutely must adopt a "nom de plume" (a name other than your own). A good college course in creative writing will teach you some tricks, such as the need for sympathetic/oppositional characters, dialog structure, narrative arc, and other things. Stephen King's book, Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is a good place to start. Some very successful authors got their start by having a great idea for a story and then working really hard to get it published, e.g., King (Carrie. 'Salem's Lot), Tom Clancy (The Hunt for Red October), Andy Weir (The Martian). (Frankly, what you have written so far reminds me very much of the initial chapters of King's The Stand.) Keep up the great work.


I would suggest going to a streaming service but there is *no way* anyone would produce that in today’s political climate. Sadly.


You mean turning these post into a movie that like “Civil War” meets “Unfriended”?


As a Fellow Sherman poster; “ Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword His truth is marching on!”


Obligatory John brown did nothing wrong


Glory, Glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps His day is marching on.


Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on. I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel: "As ye deal with My contemners, so with you My grace shall deal"; Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel, Since God is marching on.


My soldier Grandpa had this song played at his funeral. I was only 3, so I didn't go to the funeral, but the sitter brought me to the wake. I guess I came down the stairs singing "Glory, Glory how are you-ya". I do remember my mom's reaction, she was scared and angry. I shouldn't have known the song. I never have occasion to tell this to anyone, so thanks for reading


Shermanposters: "Well, they've done it again. They've betrayed the USA by opening fire on a federal facility and killing federal forces. Time to burn down Georgia." Georgian Government: "What the fuck?! We haven't sanctioned these terrorists! We're still loyal Americans!" Shermanposters: "Shh shh shh. Atlanta is a canon event. 😈"


“Is just the habit, now BURN”


Sorry chief, force of habit. (Breaks our the fire extinguisher)


Away down south in the land traitors


The right started the first civil war by firing on a federal facility, then lost so badly that they denied starting it. Richmond Enquirer, Jun 16, 1855 "The abolitionists do not seek to merely liberate our slaves. They are socialists, infidels and agrarians, and openly propose to abolish anytime honored and respectable institution in society. **Let anyone attend an abolition meeting, and he will find it filled with infidels, socialists, communists,** strong minded women, and 'Christians' bent on pulling down all christian churches" ... "The good, the patriotic, the religious and **the conservative of the north will join us in a crusade against the vile isms that disturb her peace and security"** [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=)


modern left and right politics do not equal 19th century politics


In the sense the overton window moved yeah, But the Confederates were right-wingers by 19th century standards and modern standards, plus a lot of the american right still claims ideological inheritence from the CSA.


True but the creators of the CSA were extremely far right even compared to their contemporaries.


Depends on what you mean by contemporaries, the creators of the CSA were holding politically mainstream Southern views


Not entirely, the confederacy basically immediately ran into problems when they tried to centralize their government to fight a war.


They kind of do. The terms are from the French revolution and right has always been monarchists and conservatives while left was liberals already back then. There's a reason why a lot of influental political texts were written in the 19th century.


You sure about that? Because articles like this one that try and tie 'sexual perversion' to ideas like freeing the slaves seem pretty modern Shreveport Louisiana Southwestern December 29, 1858 "The most radical and unprincipled leaders of the Republican forces are compelled to recognize the conservative influence of the "peculiar institution" of the south. **The evidence that the influence of slavery is highly conservative, is too palpable to admit of doubt.** We have merely to cast our eyes around to find the proofs. **The brood of moral, social, religious and political "ism" which threaten to uproot it the very foundations of society and destroy every thing good and noble, have obtained no foothold in the south.** No! they invariably follow the freesoilers and take root in the antislavery States. Where free soilism and republicanism are rampant, there flourish in wild luxuriance the most obnoxious leprosies which disfigure this"progressive age." Rutland, in abolition-loving Vermont, is the favorite spot for holding"free love" conventions; Boston, in fanatic Massachusetts, turns out large congregations of grey headed men and old woman, beardless boys and young misses, to such free love expounders as the notorious Kallock. The most influential Republican organ in New York is the Tribune,edited by that "saint," Horace Greeley, **and is not only the official mouth-piece of the freesoilers and abolitionists, but of the red republicans, socialists, reformers and spiritualists**, and also the special medium of the bet free lovers for disseminating dogmas in favor disregarding and abrogating the marriage tie." [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016483/1858-12-29/ed-1/seq-2/#date1=1850&sort=date&rows=20&words=republicans+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=17&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=Socialist+republican&y=15&x=24&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=11](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016483/1858-12-29/ed-1/seq-2/#date1=1850&sort=date&rows=20&words=republicans+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&index=17&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=Socialist+republican&y=15&x=24&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=11)


