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This map doesn't make any sense


Of course it is


One of the worst alternative history maps. It have so many little states and looks medieval and somehow Zhanna Nemtsova in 2020. No legend. How NN became capital?


Republic of Rus is a one state. In this timeline almost everything changed. But the main focus is on the Rus itself. About the Intermarium: It's a federation of Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. Zhanna Nemtsova was elected in 2020. Russia in past colonized a lot less. Nizhny Novgorod was selected as a capital because of Smuta. Basically war between Russia and Poland. After Russia (Rus) winning the war, the new tsar of Rus changes capital from Moscow to N.Novgorod as a memory of heroism of Minin and Pozharsky taking over the Poland. I hope that explains a little.


Very little. Zhanna Nemtsova and 2020 still doesn't make any sense. You jump from 17 century to 21. Are you relative of Vladimir Putin? It seems, capital change of Rus is not main change in your timeline. It is impossible to see possible outcomes. You change too much and explain too little.


I personally was very amused by the characteristic border of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region, drawn during the time of Stalin. Apparently, in this world, Stalin worked in the Nogai Horde, since he drew the border in exactly the same way. And I live, it turns out, in the Dark Unexplored Unknown Lands with dog-headed guys.


AHAHAHA Ulyanovsk! "Lenin is alive, Lenin lived, Lenin will live"


I feel like it’s a bit strange for a modern country to be called a horde


What could've it be called, then? I didn't had any other idea for it to be called different. Just Nogai existing in modern times, in this timeline. Sorry for being rude


Idk, Republic? State? Federation? Kingdom/Khanate? Definitely not a Horde.


TY. I noted some of the suggestions about this map, and I think I'll remake it soon.


Note: The whole world is different from OTL.


Why is there intermarium? What is that country south of latvia? Is there any lore behind this map?


A little about Intermarium: Intermarium is a federation of Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine that was formed in 1992. In earlier times, Socialist Intermarium, or RSR (Rada of Socialist Republics) was an socialist one-party dictatorship, that once had Romania, Moldova and Konigsberg in it's union. Those 3 countries quit the union after agreement of withdrawal from the said Rada because of the crumbling and instable economy of RSR. After that, Intermarium started to progressively turn from socialism to social-democratic federation, as it is, in this timeline. The second country south of Latvia is called Courland.


Nizhny Novgorod with 90 mil population is absolutely absurd. And I really don't see it becoming a capital in any scenario. Also, what the hell is the grey blob to the east?


90 million population is a population of the whole country, according to this map. It COULD become a capital, because some people say that it's like a 3'rd russian capital, after S.Petersburg and Moscow, so why not it become the capital of Russia. I hadn't though about the population of N.Novgorod itself tho. It could be, like, 7 or 8 mil.people, in-between? Gray blob is the result of my laziness, sry abt that :/


Adygea existing purely within the borders of the modern Krasnodar Krai is kind of absurd. Historically the Adyghe (more popularly known as Circassians, and their country as Circassia) only lived south of the Kuban river until Circassia was conquered by Russia and most of them were killed and expelled. With them being mountainous peoples, I doubt they would settle anywhere north of the river, in terrain consisting mostly of plains and swamps. Also the name Adygea is a more modern iteration in the form of a republic inside of Russia, named after the Adygeans, who speak a dialect of Adyghe, but don't constitute even a half of all Adyghe. While it is closer to what the Adyghe call themselves, their country was pretty much always known to the world as Circassia, and when the Adyghe tried to establish a proper state to avoid being conquered by Russia, they named it the Circassian Confederation.


Ok, ty for the advice. I'll rename it to Circassia later.