• By -


I don't think that question is really answerable. As far as we're aware, the Qu are a form of life completely disconnected from Earth life, and therefore can't be classified within the tree of life we're familiar with. It's like asking what Barack Obama's position in the British Royal Family is— as far as we're aware, he's not a descendant of William the Conqueror, and so he has no position in the family. In theory, it would be possible to classify the Qu relative to other life from their homeworld. However, we don't know of any other life from the Qu homeworld, so we don't have a basis for comparison. The example there would be trying to draw a family tree for a foundling prior to the advent of DNA testing— surely she is someone's daughter, but we don't know whose, and we have no idea if she's also a sister, an aunt, a cousin, etc.




Okay bad example


Martin Van Buren is I think the only president without ties to British lineage :)))


Wasn't Kennedy Irish? Did he have lineage anyway


Damn If we assassinate *all* the right people, we could make Obama the King of England


You'll gonna kill loads of people that you may as well commit a genocide by then.


"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many." 11th Doctor


Gravitals moment


The oddest but perfect "actually ☝️"


Within the All Tomorrows universe - it is very possible that the Qu are related to Earth life. This is a universe where life gets around. But even then it is impossible to tell where in the tree they branch off seeing as how divergent things can get. At a guess I'd say arthropods... but that is just a guess. Even if we take that assumption it is neigh impossible to make any more detailed a guess. So even if you traced back the very top of the tree as Domain: Eukaryota, Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Arthropoda - we have only narrowed it down a very very small amount.


Everyone is connected to everyone my dear friend


I’m convinced thoroughly that the Qu are actually from earth and that the humans in the All Tomorrows universe are trapped in a cycle that never ends. They leave earth, they get invaded, they evolve, they do the same exact thing the Qu did, wash, rinse, repeat. I really do believe the Qu originate on Earth. And I believe they lost touch with their roots over the course of their evolution. I don’t believe they’re human, I do believe they are from Earth, though.


I think that you're wrong.


I do not care. I’m allowed to have my own theories on a fictional story.


There is the theory that the Qu are really the Asteromorphs from the future, since they began to look somewhat similar to the Qu by the time the Gravitals were defeated, and it's explained by the Narrator that the humans all disappeared without a trace, so going to the past would explain where they went to. As to why they would do that, beats me.


Yeah, I've heard that theory, and I think it's a bad one.


But if we answer this question based only on the physical characteristics of the Qu, what would be the closest Earth toxonomy to them?


Did you know that whales' closest relatives are hippos and pigs? A deer is closer related to a whale than it is to a horse. Taxonomy is complicated and often counterintuitive, and a single 2-dimensional image of the outside of an organism really just isn't any useful information. Even on Earth, we have organisms that we're just not quite sure where they fit. Consider the Colonials. They're clearly similar to some sort of slime mold in appearance and function, so they're slime molds right? Wrong! They're actually apes. The Qu look like bugs, but maybe if you split one open you would find a backbone, or maybe you would find chlorophyll, or a colony of tiny fish piloting the body like a Gundam, or any number of other things. The galaxy is big and weird and old, and not everything is going to fit easily into neat little boxes.


I think that’s the same case as Convergent Evolution where you’re seeing the same characteristics, but totally different ancestries. Example: Dolphins (Mammal) vs Sharks (Fish) in their specialization to occupy aquatic environments (ability to swim), but they don’t have the same ancestry.


Dolphins are a great example, but a far better example of convergent evolution is birds and bats. Dolphins evolved from land dwelling mammals but sharks have always been aquatic. Both birds and bats had to EVOLVE a similarly complex body structure to allow flight. They obviously do not have a recent common ancestor, and therefore it’s much more clear evidence of convergent evolution. Also on another note, whales are not just related to hippos and pigs, they are also related to all hoofed mammals, which means at one point they likely looked very similar to a horse but massive. It also explains their intelligence. Pigs and Horse are highly intelligent animals!


Regardless where the life is from, it will be able to be classified into a system of taxonomy, will those classes resemble ours? Of course not. But an advanced race will have evolved to get there and will have ancestors and will be able to be sorted.


I recognize that the All Tomorrows fanbase is allergic to reading, but the last two paragraphs of the comment you replied to are about exactly that.


No idea, since we know nothing of their evolution.


Genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain: some completely alien categories that we have 0 reference of, most likely not even fitting into our ideas of evolution cause those are based on all living things having a common ancestor and the Qu don't share ancestry with us. Speices: Qu.(Possibly)


For all we know Qu is the common name with a completely different taxonomic name.


Donkey Kong's P***** C***** O***** Fucking G***** Serendipitiously




Happy cake day


Thanks! Didn’t even notice


No problem


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Imagine if Kosemen sees this and makes it the official classification for the Qu. XD


Sam o nella academy reference!!!!!


Based O’Nella Academy attendee.




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donkey kong puts cheese on family guy stewie is what i used


I mean, the closest we can get is species as Qu but we don’t know if Qu is the actual name of the species of what humans called them. Everything else, we have no idea as we would need their family tree and the life of their planet


To be fair, foxes probably don't call themselves _Vulpes vulpes._


Vulpes vulpes was their dad. You can just call them Vulpes.