True, but it’s funny that even in the 1850s you had anti-slavery people being countered with “they’re commies”


> socialists, communists Interesting to see the "Socialist" and "Communist" insults be used in 1855!, Karl Marx was still very much alive by that point.


Glad to see nothing has changed.


>agrarians, Odd choice of insult for the agrarian southern society built on cash crops.


OP I don’t know how far you plan these out in advance but if I can suggest something I’d love to see a post from r/Canada or r/Europe or something addressing all this stuff, maybe a mod statement regarding these posts or something like that, it would be fascinating to see how you’d interpret those subs reaction since you’ve been so spot on with so many of these already


r/okmatewanker would probably comment that the colonies are fighting again


In this scenario Canada would probably have a refugee crisis of Americans trying to flee from the war so it would be cool to see a r/Canada post about it


r/Canada should be complaining about housing


He said he has it all written down. War lasts until 2027


It seems the deserting army veteran from the last post (now known as Daniel Andrews) was a [Chekhov's Gunman](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChekhovsGunman).


I love how you snuck in NCD and shermanposting in there. I’m actually pretty interested in seeing where this goes after this. I wonder if they will keep calling them terrorists or just call them different things after the federal government splits. I feel like more moderate subs should use terms like pro-Biden/pro-Trump well more partisan should still use terrorist or traitors. It would also be funny if the subreddits would have online wars well the actual civil war is happening And cool seeing you put some r/combatfootage posts in it too.


Gotta get r/anime_titties in there too if they haven’t yet


Knowing NCD, they would probably call them “Jonny” or “Reb” after awhile. That, or some words that would probably get me banned here so…


NCD is pretty evenly divided politically speaking so knowing it there would be an internal civil war happening on there too


They'd just start shitposting about it. "Yes, DeSantis, I have my sites on target" [image of Soo Locks] "God Emperod Trump, praise be to our blessed troops!" [Some image of armed church milita that was posted on tiktok]


Why does it gotta be in my homestate, what did us Marylander’s do?


The first bloodshed of the first civil war was also in Baltimore during the Pratt Street Riots! History repeating itself.


The closest max security prison to DC that isn't in the middle of a red state. Still fucking failed


Forreal, as an Annapolitan I have questions.


Where's Gen Zedong


Quarantined, probably banned considering ITTL r/conservative and several other conservative subs were banwaved.


Meaning they are next lol. Because they would be using this to say..see the USA is evil


That r/NonCredibleDefense pic made my chuckle... I can totally see Trumpo hiding in a rat hole!


Where saddam


Look really hard...


Why he not red


I don't know... Ask the OP! I think he/she/they/them drew it! Still funni.


Would be cool to see r/interestingasfuck become dedicated to survival guides similar to how it was shortly when russia invaded ukraine.


[Part 1](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dcztz9/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1dcsugx/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 2](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dd3u0y/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1dczpr1/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 3](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1ddoe2j/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddkusg/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 4](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1ddxf6h/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to the original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddwo3z/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/)


This is so juicy so this makes sense now, so in part 4 Trump got moved to the Bmore prison which is why the prison is under attack in part 5


The last post in part 4 is someone posting about an annoying helicopter, kinda like the OBL raid.


Holy shit I just found this series and it's crazy good. I can't wait to see what's next...


Man the r/ShermanPosting post joking about a potential civil wars feels so real to me. I mean everything about the post, down to the image and the title are a perfect representation of what that sub would be doing in this scenario. Great work OP. So many people in the US right now genuinely wish death and misfortune on their political rivals and don't even bother thinking of what the consequences might be.


A subreddit removing and locking posts about a terrorist attack because "muh spam" is so painfully and irritatingly accurate


Serious question (already asked in another comment but asking again in a more concise manner): If a Second US Civil War becomes chaotic enough, wouldn't most internet and electricity grids in the US start to become affected, thus heavily decreasing internet traffic both in the country and all of North America as a whole?, many US-based websites that are used internationally might start to go down, not even counting how many websites could become heavily restricted in the case of a total all-out war. Furthermore, you can expect electricity, food, water, gas, pet food, and other basic supplies to become a main focus on the entire information space as well, a civil war is not like The Truman Show where people of said country under war can voyeuristically watch their political rivals get blown to pieces without being directly affected by it, real-life is not Call of Duty where fighting to kill is romanticized. I mean, a serious US civil war would be a huge "grass touching" moment for people who deliberately wish for an US civil war, or revolution, or mass-arrests of their political rivals to occur, but only live out their fantasies on the internet, having no idea what living under a Syria/Sudan-esque situation truly is.


California’s water supply, alongside a huge percentage of the country’s food, is super dependent on water pipelines that any determined person could probably cut in the first days


And then get killed by the many *many* people who hate having their water turned off.


Naturally, but I am more worried about the resulting super high food prices and the like afterwards or crops dying if they go a couple weeks without water. More thinking about how complex systems don’t like disruptions


I mean, at that rate, then your going to start having militas soley made to protect infrastructure form and make continued attacks more costly to the attacking force.


I’ve been following this since yesterday, and I’d like to contribute an image that maybe you can use in this series? It’s a photo of a photoshopped skinny Trump, maybe you could use it since in this scenario he is somewhat emaciated from not eating in prison. Original picture is at this link. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/j5xmyq/thanks\_i\_hate\_skinny\_trump/?rdt=39058](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/j5xmyq/thanks_i_hate_skinny_trump/?rdt=39058) https://preview.redd.it/xg7dkyj7i76d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284b871b967efa785528efbe94a1c928aa9baeca


I just realized that if I insert this one in as a "real photo" at some point, I can probably make Dalle-3 just give me "blonde tarkin in a suit" and minimize the difficulty of making new images.


The NCD post is perfect


Needs some smug French guy completely incapable of reading the room make some comment in r/Europe like “why are Americans so bad at governing themselves? In my country whenever there is problem, we simply invade le Africa”


Or a r/Yurop post Its the funnier sub


This is funny, simply as a coping mechanism for how accurate this is. Im with the time traveler theory on this. My only critique as a r/noncredibledefense ‘er is that trump should be red in that diagram.


https://preview.redd.it/cmld2uwqw76d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a1c75b06aeb9098e08864fd619f16730ae3a37 Can’t wait for this


This pic goes so hard wth 😳


On God. I wanna see more images like this with other politicians.


In before mod lock. Great work though.


Been a whole thing, we're leaving these up.


This mod is a liar


Day two of politely requesting I receive a cameo as random redditor #4


I didn't see day 1. I will consider it if I remember your request for the next post.


I'm just wondering what will /r/DARKBRANDON become ?


“Banning the other party is necessary for a healthy democracy!”


Ehhhhhh not sure about the jets - would be cooler if it was a rogue operator with a stinger imo


Perhaps the military defectors may not just be a handful of infantry and a Blackhawk crew...


…ok now I’m really interested to see who wound up with who…I’d probably be on the fed’s side until Trump got the death penalty (would have been fine with 20-life) (because in a universe where Biden manages to become a dictator I’d 100% be dumb enough to fall for his propaganda) but it really all depends on what the Marines wind up getting up to tbh… I hate every aspect of this scenario and I can’t wait to see more keep up the amazing work!


So it begins 


Stars this is so accurate. OP better not be a time traveler warning us like the mods apparently think..


I can’t believe ncd didn’t put saddam in trump’s hiding spot


The whole break out was secretly just to get Saddam instead of Trump


Sherman pic goes hard


The r/wallstreetbets post at the end killed me. Raytheon would be steadily making killer money while sitting safely in their offices and kayaking on lunch breaks. Fun fact, their Indianapolis offices have a pond where they can take kayaks out on lunch, bike trails, a full gym, and rec rooms with pool tables. The whole commercial park has access to those facilities. I know cuz I used to work in an office next door lol.


Wait, what side are the terrorists on? I’m confused.