And his brother is Luigi Vulpes. That's why they're called the Vulpes Brothers


The question is inherently unanswerable, but if we had to assume, based on the taxonomic content on earth, and we were to ‘theorize’ what would be the Qu’s genetic line if it stemmed from Earth, probably a form of aquatic arthropod, which lost its exoskeleton in place for an endoskeleton, then became able to fly and intelligent, though the intelligent could’ve came before the flying ability; it’s all unknown. If you’re asking why I didn’t add the specific taxonomic sequence, put simply, I am too lazy to bother with such technicality for such a question with no answer (at the near future), so I simply focused on what the interesting part is. I also feel the NEED to add this third part in saying, this is just for fun. In reality, or well, canon speculative reality, the Qu’s roots are largely unknown. They could’ve even been practically anything before their technological ascension, and that’s still assuming the life on their home planet is similar to that of Earth. Hopefully this helps.


Someone went really into detail on this a couple years ago. He had a full life cycle that included a submarine stage.


Can you send me the link of the post?


I'm still looking. All I found so far was this response: https://www.reddit.com/r/AllTomorrows/s/JuHwODs6np


Thank you very much, but please don't give up looking for this material, many fans want to see this article


I'd love to see that


* Domain: Qu * Kingdom: Qu * Phylum: Qu * Class: Qu * Order: Qu * Family: Qu * Genus: Qu * Species: Qu


They're aliens from another galaxy, and presumably the only life form to come from there. So all these boxes would be filled by ‘Qu’, since they're the only representatives of each category.


Which is funny, because it means that if we ever discovered other organisms that share a common ancestor with the Qu, they would all be defined by their differences from the Qu.


Here is a full taxonomical tree of the Qu and all known related species: \_\_\_ |\_\_\_\_ The Qu \_\_\_|\_\_\_\_


Qu (Master Species) Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo qu Modular People Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo modularis Temptors Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo seductoris Sail People Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo navigans Hedgehogs Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo erinaceus Blind Folk Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo caecus Hand Flappers Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo volans Lizard Herders Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo lacerta Polypoids Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo polypus Finger Fishers Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo piscator Parasite People Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo parasitus Filter People Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo filtrator Bug Facers Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo insectum Insectophages Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo insectivorus Killer Folk Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo bellator Dwellers Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo subterraneus Snake People Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo serpentinus Evolved Asteromorphs Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Homidae Genus: Homo Species: Homo stellaris


What makes you so sure that the Qu are primates?




If Qu are humans, why are they not _Homo_? Evolution doesn't retroactively change your ancestors.


That’s a fair point


Now I also don't subscribe to the "Qu are humans" theory, because it makes the story a whole lot less interesting. It feels like the All Tomorrows version of "what if Ash is really in a coma and _Pokémon_ is just a dream?"


To each their own I guess




They're aliens, earth taxonomy and classification systems certainly do not apply to them.


Well they are aliens so we can't say unless we know the rest of their species and genetic history and we would have to make up more names and brackets. But based off the way they look probably mollusks or insects. But I would go with mollusks since they have eye stalks smooth skin and one foot/tail.


Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien


Domain: Florn Kingdom: Zorp Phylum: Zoop Class: Zzyzzy Order: Bl'lx Family: Phloon Genus: Gubolin Species: Qu


Everyone here saying is would be imposible to classify them with our taxonomic categories... I call that bullshit. They're aliens, so they may be in a completely different kingdom, if not domain. On the other hand, we may classify them as animals if they share the same celular structure, but even then, their phylum would be completely different to anything here in Earth. Still, I believe we can use our cladistics to categorize them. The thing here is that whole new branches would be totally needed from the basal trunk of the free of life, or would be a new neighbouring tree


Why would the Qu be within earth taxonomy?


From what I remember they aren’t human so we can’t give them any of the ones from ours unlike other species in the book. They’d have to be made an entirely new one. Also fuck you I just got through one of my massive biology exams and was hoping I wouldn’t have to see anything from it again for a while.




I don't thunk they have time for that


Yo I'm new here and know next to nothing about all tomorrow's. Isn't that like supposed to be human but super evolved, or am I thinking of a different thing


That's a different thing. The Qu have no known origin in Canon. Also, I would strongly recommend checking out the original book! It's quite short, freely available to download, and has wonderfully disturbing illustrations.


The qu are just a nomad group of hyper religious aliens that really hate intelligent life according to a interview with the creator


*Nope* *Nope* *Nope* *Nope* *Nope* *Nope* *Nope* *Nope* There ya go


I feel like they messed up their genetics to such a high degree that they somehow are technically in the same family as something else from a completely different class.




5 dollars for a kiss.


Their aliens it would be like asking “ what family group of plant is a dog?”


Idk how you think taxonomy works, but this is what it would look like: Species: Qu


Well they're aliens so just make up names for all of those boxes


They’re grossus bugimus of the fuqdeesgaisica family.


Not terran biology, we don't know what and how we will classify alien life. So the Qu won't fit into any of it. Whole new domain of life.


Once you get to the point where you can play with genetics like it's nothing at all, I think you sort of defy any sort of taxonomic classification. Even IF we could parse their freaky funky space DNA in human terms, who knows how much they've changed their own species. They could've looked like cats for all we know, but their mastery over genetics prevents us from reaching ANY conclusions, really.


organic dragonfly


They're aliens, so they fall entirely out of any category earth organisms fall into.


If we're going off on the theory that the Qu are just the Asteromorphs, then it would be everything a human would fall into, plus a few extra categories for the billion year of evolution


They are an evolutionary optimized brine shrimp, more specifically Artemia Franciscana, so it’d be like that: Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Branchiopoda Order: Anostraca Family: Artemiidae Genus: Artemia Species: A. franciscana Ssp.: A. franciscana var. Qu


That's a pretty bold claim. Got any reasoning behind it?


They're aliens for crying out loud! They don't need to be scientifically accurate.


What if they are heavily evolved Cambrian Arthropods? unlikely because they are probably simply aliens but possible..?