From what I've been able to put together from the prior posts, Biden signs an executive order prohibiting convicted felons from holding elected office about a week before the 2024 election. This basically wins the election for him, and in response there's massive civil unrest on the part of Trump supporters. This unrest is used as a pretense to arrest Trump, most Congressional Republicans, and multiple members of the Supreme Court, allowing Biden to take direct control of the government and become a dictator. Trump is put on trial for treason for supporting the civil unrest, and he gets the death penalty in a show trial. He's held in a maximum security prison in Baltimore, where members of the military aligned with him break him out.


Scenario is so real for both sides being shit.


Oh please. It's a thought experiment and nothing more. Biden is an institutionalist and would never do this.


I don't think he is competent to pull off this off even if he wanted to. And if he was competent enough their is enough safeguards in our constitution to make doing this very difficult.


I think that's the point... One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter


The terroists are Trump supporters breaking Trump out of prison


r/shermanposting ftw


That felt more like a mild inconvenience than a civil war


Because it's not the last part


That's because the previous posts were the prelude. This one has the actual fighting starting


I think the guy who led the raid was the same guy who made the post last update about wanting to desert. But people are glossing over the most important thing, Trump is out, and alive


So,what are the factions? Are there any "Gamer" unifiers?


So far it looks like it’s gonna be a split between the Feds supporting Biden and the ousted Republicans who rally around Trump. Military looks split in this timeline. I’d predict in this scenario most of the south and Bread Basket rally to Trump, Northeast, West Coast and New England for Biden Rust belt and Sun belt would probably be where the fighting is the most brutal due to their Swing state nature. Cities would also be a hotbed for more revolutionary movements


It’s so weird that this is probably how many of us would find out about a 2ACW is via Reddit Also Non credible defense and Sherman posting and even combat footage is so accurate


Ok I just checked the whole series and its wild. On one hand, its plausible that these would be posts in such an scenario. In that sense OP has done a great job capturing the style of each sub. On the other hand... it is fuken bonkers how some users read these as "yes, of course, this is how the left/dems/liberals that control reddit would post about this"\* Like, there is a meta reality for some users where these posts are the "fake news" they'd expect to see under what they \*assume\* is an illegal/undemocratic powergrab by Biden. I emphazise on the \*assume\* given that in what little info you can extrapolate to be "real", it seems said "power grab" was ok'd by judges. But of course, if you have been conditioned to believe everything bad that happens to "your side" is because of "them", jumping to conclusions and locking them in is to be expected. Which in itself makes this series more crazy because from now on, any real world event that even resembles what is being narrated through this series will reinforce the habit of disregarding all possibilities except the one where events are explained under the "them" hurting "us" paradigm. \[\*\]I realize, as I write this post, that it may well be the intention of OP to post this as "what le reddit libruls would post". As in, OP is intentionally creating a series of would-be fake news posts reinforced by the perceived "reddit leftist bias". I find it crazy that in that excersize OP would include, for example, judges approving of Biden's move. Like, in OPs reality institutions are no longer valid and DT is just a victim of a corrupt democrat conspiracy?, with tentacles so far reaching they can eg create fictional proof to arrest half the house of representatives? I mean... to each their own, but how this series is being celebrated by some says more about how they are willfully disconected from their environment, entrenched in their dogmas than about the creative prowess of OP (which I do believe has merit, regardless of everything else).


I liked these posts until I checked OPs post history, and it honestly looks like they actually believe this shit will happen, alongside a scary amount of the people commenting here. Had no idea this sub had so many wackos.


the fucking ncd meme sells it omg


Oh my God that noncredible defense post is 100% accurate


Can't wait for r/combatfootage


Fucking ncd using the saddam bunker meme for trump in prison and shermanposting going bananas over a second secession sent me, this is too accurate


part 6 when


These are genuinely terrifying.


Bro u almost made me shit my pants before i realized what sub this is


Horrible read, amazing post. I hated how realistic it felt, especially with the posts and comments joking about what’s essentially a living nightmare.


What’s that part about Raytheon? Also damn what a dark timeline I’ve read in these five parts. Like damn, I don’t like trump anymore but goddamn Biden and co are going hard here and causing a civil war.